bro dont diss thiaf 4 what do u mean its not good eidos know what their doin they turned a stupid maze game into emotional narrative and made it actually good bro learn some tact stop living in the past or stay true to your roots and play old shit liek mario and dumb3d

bro eidos are gods of gd they know their shit they turned big empty mazes into small areas so u dont get lost they cut out unnecessary shit and focused on what videogames r about which is feeling awsum bro dont tell me u didnt like swooping around with music wubwubwub bro

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just finished the third mission in thief 2. ghosting through is surprisingly more satisfying, albeit I never had the patience for it in thief 1. also the level design is heaps better, except for bonehoard. that one was fucking awesome

shit taste

I like Thief 2 way more than Thief 1 but even I acknowledge that Bonehoard is one of the best levels in the franchise. If it didn't force you to break stealth by having you shoot 5 fire arrows in a room full of monsters it might be the best level in the franchise.

no u lol
don't understand the hate it gets. when I was a kid I always wanted a tomb raider type game with a male character and the bonehoard delivered err... 10 years later when I finally played the damn game

>don't understand the hate it gets
I've taken part in online Thief communities for 17 years and I don't recall any hate towards it. Maybe ages ago there was some anti-Burrick faggotry but that was about it.

there's a lot of bonehoard hate on Yea Forums. or at least there was in the small number of threads I participated in. why does this game not generate any discussion anymore btw

"Things were much better back when people had to strike rocks together to get any light during nighttime and didn't build huge stone walls to keep the cold and monsters out"

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Thief series is great not because it "forces stealth", it never forces, but make stealth the best option to play at.

I'm always sloppy, and i really like to blackjack everyone in the room. As long as you steal the stuff you need, you win.


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>dude just trick the trickster lmao
why didn't the eye warn him of gevalt's presence and what happened to it after thief 1?

Is constantine nature-boomer?

That's exactly my point. Bonehoard does not make stealth the best option to play, it makes it the one option that's impossible. -Because just one instance of stealth being impossible is enough to disqualify. One part where you can't be stealthy means that it's not a stealth thing. One part where you have to kill an enemy means that it's not a non-lethal thing. One part where you have to knock out an enemy means that it's not a ghosting thing.
If I could change the way the mission was designed, I would have made a hard to reach secret area with broken down walls in a nearby part of the level, where Garrett can enter the delicate inner workings of the booby trap setup of the Mystic's Tomb, and it would be a dangerous and complicated environmental puzzle to enter the tomb via the wrong way, bypassing the zombie torch trap room entirely.

The Eye is not a pagan artifact. It was never on Constantine's side because it's only ever on its own side. The reason why the Old Quarter disaster happened was that the Hammerites tried to keep it from doing what it wants to do. They tried to lock it up in the basement safe. Constantine also wanted to use it for his own ends, not do what it wants to do. You can find a notebook in one of the rooms in Constantine's mansion that talks about his alchemical research into substances that could alter the consciousness of sentient inanimate objects. Basically he magically drugged The Eye in order to tap into its power without its cooperation. In fact I think The Eye would have laid waste to the Maw of Chaos if it somehow woke up before Constantine was finished with his ritual. It would have murdered all the demons and then brought back undead demons to slaughter Constantine.

well if boomers never bothered to get on with the times and are now impotently whining that they can't compete against those who came after and superceded them, then yeah

Zombies aren't humans, just walk through them. It might not be ~le ghosting steathy gatuno but they are zombies, who cares.

I agree but Garrett probably doesn't. Afterall all of these rules that he has for his own mission are only there because of his ego. He doesn't give a shit that it's immoral to murder innocent civilians or stab every guard in his way to get to the prize. He avoids murder because it's the easy way. It's what the amateur shit-stink Downwinder cunts do. There is no tactical advantage to avoiding detection by mindless zombies who literally forget he exists in a few minutes unlike with guards who remember things and can file police reports. But he can pat himself on the back for sneaking past even the things that he doesn't need to sneak past.

Technically canon but his objetives even in expert do not represent this.
>Search through the ancient Bonehoard and procure the legendary Horn of Quintus.
>What use do the dead have for their treasures, anyhow? Relieve them of at least 1000 worth of valuables. (Hard)
>In addition to garnering the Horn of Quintus, find and steal the fabled gemstone, 'The Mystic's Soul. (Hard/Expert)
>Once you have what you came for, get back to the surface. (Hard/Expert)
>What use do the dead have for their treasures, anyhow? Relieve them of at least 2000 worth of valuables. (Expert)
>The Mystic's Soul had a sister stone, called 'The Mystic's Heart,' also thought to be in the Bonehoard. Find it. Make it yours. (Expert)

Also, it is really charming that the objetives are like how Garret thinks

Oh, right. Damn it. My bad. I just extrapolated from all of the other times he says what he's thinking in the verbose objectives. I probably haven't actually read the objectives of any of the OM's in a decade.

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Time to reply Thief, taffer.


Great taste, level design is definitely better.

I do, all the time. It's just that I know exactly what to do in every mission so I haven't had the need to read any of the objectives for years.
>He builds ceilings out of wooden beams
>He builds walls out of stone blocks
*dabs at millenial Hammerite old fucks*

More like organic life, disgusting.
This song is his theme song:

"FYI "organic" means anything that is based on carbon. The Builder's Children run on coal."

---Achshually, The Smith-in-Exile

tips for your, taffer

bump for more thief discussion

I just finished Thief 2 a while ago and got stuck for hours in Soulforge because I'm an idiot who makes their way to an elevator, saves the game, and forgets to pull it AB. Also I spent half the level with Karras' correspondence about the guidance beacon in my inventory and forgot it was there and I forgot to read it so I spent a lot of time looking for it on the level while having it.

Then I got into FMs. The ones from the 20th Anniversary are pretty damn solid, although I already forgot how different T1 feels.

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Thief 2 has levels around a main gimmick, i just lost interest after i started the bank heist level.

I can't say I experienced Thief 2's theme to be around "gimmicks", more that it's about mansion exploration and stealing more than grave robbery. I liked both games just about equally, to be perfectly honest.

>Bank heist
One of the best levels, you just played too much.

I agree with user, I think Thief games are amazing *but* I personally can't play more than a level or two a day without feeling fatigued. I made this mistake one evening and I decided that I didn't even feel like going through Kidnap on that day, so I just kidnapped Cavador the moment I stumbled upon him in one corridor and proceeded to stash him away while barely having explored the level.

>that harbour level is about using codes to open doors back and forth
>the level is fucking huge and it just a chore to do this backtracking
>that police station level took long to click on me, the "no blackjacking rule" really fuck it up my playstyle and all the rooms to memorize really through me off
>that city level that you need to escape is just a fucking maze
After all this, when i went to the bank heist i was so tired that stopped playing. I didn't enjoy the supernatural from Thief 1 but at least i could play whatever i want.

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Thief 2 is basically a map pack for the first game. Honestly my favorite parts of T2 are the little side areas like crypts and old hammerite buildings with all the undead.

there were multiple stations to use codes brainlet
i think i hate t2 and t1 fags now because their reasons for shitting on either game are ret*rded

What makes thief shit is that getting extra objectives is tied to the difficulty which also comes with the "find every treasure on the map" objective, which is impossible without a guide.

>impossible without a guide

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I never said Thief 2 was bad, just level are all alround one gimmick. Thief is a game that every level you need to explore, and familiarise with the ambient and all nook and cranny. When the levels became huge and having a fucking unfun element to disturb you the whole experience feels tiring compared to the first one

Dude, just explore the levels.

Holy shit, my english was really bad.

you can play shipping and receiving without the codes i'm pretty sure by hanging around the second floor and using a key to open the side doors