Lost all motivation with this game in the place with poison everywhere should i continue playing?

lost all motivation with this game in the place with poison everywhere should i continue playing?

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BB is better

That depends: what specific part is stopping you?

wherever i go i get killed by some retarded shit and i have to start over from the bottom

If you're willing to grit your teeth and bear with it, you've got some pretty great areas coming up. There's also a lot of shit areas coming up. Either way, play BB or DS3 instead.

If I remember correctly their is actually a shortcut that allows you to skip almost the entirety of blightown.

Fucking faggots on here no surprise

It will be harder/tedious in at least two more areas.

>start over from the bottom
Are you trying to work your way back UP? If so there's a shortcut about 2 or 3 ladders up after the water wheel that goes straight to Valley of Drakes, then that goes to New Londo Ruins, then that goes to Firelink.

user there's a back entrance to the poison area go on fextralife you'll find a guide.

>switch version
I probably wouldn't be able to stomach it either

Not calling DS1 bad, just extremely basic.

Just use a guide before giving up.

I beat a lot of the game my first go watching speed runs to get past hard spots.

Ah I remember now, go to the darkroot garden and take the elevator down to the valley of the drakes, it can be tricky to find it since the path looks like a dead end from a distance so I didn't bother moving closer myself.

Although I suppose if you have the master key you can get in through anor londo which should be a lot safer.

That's like saying skip "Link to the past" or "ocarina of Time" cause breath of the wild is better

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i reached the 3 place you listes but when i die in one of these i have to start over from poison hell because i didnt find bonfires and it kills my motivation everytime

i know ill find one eventually but i just wanna go back to the comfy castle and knights level design

If comfy castles and knights are what you want then it's worth getting through poison hell because you've got a fantastic area coming up that should be to your liking

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BB has less content and is easier. 3 has a worse world and level design

What ENB?

>BB easier
It's easy, but at least bosses have more than 4 moves

And it's still less complex with less build variety lol

BB has better content. Compare DS1's simple ass bosses with only 5 moves each to BB's (and DS3's) multiphase fights

The only thing going for DS1 is world design, and even that falls apart in the second half.