what game are so good that cures depression?
What game are so good that cures depression?
Good games only worsen it because you realize real life can't match the quality.
Katamari damaci.
And weed
I wouldn’t know....
Dragon's Dogma
Crusader Kings II
Mount and Blade Warband
The Darkness
Vanilla WoW private server
Snake Pass
Original Deus Ex
Max Payne 2
They should give you about a month each of mental peace before the sweet allure of swallowing that revolver becomes irresistible once more
The times I was the least depressed were when I was addicted to WoW. Playing 15 hours a day and not caring about real life one bit.
>only thing on that list I haven't done is anal
in what games i can be rich?
GTA games
lmao at you retards, getting laid now is easier than ever
thats no true
I want to be loved
It's a great game called get on antidepressants, eat better and exercise
antidepressants is a meme
>visit local hooker site
>call a chick's number
>get laid in hours
>download tinder
>get laid in days max
Yes it is
>I just watched Blade Runner.
It was OK.
I wouldn't really call it my kind of movie.
literally how
It feels so good dude. Obv the anus isn't meant to take a dick so it tries to push you out and it's so tight and the way it's obviously uncomfortable for her but she is pretending to enjoy it just to make you happy unf
Unfortunately most girls won't give up the butt unless you're in a committed relationship and they absolutely love you
Yeah getting the libido of a dead man sure helps depression
>paying for sex
>fucking tinder pigs
You don't have any standards do you ?
katamari damacy
The ones where you find your waifu or husbando.
Unless they die, then it gets even worse. I know what I am talking about.
This desu. While playing a very good game you're always thinking about how shit your life will be when you'll finish it, and rightly so. When i find a great game i force myself not to play it too much so it lasts longer.
We all pay for sex. The only difference is one situation you hand the money to the person for sex and the other you court them with dinner, movies and gifts.
That's true though. Never has it been easier, women are degenerate whores nowadays.
I wouldn't recommend it though.
>We all pay for sex. The only difference is one situation you hand the money to the person for sex and the other you court them with dinner, movies and gifts.
Retarded MGTOW cringe.
exercise is a wonderful thing really.
i can feel like utter shit, but if i take 45 minutes on my bike i feel like a king for the rest of the day. soon i'll be able to ride outdoors, it'll be sweet.
What if you're 18 or 20 in this chart?
>exercise is a wonderful thing really
Prove me wrong. Oh right you can't
Anno 1800 for me. Any relaxing building sim, really.
literally this
Prove yourself right. Oh right you can't.
I'm married, we have a collaborative relationship. I don't "pay" for sex, the same way she doesn't "pay" for protection.
Fucking kid.
I always go dutch with my gf.
There you go.
of course you do incel
based ans /sig/pilled
depression is a meme for people who dont have real tangible problems so they make up things to be sad about.
t.used to be a depressed faggots then got real problems and realized how stupid i was to be sad over bullshit.
But real humans are ugly.
I don't use pornhub though, I only read doujinshi.
Checkmate, atheist.
i remember the first time i had sex, i held off on nutting for a week and when i came inside (with a condom), i came such a load it felt like i was pissing
>based ans /sig/pilled
Based fellow /sig/ brother.
We're all going to make it.
Where is the hugging or holding hands
Don't generalize, man.
It CAN be that. It also CAN be a legit chemical unbalance that fucks up your reward system.
It CAN also be a consequence of real life problems crushing you psychologically.
It CAN also be a meme unconsciously used by kids to claim they're suffering more than other people, sure.
Stardew Valley
my antidepressants helps with libido and make it easier to lose weight, pretty great desu
It CAN (read IS) be that you're a faggot
>It's an "user mistakes his self-cultivated shitty attitude for a scientifically verifiable chemical imbalance in the brain" episode
What is sig
xcom 2
kingdom come deliverance
civ VI
attila total war
Then you’re fine
People need to understand that you wouldn't live like this if you had anything that made you happy. Depression is just the inability to get happy about mundane shit normalfags can get excited about.
I could go out with friends at least three times a week but it bores me to death, so I rather stay at home and play games, which is more interesting than hanging around with people to talk about real life shit that also bores me. And jobs are always boring shit too, they'll never give you any adrenaline kicks or anything unless you are working as hitman or something.
Ok try this:
>Get into some big trouble that makes you hopeless.
>manage to get out of it.
Then you will stop being 'depressed' like a 40 year old bored housewife.
>tfw immune to runner's high
I need to do opiates
If they manage to disappoint me, I'll be the king of anhedonia
self incuckment general
/Self Improvement General/
It exists both on /pol/ and /fit/, but the /fit/ one is way better IMO, it's way more focused on improving your life and bettering yourself, not just warding off the jews.
Most people don't know that hedonism and short term pleasure isn't actually good for them and will make them depressed.
Ask yourself why all NEETs are depressed even though they have everything.
Praise The Sun
i've never had runners high, you don't need that to feel good when exercising. you'll feel good anyway, as long as you push yourself hard enough. not to mention it improves your physical health.
>tired all the time
>Neurologist say I don't have any problems with my sleep
>Says he won't talk to me again unless I lose all my weight and start exercising
>198cm/77kg now and exercising
>still tired all the time
I wouldn't be depressed if I wasn't tired all the time
Runner's high is gay as fuck.
Just lift heavy things, like a man.
You feel like a God, you're not high like a fucking hippy because you have heavy oxygen flow.
The second part of your post has nothing to do with the first part of your post
Based retard doesn't understand the difference between sadness and depression.
My problem isn't that I am sad but that I don't feel anything for everything I do. Interaction bores me, real lfie bores me, jobs bore me, people bore me in general, everything bores me, the only thing that wouldn't bore me would be fighting against dragons or some shit, exploring an alien planet, space travel and shit like this. This is why I play games and try to forget about the boring bullshit world we live in.
running in a place with a lot of nature helps a lot, too bad I can't find any good places near where I live
a general where people think drinking water will get them laid
i was depressed too faglord then i got real problems and after dealing with them I realized how trivial being depressed over bs like no gf/ friends it.
>I can answer everything on that list
>There's no under 10 years of age option
>they have everything
(Dont even respond if you cant relate lanklet fuck)
>the only thing that wouldn't bore me would be fighting against dragons or some shit, exploring an alien planet, space travel and shit like this
You can have that, metaphorically speaking.
Listen to Jordan Peterson, read Jung.
Super Mario Sunshine
Based retard thinks the colloquial use of the word 'depression' and the medical use are the same
>You can have that
Self-induced schizophrenia to gain natural drugs?
If you are implying that I imagine some shitty paper work I have to do as "dragon" I fight I can assure you that it doesn't work for me. I lack the imagination and affinity to self-deceit to perceive things as something they clearly aren't.
Who the fuck needs the answers to those sort of questions? And why does the age matter?
i run/ride my bike through this place several times a week, it's pretty great in the summer.
It's better to receive it. Giving anal is boring
>you'll feel good anyway, as long as you push yourself hard enough
>Just lift heavy things, like a man.
That's literally runner's high, you're just memeing it into something different.
all 14-18 for me
but i think i just got lucky cause i haven't had a gf in 9 years
literally me
I did. Part of my route was through forest.
It wasn't bad, it's just that it didn't do much to help. Except maybe make me more confident in my physical health, but that's not enough.
Dark Souls 2
russian roulette