>"Gruff white male" is invalid SJW critici-
"Gruff white male" is invalid SJW critici-
Why the fuck is Bibo lumped up with these?
>Gruff white male
Play the game
Gruffy white males appeal to me.
have you even played mass effect?
Blacks are simply less likely to be heroes, either due to excessive criminality embraced by black racial demographics in the civilized world or the sad state of black "civilization" in their native Africa.
gruff white males have historically got the most shit done
The thing about using white males as the protagonist of your story is they're actually the most diverse group of people when it comes to personality and beliefs. Put all of those guys in the op in a room and they'll most likely not get along. They're diversity is of opinion and not skin deep.
Peak character design. Nobody wants to play as some ugly, smelly, dumb nigger.
fpbp my fellow /pol/itician.
Funny thing, more than half of those are fucking great characters
yes, nvm i apologize
why do white people hate themselves so much
>generic fortnite nig is invalid neo-nazi critici-
>Immediately referring to blacks
How many of these games are based in europe, involve actual europeans or are made by european/western devs? Are you against self determination? Should asians, africans and other nationalities add white characters into their content at the price of it not representative of their countrymen for the sake of diversity?
The complaints about generic grizzled white men is a reasonable one that was leveled well before the modern SJW complaints.
The problem is that SJWs aren't complaining because they want more interesting characters, they're complaining because their primary concern is diversity quotas. They don't give a shit if the character is boring. They just want a character that pushes their political agenda.
Most of them are American, but then this is old bait because most of them are also in dead franchises.
Remember when it was bald space marine?
The mental gymnastics displayed ITT are pretty impressive
no, this what diversity means now
I'll give you the same excuse last time you made this shitty thread.
They lack visual distinction (to people who only see race) but make up for it with interesting characterization
>RE5 Chris
>the game where you can play as Sheva
I always find this picture funny for including Niko Belić because he's probably the only videogame protagonist from the Balkans ever and is right up the alley for the diversity bitches but they can't see past the white male bullshit because of their own sexism and racism
>four exemples
Four whole black women. Impressive.
Yes, you are right sire, they'd rather play an ugly, smelly, dumb gruff white male instead, like the innumerable clones in the OP
in the same e3, it's seemed a bit... forced, haha
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Bioware on the verge of destruction over too many women on the team
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
I thought this era was over
Tell me more about how businesses are doing better under the Trump administration.
>How many of these games are based in europe, involve actual europeans or are made by european/western devs? Are you against self determination? Should asians, africans and other nationalities add white characters into their content at the price of it not representative of their countrymen for the sake of diversity?
You say that as if that wasn't already the case. Have you ever actually played a Japanese game? Almost all of them revolve around white protagonists.
Why do you think all White people identify with the mongrels in the OP?
in the same e3? it is, glad you noticed.
If all you can take away from James Sunderland is that he’s blonde and white, you’re severely autistic.
No that is only for you. The problem is that the internet is filled with retarded mouthbreathers who launch lynch frenzies against people for valid criticism. I could think of a million other concepts for a White male protag than "Snowchimp Cleetus" here and calling that critique "SJW signlling gnurr" is serious delusion
Wich are the ones that are the most similar to each other? Not appearance-wise but personality-wise?
What’s the matter? Dilation too hard for you?
All of them.
Disingenuous post, I recommend suicide
White males make up the majority of games why does no one complain that black make up the majority of the nba
Why are americans so shit at character design
Jason Brody's personality is to Snake's personality what your IQ is to Einstein's
What idiot wrote this?
no culture
idk man why was your mom?
Because gruff nigger and gruff spic are just so much more interesting, right?
Some fucking moron who doesn't realize that every character on the right is more iconic and well known than the characters on the left.
not all of them are necessarily white, some are subspecies as you can tell by the immediate facial differences between the characters. snake looks way different from say alec mason or sheperd. frank west is definitely different from niko.
>not wanting to be gruffpilled
When this game came out, seeing how people didn't buy into the whole forced diversity shit yet, a bunch of people were up in arms over how the main character is a blatant stereotype.
The same reason why women don't try to force more female representation in dangerous jobs. It's not about diversity at all. It's about power.
>the main character is a blatant stereotype.
He's a cardboard cut out and they basically threw away the most interesting character in the setting by making him a cartoon villain. I don't know what the hell they expected.
Bibo is a gruff White dude, he's based on Kurt Russels portrayal of Snake Plisken, just like Solid Snake.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny!!!
Imagine having advanced schizophrenia
white male characters are the safest bet and more importantly, the only characters that allow for full creative freedom. if the developers made a minoriry or female character and made them anything but morally perfect and admirable, media and twitter would cry racism and misogyny. you cant make a psychopathic character like GTA's trevor and make him black, or an utter coward like guybrush from monkey island and make him female without risking major backlash.
Changing their race doesn't fix it though but nice try
>a character is nothing more than skin colour
Spoken like a true resetgender faggot. How are you cunts any different then /pol/ whining about nigger characters again?
i thought nico was a sandnigger
>Jews hate Blond people
>Jews come to America
>Jews get involved in movies
>Jews don't star Blond men in their movies and portray Blond women as degenerate and stupid
>Video game creators get inspiration from movies
>Every main character is a typical jewesque stubbleface
>Every Blond character is stupid or slutty
>Someone finally criticizes this
>Retards come out defending the Jew established MC clones as "self determination" game dev
Yikes, the utter state of this world
>top four on the left are almost never spoken of, personally don't even know who the fifth is
>meanwhile even plebs who only tread the surface should easily be able to name most if not all the characters on the right
These things are not the same.
Actual iconic western protagonists from that era would be Master Chief, Lara Croft, Gordon Freeman, arguably James Bond, etc.
A bunch of "Caucasian-looking" people.
>White male
>30 year old or something
That's the core audience for console gaming today.
Gamer kids have existed since the 80s and most of them still like games even they are grown-up adluts now.
How would you not make the protagonists be best relatable to them?
It isn't. They aren't defined by their skin color, but by their personalities, ideals and moral. Well, some of them. Some of those character have shitty designs, but that's besides the point though.
gruff white males are hot
That is what SJWS go to you fucking moron. Very rarely do they say gee we need a spic main character or gook.
Read this again you disgusting tranny
In one E3.
As much as I loved the journey and stories in Planescape Torment (actual spoiler) his mortality being the big bad was a bunch of horseshit
She says this but then she doesn’t have a problem fucking niggers. What the hell is wrong with white women?
because for once a black has bested her.
It is invalid socjus criticism because there's nothing wrong with gruff white male protagonists.
The voices inside of your head don't count, faggot.
You do realize that USA isn't the only country in the world, right?
>white skin
>not white
Don't bother replying. He's probably some Americunt compensating for his 43% African 23andme test results.
The first two are set in time periods where that was common af though
>Jews don't star Blond men in their movies and portray Blond women as degenerate and stupid
>Who is Daniel Craig
>Who is Chris Hemsworth
>Who is Ryan Gosling
Also the belief that only Blondes are WHite is beyond retarded considering the most common hair colours among Europeans are variations of brown, as dirty blonde is basically just light brown.
>provides a diverse cast of people with different personalities and character
you've defeated yourself. enjoy this political meme in your shitty political thread
>vidya is the only industry
companies still have the freedom to fail, user
3rd line from bottom on the right next to frank west. Whos that guy?
Feels good to have brown hair.
>Frank West on the list
>replying to obvious bait meant to draw out SJW faggots
what a retard you are
Shepard doesn’t count. He’s customizable.
I have no idea.
>FPS characters
They get a vagina, but do they get a womb?
as a gruff white male i enjoy playing games with gruff white male leads
You mean, just like Yea Forums?
>girl gets blacked
>someone posts a white guy with a black girl
>oh wow, so based
Or with asians.
No one has any values that they are willing to stick to, it's always "It's fine when I do it".
Which is why millennial activists are subhumans that nobody should listen to, they are posers, nothing more, they don't have values, they don't believe in anything, they are not willing to fight for anything.
They are closer to domestic animals than people.