On this day

...one of the best FF and JRPGs in general was released in the West. Say something nice about it.

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brap pfftfloo

some of the best music in final fantasy and lightning was pretty cool. also fun combat.

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Man, that game was absolute shit. I guess graphics were nice but that's about the only positive I can say about this turd. Also PRESS X FOR EVERYTHING!

Beautiful environments and music.

it's utter fucking trash which irreperably ruined FF's reputation.
I mean XII was so bad it basically played itself and still managed to be a slog, but this is a whole different level of fuck-up.
The only redeeming quality in this game was Sazh, and that's coming from a fucking racist.
I don't even remember half the stupid shit that was going on with all the silly names and Falcie and Chrysalises, and nothing being explained to you
>just read the datalogs lmao
no thanks if I'll be reading the story I may as well play a good game that foregoes cinematics altogether

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Good music and decent combat, everything else was garbage though.

I want lightning to sit on my face and let loose the biggest wettest fart right into my mouth.

literally killed FF series in terms of quality and game design.
it's great as a faggot detector though because people who like Lightning are the most plebeian mouth breathers alive so I guess it's good in the sense it reveals these subhumans like these ones

Cringe. XII is the only fun game in this shit series

The music and set pieces are great

This was one of the worst games ever made. It failed at everything it tried to accomplish despite it's high budget.

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>*plays itself*
sure if you like menuing to select gambits all the time, and a story where characters don't matter that just abruptly cuts off at some arbitrary halfway point and calls it the end. It's more than obvious they ran out of either time or budget
fuck off pleb, I bet you're the type of person who prefers MGS3 to 2 because it's more le epic reddit style.
I think Half Life 2 or The Last of Us will be more your speed.

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>9 years later and people on Yea Forums are defending it

I think im in the twilight zone sometimes. Its shit and ff isnt worth playing anymore past xii. Its over. Ffxv was just as shit.

We have great jrpgs to play that are not final fantasy its time has passed in quality.

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>Cringe. XII is the only fun game in this shit series

>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took Final Fantasy Tactics' setting and made it a poor man's Star Wars
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story and spend their time traipsing through non-descript caves and ruins
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music

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>Say something nice about it.

- Graphics still hold up
- Has some of the best music in the Final Fantasy series
- Decent combat.

Like someone else said in a similar post, everything else sucks. It got better with its sequels, though.

A generally great game that also has fantastic challenge runs.

>...one of the best FF and JRPGs in general

It's one of the weakest FF games, alongside 2, 8, and 15

spot on. Play Skies of Arcadia if you want to larp as a sky pirate.

>A generally great game that also has fantastic challenge runs.


>Party members act by themselves, the only input you have is selecting paradigms
>At the same time, you can't even play it as an action-RPG because it still uses a menu system while not providing any control over party members (thus defeating the whole point of using menus)
>It's almost impossible to actually lose, since there are no resources to manage or hard decision to make (e.g. medic never runs out of healing spells, you can spam them infinitely)

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Paradigm Shift was great.

>30 hours

>impossible to actually lose
Explain why Barthlandeus decimates me with -ja tier spells. I've been stuck on that fucker for a while no matter what paradigm I tried.

and 20 of it was a tutorial

It's ok man you will get over it

But FF2 gave birth to SaGa series, so you could say it had a great impact.
If a game has 20 hours long tutorials, that would make it one of the most complex games out there, no? But we know it's not like it. Stuff in FF 13 is gradually unlocked, and with it tutorials are shown. And yes, that can annoy people, but calling it 20 hours long tutorial BECAUSE of it is just plain wrong and misleading.

>But FF2 gave birth to SaGa series, so you could say it had a great impact.
How so? What similarities does FF2 hve with Saga?

If a game has 20 hours long tutorials, that would make it one of the most complex games out there, no?
No, it would prove the opposite: the game THINKS its players are retards, which is why even basic game mechanics are introduced at a glacial place.

In FF2 you don't have EXP. Instead, your stats go up after certain battles. This is the concept that SaGa ''stole'' from the beginning and still has it. And then you have games such as legend of Legacy and Alliance Alive that were inspired by SaGa... which was inspired by FF2.

plus it takes 20 hours before you are given the freedom to make the party of your choice.

>In FF2 you don't have EXP. Instead, your stats go up after certain battles. This is the concept that SaGa ''stole'' from the beginning and still has it.
Do you seriously think FF2 invented that? Such a system was common in RPGs that existed before FF2.

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Name few games then.

It is easily the worst game I have ever played. Most awful cliched cringey writing and the gameplay managed to feel less interactive than 12, an incredible feat.

>Good music
>Fun and interesting combat
>Awful pacing
Cant have it all I guess.

>Name few games then.


>Abstract Dungeons and Dragons style experience points and levels were eschewed in favor of a system where the characters' skills were improved directly via using them. Dungeon Master was not the first game to introduce these features. Dungeons of Daggorath for the TRS-80 Color Computer first employed them in 1982. Dungeon Master was, however, responsible for popularizing these elements.

It's far more likely SaGa took direct inspiration from those RPGs, rather than from Final Fantasy 2.

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Barthandelus is a joke, dude.

Best soundtrack in the series and the setting and visuals was comfy and great

Kinda amazing the graphics still hold to this day (except fingers) shows that good art direction goes miles over graphic power and fidelity, thats why some really old games look better than 2019 games.

Hallway corridor crawler the rpg
5 classes
Incomprehensible story

Game is shit son

>decent combat
ok this has to be a troll, no real human could think this

Incredible Soundtrack and Great Waifu material. Shit story and gameplay.

>Hallway corridor crawler the rpg
As opposed to what? FFXIII is no more linear than the rest of the series. In previous FF games, and almost every jrpg in general, the overworld is shaped like a corridor, conveniently barricaded by mountains and shorelines (and the sea itself is barricaded by reefs, so the game is still linear even when you get a ship) so that you can only proceed down one path, which is inevitably the next plot-critical location, which is typically nestled in some environmental chokepoint so that you HAVE to pass through it and progress the plot before you can access the next part of the world. This leads to very unnatural world design and means there is pretty much no exploration in these games, until you unlock the airship near the end of the game, at which point you've already been forced to traverse the majority of the world in a linear fashion.

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I didn't know there was a video game called Dungeon Master. Oh well, you learn new things every day. OK, but what about ''randomly learned skills during and after battle'' mechaning that SaGa games have? Was that also in DM? Just curious.

>5 classes


Happy birthday to the garbage which outright killed Final Fantasy as a series!

I found the combat fun and decent once you get really far into the game and it stops being a fucking tutorial.

>Happy birthday to the garbage which outright killed Final Fantasy as a series!

I thought 15 did

Its like the best ff speedrun.

>OK, but what about ''randomly learned skills during and after battle'' mechaning that SaGa games have? Was that also in DM? Just curious.

There are twenty skills that each champion can use and in which he gains experience. The first four skills (0 to 3) are the "basic skills" displayed in the champion sheet screen (Fighter, Ninja, Priest, Wizard). When experience is gained in any of the hidden skills 4 through 19 then that experience is also added to the experience in the associated "basic skill". For example, experience added to skill number 10 is also added to skill number 1.

Basic skills:

00: Fighter
01: Ninja
02: Priest
03: Wizard
Hidden skills:

04: Swing (Hidden Fighter skill)
05: Thrust (Hidden Fighter skill)
06: Club (Hidden Fighter skill)
07: Parry (Hidden Fighter skill)
08: Steal (Hidden Ninja skill)
09: Fight (Hidden Ninja skill)
10: Throw (Hidden Ninja skill)
11: Shoot (Hidden Ninja skill)
12: Identify (Hidden Priest skill)
13: Heal (Hidden Priest skill)
14: Influence (Hidden Priest skill)
15: Defend (Hidden Priest skill)
16: Fire (Hidden Wizard skill)
17: Air (Hidden Wizard skill)
18: Earth (Hidden Wizard skill)
19: Water (Hidden Wizard skill)

The post game content is super top tier.

The postgame is just fighting harder monsters

>it's good after 1000 hours

wow totally forgot about that bullshit, what an awful game

Yes, its fun, thet are like puzzles.
More like when you have 3 characters, pacing is awful.

>Yes, its fun, thet are like puzzles.
not all of them.

but they are better than the sacks of HP with shitty gimmicks that mark XV's "postgame"