So now that Sony is censoring butts because Americans are scared of them...

So now that Sony is censoring butts because Americans are scared of them, are you finally gonna switch to PC/Xbone/Switch?

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How much would cost hiring a hooker and make her dress like Rin.

I already did years ago though. The patrician setup is PC+current Nintendo console, then getting the Sony for cheap console when it's at the end of its life to play the few exclusives that aren't on PC.

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Since when did Patrician translate to massive gaming drought?

Honestly thought those faggots were only censoring Anime games and VN's.
Just goes to show how fucked up their new HQ and their standards are:

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You can't have such things on a console made for tranny sjws

what is this key on her feet

A cross

imagine how soft her butt must be

Pretty good plan actually

I already switched to Switch a few months ago. Only thing keeping me from playing on PC as well is the fact that my computer's a toaster and even if I got a new one everything worth a damn is infested with Denuvo nowadays.

I want to cum inside this boibutt so damn bad

Just get a Ryzen 3 PC in 2 or 3 months, then pirate everything so you avoid Denuvo. This and your Switch, you're pretty much set up to getting everything worthwhile.

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First of all, Xbone version is also censorer so I'm not sure why you even mention it as an alternative outside of being a fanboy faggot. Switch doesn't have DMC5 in the first place, and they (Nintendo and 3rd party localization houses pressured by them) censor just as frequently.

All of that being said, no. This changes nothing. Sony homeconsoles have, by far, way more games I'm interested in (of which ZERO are Sony 1st party western cinematic shit so don't even bother to namecall me on that) so I'll probably forever own them as my main machine unless something catastrophic happens. In second place, although way behind, are Nintendo portables which have the second biggest amount of good jap titles, although Switch has been veeeeery slow on this front. After that nothing's worth owning. I have a high-end PC but genuinely can't be bothered to play on it since it only gets half the games I care about and 90% of them are delayed relative to the console release - even those who release on the same day require middleware cancer like Steam and/or Denuvo, either of which is a complete deal breaker for me.


her, his, it, i don't give a fuck, i'd pronebone until i ran out of semen

Another day. Another Yea ForumstendoGaf thread dedicated to Sony.

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Who is this cute boi

>can still see mythras panties
that's not a censorship isnt it?

Wait, it's a guy ? There is no way

Get a "escort"
They're a bit pricey but 90% of them are young and fine as hell

Is this the butthurt incel thread?


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>ESRB 10+ game
>Nintendo own published game

Compared to

>M rated title
>All the games on SNOY console

Amd is trash

Xbone isn't censored

The Camilla one always gets to me.
>"Excuse me sir? this character looks like she's only wearing panties for bottoms, should we cover them too? Since we're doing this so we can give a better image as a company."
>"No son, our orders are to cover her tits and that is it. They told us to hide her tits and that's all we're gonna hide."

already bought a switch and have a gaming pc. fuck snoy.

Just IMAGINE how soft and squishy her butt must feel whilst she's getting prone boned.

It's not, and even if it wasn't I'd still hit it. Last night people were saying it's Hidori Rose but I don't think it is. Reverse search isn't helping either.


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Too bad Switch doesn't have third party support


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I bought a PS4 4 weeks ago and I'm returning it tomorrow and using the money to get a GPU for my PC. I'm just about finished with Spyro, I've played enough of Bloodborne, Spiderman and Gravity Rush 2 were shit and I can play Persona 5 and Catherine on PC (albiet with less content in the later but I'm not interested in romancing a transexual character anyway). That just leaves KH3 as the only console exclusive I wanted to play that I didn't get a chance to but I'm fine with holding out for a PC version eventually. Worth it for piracy, porn games, nude mods and no censorship.

That's a woman, everyone else is spouting memes and nonsense

This guy fucks.

>thinking Samus has no ass now
Tsk, tsk

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I still mostly play on PS4 tho

got rid of my playstation and went full pc. xbox is probably going to be a solid pick next gen too with full pc integration that it has. start selling your fucking ps4 people. we need to get these mother fuckers out of dominance.

Based. Did this for PS3 and the handful of games I couldn’t play on PC. If you’re poor maybe a PS4 is better, but PC and Nintendo has always got me covered. This gen I would only need PS4 for Bloodborne, so I’ll just wait till I can get one for like 80$ (unless I can emulate it by then).

This but unironically. In Europe you can fuck college aged, gf experience hotties for less than 150 and hour. If you pay them american prices you can have them do whatever you want. Raw dogging a Rin lookalike would cost you like 1200 euros, provided you get yoursefl and her checked first.

Switched once I finally got a decent PC and realized all games look and run better on there. Went back to replay Bloodborne recently and it's blurry and choppy as fuck, despite being a good game.

Did this last year and worth it.

It's to late to switch now, but best believe that next gen if PlayStation continues this shit I'm getting a Xbox instead

trannies are trying to confuse people.
no man has such an ass.

this exactly. I have PC+Switch (and 3ds), and a used ps4 I got cheap plus I buy ps4 games used. There's not many good ps4 games anyway, I almost didn't bother but I really wanted kingdom hearts 3 and bloodborne. sony is sadly complete shit now.

>nips do something
>"this must be because of the filthy gaijin!"
Why are all sonybros such autistic children?

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>sony headquarters in commiefornia
>game comes out on three platforms but is only censored on the commiefornia
>hurr its japan

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>paying that much for a few minutes of pleasure that will leave me even more depressed afterwards
I wish I could fall for these memes

>steam is in seattle.
>not censored
Cope. It's a jap decision so they can try to sell more products by being cucks.

Who is this?

Seattle isn't as SJW as C*****nia.

my wife

A Mexican cosplayer

Eyes are similar

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Cali is 100% sjw and seattle is 99.9% sjw but I guess you're correct.

>being loved and desired by a girl
what does it feel like? it seems like such a magical experience

what a whore, it should be legal to rape women who do this

>seattle is commiefornia
>one american commie company forces censorship on games that means they all must do
>japanese dev trying to cash in on SJW shit only censors on one platform our of three
goddamn brainlet

Fuckin weird dude. The paranoia and cynicism hits you pretty hard.

Nice reading comprehension you have there. Also, try forming a coherent thought because it's impossible to tell what you're trying to convey. II was saying that this isn't an American issue it's a jap fuck issue trying to cash in on faggots. Holy shit you're retarded.

that girl is way too light to be a m*xican

still, it must be nice to know that someone considers you worth loving

It feels great. Wouldn't know about others but I felt content.

Women don't love. They like you conditionally.

if you want to experience that, there's only 4 ways:
have a horse dick
be rich
have some fame
be a 8/10+ chad in looks

fuck off retard

but then they wont love me for me, although i've long since accepted that that'll never actually happen. i have an arts degree so i'll never be rich so i'm fucked in every regard

>but then they wont love me for me
that's not have females work bro. Just accept they only like not love, and only if you have something to offer them.

A lot of Mexicans look like her, though. Nationality =/= race, and Castizos are a thing. Plus, she's wearing makeup.

It's a marginal difference. The entire west coast is infected but the hotspots are SF, LA, Seattle and Portland. I think Portland is the worst.


Yes. This is the breaking point for me. I put up with PS4 because it was more consumer friendly than the Xbox One, but years of smelling their greedy stench has turned me off from Sony. This censorship stuff crosses a line, and I don’t even play anime titty games. It’s just a matter of principle: they’re doing it to capitulate to the Chinese government for the $$$
I’m honestly probably going to stick with PC and Switch.