So when does this get good?

so when does this get good?

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Never. You've been tricked by white nationalists.

once they patch it to make it not run like shit aka never

its pretty good what you do not like about it?

Never if you're into combat.

the combat is just very awkward, but maybe I just need practice

What? It doesn't have sexy females or African Americans, you should somehow instantly be having fun. At least, that's what the studio head thinks.

In the main menu.

practice with the faggot that teaches you

>It doesn't have sexy females
but it do

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but it don't

>he didn't bang the talmberg thot

My nigga

Literally my only qualm with this game is that the female face models are fucking garbage. Theresa looks like she was ripped out of Wallace and Gromit and their mouths barely move when they talk.

Also Henry is too pure and innocent to watch plowing some ho, it feels wrong.

after you learn lockpicking and pickpocketing

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After you deal with the Neuhof and Ginger situation, then learn master strikes from Bernard.
Then it’s free sailing.

returning to skalitz is kino. probably the strongest scene in the game. it's all slight downhill from there. I liked how henry and hans grew to become friends.

After you've trained with the weapon to learn the various blocks and guards, and done a bandit camp or two to acquire decent armor. Then it becomes great as you errant around the map, maybe learning to read here, fucking a cabal of witches there, dueling a knight at a crossroads over yonder, etc.

You are shit no matter what when you start.
You need to train

I love playing as a dickass bandit and choke the shit out of everyone.

Strongest scene in the game comes from the ending. What's funny is the autists that don't seem to get the ending and still get upset about the sword.

I just finished what I feel like is the tutorial, got saved by the girl I saved from getting raped in Skalitz and I have no motivation to keep playing

It's literally Oblivion but good

Do you need flashy explosions going off 24/7 to hold an interest?

Naw I just usually prefer games with more advanced movement mechanics and bought this game on a whim while drunk, I'm aware that I'm retarded

true but i would also say that she is really well writen and kinda cute

>game has glacial pacing

>doomed hometown intro lasts like 5 years

>tutorials tutorials tutorials

>MC is an unlikable self-insert for most of Yea Forums

>People animate worse than bioware characters

>takes the best and worst parts of stance based combat, removes the best parts

glad i didn't pay for this shit. It's a game of wasted potential, and that's a shame.

right after tutorial missions

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>lol i'll just pretend i'm retarded for yous
You're plan is working here have a (you)

When you have an IQ over 100.

Around 200 hours.

It gets good as soon as you press New Game button

this. dropped it because it goes below 30 in towns.