>dann hau ich dir volles pfund aufs maul
Dann hau ich dir volles pfund aufs maul
Speak American
heh, du
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten.
Pocałuj mnie w dupę
A kurva anyádat, te sváb geci, mi a faszt képzelsz magadról?
Morra haben keine Ehre, das ist nunmal so.
töpörödött törpordög
hinger dinger dergin
To z przodu twojej głowy to twarz czy dupa?
not even close baby
epikus gecy xDDD
>Bittida en morgon innan solen upprann
Azt képzel amit csak akar. Hogy tervezed megállítani? Pontosan, sehogy.
Hör auf zu hämmern.
>More like
Kva govoris kurba?
Mam w dupie przeznaczenie, ty gnijący ochłapie
sonst was?
tell me Yea Forums
czy to z przodu twojej głowy to twarz czy dupa
Te sem félsz a pofontól...
>post G*rman-bait
>bait Slavs instead
Früher war alles besser...
Gothic is extremely popular with slavs for some reason.
vão se fuder
najgluplja tema na Yea Forums trenutno
Gothic is extremely popular in whole Europe and both Americas. It's a cult classic, just like HoMM3.
>whole Europe
I know. I'm saying that it's very popular with slavic countries in particular. There's tons of slavic videos and streams on Gothic. Everytime you go to Twitch and check Gothic it's always a bunch of polish people streaming it, occasionally germans.
Cult classics there. Hungarian classics are Crysis:Warhead, S.W.I.N.E., Imperium Galactica 2, Nexus, Van helsing.
Reminder that Gothic shits on the Elder Scroll
Still have this one on CD, considering replaying it now.
t. non-Hungarian
Is there anything not popular in slavic countries? I swear it doesn't matter if I am browsing fanart for anime or games I like, most fans and artists are always slavs. There should be more Murricans and Europeans playing and watching stuff, theoretically, but all cool fans I met are slavs whereas all Europeans I know only watch stuff casually. They are never fan enough of something to draw or talk about it, they usually just meet up with friends, watch a series and forget about it to move on to talk about some real life bullshit. Fuck my country, people don't know how to have fun anymore.
Enderal feels like a proper Gothic-successor. it's all there, only in first person
I got a chance to ask a slav why Gothic was so popular. Appearently the slav dubs are absolutely on point.
It's good if you're playing a mage. Bethesda melee combat is just awful.
Not only on point, but better than the original.
Russian Gothic dub > German dub
Nie znam sie na otwieraniu zamkow
Polish ultimate master dub > russian dub > english dub > german dub
>english dub > german dub
Ok, now that's too far. Have you really heard all of them? That's surprising.
only some shit in first act
english is awful but german is next level shit for me
I enjoy one-shotting everything with my bow desu
…Ale Beliar nie znosił widoku światła i niszczył wszystko, co Innos stworzył. Ujrzał wtedy Adanos, że w ten sposób nic nie może istnieć na świecie: ani jasność, ani mrok. Stanął więc między swymi braćmi i próbował pojednać ich ze sobą. Jednakże bez skutku. Ale tam, gdzie stanął Adanos, ani Innos, ani Beliar nie mieli żadnej władzy. W miejscu tym ład i chaos współistniały w harmonii. Tak oto powstało morze, a z morza wyłonił się ląd, a na lądzie powstało wszystko, co żywe: rośliny i zwierzęta, wilki i owce, a na samym końcu powstali ludzie. Adanos cieszył się ze wszystkiego, co wówczas powstało, a swą miłością darzył jednakowo wszystkie rzeczy. Ale gniew Beliara był tak wielki, że przemierzył on całą ziemię, by znaleźć bestię. A gdy do niej przemówił, stała się ona jego sługą. Beliar tchnął w nią część swej boskiej mocy, by mogła zniszczyć całą ziemię. Ale Innos podpatrzył czyn Beliara i przemierzył ziemię, by znaleźć człowieka. A gdy do niego przemówił, ten stał się jego sługą. Innos tchnął w niego część swojej boskiej mocy, by mógł on naprawić szkody wyrządzone przez Beliara. Wtedy zwrócił się Beliar do innej istoty, ale Adanos zesłał potężną falę, która zmyła ją z powierzchni ziemi. Ale wraz z nią odeszły także drzewa i zwierzęta, więc Adanos wielce się zasmucił. I rzekł wreszcie do swych braci: nigdy więcej nie postanie wasza noga na mojej ziemi, albowiem jest ona święta i pozostanie taką na wieki. Ale człowiek i bestia nie zaprzestali wojny na ziemi Adanosa i płonął w nich gniew ich bogów. A człowiek pokonał bestię, która wróciła do królestwa Beliara. I zobaczył Adanos, że prysła równowaga między ładem, a chaosem i zaklął Innosa, by ten odebrał człowiekowi swą boską moc. A Innos w swej mądrości tak uczynił. Ale Adanos obawiał się, że pewnego dnia bestia powróci na ziemię. Dlatego uprosił Innosa, by ten zostawił część swojej mocy na ziemi, aby pewnego dnia przywrócić ją człowiekowi. A Innos w swej mądrości tak uczynił.
not even a Polack, but I'd recognize based Vatras anywhere.
Are you actually German? Because the German dub is absolutely fantastic, see
German dub is campy but it adds to the atmosphere desu
>call Pyrokar and Xardas over for a meeting
>and bring enough weed for all of us
Best mage.
Why is Gothic so fucking good?
It's RPG formula I would never complain for copy pasting, I'd rather Gothic formula is copy pasted than Ubishit "op*n w*rld"
no im from poland
nah it sound soulles and funny for me
>tfw i can read and understand polish
Thats a nice lore though. Kinda reminds me of the folk tales from back in the day.
>no level scaling
>world isn't too big and not too small, content doesn't overstay its welcome or is padded out to the limit
>meaningful rpg storytelling that actually demands at least minimal player intelligence
>cozy and easily digestable world building along with concepts and lore surrounding the story
>satisfying progression system that offers challenge in the beginning as well as allowing you to become a literal god in the end
And a lot more.
Remaster is being worked on by the original creators
Is this reddit now?
Try Enderal if you haven't yet. It's very close to Gothic in it's design
bekaphatod a faszom, büdös paraszt
dont make me laugh
enderal is still skyrim better but still shitty skyrim
my last run
>lvl 13 before i even join any camp, murdered the whole world except for shadow beasts
>beat up most of the convicts, with unlimited supply if inventory
>beat up everyone for new weapon and armor after buying them
>everyone is friendly because that's the way it goes in prison
fucking kek
Steck die scheiß Waffe weg!
Nah. The german dub is still leagues above all the others.
Don't worry about it user. Nichts wird so heiß gegessen wie es gekocht wird.
german is the original
Yeah I know dumbo.
Desde Argentina: ¡Aguante Gothic!
Laber keine Scheiße, Günther. Es gibt wahrscheinlich Grabsteine die mehr schauspielerisches Talent besitzen als Christian Wewerka. Wenn du Polnisch oder Russisch sprechen könntest, würdest du wissen, wie man den sarkastischen Arsch des Helden darstellt. Der Held allein ist der Grund, warum die deutsche Synchro lediglich "Ok" ist.
it's a game where running into an Orc isn't just your everyday MMO encounter, it makes you go OH FUCK OH SHIT as the thing stomps in your direction and tears into you with bestial screams.
the main characters sound cool in German, though some of the secondary ones are ridiculously overacting. Which is silly but also sort of memorable
Lmao, no its not. Fuck off with your 6/10 game
Anyone know where I can find the german sound files? I want to play on german but I won't buy skyrim for this. The fucking game is still going for 60 bucks!
deutschrusse aus Berlin
friends, how is ELEX compared to gothic
Have to agree with the potato. German Held's voice acting is not terrible, certainly not enough to be distracting, but even English NH beats him in delivery.
About as awful as any other Gothic clone they released over the years.
Alles wird gut...
Terrible. If it wasn't made by PB I would call it soulless.
videogames are always dubbed you gigantic fucking mongoloid.
Was glaubst du was "to dub" bedeutet.
ok at best
Geh zurück nach Moskau, Viktor.
>nothing will ever match the unique setting of the prison colony
Why even live?
Had to bring it here.
Nazywam się Abuyin ibn Djadir ibn Omar Kalid Ben Hadji al Sharidi.
Зa чтo этo ocкopблeниe? Я являюcь нeмeцкoм гpaждaнинoм!
gothic 1 > gothic 2
You weren't very thorough, I used to have a save around level 30 with everyone possible beaten up/ shot, and every beast and orc killed.
Hearing most of the cast again in Risen was like coming home.
Du bist ja noch nicht einmal BÜRGER!
i killed every beast and orc, bar the shadowbeasts before starting chapter 2
Couldn't you have used some spells to help you kills shadowbeasts?
No way you'd only be level 13 by then.
Well, probably, it's been years since I did this.
it sucks. Much better than Risen 2 or 3, but still not great.
Quests and such are all good, but the combat sucks ass. And its very clear that the jetpack was a late addition because it breaks half the quests. Not to the point of making them uncompletable, but dialouge is very obviously out of order.
objectively wrong
it was doable but at that point it was not even worth doing, so i did it a chapter later
the whole map was killed, including black goblins, mine crawlers, fire salamanders on the beach, the orcs behind the wall in their camp and snappers near the Gorn troll
the only things missing were the shadowbeasts, the golem on the bridge and the harpies, and half the skeletons under the tower
dogshit taste
enjoy your horseshit dragon fantasy story
Hier gibts nichts zu holen.
Gothic 1 had a much more interesting setting and atmosphere, but the gameplay of the second game is vastly superior.
I wouldn't call one of them better, both are great games and I replay them every few years.
I guess not?
>hear that Gomez has a woman locked up in his room
>break into his room
>see woman bathing
>can't sleep in his bed
Aww, man. I wanted to cuck him.
The dragons are the worst part of Gothic 2. But it has Khorinis, probably the best town in all of vidya. Except maybe Clocktown, I guess.
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven > Gothic 1 > *power gap* > Gothic 2
My 14-year old self fapped so much to that fucking girl.
Horrendous taste. Real patricians fap to the sketch you can buy from Graham.
>the gameplay of the second game is vastly superior
Different user, but what? The combat is pretty much exactly the same.
Second game does how a lot more quests though, and the world is more varied.
I liked Gothic 1 more than 2
When have you played the games back to back for the last time? Gothic 2, while being clunky, is much less clunky than Gothic 1. The fact alone that you can walk to the side without having to turn with the tank controls is a massive plus.
The controls are not a dealbreaker for either game, because that's not really what they are good at in the first place, but Gothic 2 does have better controls than Gothic 1.