Piracy affects sa-

>piracy affects sa-

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yes this world need more good goys so i can safetly pirate

B-but what about RE2?

Switchlets BTFO.


Pirates make some of the best ones in the business.

DMC 5 has Denuvo
OP is a retard

It was cracked day one.

would have been the first best if not for the thieving poverty race

Capcom leaked the denuvo-less exe by mistake.

Obviously nobody expected that and bought the game right away. Lots of denuvo games took weeks and even months to crack

i was gonna buy it but then it was cracked so i didn't

I'm surprised it's doing better than REmake 2, but good for them I suppose.
Good luck trying to figure out the exact impact of piracy when there's so many different factors that goes into how successful a game is at release


People will bitch about piracy until the end of time

I wasn't going to buy or play this game, but since it's cracked I may very well play it.

>Lots of denuvo games took weeks and even months to crack
That's cool. This one was available immediately and sold well regardless.


>Two people play dmcv
>One pirates
>One buys
>1 + 1 = 2
>Ergo there is only 1 sale but two people playing, which means piracy has an effect on sales

Who cares, thanks for the free shit, buyfag. Keep sucking denuvos cock, goy.

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Imblying the pirate would even both if it weren't free

One person owns a Netflix account
Gives the Password to other people
Sharing Netflix is piracy

I don't think pirates use sailboats anymore user

Retarded spotted

>food analogy


>ITT Dumb children explaining themselves to buycucks why they pirate.

Just shut up and steal shit, nobody cares about your moral ideas. The more normies gravitate to pirace the harsher the DRMs will get. Stop advertising it to buycucks.

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>he thinks the pirate would have otherwise paid for it


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I don't buy or pirate games I'm just tired

Denuvo cracking is a run of the mill encryption/decryption war. Even with it being updated, the process gets faster and faster, because the crackers know how it ticks now. First it took a months to crack it, then a month, then less than a month, then just a week, now days.


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I'm calling it how i want, cause i am a pirate.

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Netflix, unironically think this is the case and try to stop you doing it, same with viewing content from other countries using VPNs

lmao look at this salty goy

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Netflix is for dumb faggots that are too lazy to google for a streaming site and just want pay tv to tell them what the should watch next.
They deserve all the shit they get.

piracy is based and the only people who disagree are corporate cock suckers, prove me wrong

>streamingretard calling anyone else a dumb faggot

>to google for a streaming site

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I meant the illegal streaming. I refuse to torrent the shitty movies that came out in the past few years.
Don't by salty about your netflix, cuckboi.

>I meant the illegal streaming
Yes I meant that too, you are a moron, learn to torrent.

Keep paying, pussy.

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>if you don't stream shitty quality video on the internet instead of torrenting then you're paying money

People are calling you a retard for streaming instead of torrenting, not for paying for streaming like a double retard.
You tried to call others lazy when you are pretty much the same.

It's $39 on cdkeys.com right now, stop being poor.

You need to understand the CEO of game publishers don't play games, that's why they listen to activists.

When activists tell them 50% of gamers are females they believe it, when people say pirates destroy sales they believe it.

You couldn't even follow what they were saying lmao

>Obviously nobody expected that and bought the game right away.
aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha good goy

why would I pay 39 if I can get it for 0

its $0 on torrent site, stop being cuck

>just began Son of Sparda mode
>it's fucking perfect
I found Demon Hunter mode way too boring and basic in its encounters, it felt like it should be easy mode. I just finished mission 1 and oh my god Yea Forums I don't even know what to say

>Two people play dmcv
>One buys
>One (One's friend) borrows
>One is a faggot though, so One will buy a used copy
>1 + 1 = 2
>Ergo you're retarded

Already cracked? Lol, I was actually dumb enough that I was going to buy it after work today and play it this weekend.

>casually ignoring the first sentence

>second best

that proves the amount of people with shit taste and also the amount of people whom likes to suck corporate cocks
