Literally worse than dmc:dmc

literally worse than dmc:dmc

Attached: dmc5.jpg (800x526, 97K)

No, this was the best dmc game. Simply due to combat and flashy animations and graphics alone. These games are shallow and really have nothing to offer besides mindless buttonmashing and cool visuals so the newest one will always be the best. They are are comparatively trash, however.


Give me a reason

>replying to your own post 10 minutes later

Youre fucking pathetic. Is this really what you spend your limited time doing? Wasting away by annoying the denizens of a message board? Yet you're so pathetic you cant even do that right, because you had to self bump your shitty bait thread just to get replies.

I'm sure you're so deprived of social interaction that any form of attention makes you giddy, so I'm sure you're shaking with joy knowing I replied to your epic bait thread.

Here's your (You).

Enjoy wasting the rest of your miserable life. Maybe consider pulling the plug early if you're just going to be doing this anyways.

Attached: 73670_FUCK_YOU_wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

At least put some effort into your bait, Barry.


Attached: 20190309_051512.jpg (1440x1492, 637K)

Literally proves nothing

Proves that you're fucking retarded

Attached: flat,220x200,075,t.lite-1.jpg (220x200, 13K)

you cant get (You)s from replying to the OP message you dense fuckhead

Hi newfriend

On clover you can, autistic swine

>everyone that disagrees with me is one person


no you just retard

Chink, ru can speak engrish????

I know 5 languages while you retard can't even learn one


butthurt faggot


stop forzing your shit.

Nintendo cope thread.