Is this the worst game engine on the market today? The characters always look hideous

Is this the worst game engine on the market today? The characters always look hideous.

Attached: reengine.jpg (799x458, 54K)

Everything other than the faces look incredible and it's optimized like a dream

No. The faces need a little bit of work but everything else is pretty good. Also pretty well optimized (stop trying to play REmake with your moms toaster consoletards)

Fuckign no, that's a not a fault on the engine.

I really fucking hope they don't make Dragons Dogma 2 with it. That alone would ruin it.

Ada says hi.

Nothing to do with the engine.
Just lazy modelers who use unedited face scans of ugly real people.
Modders have proven how a little touch up can enhance them tenfold.

Leon and Ada look fine, even Iron looks okayish.

It is fantastic, other than the artist decision to ugo every female character to avoid the feminist and tranny backlash

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>no way to fuck around with the engine unless you're in Capcom

it's one of the best engines - all those babies they must have sacrificed to make stuff run amazing is worth a few derp looking girls

It's a good engine that is well optimized, but I would suggest the following:
>sharpening option to counter TAA blur
>better interlaced mode (I'm experienced in cameras and video, interlaced isn't THAT much worse)

Gee Capcom, how come you get to develop god tier engines one after another?

engine != asset

It might be the best modern day engine at the moment at least for small scale games, who knows what would happen if you tried to make a Dead Rising or a Dragon's Dogma with it. The fact that it looks as good as it does while hitting 60 frames on the improved consoles is pretty nuts.
I mean the only interesting looking Unreal game to come out last year was Fighter Z and that was purely down to the artists. Of which Capcom should hire and get rid of every character modeler they have.

How does game engine effect the model you retard

I think the problem is that they edit them too much. the base scans probably look great but by the time they've got them all the way down the pipeline it's fucked

While some models looks bad overall(but I doubt thats engines fault but their face scan tech) its one of the best engines on market now especially on PC that shit runs on fucking potatoes while looking relatively good.

i don't think the engine can handle open world or even large open areas.

MT Framework couldn't handle it but they did it anyway

It's lazy nigger devs

Attached: uwuuuu.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

MT is also over a decade old so the devs know all of the workarounds. Given enough time I'm sure capcom will black magic an open world RE engine into exiatance but that's still ways off

>optimized like a dream
That may be true but the game isn't as fun as dead rising. Wasted engine either way.

>Can actually run on toasters
>kino environments, lighting and particle effect with no lag

Nah, fuck off.

Attached: 490.jpg (627x626, 28K)

How the fuck do they actually do it?
>MT Framework
>RE Engine
>both optimized
>toaster friendly
>can handle multiple rendering with no fps issues

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>hurr let me take one of the best engines and call it the worst

Fuck off OP. No.

The worse engine currently employed by professionals on a large scale is Unity. Looks like shit, handles large games so poorly that Anthem had to come along to make unity loading times seem sensible and has practically zero optimization out of the box.

OP was it your plan to get this BTFO in your own thread?

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Capcom hires people who know what the fuck they're doing, at least when it comes to game engines

Can someone explain how different engines make faces look better/worse?

Surely it comes down to the chucklefucks that model them to be ""realistic""

Lighting can have a huge impact on models

Nope, found gamerips a few models from RE2. They're made that way from the start. It's on the art direction and modelers. If anything RE Engine is the best engine now, I haven't seen that much physics and particles as much as DMC5 has without an fps drop on PC whatsoever

People who bitch about the RE Engine faces are just salty autists who want DOA-face on every character because they hate any and all change. The engine itself looks great and is very well optimized, and the faces are some of the most expressive in gaming. Its main problems are the blurry AA, dithered shadows, awful screenspace refections, and grainy contact shadows. Some of the cutscene animations in RE2 looked a little funny, but thats an animation problem not a modeling one.

>Engine determines 3d models

Attached: d2dh0amk.jpg (235x215, 15K)

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>b-but the faces don't look kawaii uguu~!!!
Shut the fuck up incel.

>le realism maymay

Westaboo Capcom is trash

This is one of the stupidest posts I have seen for a while.