Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: Joan of Arc west vs Japan.jpg (1496x1032, 505K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because money

because Japan loves Jeanne unlike burgers

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That very article points out it was probably someone who tried to be ridiculous.
Also, people can't be that retarded so they can't tell the difference between their own history and others.

Why does America even have a statue of Joan of Arc
She has nothing to do with American history


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Why is THIS allowed?

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BUILT for NTR. Jalter too.

I was waiting for the Netflix version.

She was Mark Twain's waifu. And he worked really hard to put a lot of statues of Jeanne all over America.

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Because there's a little thing called imagination, and fiction doesn't have to conform to what is normal or believable.

This is very deceiving, niggers are not this soft

Given that it's in new Orleans which has a very heavy French background for much of the population that isn't niggers, I would assume there is some interest in French history.

But I agree it is dumb.

Where's Mark Twain in FGO?

FUCK Sweden!

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Well, at least there's Marie Antoinette. The popular theory is that Marie Antoinette idolized Jeanne for kicking out britbongs that she convinced Louis XVI to support America during the war of Independence.

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Way back in the day, various countries laid claim to American settlements. They congregated in those places and spread their influence and culture. Eventually Americans kicked them out and claimed their land, like America always does. Yet their presence still exists.

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>aha I said the n word i'm so funny

Where do you think we are?

>losing war for decades
>make a schizophrenic teenage peasant girl your commander

What the fuck is wrong with the French?

Ever been to NO?

Ever hear of Hurricane Katrina, one of the biggest displays of dumb niggerdom ever laid bare for the public?

I'm probably responding to bait, but whatever.

She talked to God, you dumb nignog.

Jokes on you, Sweden and Germany had a decent relationship with each others during WW2. Sweden even took inspiration from Germany's race research and began a institution dedicated to it.
We also took in Nazi medical experts after the war.

What makes you think that God gives a damn about the French?

No, but france does. Why the fuck do you think it is called New ORLEANS.

And the difference is?

nazis are against germany and sweden

Cute NEET Jeannu

Attached: negro disgust.webm (720x300, 388K)

Today, yes, but not back then.
Today's nazis doesn't even know the content of their program and only talks about hating other races and jews.
Video Games.

Forgot the pic.

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Welcome to 4channel, newfag.

Fucking based

You are on Yea Forums...nel, around these here parts, logic, empathy, and compassion ain't all common-like.

Swedish kings in Fates when? Karl XII would be pretty cool pick since he had a destructive schizophrenia and had some of the most advanced military in Europe for its time.


>no religious neet gf
end it now

Who the fuck cares lmao they're not pretending to be historically accurate

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Presumably because she was the best at delivering the lines in the audition.

>big fat titties

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She was very convincing. Also kinda crazy...

But mostly there were tales of how a virgin would come and save France, mirroring the bible stories and people were leaning into them REAL hard because the war was pretty bleak. So when one actually turned up a lot of people REALLY wanted to believe.

my dick allows it

you ask why is this allowed
i ask why isn't this enforced

She was more a cheerleader than a commander

>beautiful, pure, virginal, snarky French teenager turns the tide of war
>also has big French titties
>also can talk to angels
Why would you not make God's personal waifu your commander?

oh yes, because of that.... right... totally not some other reason

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Nips have no taste.

>In everything that she did, apart from the conduct of the war, Joan was young and simple; but in the conduct of war she was most skillful, both in carrying the lance herself, in drawing up the army in battle order, and in placing the artillery. And everyone was astonished that she acted with such prudence and clear-sightedness in military matters, as cleverly as some great captain with twenty or thirty years experience; and especially in the placing of artillery, for in that she acquitted herself magnificently.

-Jean II, Duke of Alençon


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And yet she managed to get surrounded, captured, and burnt at the stake. Such a strong and powerful womyn

My slut interracial NTR gf!

>And yet she managed to get surrounded, captured, and burnt at the stake
And was a complete snarky bitch to the inquisitors the whole time too. Didn't even scream while dying either. Fucking badass. It's no wonder she's God's real-life waifu.

>It took the anglos two weeks just to make her swear so they can start her trial
She was so fucking perfect.

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You know what this reminds me of?

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Must have sucked to be a scapegoat.

I don't think Rey has ever led an army in any of the SW episodes, ever.

Don't judge Jannu. She had a very hard life. Let her have some fun.

3. Billion. Dollars.

They invented all this fake stories later, like with all "saints". The catholic church still does it today.

Probably in Camelot, making fun of all the knights like the prick he is.

This was from her trial. Unless for some reason you think that French dukes are prone to lying before the eyes of god.

And that everyone else decided to go along with it, it's just a shame that La Hire couldn't give testimony.

Does that tattoo do/mean anything?

The basis of faith is belief, not fact. If people believe a Saint did x thing, what harm does it do if it inspires people to do great things themselves?

Command spell.

Okay, what if a man is better at delivering the lines? Should they hire a man?

why is she barefoot?

Considering that a key part of what made her special was being a woman. No. That would be ridiculous.

>You will never love Joan of Arc so much that you will spend your entire fortune in an attempt to roll her from the demonic gacha, in between raping young boys for shits and giggles.

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Command Seals.

It signifies that she's only for dragon cock.

>in between raping young boys for shits and giggles.
He actually raped and murdered both boys and girls. He wasn't very picky.

The most famous virigin in history is now a NEET, why would she leave the house?

But being ethnically French wasn’t a key part of who she was?

Because the angels told her to.

>not posting best Jeanne

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Let's get this shit started. Which Jeanne is the most kino?

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all jeannes are kino


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I read a book by an author who complained that Jannu kept being portrayed as a blond Valkyrie instead of stout strong buxom french farm girl.

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Yes but that doesn't matter when it comes to casting because characters can just you know. Act like she's just like everyone else, as if this was some kind of production, and the people playing the characters were simply playing the role.

SMT's Jeanne is the most fucking retarded design that was ever created.

Anyone who doesn't answer Bladestorm Jeanne is a faggot

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About 5 of us played bladestorm user.

Game was very comfy.

oops resetera got onion angry at nigger word

Don't play anglo games.

its by Koei Tecmo dingus

She got turned into a vampire thing in bladestorm nightmare

I thought only mages got command seals.

You see the joke is that the English would hate jannu and portray her as evil.

She is a Ruler, she is summoned by the grail to oversee a War and gets two seals for each Servant.

SMT is fucking retarded with the french republic flag.

>Ever hear of Hurricane Katrina, one of the biggest displays of dumb niggerdom ever laid bare for the public?
ARHG those blacks and their ability to cournjur up tropical storms ruining cities already below sea level how dare they

Why not both? Make her a blond, buxom, thick and stout French farmgirl that turns into a valkyrie when she puts on the armor.

Then why not make Napoleon a giant tower of a man instead of a midget while you're at it.

Oh wait

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I mean, I don't see the downside.

Why not. The japanese version is better.

But that is actually right... Napoleon was never a midget to being with

Because she was a historical figure and history should be based on facts, not belief.

Napoleon wasn't a midget though, thats a meme. He was above average in height IN HIS TIME.

He would be a midget if he was summoned as a rider.

How she's depicted in media typically take notions from her Canonized post-Beautification version. Jeanne was never blonde, but was brunette and had freckles and was kind of a plain jane.

the real question is
why is THIS allowed?

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If NERO of all people can celebrate christmas, why not Extra Virgin Joan of Arc?

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so what would stop a man from acting the role of jeanne d'arc?

Imagine being Pierre Cauchon in that court and having to be all like "damn, Jeanne, you fuckin heretic, all sinful with your horrific androgynous crossdressing habit. I would totally burn you, both in my role as a tool of the monarchy and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 12 year old choir boy on his pulpit. Like seriously imagine having to be Pierre and not only sit in that chair while Jeanne flaunts her heretic false visions in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her smug grin and the glint of fervour in her eye, and just sit there, testimony after testimony, hour after hour, while she perfected that defence of her faux prophetic claims and crimes. Not only having to tolerate her impressively well-versed discussion of dogma but her haughty attitude as everyone present tells her she's SO MAIDENLY and DAMN, SHE CAN QUOTE THE BIBLE LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannishly fucking outfitted tomboy face contort into types of smugness you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of children and whores and later alleged witchcraft practitioners for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the monastery in Égliselles. You've never even seen anything this fucking heretical before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her brow as she banters at you, smugly assured that you are hating the opportunity to get paid to sit there and be humiliated by her "incrediblé (for that is what she calls it)" faith, the faith she worked so hard for with her forces in the previous months. And then the king calls for another hearing, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the guards could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Pierre Cauchon. You're not going to lose your future ecclesiastical career over this. Just bear it. Hide your rage and bear it.

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Isn't it just because jeanne's spirit is inhabiting a different girl's body? I dropped apoc immediately

Yeah, Jannu is using Laeticia's body

Yes but she looks exactly the same in her normal body as seen in FGO, with just a slightly different eye color.

so if I make a Harriet Tubman biopic and cast Emma Stone as her it would be perfectly ok, right?

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Whichever one gets buggered in the tower before being burned alive

Out of those designs I like the Granblue one the most

Suck it frenchy

Napoleon sold us the land and bunch of french people weren't forced to leave.

>losing war for decades
>illiterate peasant girl who claims she hears the voice of God demands to be the supreme commander of your military
>she turns the tide of war
Based Jeanne

She only got captured because she wanted everyone else to escape before her.

So none?
>Reminder that Jeanne kicked the balls of a potential rapists so hard that they had to amputate them

There was a time they where European colonies.
Think New Orleans only got sold by Napoleon to the Union late 18th century.

Reminder that Jeanne
>Was extremely pious
>Was extremely nationalistic
>Was extremely pure
>Was extremely beautiful
>Had large breasts
>Had toned legs
>Had a slight tan
>Had black hair that she cut short
>Had a low, enthralling voice
>Was really smart despite being illiterate
>Was 5’2”
>Loved cannon
>Loved her country
>Loved God
>wanted to raise a family on the countryside after the war was over
>Had top tier bants
>Could maybe predict the future
>Was the best!

Attached: The Saint.jpg (385x500, 135K)

>proceeds to beat the Brit's asses
They made a good call with that one

>I dropped apoc immediately
Who are Zerofags so insufferable?

Is there any girl in history that comes close to Jeanne's status of BEST?

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Jeanne was just war camp THOT that got captured by the based Burgundians and sold her thot ass to England.

Serves her right for believing in Feudalism party and not Mercantilisme party.

Attached: john_the_fearless_duke_of_burgundy.jpg (307x307, 15K)

>imagine being this angry about an illiterate peasant girl who only wanted to save her country and serve her God

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Superior Jeanne coming through

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Please don't compare Rey to Jeanne. Jeanne's perfection was God given, while Rey is perfection in the minds of a deluded woman

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>Imagine being this of a serf slave you still want to be ruled by the Aristocracy and chained to one village your whole life

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right is waaaay better

>she was a beautiful and simple and lovable character. In the records of the Trials this comes out in clear and shining detail. She was gentle and winning and affectionate, she loved her home and friends and her village life; she was miserable in the presence of pain and suffering; she was full of compassion: on the field of her most splendid victory she forgot her triumphs to hold in her lap the head of a dying enemy and comfort his passing spirit with pitying words; in an age when it was common to slaughter prisoners she stood dauntless between hers and harm, and saved them alive
>she is easily and by far the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced.

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I always had the hots for Bill and Ted's Joan of Arc. It was probably there that I developed my tomboy fetish.

Right is unironically more accurate, Joan of Arc was a noncombatant and a HERETIC who was RIGHTFULLY BURNED LIKE THE WITCH SHE WAS

Good taste.
Not 100% certain if Jeanne could be called a tomboy, though. She had many traits like one, being strong, determined, and fit, but at the end of the day she wanted to be like her mother and help out around the house.

*nglo lies trying to make excuses for why they got their ass kicked by TRUE and RIGHTFUL Christians
Nothing new

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I don't understand how anyone could learn about Jeanne and her personality and her feats and not fall in love with her purity and fierce determination

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5'2-5'4", really
She was tall for the time.

Love how people romanticize her.
Just learn what the political situation was at that time.
And who she served.
Learn about the Armagnac party that she served.
There is a reason there where no serfs in the lower-countries and in the province of Burgundy due to this victory against the Armagnac's in the 15th century

>toned legs
>slight tan
>short black hair
>large breasts

Attached: Erection.jpg (1024x1008, 586K)

It wasn't. It was the 'God speaking to her' part that made her special.

>She was tall for the time
No she wasn't

She was considered extremely beautiful, but it transcended lust and become a sort of divine admiration. Her men wouldn't dare lewd her out of respect for her purity or fear that the others would rip them to pieces if they tried.

Attached: Love.jpg (450x600, 70K)

You missed
>Should be cooked over an open flame until the juices run clear

>It wasn't
If I were a baguette I'd be smashing a wine bottle and threatening to slit your throat.

They met a small force of men at arms and mercenaries turn tailed fled got captured.

Nothing romantic about it.

I have a healthy boner for her user, I want to marry her and have plenty of children.

Jeanne firmly believed that the French had the right to rule French territory, user. Her love for her country is almost as defining as her love for God

>marrying into schizophrenia
Steady on buddy


Joan of Arc was a false prophet who spread heretical falsehoods propped up by sabbaths and devilry. The French reverence for her in spite of (or dare I say because of that) is yet further evidence to their evil nature.
Prove me wrong, you LITERALLY CANNOT.

Funnily enough, Jeanne showed no signs of schizophrenia aside from the visions and voices. She was calm, quick-witted, and typically kept to herself. Even if you think she is an exception to the usual way schizophrenic people act, the voices and visions told her things that no one could have known.
Prove that you're right, user. By all accounts, Saint Jeanne was a pure and pious girl, chosen by God to help lead the French to victory over the English. Despite them being her enemies, she had no ill will towards individual soldiers. She recognized that they were simply soldiers serving their country, and she would comfort the dying on both sides after a battle.

Attached: Smile.jpg (811x768, 348K)

>false prophet
>calling angels liars

I heard it was absolute trash and after watching a few episodes they didn't seem to be wrong.

Saint Joan is recognized by the Holy See

>Could maybe predict the future
>burned at the stake

Either she deliberately died for what she felt was a noble cause or her ability to predict the future was greatly exaggerated.

>implying you can see angels


Apoc is bad but not Last Encore levels of bad

>with her luminous testimony, St. Joan of Arc invites us to a lofty level of Christian life. - Pope Benedict XVI

I'm sorry, I read the VNs and apoc was fucking trash, when siegfried decided to die for the kid it was kind of annoying, when EVERY FUCKING BODY DECIDED THIS HUSK OF A HUMAN WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THEIR OWN SELF GAIN it became fucking retarded

It's kinda spot on as in art translated to 2019. Joan was supposed to be 10/10 hot. The are recounts about how how she was with the dude going "omg she so hot but also so holy, can't lewd our saint. We will follow her anywhere"

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Only cause the pope had a beef with the bong king

Because west is cuck. If you western make samurai smut, you will be slammed for appropriating.

It was a limited sort of prediction, taking the form of prophecies. Every one of them was correct, so I think she was pretty accurate.

Are you questioning the pope?



No sir the Church has never been used for political gains that would be Heretical.

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>tfw all "high art" pictures of Jeanne have her in armor or in battle
>tfw Jeanne just wanted to have a simple life helping her mother around the house or helping her father with the farm
>tfw Jeanne just wanted to return home to her family and settle on the countryside

If you're a protestant you shouldn't be terribly concerned with saints

The pope is the devil. Another Judas to the gullible believer. May he rot in hell with his fellow sinners.

>Not created cause some bong king lusted for another THOT

He's partially right. Jean saw no actual combat and was more of a glorified cheerleader. The French commanders simply knew how to exploit the pull she had with the common soldier to boost morale. The idea of Jeanne D'Arc as a warrior is pure myth, the result of people swilling down ancient propaganda.

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Please. If she was anything other than French, then maybe she wouldn't have been captured and burned to death.

Please do not have lewd thoughts about the saint

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this is why religious shit is stupid. no one can prove they're right. this is just cringe.

That's Anglicanism

Why are Zerofags so insufferable?

>Jean saw no actual combat and was more of a glorified cheerleader.
>got shot by arrow fire several times
>ordered TOTSUGEKI and cannonfire to help reclaim Orleans
>not a warrior

If Jeanne were British, maybe they would've won.

The heretical reverence of devilry should be every God-fearing mans concern.

I absolutely won't think lewd thoughts of her, even if you post her bottom.

Why can't I have a Jannu girlfriend, it's not fair

The thing here is just that most leaders are just that. Nobody risks his live when they got peasants to do the job. So why give her shit for something everyone else did?

Sort of a little bit in at least the very early days of Anglicanism but it's quite a bit more complicated than that, also you're confusing Anglicanism and Protestantism.

Longbows generally had good range and a lucky shot could have hit people in the back line were the commanders who didn't actively fight were standing. Jeanne getting unlucky and taking a hit from a stray arrow doesn't mean she actually fought. Women are only as strong as the weakest man, and in real combat she would have been killed outright. Equally so, commanding artillery doesn't put you in the front line.

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You're trying desperately hard to dig up an argument settled 600 years ago

>be French
>get shot
>get called a warrior by nerds on the internet

There are multiple accounts, both in primary and secondary, that show Jeanne on the battlefield herself. Though she never personally killed anyone, she was always on the frontlines to support her men and help with the objective. She was also a fantastic military commander, and she would sometimes mock her generals for doing so poorly. She got hit in the face with rocks, shot in the shoulder, and much more.
Also, she loved big cannons.
She personally led the cavalry a few times, user.

>There's an alternative reality where Jeanne gets a proper Fate adaptation rather than the attrocities that are FGO and Apocrypha
How long until we invent extra-dimensional travel?

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reminder that joan of arc did in fact see combat, but she never actually killed a living soul, she had more of a tactical role
her k:d was 0:1

Attached: joan-of-arc.jpg (1522x2000, 885K)

What have you done to deserve one, user?

Nasu really should've just had Jeanne as the main protagonist of FSN instead of Arthur.

I'm basically like Sieg except without the superpowers.


What heresies has she done, user?

Are you having fun larping on the internet?

Sure, contemporary grail quest without a single member of the Round Table. Why not?

The general belief among the uneducated like in this thread is that Jeanne was a fighter and commander, when she was neither. She probably never did even a single real commanding or combat action. She was just a cheerleader. A miniskirt and pom poms would have served her better than the armor she gets depicted with, because outside one unlucky arrow she certainly never dirtied it. Even other less noteworthy commanders in the war did more than her in all truth. She's carried by myth and a modern slathering of "MUH STRONK WHYMENZ!!!," nothing more.

>contemporary grail quest without a single member of the Round Table
Not like any of those fuckers ever found the damn thing anyway, eh?

I liked Jannu's rallying speach in Solomon but it is a shame most of her character is just wanting dragon dick. I remember an user saying how Martha seems more like real life Jeanne than how she's portrayed in Fate.

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I wonder how high that kill count would be if it included the people that died under her command

The cutest thing about the historical Joan of Arc is that (being an illiterate farmgirl) she dictated all of her incredibly earnest letters, then proceeded to sign them JEHANNE with big, shaky letters like a little kid.

Imagine being a serious military commander and getting spammed by shit like:

>Prince of Burgundy, I pray of you - I beg and humbly supplicate - that you make no more war with the holy kingdom of France. Withdraw your people swiftly from certain places and fortresses of this holy kingdom, and on behalf of the gentle king of France I say he is ready to make peace with you, by his honour.

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normally I'd agree, but it seems at some point she got rejected

seig might have never gotten a penis

Because allied forces fought bravely to stop facism in the second world war.

Not the same guy but what i remembered.

>Claiming to talk to god and saying its truth.
>Wearing armor and men's clothing.

All punishable by death in those times.

TOTSUGEKI is a tried and true method of getting lots of your own men and the enemies killed in quick succession.

>knows nothing about Jeanne other than she's a woman in command
>calls others uneducated
You can fuck right off, user.

The fact she survived both of those as the only women on a field of male combatants is all the proof you need of those being mere tall tales meant to boost morale. That the "girl chosen by god" was on their side.

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>An alternative reality where Fate/Prototype goes through and we get male Arthur
>In that same reality Fate/Stay Night features Jeannie instead of Seiba
>Apocrypha never happens

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He's in good company. Unless Yea Forums is secretly Catholic, we're all just pretending that she didn't lie or have a mental illness.

My local MP hasn't responded to my emails about declaring a holy war against the French so that they denounce Joan of Arc on grounds of witchcraft and heresy if that's what you're asking.

>Continues to sends 200 cannons to the siege of Paris
Begone THOT

Attached: John_duke_of_burgundy.jpg (220x242, 11K)

>calm down bigot, we only want to take down the bigoted Confederate General statues, I mean they lost so get over it

>everything she claimed God told her was true
>wearing armor was acceptable in war
So still nothing?
>only proof is claiming evidence against him is wrong
Very good argument, user

>ctrl+f "cheerleader"
>4 hits
Like clockwork

Attached: jeanne d'arc.png (680x1089, 429K)

>still believes ancient propaganda because it's politically correct to do so today
Don't project too hard there, senpai.

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I wonder why a city founded by the French, named with the same name than the city that got besieged by the English during the Hundred Years War and saved by an army led by Joan of Arc and her Merry Men have a statue of Joan of Arc .

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>female Shirou
Would we still have gotten shit like UBW or HF with female Shirou being a complete badass and (totally not having hot yuri selfcest with her delicious brown older self) getting jackhammered by King Arthur, Lancer, Gilgamesh, etc.?

Speak for yourself, I honestly believe she was chosen by God.

Not him but what would your retort to somebody saying-
>The fact she survived both of those is proof she was indeed a real warrior. Its not like like a person could just be in the middle of the of battle, survive and not be a warrior.

They turned Nero and King Arthur into girls, so shouldn't Joan of Arc be a dude?

People have been burned for lesser crimes.

Like playing a doll theater in the market square.

I'm sorry but your gender studies course isn't an actual education, nor a proper history class.

>still calls it propaganda despite both sides of the war verifying it
C'mon, user. This isn't even a WOMYN STRONK, thing. Jeanne was unique among woman.

No. M->F genderswapping is good.

Gender Studies would hate Jeanne for being extremely traditional.

Crossdressing was absolutely not punishable by death and even if it was the law and church made exceptions for exactly her case - doing it to either preserve your chastity or to protect yourself from violence.

It's why everyone lost their shit when the sham trial had her burned for it after failing to build a case for heresy. Even then, people saw it as needlessly harsh and a major ethical issue (even many who didn't believe she had divine visions)

She was a woman, so the only way to survive a battle as the only woman present is to not be present on the actual battlefield. In a real fight, she would get decimated.

That someone deludes themselves into thinking she could actually survive combat is their damage to fix.

No females couldn't wear mens clothing included armor fighting was for men.

This was a very old law and i think was even enforced till the 18th century.
That it was punishable by death.

Dudes dont make the target audience shell out massive amounts of money on your gatcha garbage.

Breeding material

Attached: 1538199173791.jpg (1240x1789, 1.16M)

>implying liberal progressivism isn't built from the ground up on double standards and hypocrisy

Attached: 17424705_1381132871909095_4261712034998900212_n.jpg (960x504, 50K)

>Pierre Cauchon
fucking traitor

>in an age when it was common to slaughter prisoners

Christ, user, it's not like she personally took on the entire English army. She was a brilliant and aggressive tactician who fought on the frontlines to support her men. You're talking like a woman being on the battlefield automatically marks her for death. I am assuming you aren't just baiting.
I don't even know what you're saying. You know that she's been a respected figure for almost 600 years, right?

If you eren't a knight from a good family of worth or some rich guy worth capturing you where ded son.

Why do you think these Heraldry symbols where so important?

Non combatants does not receive an arrow to the shoulder during a siege.

Attached: 1531066204244.png (1000x1414, 866K)


wrong reply

Why wouldn't the English support the myth that she was a super hero?
Otherwise they would had been beaten by some dirty french rubble.

"We couldn't win against someone send by God" sound better, doesn't it?

PoW peasant soldiers could and were still ransomed
Not as much as a son of prestige, but you could still get some pocket money if you ransomed them off collectively.

Okay I was the guy two posts back, now THAT is being dishonest. No tactician leads a charge personally, she wasn't a fucking anime character. If she saw any upclose action it would have to be from a rare break in defense; probably on a marco level rather then in a single battle as well.

That was important before the capture, not after. Prisoners weren't killed when they were captured because then the enemy would do the same and few unprofessional soldiers would want to fight if they weren't guaranteed safety upon surrendering. This has been fairly consistent protocol in human conflicts between similar cultures for all of recorded history.

They tried to denounce her as a heretic during the war, user. Most of the accounts related to her were during the 100 year war, before the English lost

>she wasn't a fucking anime character
>prompted pivotal change in a stagnant war
>died at a really early age, tragically
99% sure she's the Lelouch of reality, but with big tits and her anime isn't shit.

cuz a cute?

If you where a poor peasant you where at the mercy of the knights or general.

There where lot situations peasants had to fight to the last man cause you rather died fighting than getting hanged or executed by a quick jab in your neck.

Europe was a brutal place.

>she wasn't a fucking anime character
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. She made plans and then was on the frontlines to make sure that her men followed them correctly. She was absolutely furious when her squire didn't wake her up for a battle because she couldn't be there to make sure it went smoothly. She was much unlike most generals.

>She was a brilliant and aggressive tactician who fought on the frontlines to support her men.
She was neither. History proves women lack the ability to think tactically and women being unable to fight against men is scientific fact. Women in war without propaganda supporting them are abject failures.

>I don't even know what you're saying. You know that she's been a respected figure for almost 600 years, right?
Lots of people who never earned respect got it anyway through blind sheep believing everything that's said about them.

Attached: 1480745270829.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

Europe wasn't as grimdark as you think it was user

>b-but muh women
Jeanne was an exception, user. This is like claiming Jack Churchill didn't exist because no one would fight a modern-ish war with an actual claymore and crossbow without getting killed.
You are baiting, right?

Reminder that Jeanne would give dying soldiers lap pillows and listen to them confess their sins before they died

Attached: Let's hold hands.png (800x900, 558K)

Heretic or not, doesn't matter. Both sides made her into a super woman, for different reasons.

Making your enemy stronger than he is, is an old propaganda trick, julius caesar also did it.

Why would you tell your own religious soldiers that they're fighting someone literally sent by God?
Why would you go through a lengthy kangaroo court trial just to call her a heretic?

>no jannu oneechan to have not-incestuous relations with

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_npcpepper__ded4dcf174fa44ef390f15c (842x1177, 167K)

>gives lap pillows
>wants to be a mother
>always there to help you
Was Jeanne the most oneechan-like girl in history?

Because Nasu is a fucking hack
>being a Fatecuck

I sure did user the most based man to talk to god.

Attached: Saint Terry Davis.jpg (225x225, 11K)

You complaim about some french whore who was not good enough to be a housewife being portrayed as an actually attractive girl, while they fucking genderbendered King Arthur?!
OP is a faggot, and so is all Fate fans.
Is a franchise for perverted faggots who appreciate traps and futanaris.

The thing that most bothers me is why they seem to be unable to appreciate male heroes.

Attached: Core-Classics-King-Arthur-Cover.jpg (674x446, 119K)

GBF Jeanne is a good girl

Attached: GBF Jeanne.png (960x800, 167K)

>Will die a childless cat lady.

Attached: 1551473953160.png (500x338, 44K)

They just tried to disprove that she was send by god. They had no problems with the lies that she was a super commander and soldier.

Because this lies were also in the english interest.

I have no car pics, sorry

Attached: wjQQaUc.jpg (502x600, 280K)

Asian culture is pretty feminine.
Thats why.

You're no better

>letting your oneechan become a childless cat lady

>to be unable to appreciate male heroes.
They do that just fine. The regular ratio between heroes that keep their sex and not is still in their favor.
The coolest servants are usually old guys

Attached: 1547359055209.jpg (720x480, 52K)

Bladestorm Jeanne is a good girl

Attached: Bladestorm Jeanne.png (452x641, 166K)

>Koei Tecmo
You're no better

Attached: Jeanne punch out.gif (480x420, 91K)

Your only evidence is that they could be lying, user.
There were still the firsthand records talking about her making strategies or supporting her army. Most of this seems to stem from you assuming Jeanne is like a normal woman.

PSP Jeanne is a good girl

Attached: Gem of Argent.jpg (640x823, 70K)

She died before she could achieve that anyway

Attached: Footwork Jeanne.gif (489x420, 219K)

The real question is "Why not?"

I think it became pretty feminine. If you look at old anime/manga, most is actually pretty manly.
What killed the good otaku culture was MOE.

>The thing that most bothers me is why they seem to be unable to appreciate male heroes.
>While best heroes are consistently male
Have a (you)

Attached: Lancer.jpg (1965x1102, 93K)

What if everything was just a fable?

She was just a women at the right time.

And the English just got rid of her cause of the humiliating victories.

Muh 3 billion

I cant beleive Matilda of Tuscany was a fucking heretic

Attached: Tomb_of_Countess_Matilda_of_Tuscany_by_Gian_Lorenzo_Bernini.jpg (220x299, 29K)

She wanted to stay a holy virgin.
So you can guess if she survived that war.
She would probably be a nun.

>Joan of Arc was not stuck at the cross-roads, either by rejecting all the paths like Tolstoy, or by accepting them all like Nietzsche. She chose a path, and went down it like a thunderbolt. Yet Joan, when I came to think of her, had in her all that was true either in Tolstoy or Nietzsche, all that was even tolerable in either of them. I thought of all that is noble in Tolstoy, the pleasure in plain things, especially in plain pity, the actualities of the earth, the reverence for the poor, the dignity of the bowed back. Joan of Arc had all that and with this great addition, that she endured poverty as well as admiring it; whereas Tolstoy is only a typical aristocrat trying to find out its secret. And then I thought of all that was brave and proud and pathetic in poor Nietzsche, and his mutiny against the emptiness and timidity of our time. I thought of his cry for the ecstatic equilibrium of danger, his hunger for the rush of great horses, his cry to arms. Well, Joan of Arc had all that, and again with this difference, that she did not praise fighting, but fought. We know that she was not afraid of an army, while Nietzsche, for all we know, was afraid of a cow. Tolstoy only praised the peasant; she was the peasant. Nietzsche only praised the warrior; she was the warrior. She beat them both at their own antagonistic ideals; she was more gentle than the one, more violent than the other. Yet she was a perfectly practical person who did something, while they are wild speculators who do nothing. It was impossible that the thought should not cross my mind that she and her faith had perhaps some secret of moral unity and utility that has been lost. And with that thought came a larger one, and the colossal figure of her Master had also crossed the theatre of my thoughts.

Attached: The most beautiful.jpg (538x742, 86K)

>moe didn't exist in old anime
i shiggy your diggy mate

Here you go.

Not really. Though she was exceedingly pious, Jeanne did not view herself as holy. Besides saving her country, her biggest desire was to be like her mother. That is, to settle down somewhere nice and raise a happy family. It's very likely she would have taught herself how to read and write, though.

Hitler killed many whites but people still believed he's the savior of white people

I want to find out for myself

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_harimoji__b1332567805e7ce034870dac (1000x1414, 1.39M)

Napoleon was Hitler of its time and look at him now.

>Napoleon was Hitler of its time
Shut up Lindybeige.

I wonder what kind of swimsuit Jeanne would wear if she were still alive today

Attached: Lifeguard butt.jpg (1254x1771, 379K)

i always found it pretty funny how literally the only crime they could charge her with was cross-dressing, which she only did to prevent being raped by her guards
based as fuck Virgin of Orleans is confirmed to have died a virgin too, she's the perfect wife

Attached: 1533638666431.jpg (492x492, 36K)

i think jalter is just better than regular je-
>one piece
b-bros, i...

american education everyone

A one-piece is still as conservative as you get.
But I think the way it accentuates the curves is more lewd than a bikini

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_miko_92__caf3a4e74d5e35eec (744x1052, 648K)

>Hitler killed many whites but people still believed he's the savior of white people

only by mentally unstable "people"

>and look at him now.
they made him a beefcake

Attached: Napoleon.jpg (189x267, 11K)

>Pressing Enter

Attached: 1552029790470.png (594x530, 144K)

Horta has a fantastic bikini too to be fair.
The single legging really adds to it
That Napoleon is the one who fits the idea of Napoleon being the man who makes the impossible possible. Imagine if Hitler was just embodied with absolute nationalism

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_john43112__07893d1015563d3 (1865x3187, 2.38M)

>Does not comprehend the fact that we were colonies and shit before we became a country
Nigga I'm a dumb country hick and somehow you're more retarded than me.

>tries to cover herself up
>ends up even more alluring
Sounds about right

Attached: Zipper pop.webm (714x1000, 408K)

You do know almost half or Europe wanted to invade France after hes son came to power in the 19th century.

Thats how well liked he was.

Yea he was that popular.

>Imagine if Hitler was just embodied with absolute nationalism

he would still be an irredeemable monster, /pol/

So what would Susan B Anthony's or Harriet Tubman's noble phantasm be?

Actually met some Americans in New Jersey that still could speak old dutch from colonial times.

Attached: fug.jpg (267x200, 6K)

I'm not saying anything, I'm just explaining how Napoleon ended up looking like that. I'm curious to entertain the idea that Hitler mike look like some Adonis

Attached: Cleaning.png (600x644, 136K)

i need a religious, smol tomboy in my life

>this thread is reminding me of my love for Jeanne
>remember that I don't own a single Jeanne on my account, not even lily or summer alter because of laziness
>now i want to at the very least get normal jeanne and her summer version
she'll forgive me if I just eventually get her normal version and grail it right? she'll still love me right?

Attached: 1532659044071.png (218x230, 48K)

Here's your french maid Yea Forums

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I don't even play Fate, lmao

Attached: 2pure.jpg (849x1200, 137K)

Except he still exists and isn't he stronger and has more feats than Arturia?

Attached: 1536906810772.jpg (676x1000, 142K)

>Jannu was my first SSR who carried through me the first 5 months with piss poor damage until Shishou showed up to deliver some sweet damage
>Get Horta soon after
Summer 3 is going to kill me because I want both BB and Jannu. Fucking Skadi is before them and before that is Sigurd

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_akita_hika__48caafcbd (1224x1824, 1.18M)

Why isn't it allowed?

New Orleans and Lousiana used to be a French colony so they like to larp as Frenchmen.

>tfw this is just a screenshot of an image
>tfw the actual image is 50Mb


America nearly bankrupted itself buying the land because it wanted to support Bonaparte who also had just remade all the black men there slaves again.


Attached: Joan.png (1297x771, 788K)

>Proto Merlin
Don't do this to me, damn it.
God bless yang-do and orangemaru

To be fair at the time France wasn't really France and England wasn't really England.

It's best to think of the medieval period as a collection of local warlords who would pledge allegiance to another warlord depending on if it was beneficial for them.

Pic very much related.

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Astolfo is a shit

How can you be a traitor to something that doesn't exist? If Richard and John hadn't collectively fucked over the Angevin Empire, "France" would effectively be the Île-de-France and little else.

Sometimes I just want to lay on her lap and forget about my troubles.

Attached: Smiling Jeanne.jpg (482x1379, 180K)

This is the greatest post I've seen on Yea Forums for literally years. Good on you.

>Napoleon's son
>Coming to power in France
Unless you mean Napoleon III?


The armor would hurt your head if you lay on her lap, no?

>all these people claiming anything but the original as the best
It should be illegal to have tastes that shit.

I'm gonna do to ya

Attached: 1541997653418.png (720x1070, 868K)

Rosa Parks: Unlimited back of the bus works

Anglos still salty I see

Attached: 8c3.jpg (496x496, 134K)

Is there any more artwork of proto/fem merlin?

They do, fujos are crazy.

That Jeanne thing isn't a biopic, it's a play.

No, but heres Merlin crossdressing and putting a concert on for Romani

Attached: 1514597248803.png (2048x1152, 2.75M)

Don't think so
IRL Jeanne is so perfect that it's actually rather amusing

Attached: Calvary.jpg (2212x1203, 571K)

Really, why does the hero of Orleans have a statue in New Orleans?
Does this need to be explained?

>described as being busty, with sexy toned legs and tanned skin
>and yet so pure and innocent no man around her dared to have lewd thoughts
She was the ultimate waifu and we burnt her to death.

Not much

Attached: 1540262972758.jpg (871x900, 699K)

He'll come in the same update that delivers the Green Knight.

Attached: WhatNowNoob.jpg (567x720, 103K)

I once had a swimming coach that wore a worn out white bathing suit. You could clearly see her nipples. We could not contain are boners in our speedos.

She was also extremely kind and humble, but was capable of biting banter when confronted. Pretty much perfect on all fronts

Everything around Jeanne was testified by the French, the English and thirds parties who had nothing to do with the war. Jeanne is a unique occurence in the history of humanity.

Why did Solomon turn into an idolfag?

He's baiting, user. Even /pol/fags acknowledge how great she was


>She wanted to stay a holy virgin.
No, she wanted to go back to her village once the war ended, marry and settle down.

>best at anything

i want to see the knight of shitposting gawain get outshitposted to death by the green knight in fgo

>ywn marry Jeanne and raise a family with her
>ywn help her learn how to read and write
>ywn rest on her lap and watch the sunset with her

I don't know, they must be pretty good at killing each other

Cause he spent his entire life serving God. Meanwhile both David and God gave him 400 3DPD wives because reasons.
So after being reincarnated he follows the blog of an idol and hangs around DaVinci, who has a penis. Basically a Yea Forums user

>French character
>Blonde, blue eyed


>have to go to war and have your soldiers kill loads of people
>just because you want to have a family and live in peace
Brtitbongs fucked up.

Because Japan wills it. Where have you been the past decade or more you fucking moron?

>DaVinci, who has a penis
a pox upon your fake news, gudao. run along to your gay date with astolfo.

Attached: Handholding.png (840x980, 571K)

This is how japan works, any one north of Italy is blonde and blue eyed.

Attached: 63731816_p0_master1200.jpg (600x430, 226K)

>Magi*Mari is just crossdressing Merlin
I can believe it.

Attached: 1551946358601.jpg (500x522, 36K)

I've met far more blonde french girls than any other european nationality except danish

Read a book on the Hundred Years War, please.

mah AoE nigga

>you will never EVER roll a Jannu in FGO

Attached: screams in mazinger.png (1152x865, 448K)

Who is your favorite Jeanne besides the real one?

Attached: Onwards to victory!.jpg (846x582, 239K)

i got jalter on a ticket

so is it okay or not?

It hurts being a jannulet. I guess I can just wait a year for welfare summer alter.

Attached: 1551987272722.jpg (153x196, 39K)

Is this some alternate world were Joan of Arc isn't one of the most recognized and revered catholic saints? I'm actually surprised there isn't more statues of her around.

I got Jannu on complete accident

I've only met one white french, the rest were black. But this isn't about modern France.

America isn't Catholic, and many people unfortunately do not know about her. If they do, their knowledge is typically limited to her being a female commander and getting executed on the stake.

>unless Yea Forums is secretly Catholic
Shit, I've been found out!

she also had no titties, making her worst girl ever until Jappos put massive ones on her
>and on King Arthur as well

>literally best girl (or close to it) gets a really shitty end
As silly as it is it always makes me happy that you're able to do things with her, show her the world, actually defend humanity (she's pretty good at fighting herself now), even if it's in a chinese jpg gambling game.

Attached: fgo_turas_realta_c15_302.jpg (1115x1600, 712K)

>had no titties
Did you not read
>had large breasts

Was that game any good? I remember playing some of it on my psp a while back but I don't remember finishing it.

It's okay since I only really like Alter and Lancer Arturias

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Throughout the world she's known more like a myth than an actual historical figure, even though she was a real person, not unlike Erzsébet Báthory.
Besides, outside of France there's no reason to have a statue of her since her sanctification directly relates to their wars and not to the expansion of catholic culture and values, or working miracles.

I enjoyed it a lot, though it deviates from the actual history a lot past a certain point

White people are better at that too though. We invented the atomic bomb, nigga.

>Besides, outside of France there's no reason to have a statue of her since her sanctification directly relates to their wars and not to the expansion of catholic culture and values, or working miracles.
She's proof that God is a waifufag and that anime is real.

I remember talking to people who thought both King Arthur and Jeanne were real people, or the reverse where both were fictional.

It's theater, who cares?

Also that God has supreme taste in girls
She was extremely virtuous. Even Mark Twain, a perpetual pessimist who was a militant atheist, called her the best girl to ever live and the perfect representation of whom everyone should be.

>cute fit brown haired tomboy with a bit of a tan due to working on a farm
Nips have such shit taste to ignore this

Attached: at last i truly see.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

>big tits

was it the part where the english have goblins and shit in their army :^)

Anyone here seen The Passion of Joan of Arc?


Reminder that Jeanne's squire did NOT look at her large, holy breasts and did NOT think lewdly about them
>Captcha: Jo Ann

Attached: Large chest.jpg (850x1110, 152K)

We will never get a redesign anyway

>tfw no cute, inspiring large chested, quit witted warrior gf that's been literally handpicked by god to eradicate the br*tish

Attached: katto nazi.png (474x433, 163K)

I bought it recently, but I haven't had the chance to see it

>I was bullied in school the fetish

I don't get the problem. Are people not allowed to use their imaginations to create or something?

Watch it as soon as possible. The lead gives a beautiful performance that I've never seen topped in my life.

that's femdom though

Attached: fappermath.gif (415x232, 2.88M)

>brits killed god's waifu
How fucked are they?

So why can't a man just "play the role" of Joan of Arc? You know that men were casted as women in theater for centuries, right?

Please don't rope the rest of us in Britain with their bullshit

>black hair
>full plate armor
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

I've heard it was amazing, and I've been meaning to watch it with a friend of mine for a while.
>Save a life
>Bin that knife

Alright, the engl*sh.

god I hope everyone with even a drop of engl*sh blood goes straight to the lowest layer of hell

we're going to get away wth it

I frequently dream about holding Jeanne's hand

Attached: Take my hand.jpg (850x1206, 280K)

>The Eternal Anglo made God leave this gay earth to it's own devices after the death of his waifu

Attached: 1551550979481.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

They're getting raped by brown people now.

the saint

Attached: 1453560890829.jpg (800x1291, 301K)

I feel bad that this turns me on.

Attached: An abstract kind of feel 2.gif (362x466, 849K)

Japan's insistence on making everyone and everything a "cute anime girl" has to be some of the gayest shit ever.

>implying Jeanne wasn't the original cute anime girl

Perfidious Albion strikes again. God created a special tenth circle of Hell beneath the frozen lakes of Cocytus for the Brits.

Actually it's one of the best things ever

Attached: file.png (1680x1050, 2.49M)

>Holding hands
You sick fuck

>cute girls are gay
Imagine being this much of a faggot. Laugh at this ultrafaggot. Point at this super mega ultrafaggot and laugh.

Attached: 1352457541758.gif (280x201, 995K)

I wanted to say that you won't, but history has taught me otherwise.

Jannu was always cute and a girl

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_ulrich_tagaragakuin__6e007 (1453x2100, 2.51M)

To be fair, it was a commonly circulated rumor among the French that Joan had some pretty big titties.

Attached: Jeanne with no cum.jpg (1448x2048, 202K)

Reminder that Jeanne was sent to Earth to test if humanity was ready for an age of cute anime girls being real
Reminder that we failed the test by killing her

Attached: Summer GBF Jeanne.png (960x800, 101K)

>part of Jeanne's whole persona is that she has the appearance of a plain farm girl
>Japs make her a blonde and curvy goddess
based retards

stop reminding me of this god-tier doujin

Her squire and commander both agreed on it and left written records. Big tiddies need to be remembered.

King Arthur was real though, we just don't know shit about him for sure.

Jeanne's appearance takes after the girl she possessed, which just happened to be a very busty school girl

>alright, let's try this again, here I'll send you another one, this time it's a pretty girl
>burn her
Yeah, I'd give up humanity too.

I don't actually know what doujin you're talking about.

Attached: jeanne with little cum.jpg (866x1200, 598K)

Big Jeanne tiddies

Attached: Bikini body 02.jpg (1438x1980, 1.27M)

>heroic young teenage girl rises from the commonfolk to lead them to victory
>"Hear that Francois? The girl chosen by god has BIG OL' MILKERS. We HAVE to enlist."

A plain, pretty farm girl with BIG FRENCH TITTIES and probably a plump butt.


>weeb calling someone a faggot

Attached: laughingwhores.gif (400x225, 1.77M)


Why haven't you replied to these?
What's wrong? You were being pretty condescending earlier, but now you've backed off like the pathetic little bitch you really are.

Part of her persona was being extremely attractive, but still extremely pure. Her face may have been on the plain side, but she always had a really great body

She looked like a man that's how she passed

Forgive me lord as I'm about to sin

Attached: 1549075501511.png (410x402, 128K)

Don't forget really fucking nice legs

Nothing like a good facial to make me wish I was giving a blowjob right now.

Attached: file.png (343x389, 129K)

AND she was a reverse trap? Jeanne truly was perfect.

imagine jannu giving you a hug in public and having her huge, fertile chest pressing against your chest

She wasn't Mulan, user. She was very obviously a girl, and her femininity was one part of her allure.

Attached: jeanne with cum.jpg (866x1200, 625K)

No she was a man look it up faggot

Imagine feeling the urge to fuck her right there, but then she looks at you with her big innocent eyes and all that is left in you is the desire to pat her head and follow her to war.

>this doujin
holy fucking christ
>jannu will never kneel in front of you showing huge amounts of cleavage while you jack off right on her face

Attached: boner4.jpg (918x749, 43K)

She can wait til after we get inside

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Ok. What is this Pasta from?

imagine following jannu want watching her childbearing hips sway from side to side and having to battle your most base, lustful instincts

Men don't get tried as witches, checkmate

Attached: dick remvoed to not trigger jannies.png (722x528, 343K)

Please, anons, I don't want to masturbate to Jeanne

Attached: jeanne with more cum.jpg (866x1200, 637K)

Attached: Angry tank top Jeanne.jpg (848x1200, 127K)

you'd defile saint jannu with your semen?
you'd reduce her to a simple sex toy made to satisfy your lowermost urges by taking her in a mating press position and impregnating her?

what a sick, sick man

do one with cum just on her cleavage

Attached: 1510509162333.gif (549x598, 1.56M)

Imagine finally marrying her and having her lie in bed, asking you to give her a family

Attached: Hot day.jpg (1075x1518, 679K)

Casual reminder that little Joan used to play in a tree of fairies with all the other kids. They used to dance and sing with the creatures, it brought them joy.

Then one day, the local priest drove them away. Fairies are demonic and evil, after all.
Joanie approached the priest, in tears, asking him why could he do such a thing to simple harmless creatures.
They had a heated debate about the nature of evil and purity. After all, if the fairies are the creation of God and just following their own nature, can you really call them evil and demonic?
The little girl had to go home and cry, but she made the priest genuinely regret his decision.
She always had a righteous sense of justice, she always wanted to protect, in a way.

Attached: TREES_19[1].jpg (722x1024, 183K)



No, user. I just want to marry her and make her happy. Masturbating to her does feel great at first, for she is extremely hot, but there is this lingering guilt afterwards

I didn't make the images and the clean one is a different resolution than any of the others so I can't do it easily.

Did someone say jannu? jannu.corgiorgy.com

Attached: 1503981182149.gif (500x545, 285K)

Attached: Jannu 935.png (857x1200, 565K)

we need to stop waifufagging and fantasizing and get to the real business: we must destroy l'éternel rosbif

Attached: 1499592342476.gif (549x598, 259K)

What if making her happy entails having the kinkiest (but still vanilla and loving) sex with Jannu?
And yes user we all want that but Jannu is beyond our reach, we can only dream

What a fat ass.

Attached: 3264839578.jpg (1003x1417, 757K)

>almost all my fetishes in one image


Attached: GO DENMARK.gif (507x596, 227K)

Attached: Dxzy4R-UYAIdaqY.jpg (1600x1200, 143K)

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_shiron_30750038__1fbf96017 (848x1200, 162K)

Attached: Lounging.png (1693x1557, 3.52M)

So is france

Because Allies and France won in WW2

Attached: 1547961623927.png (647x750, 799K)

shit nigga, no, my dick

Don't worry, it's not the superior joan

Modern France is nothing like Jeanne's France

this image is just too much dude
just too much

Attached: sweat2.jpg (125x125, 4K)

something something pay me UNLIMITED REPARATIONS

>ywn lay on your wife Jeanne's lap and have her breasts envelop your vision

Attached: GodIwishthatwasme.jpg (1449x2048, 378K)

This is a French thread now. Vive La France

Attached: 1544837325960.gif (530x559, 237K)

List them user.

Attached: 1463187230427.png (600x740, 434K)

Would Jeanne wear thongs?

Attached: file.png (1920x968, 777K)

>i will never rest my head on jeanne's zettai ryouiki
fucking kill me gents

Go away butt pally

I'm usually all for saitom girls but Brad doesn't do it for me

Going by history, not fucked at all

only if her husband (me) asked her to, in a private environment, to make her husband (me) happy

>Office lady
>breasts visible from the behind
>nice ass
>thigh highs
>that thing where the breast part of a shirt is white while the rest of the clothing is in darker colors
>yellow eyes
>cold, indifferent stare
>nice legs

Attached: jesue.jpg (600x603, 50K)

Attached: PENETRATION.webm (856x480, 550K)

Probably not

imagine alter jannu looking at you with cold, indifferent eyes and make a disgusted expression when you beg her to let you jack off in front of her and ejaculate in her still-clothed cleavage, making you feel like actual human trash

>tfw frenchstick got nerfed so much it's not fun to play anymore

Attached: je suis monte.jpg (900x598, 93K)

Jeanne is a very attractive girl

Attached: Bath.jpg (1200x675, 134K)

will a girl as perfect as jeanne ever exist again?

Unlikely. There's a reason why people say she was literally sent by God

Attached: Smiling prayer.jpg (561x596, 162K)

that ass is beautiful, literally crying rn

>love jannu
>but i'm a fedora wearer
I've never felt so conflicted in my life

>come back to Yea Forums after 6 hours
>my shitty thread reaches over 500 posts

in roughly 800 years yeah
might be a guy though

I like this thread

Attached: 1551746498468.jpg (2560x3631, 1.26M)

The girl she possessed did.

Attached: 7ec3476f5e6e4273194d3269238b18.jpg (2479x3511, 1.39M)

I wish I wasn't thinking such sinful things,
But is it sinful to want to marry Jeanne? The act of masturbation is a sin of lust, I believe.

Attached: Sinful ideas.jpg (1000x1391, 323K)

But it's not fair of him to send us such a perfect being, letting us know of her, and never sending another one again
You can't let someone know about perfection and then taking it away

Way too big. Its like a foot out from her legs.

Jeanne is the best

Attached: Best girl.jpg (1920x1080, 3.26M)

Well you can always be forgiven afterwards, and since Jeanne is a saint she can forgive you herself!
After you give her a thick, fat facial!

Will she forgive me for burning her

engl*shmen die

Attached: Popsicle.jpg (850x1203, 220K)

A perfect woman, nobly plann'd, to warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet a spirit still, and bright with something of an angel light.

Attached: Cool Jeanne.png (215x279, 100K)

maybe, some of you are okay

Attached: 3de62b407f572ba5a2236e428e20b9ba.jpg (1300x1210, 1.01M)

I sincerely love Jeanne

Attached: Do it for her.png (1400x1000, 1.41M)

A perfect slut

Attached: 1551963648318.png (868x1228, 1.14M)

why does she need glasses if she's a saint

Is this a magic eye?

To look cool

Attached: Adorable school girl Jeanne.jpg (850x1329, 173K)

Attached: Shades are 2 cool for school.jpg (800x600, 320K)

I want to spank Jeanne
I don't know why, I feel bad and dirty but I just want to bend her over my lap and spank her and call her a bad girl