>We now have people unironically posting about Halo on Yea Forums
I thought Narutoposting on Yea Forums was a shock, but this is just making me feel old and depressed.
>We now have people unironically posting about Halo on Yea Forums
I thought Narutoposting on Yea Forums was a shock, but this is just making me feel old and depressed.
You are old and depressed
Halo CE is old enough to vote
>grr why do people like thing
The first Halo was always a good game. Fact.
Good. Fuck you pcfaggot
Literally underage
What's wrong with Halo?
The very act of posting about Halo, let alone posting positively about Halo on Yea Forums was enough to get your thread spammed into oblivion or just straight up mod-deleted.
I'd like to believe that the people who're posting about it now are people who were with us in those days and are now celebrating the freedoms we've given them. But I think we all know the truth.
Old man, stick with doom
>people are talking about video games on Yea Forums - Political Bait Threads and Blatant Viral Marketing
They need to be fucking stopped.
user... halo is pretty old... wake up... it isn't 2010 anymore... please...
The majority of people that posted on Yea Forums from 2006-2012 are all gone. The only people remaining from that time are those hanging on out of habit/sentiment, and those that subscribe to the current tastes and culture of the new majority demographic.
tl;dr just roll over and die old man
>What's wrong with the progenitor of Dudebro shooters that popularised or began everything that killed FPS's
>The game that brought the literal worst audiences possible to gaming and was a huge step towards the normie-isation it is now
He asks this as he frogposts.
My first game was Halo 3 and it was one of my favorite games on Xbox 360.
See: Imagine in a few years we're gonna have people waxing nostalgic about Anthem.
What's the matter? Everyone should be allowed to play video games. Even dude bros :o)
Absolutely this. Halo 1 and Halo 2 were kino and any childhood without them is as empty as a childhood without christmas
How long has it been since you've been here old man? Halo threads have been a thing on here since 2011 when it wasnt the standard brogame anymore.
Anthem is a good game. A flawed game. But a good one
And in the years after that, people will talk about some other shooter.
Times change friend, just be glad the thread is on topic and contained where you don't have to see it.
>Halo threads have been a thing on here since 2011 when it wasnt the standard brogame anymore.
Lies. Halo threads were laughed off Yea Forums until recently.
Yea Forums used to have at least some level of taste.
The moment people started using the word normie instead of normalfag I knew this board was gone for good. Just browse for the porn threads, Yea Forums is no different from any other website right now.
But Halo is a good game
>ITT: Grr why do people have nostalgia about 10+ year old games!
that's 1/8th your life, user. chances are, you're old enough that you've already spent over a quarter of your life already. Let them be nostalgic, everyone is at some point.
the game's almost 20 fucking years old my dude
I personally blame Microsoft/the Xbox as the root of most of the problems of the last few generations but there were and are way fucking worse games out there than Halo
no they fucking won't
I don't think its the game specifically he is worrying about, its the fact that he is no longer among like minded people. Its also no joke that normalfags aren't tolerant of the weirder and "cringe" tastes of old Yea Forums, so that makes it even more depressing when they are now the majority.
Yeah, and it’s been 10 years since then
Grow up you pathetic faggot
Yes they will, zoomer are nostalgic for fucking minecraft
>Let people be nostalgic about their shitty dudebro shooters that ruined the genre
>It's fine that board culture doesn't exist anymore
You'll notice this thread is being spammed with frogs.
I already wax nostalgically for Minecraft
They're the only reaction images I have
>unironically listening to le counter culture crowd
these niggers will jump ship instantly to the next thing to hate blindly
remember pubg? no one cares anymore, fortnite's the new evil. Fortnite who, don't you mean Apex?
Anthem is a miserably generic and barely functional shitpile
Minecraft was a great game for years and it's still miles better than Anthem. Beyond quality it's had presence not only across all platforms but in mainstream pop culture for almost a decade, while Anthem will be immediately replaced and forgotten by the next functional game that competes with it, same as Destiny.
this is sad but inevitable.
OP, children are born every moment. of course they'll feel nostalgic to what they grew up with even if it absolute trash.
there'll be faggots who will unironically miss playing Fortnite.
still, Halo is an alright game but since me and you grew up with older games that obviously revolutionized the video game industry it's just an alright game, nothing more.
gen z lives in times where there's no sharp progress while gen x and gen y grew up while the world was advancing rapidly.
let them shitpost. you already know you're better than them.
It's been 18 years. Fucking kill yourself.
what's wrong with naruto
Stop pretending to be an oldfag we've had late night halo threads for years. The only reason you couldn't discuss it normally was dumbfucks like yourself who feel the need to spew unsolicited opinions in threads you have no business in.
Minecraft may be normie garbage, but it also basically invented a whole new genre. Same can't be said about fortnite and pubg that just rode on the already existing battle royal genre
>Lies. Halo threads were laughed off Yea Forums until recently
The fuck do you consider 'recently'
There's nothing 'recent' about Halo threads.
>Minecraft is a better game than Minecraft
Tippity toppity kek
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
What a shock, a success and people follow. Don't blame Halo for other's bad application. Not everyone wanted another boring Arena shooter, as evidenced by today and unfortunately for QC as well.
>>It's fine that board culture doesn't exist anymore
boohoo, not like we can do anything about it at this point. it's out of control.
again, let people be nostalgic, you were at one point, settle down.
Too new to remember the late night Halo threads, eh?
>Lies. Halo threads were laughed off Yea Forums until recently.
no they didn't, the fact you think anything can be laughed off of Yea Forums shows how green you are
straight outta the notepad, huh?
but yeah, I agree that Naruto is casual tier garbage.
eh I like it and you'll have to deal with it
>Let people be nostalgic about their shitty dudebro shooters that ruined the genre
Brainless execs that wanted to copy Halo without any thought put into it ruined the genre. Fuck off already with this retard-tier reasoning.
>board """"culture"""""
Sorry I even replied. End your life.
>being elitist
>about fucking video games
The fact that some people think they're hot shit for like certain games and insulting people who like others never fails to piss me off.
It's a medium to waste time. Nothing productive is accomplished in the time spent playing games, so what does it matter what you play?
it feels good to have artificial superiority
you don't even shoot people in it you just shoot bugs i heard lmao. how is it even counted as a game
>i heard
Early Zoomers have taken over, those "if u remember mw2 ur childhood was awesum" shitposts from 2012 are now real. The 2010s have felt like they went by real fast.
Naruto being allowed on Yea Forums is much, much worse than Halo being allowed on Yea Forums. On Yea Forums there was a natural shift in attitudes, on Yea Forums the mods started to allow it completely against the wishes of the board itself.
What about the third one?
people have been talking about halo on Yea Forums for years now
Naruto and the abundance of shounen shit on Yea Forums shocks me more
it was quicker change too
>growing up with anything 3D
this is still as zoomer as it gets.
is that incorrect? every result from a google search seemed to back it up
>reddit question: will we ever see human enemies in the halo series?
OP is a faggot but a measure of elitism is natural and healthy in any community that wants to maintain any kind of standards and acting like recreation has no inherent value because it's "not productive" makes you sound like a kid who's confused being mature with being miserable.
t. seething moeshitters
Shounen will always be better than your cringe waifushit shows
intelligent aliens yeah, a mix of reptiles and mammals. there's the flood which is just some gay galactic parasite shit
That's because Yea Forums allowing Halo threads was a natural shift that occurred over many years, and was largely a result of DUDE BROWN N BLOOM SHOOTERS HALO 420 BLAZE IT culture dying down, causing the reaction against it to make less sense as time went on. On Yea Forums there was a concerted effort to prevent shounenshit from getting too big, especially directed at Naruto, because most of the board despised that show and they felt like it would be a way to let retards in. Mods literally forced Naruto discussion to be allowed there after moot left and banned anyone that complained.
I will never understand this "dude bro" shitposting.
I was 18/19 and at Uni when Halo CE came out. There was no other game around like it. Everyone who was already in to games played it - it didn't introduce Chads to playing games. It was still the same old core audience of Quake and Doom fans, who just had a console at the time.
i mean you can say they're intelligent but they aren't human shaped are they. they're like bugs and shit. If the halo series does not simulate the act of gun fighting between human beings. it shouldn't be called a shooter
>hurfdurf halo sukcs am I fitting in yet
shounen and waifushit can be good but it mostly isn't
it does, through multiplayer. are giant 8 foot buff dudes in power armor not enough? i don't consider an alligator or a giraffe a bug.
Hating Halo is poser tier shit. Bungie's titles in the series are objectively good games in all regards and are better than Half Life.
that doesn't sound right. They all xboxes? the obviously trailer trash console, when they'd been pc gamers?
it's not about hating the game itself but the retards who feel nostalgic for it.
The dude bro stuff is a reaction to the cynical ripoffs that were pushed hard to try and get Halo's audience, which formed a disgusting chimera when the same people tried to get the Call of Duty audience after CoD4
It's not about anything. It's playground politics bullshit and you need to grow the fuck up.
i really liked the first arc of naruto before the okage died
Jesus christ. Imagine being this pathetic 30+ year old boomer who is still SEETHING about Halo 10 years later.
Times change, move on
Zoomers, don't be like this when your time is up.
>alligator giraffe
what the fuck so it's like some safari bullshit. i can go and shoot fucking animals in real life if i want to i don't buy a fucking game to create that fantasy. yuck
>8 foot buff dudes in power armor
you sound gay but ok, humans in mulitplayer (faceless, dehumanised humans that might as well be robots). Was this game made in response to columbine or something and the furor about 'violent video games'? Was this pussy-ass corporation Microsoft like -we don't want our brand associated with violence so it's all like gotta be bugs and robots.
How cucked would you have to be to play that
>Zoomers, don't be like this when your time is up.
Halo is a good game you contrarian shitbag.
>what the fuck so it's like some safari bullshit.
no, it's to your bad comparsion of comparing bugs to reptiles and mammals, they're fucking huge, not small.
>you sound gay but ok
no projecty please
> Was this game made in response to columbine
dude, it takes place 500 years in the future, what are you on about?
Did op just confirm hes literally 17? We had late night halo threads constantly. It became a meme to have them a night because during the day they were trolled to death. This means op was too underage to stay up past his bed time just a few years ago
I guarantee I will have better things to do then reeeee at people being nostalgic over Fortnite and Overwatch in 10 years
Because I already don't give a shit now
cool website bro
The first halo was an utterly mediocre console shooter, and the first nail in the coffin of the whole genre. While zoomers were playing Halo online and calling other 10 year olds niggers, people with taste were playing Timesplitters, the last decent console FPS franchise.
>takes place in the future
lmao why would the setting be relevant to my question about the cultural environment in which it was developed? A shooter game where the closest thing to shooting people is shooting some suits that supposedly have 'buff dudes' inside them but human skin is strictly never shown in any capacity. It's like, the first thing you learn in film class or whatever about taking the human element of bad guy soldiers away, just show them as a walking uniform so the good guy isn't killing 'people' which would be bad. This game is wholly conceived to be a shooter while desperately avoiding the accusation of being a 'violent video game about killing people that makes teenagers have violent thoughts'. It's *sanitised* and anyone who played it is on board with that
>first nail in the coffin of the whole genre
That would be Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament dropping any sort of decent singleplayer.
>The first halo was an utterly mediocre console shooter
Ahahaha no. Just no dude. Stop trying you're not impressing anyone.
In retrospect, as somone who doesn't even care about naruto, Yea Forums's unwritten ban on it was childish and unnecessary.
>FPS where you shoot humans
Shitty hitscan enemies
>FPS where you shoot aliens
Superior projectile based enemies
Can you make a coherent argument for why people who grew up with Halo shouldn't feel nostalgia over it?
Nah, back at the height of the show people that liked it tended to be the types that would actually be from sites like Gaia and would type like absolute morons. The show's pretty contained on Yea Forums now that it is allowed, and although those threads are hot fucking trash, they keep to themselves. I think the ban in the 00s was kind of necessary to keep the board from being flooded with retards though.
there's plenty of blood, human and alien so dunno what youre on about with the whole microsoft scared about violence shit. and yeah yeah i've heard that whole thing before, you're meant to be the supersoldier with your fellow (not super soldier, regular men) allies, which you can kill at any time anywhere, the game isn't scared of showing violence, the bad guys just happen to be aliens.
you're all metal dudes in multiplayer simply because the models stick out well enough and all the animations are already there, it's a logical conclusion for red vs blue colored models.
There's literally nothing wrong with arena FPS. If we still had games like those being made, maybe the genre wouldn't be so utterly dead. Halo was the first step in mass casualisation, designing FPS titles for invalid children.
Halo had one neat element, the vehicle shit. The gunplay was atrocious, the casual regenerating shields gimmick made the game dull on anything but legendary, the story was laughable, I could go on and on. I picked up the game when it came to PC, beat it in a few hours, and thanked god I never bothered picking up an xbox to play that turd.
>you shouldn't feel nostalgic for a 20 year old game
i assure you halo is older than some people on this board
only halo worthwhile was ce on pc
uhh is this.. anything to do with what i wrote? you're saying they make the enemies aliens so they could have a different mechanic- okay so why is the protagonist and multiplayer characters completely covered up. No human skin.
>so why is the protagonist and multiplayer characters completely covered up. No human skin.
Because its the same model as the singleplayer character who is a cyborg with regenerating shields that no humans have.
The story was meant to be a campy sendup to goofy 80s scifi movies and I have no idea why people took it seriously, or ESPECIALLY why Bungie started to take it seriously
Even /vr/ isn't this autistic about games that aren't retro; pseudo intellectual elitism around who likes what video game is fucking retarded. I'd much rather talk to an underaged dweeb who enjoys the game for what it is than some retard who hates it because it's different or for things that are beyond it's control, like the industry copying it. Mechanics like the 2 weapon limit and regenerating health worked in the context of Halo, they don't work in the context of whatever shitty budget shooters companies forced out to catch onto the Halo and CoD hype.
in short roll over and die you dumbass boomers, let people enjoy shit
t. 34 year old boomer
Okay dude seriously shut up. You're starting to get on my nerves with how hard you wanna be validated as some ubergamer or some shit by hating on a classic. Knock it off.
it's meant to be a shell of you, a empty husk without emotion, reminisce of some older shooters like quake.
>There's literally nothing wrong with arena FPS. If we still had games like those being made, maybe the genre wouldn't be so utterly dead.
Arena FPS games were a shortly lived fad that nobody really likes, every arena FPS made post 2004 has been a flop.
>The gunplay was atrocious
Use a fucking controller or play custom edition. The original port was shit.
there have been Halo threads on here for a long time. when i first started posting here in 2007 xbox live was liked and defended. there were nightly halo 3 threads as well.
it not 2005 anymore, nigger.
I fucking hated the hate boner for halo and even call of duty during the early days of online. Literally a echo chamber and anyone would had throw a piss fit when you go to so far to even liking it a bit.
The games were a fucking blast to play and wirh friends.
Everything is fun with friends.
Like you would know
I get that but then you had bleach threads that had same level retards in them so why they didn't ban Bleach?
You retards are so out of touch lol. Zoomers don't even know or care about halo. The nostalgiafags are mostly 25+
>banning Bleach
WHAT? bleach was a cultural milestone for Yea Forums.
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy.
>early days of online
u wat
Bleach was a shitshow in a way that was easy to make fun of, back then most Bleach threads were just memes about how shit Kubo was a writing/drawing. Naruto by comparison was just the dull kind of shit that wasn't as fun to make fun of, and had a much more rabid fanbase.
wrong. many things are more fun with friends but even friends can't save some things and some things would be ruined by having friends around.
Really we just hate whatever is popular at that moment. Now that Halo is no longer the dominant cultural juggernaut that it used to be Yea Forums has a more neutral opinion on it.
The hate nowadays is more for Fortnite and BRs.
Well for me at least. Im not a 30+ booomer just yet.
me too. eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
>Implying you were actually there for that
I'm getting really fucking sick of newfags pretending to be oldfags just because they saw one screencap.
Either retard or newfag we did that to halo threads because the fans would shit up the board and call every game shit because it wasn't halo not because it was a bad game.
Reminder that Yea Forums never had a problem with CE, especially the PC port of it
It's the closest Halo has ever gotten to an arena shooter.
Any community, pretends to be a fool etc. etc.
Holy shit you actually need to grow the fuck up and realize "board culture" is not a real or meaningful thing, it's been years and the fact is that Halo was massively successful and the fact that people are feeling nostalgic for it now that the kewl kid shitposting is over should be of no surprise to someone who isn't so ass ravagingly maladjusted as yourself
Yea Forums is just contrarian as shit that why people shitted on Halo. The second when Halo stopped being the biggest FPS out there, there were threads upon threads for Halo lobbies for Halo 5 and MCC even before they fixed it. I think with Infinte sparking new interest into the series, Yea Forums id going back to hating it just for the sake of being contrarians.
>Literally underage
The first game itself is 18 years old now you fucktard, he couldn't even "literally" be underage
Halo 5 is an arena shooter.
>"board culture" is not a real or meaningful thing
Lurk moar faggot
It's not.
>New thing bad
Quake and Doom are stale fucking games with little replayability, but of course boomers are the very essence of stagnation
There's a Halo 5?
You must be one of those console retards.
Where's your wrangler?
>fuck jannies
>jannies are based
Which is it, mister board culture? Fuck off
>Yea Forums is only good when it shares my noncomformist niche game choices
One of my favorite part of these threads are the children taking jabs at Quake like their own game isn't dead in the water either.
I'm honestly sad for those that didn't experience the golden days of custom games on Halo 3 and Reach, it's the best online Multiplayer experience I've ever had and nothing comes close to it
It is. Halo 5 got rid of most of it big maps in favor for smaller MLG maps. That was one of the biggest issues Halo 5 had on launch. It caterer too much into the MLGfags and left the casualsfags out to dry.
All the dumb shit on Yea Forums is just community injokes and fads, you're an absolute sad faggot for taking it any more seriously than that. Also using a janny to support that idea is hypocritical since jannies are fucking enemy #1 nowadays so you're retarded either way
How about go find a church group or something instead of falling apart on here
I like fortnite
PCfags already experienced it all years ago.
>"jannies" = mods
>mocking the mods in general means you don't think there are any good ones
I'd tell you to go shit up another board but Yea Forums is already the site's natural sewer
Small maps isn't all that makes an arena shooter. Halo 5 is just a Halo game, Halo games have always been in an awkward purgatory of shooter genres.
Oh boy I sure do love posting Pepes, Wojaks, shitty s(o)y memes, console wars, BLACKED, and a whole bunch of other retarded fucking shit that only literal underage users find funny.
>too underage to have played Halo 1 on PC in high school during it's high point
I can tell this person is a loser.
This, so many games would blow up if they just had proper custom map making and gamemode creation
The infinite, GOOD content is what made Halo 3 and Reach so amazing, there was always some mew mindblowing map and/or gamemode on the horizon that offered endless replayability and seat-edging fun
>it's another 90sfag getting mad at people being nostalgic for other things episode
It's arrogant of humans to exist time won't change. Nothing will stay the same. What's new will soon be old, and people will remenisce.
Deal with it and enjoy this reply I'm giving you
>this is what zoomers are nostalgic for
>this will be what zoomers consider ''the golden age of online''
its no wonder that gaming keeps getting shittier and greedier, kids who grew up on paying for map packs and pre order dlc are old enough to make games now
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Explain how any individual that does it for free can possibly be a "good mod (which is also a janny, yes)"
Alternatively, take the east route and prove how much of a dicksucker you are
we have all this shit because boardculture died and we let normalfags feel welcome
nobody fucking lurks before they post anymore
>stale/terrible memes regurgitated across other sites and shit back onto the board because having standards is "elitism" now is evidence that we never should have had standards at all
What did user mean by this?
>I got BTFO so I'm gonna make a post replying to nobody and say how BTFO they are instead of me
Kill yourself.
>le zoomer xD
A child born in 2000 would have never even played Halo 1 when it was relevant.
Yeah you're a prime example
That's Halo 4, and Halo 5 doesn't even have DLC maps anymore.
>Halo? yeah that was the golden age for online gaming
Hey, you know what gets really fucking old after awhile? The "board culture" shit about Yea Forums hating and not wanting to talk about video games. Yeah, how fucking fun. You quite literally cannot get a thread off the ground if it doesn't have any form of bait because of faggots like you that only want to get mad at shit.
The issue people see isn't about the age of the game, it's that the games were largely over-simplified shit with neutered gameplay compared to even older titles in the same genre.
>no u
great rethoric m8
>mod (which is also a janny
heres a free (you) if you want one
Halo 5 has predatory microtransactions.
who let you out of newfag central?
>Mods delete your thread because you like a certain video game
Why is this a good thing?
>remember Pre order DLC? yup those where the days
>no u
good one dude
What you are describing is the result of people abandoning their "elitism" and allowing the state of "board culture" to be dictated by the floods of newfags whatever hot drama of the week brought in. The goofygoober shit was the point of no return.
Hard to have standards when this is the literal identity of Yea Forums since 2012.
I think Twitch uses Pepe more accurately than Yea Forums does by the second then we do by the year.
it keeps newfags like the people in this thread out
Won't find a bigger collection of losers than on Yea Forums.
Only Deus Ex, VtM and Quake are real games!!!!!!! Why can't everyone like GOOD videogames like me?? PC Master Race le xd
I would haphazard a guess that most of the people in this very thread were not here before GG happened. Good god what a fucking mess that was. And if the mods just let people talk about it, sites like 4+Yea Forums would have never had to get created.
if you dont like it why not go back reddit?
>All vidya is equally valid and posted with good intention :^), deleting my obvious bait thread about rape simulation 2019 or obscure anime game with a completely unrelated or misleading question in the OP is CENSORSHIP
Feel free to browse somewhere better
A place like that exists, right?
Mods wipe the same asses jannies do, actual newfags, fuck off
Just replace the word "newfags" with "racists" or "incels" and this just sounds like ResetEra or something.
Yea Forums
>Blaming gg
This isn't even ever so slightly debatable like Anita. Yea Forums, /r9k/ and /int/ trash being tolerated was the real kicker and gg newfags just went with the flow. Heck, we had people mentioning they were from reddit.
>Yea Forums
>any difference
if it isnt different, why not stay over there
Oof, proved me right
hehe janny get me bans
Mods have been running the show for years my dude, hiroshima doesn't give a shit and moot definitely didn't in his last few years
Halo was always fun faggot, by the time CE came out, my friends and I were all burned out on arena shooters.
>halo has lived rent free in that head for 2 decades lol wow
Not sure what that has to do with anything, mods are just the janny managers, they also help clean the floor
these people werent here. There were always shitposters of halo, just like there are shitposters of every popular game. Discussion still happened. They wouldnt know.
Don't you have some YouTube "skeptic" video to be watching
OP right, we used to shit on gaylo and CoD shit all the time, we called it casual gamer bullshit and we only enjoyed unreal tournament/quake/serious sam/broodwar threads. real boomer shit.
its not long until people will say " man remember fortnite?" people are already doing that for modern warefare 2 and minecraft.
and people still laughed you the fuck out even back then
Halo 1 came out in 2001, if you vically disliked it, mathematically speaking, you're likely a boomer and need to fuck off into a retirement home already so you can stop burdening people with your physical inabilities
Games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Timesplitters make me feel profoundly bored trying to play Halo. Everything in Halo feels so fucking bland after you've played a good game that I can only believe that people who like Halo never played any good game.
Who is "we"?
>i am silly
atleast /vr/ still discusses good shooters but wont be long until newfags demand Halo to be discussed there too
funny thing, PD has deep lore, and so does Time Splitters
Nigger, people who played Halo in their childhood are now in their late twenties. You have to be more specific to the more recent games, as pretty much everyone here either recognizes the early ones as just okay or knows nothing about them.
can you imagine having grown up to see paid maps as something ''normal'' while everyone else got free maps with updates
Zoomers don’t like halo, so you’re getting mad at millennials in their mid to late 20’s or early 30’s. Halo is far better than the fps games we get now.
I think people don't know what millennial or le boomzoom mean anymore.
lol no
Titanfall 2 is better than every halo
Top 100 games of all time according to Yea Forums in 2008
The on foot gameplay in titan fall 2 is really good, but fighting in a titan isn’t as fun as it should be.
>halo 2
Don’t let OP see this!
And Halo CE at 46
can we just collectively gas oldfags already
As someone who enjoys broodwar and watches it regularly, hosted/co-hosted both Serious Saturdays and s/v/en co-op, and practically only played UT2K4 when I got my first actually decent PC, I personally think Halo is a great series.
Combat in Halo never gets monotonous, and is broken up by both vastly different environments and expansive vehicular sections, the story is relatively good as far as FPS games go, and the atmosphere is top notch. I would far rather play Halo ANYDAY over the schlock that is Serious Sam BFE, where all the environments are yellow and copied and pasted, which makes combat feel monotonous as a result. People seriously need to fuck off with this stupid board-culture bullshit, you can like a multitude of things, don't just conform to the hive-mind.
To be fair, he is a pretty cool guy
>by both vastly different environments
fucking lol, Halo has some of the most bland level design ive seen in any FPS
>vehicles sections
oh boy, the most despised shit in any FPS
>Pokémon gens 1 and 2 that high
I really like them, but c'mon
Halo is older than Yea Forums. Why bother attacking it.
Your description of Halo makes me think we played different games. Halo is fucking garbage.
the fact that mother 3 is on here does you how bullshit this is. people just say they like/fislike things to fit in even if they never played it.
I lave seen Yea Forums like worse shit than Naruto
zoomers didn't exist back then they were still sucking on their moms teats.
32 here nothing wrong with naruto faggot.
Then why didnt snapesnogger follow it?
Yea Forums are tsundere contrarians. They like to pretend they're better than the other boards, but they're just as bad as all the others.
>Halo has some of the most bland level design
And Serious Sam solely consists of wide open arenas where you shoot shit that spawns in, what's your point?
>vehicles sections
That's your opinion, I personally think that both Halo and EDF are the only games to get vehicle combat right in a video game.
Now THAT'S a game you don't see very often
>That's your opinion, I personally think that both Halo and EDF are the only games to get vehicle combat right in a video game.
what other games have you played with vehicle combat in it?
turok 2
Can you imagine having grown up with no server browsers, and developers having a complete monopoly on their games?
that's quite the daring statement considering you have played a grand total of 3 games with vehicle combat in it
The worldbuilding is cool, tho.
Also 90% of Yea Forums is escapism.
>Serious Sam solely consists of wide open arenas where you shoot shit that spawns in, what's your point?
Halo consists of wide open arenas where you don't shoot at shit that spawns in.
I guess Battlefield 2 and BC2 comes to mind, ARMA, UT2K4 although it's been so long that I can't remember much about the vehicles.
Name 1 objectively mediocre game that isn't given inordinate praise simply because of normies playing with friends.
ut2k4 vehicles are godtier
what a stupid challenge.
unreal tournament 3
I'll take your word for it, user, it's been so long since I played.
You have to be like 40 to be angry about people like Halo
I'm fucking 29 and the first game was part of my childhood. Halo PC as an early teen was magic
>Yea Forums is now unironically defending fucking halo.
I guess I'm getting too old for this shit.
>Being a soiboi
Halo doesn't have arena's though, you're constantly moving through a level to get to the end, never being stopped to fight a horde. And the large sections are usually accompanied by a vehicle.
007 Nightfire
That's because you were part of the normalfags that were loathed here.
So you get wide open canyons of nothingness.
Where would gaming be today if Halo hadn't invented FPS?
im 24 and i never got why Halo was so praised at launch
the weapons felt like shit
the story was a bore
most of the levels where wide open space or copy pasted corridors
it especially surprises me how it got more popular than better console shooters like Timesplitters or Perfect Dark
but then i remembered it had a Microsoft marketting budget
We'd still have server browsers, mod tools, and proper expansion packs.
What shocks me more is how Furfaggotry on Yea Forums used to be loathed, and autospammed to death but now it's part of daily Yea Forums life.
That stuff is also way more disconnected from the rest of the board, too.
Internet culture literally does not exist in the way it used to though, so I'm not surprised.
Halo had a server browser and mod tools though.
>Why is this a good thing?
Because Board Culture used to be a thing and the "Rules" of Yea Forums used to be mostly a joke. The rules were administered almost entirely randomly and without a whole lott'a consistency/discretion (unless you were doing something dumb like an invasion or posting loli). I'll always remember the time I was dumping Phoenix Wright doujins (specifically the Korean one where he's fucking Maya in Mia's body) and someone tried to counter-spam me by posting gay-porn. The gay porn got deleted, the guy doing it got banned, and I continued my dump in peace.
Yea Forums was always a shithole, but it had an actual sense of itself in those days. Now the rules here are more tightly regulated than fucking R*ddit.
I was here since not long after the beginning and I'll be here when this place finally dies.
How? If you onky play arena, you will never encounter anything about it
Halo had polish and ambition. Anthem doesn't.
Those were quickly abandoned when they designed matchmaking and DLC packs.
>"board culture" is not a real or meaningful thin
Shows you're either completely new or completely retarded.
Yea Forums especially had the single best boardculture on the entire site. A board culture based around keeping retarded newfags out and encouraging lurking. It resulted in less threads, but an actual decent level of discussion within them (most of the time). Look at Yea Forums now.
Yea Forums was ruined with the /vg/ purge that took a lot of good posters (and admittedly a lot of the shitty tripfaggots), and ever tightening moderation has turned it into a shithole ever since. Well, more of one at least.
>being this much of a jaded, retarded contrarian
Unironically kill yourself
>I was 18/19 and at Uni when Halo CE came out.
Fucking Christ. It amazes me how young the fuckheads on this board are these days.
Halo 2 had a server browser and mod tools though? There hasn't been one on PC since.
>had a dream I was drinking an Ultra Zero Monster last night and went to buy DMC5 but was playing Ace Combat 7 instead
>I guarantee I will have better things to do then reeeee at people being nostalgic over Fortnite and Overwatch in 10 years
It'll happen to you too.
>Look at Yea Forums now.
a tyrant state where if you say something bad about their FotM, like , you get banned and if threads are made about shows the "board culture" doesn't like, it's going to get spammed with FotM shit or deleted
Yet here you are, little faggot.
I think you mean Gaylo.
It didn't have paid online either, only because Halo 2 released on PC at a time when that shit wasn't tolerated. Now all of that shit is the norm.
>if threads are made about shows the "board culture" doesn't like
Then why is half of the catalog shonenshit
>I'll always remember the time I was dumping Phoenix Wright doujins (specifically the Korean one where he's fucking Maya in Mia's body) and someone tried to counter-spam me by posting gay-porn. The gay porn got deleted, the guy doing it got banned, and I continued my dump in peace
>guy dumps doujins something that is specifically not videogames
>user tries to post gay porn to get the mods to act and delete that gay thread
>gets banned despite being in the right
Old Yea Forums doesn't sound any better than current Yea Forums
>Oh boy I sure do love posting Pepes, Wojaks, shitty s(o)y memes, console wars, BLACKED, and a whole bunch of other retarded fucking shit that only literal underage users find funny.
We have that shit becuase there IS no Board Culture.
Go back even 2 years ago and if you posted a Frog on Yea Forums everyone would tell you to fuck off. Now people post Basedjacks like there's no issue.
>Then why is half of the catalog shonenshit
I guess their culture got tastes because last time I went to Yea Forums, it was moe and harem as far as the eye could so.
The worst change about Yea Forums is that they went from shitting on casuals to being full of casuals patting each other on the back for playing on easy.
Fucking disgusting.
This is the entire reason Halo threads started gaining traction in the first place.
>Phoenix Wright
>not video games
>The "board culture" shit about Yea Forums hating and not wanting to talk about video games.
>Ace of Spades
Literally just from the top of my head, there's plenty of games Yea Forums loved and played together.
Fuck, even in the most contrarian phases, when discussing games there was universal praise for all kinds of games, PS:T, Ghost Trick, PW 1-3, Dues Ex, etc.
Players grew & became casuals in the entire world, Yea Forums is no exception.
I mean we have regular gacha threads, these shit are the epitome of casual shit
Is that why Bub and Bob destroyed Halo in the polls?
It's gotten so much worse. Gacha, people playing on easy, people complaining about hard games, people too terrified to play anything competitive.
>got taste
no, Moot purposefully forced it onto the board presumably at random when he renamed the board to "N/a/ruto" which you'd know if you were actually around considering it was a massive thing at the time
Literally not videogames even if it's a doujin of a videogame series.
>I was 18/19 and at Uni when Halo CE came out.
I dont remember when halo 1 came out but I remember halo 3 being a big deal. My older brother told me his friend brought the game case on the bus on the way to middleschool when it came out so he could show it off.
>Moot purposefully forced it onto the board
Moot forcing good tastes on the board after shit like ?
Dare I say it? Based.
Yea Forums is unironically a better board than Yea Forums these days and I've browsed both for over 10 years now
The state of current Yea Forums just makes me so angry, it's an example of a board that was ruined purely by bad moderation. At least Yea Forums has some semblance of fun in the off-topic shitposting and porn threads.
>Naruto any better than Infinite Stratos
>also somehow not knowing about this fairly recent occurrence
fuck off
Yes this was supposed to be the exception. I game here from gamefaqs to escape those people. Now this is just worse in every way than gamefags.
And Samus
Yea Forums has the unfortunate problem of being half people who want to continue to enforce board culture and half Twitter rejects, so the entire thing is sort of a clusterfuck.
>Old Yea Forums doesn't sound any better than current Yea Forums
You had to be there maybe.
If your thread got deleted it didn't really matter, because it was just a random force of nature (a mod swept in? Random?) and half the thread was crazy, random posts about anything. You could discuss vidya, or anything else, it was wild and very, very, stupid, and it was all unique. There was nothing at all like it. Having the rules enforced so strictly and discussion going around the same topics, nowdays Yea Forums is just like any other forum. Except more rude.
Delete these, please stop going against my narrative
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are both utter garbage for different reasons, but at least Yea Forums has 1% of its old self left while Yea Forums has been entirely changed.
>it's an example of a board that was ruined purely by bad moderation
I know it's not a thing anymore, but that period where they banned Yotsuba, fucking Yotsuba, from Yea Forums for being "lolicon" was the point where I realized that board was fucked.
Shounen anime >>>>> Harem LN trash
Dumps happen in threads that are shit and would've been deleted anyways. They save these threads if anything.
>The state of current Yea Forums just makes me so angry, it's an example of a board that was ruined purely by bad moderation. At least Yea Forums has some semblance of fun in the off-topic shitposting and porn threads.
Tfw I tried to revive 4am threads only to get banned every single time. Making Lucina+10 threads at least partially out of spite from that.
Yea Forums will always be better than GameFAQs and Reddit for the sole reason that the mods there are absolute power tripping faggots who will ban you for the smallest thing. At least here you can ban evade very easily and anonposting is objectively superior to pseudonymous posting.
literally neither are good but Naruto gets deducted points for being constantly milked
LNs are literally made to be milked.
Yea Forums is better for shitposting but worse for any real discussion. I could go discuss fighting games on gamefags or reddit and get real responses from capable individuals.
Here I'd get sniffposting and someone telling me inputs are too hard. You're literally more casual than gamefaqs at this point.
At least Naruto has a plot to milk, which is more than I can say for a Harem LN
If you posted a Halo thread in old-Yea Forums everyone would assume it was a troll/bait thread first off (although we didn't call it bait in those days) and it'd probably die pretty quick or get shitposted to death.
If someone tried to have an actual Halo thread it'd get either
1. Doubles
2. Spiderman
3. WH40k
Spammed, depending on era.
Hell, I remember back in ye old ME2 generals (before generals were a thing and before they'd been moved to /vg/) when the current thread got to completion, rather than moving to a new thread we invaded a struggling Halo thread (the usual 2-3 guys trying to keep a discussion alive) and just took over that instead.
So is anything published by shonen jump.
Wish I still had the image, but there was a fantastic comparison image of the boards that I saw, went something like
>Shoryuken Forums
Picture of actual in depth discussion of framedata and matchups.
Picture of decent level discussion of tactics and matchups.
>Yea Forums
Picture of a 400 reply discussion about "Would you buy a DLC that added horsecocks to all the girls?"
>late night deep and philosophical discussion threads have been replaced by "state of the board" threads
this moderation, I swear, manages to be consistently misplaced
Fuck I miss niche forums. The internet feels like it's only 5 big websites now. So many smaller ones died. Shoryu trucks on though thank god.
Ironic weeb culture killed Yea Forums. When anime became a subculture for normalfags to latch on to with ironic weeb games like Doki Doki Literature Club, ironic weeb anime like KonoSuba, Goblin Slayer, DitF, Maid Dragon, andmanga like Komi-san and Tomo-chan.
Nowadays people just treat anime as a fashion accessory to decorate their Twitter profile pics and their Discord tranny persona, talk about their "favorite waifus", and their epic relatable reddit memes. Ironic weebs deserve the gas chamber.
The shounentards are also a massive problem and enabled by the normalfag mods who now ban loli threads on sight. The board is a lost cause.
It's the actual problem with the internet. What you have to understand is that it's way easier to market to people if they're all in the same place, so obviously the same four or five websites are going to stay relevant.
Starting from 2008 or 2009 we had comfy late night halo threads free of shitposting OP so I don't know what you're talking about.
based ME2 posters
>Nowadays people just treat (hobby) as a fashion accessory
this is the way everything ends up
It's the fate of the world, ultimately.
Yea Forums has always had like 90% shit taste with 10% good discussion. The actually considered K-on AOTYAY. That shit wasn't even half as good as Azumanga.
God imagine if people liked something you didn't and felt nostalgic about it years down the line, truly a terrible crime
CS 1.6 and CSS was that for me.
been shit for years m8
Naruto was always fun though
>he actually takes Yea Forums of all boards seriously
Get a grip dude. And get the fuck over yourself.
change my mind
Have we just become old men whining about younger people feeling nostalgic for things we didn't enjoy? Will there be a time some years from now where Zoomers will be upset in the same way?Have we entered an endless cycle of futility?
No one is nostalgic for Halo 4 you disingenuous prick
>Nowadays people just treat anime as a fashion accessory to decorate their Twitter profile pics and their Discord tranny persona, talk about their "favorite waifus", and their epic relatable reddit memes. Ironic weebs deserve the gas chamber.
You think Yea Forums is any different?
I remember being a dumb teen, with video games as a niche/loser interest thinking about how it'd be cool for Games to be thought of as an art form, and how awesome it must be to be one of those guys who had a gamer gf.
Fucking Christ, that wish got Monkey Paw'd hard. Now I detest anyone that talks about games as an art-form, because it's all disingenuous faggotry and ("Let's all try be better!") and everyone and their grandma's is a "Gamer".
Every generation feels nostalgic over their childhood -- and there is also the same lament for younger generations.
>actually believing this
Yea Forums can have fun threads too. Only problem are those no fun allowed fags.
>missing the point
Halo is responsible for the ''OMG SO MLG HAXORS MNTDEWRITO'' culture
>half Twitter rejects
How can you be twitter reject?
>Will there be a time some years from now where Zoomers will be upset in the same way?
Think about it, most of the people bitching here are probably in their mid 20s to early 30s. This is an age that was traditionally still considered young, now people make fun of you for being old if you're like 24. Things are moving so fast now that people act like old crotchety men in what's supposed to be a youthful part of their lives, and as things accelerate it's only going to get worse. Gen Z really only has about 5-10 years at most before they're in the exact same situation.
We are now the old men screaming at the younger because we think we're better than them, just like the generation before did to us, and the worst part is that it's just going to continue to be like this forever.
>mods who now ban loli threads on sight
That is like one mod though. And you can still loli threads fine when that mod is around.
Oh, well.
But, as they say: youth is wasted on the young.
>as things accelerate it's only going to get worse.
Yup. Fads appear and disappear in an instant. Time will march on quicker and quicker. Soon there will be nothing left.
Go outside
In a couple of years people will make Fortnite nostalgia threads and we will come full circle.
>little replayability
people feel nostalgia for a time period that I don't feel nostalgia for..............
an outrage....... it can't be possible................ can it???????????
People always talked about halo, there was always just that one faggot in the thread who would post "babbies first fps" and some were too retarded not to respond to him.
Literally all of that (minus the discord tranny, which are real weebs) is better than being an Yea Forumstard that's balding at 30 with an imaginary girlfriend. Good fucking riddance. The more of you that kill yourselves, the better.
(You) this post if Halo 3 was your childhood defining game
Literally almost everything he's talking about has to do with waifu culture you fucking mong.
You don't even know what a ''weeb'' is, newfriend.
>Another underage newfag who wasn't here for any halo thread
Why do we have to have this bait thread every other week?
people posting about vidya on Yea Forums? what a shocker
You are smalltime.
>Halo released in 2001
Look, I get this board is full of underages, but pick your battles more wisely you old bitch
Not if we achieve the singularity or medical immortality by 2050
Naruto posting is worse since halo 1 and 2 are good games
ASSFAGGOTS is literally a friendship destroyer
I guess you've been old and depressed for at least like 11 years then OP