This is 2b she weighs 148.8 kgs!
This is 2b she weighs 148.8 kgs!
do you guys think her feet get sweaty?
just wondering haha
She'll weight a few more once my spawn is inside her.
I weigh the exact same, we would make a perfect match!
i wonder how much she bench presses
>generic plastic surgery japface
>ugly mole
Hard pass for me
murican education everyone
>generic japface
>american woman
are you retarded
What dumbass actuay gets with these women, especially the ones with these freak spawns?
Robutts are cute
is this supposed to be attractive?
Something that is even lower than a beta
Rent free.
not to a gay fag pedo like you, of course
that's 326 lbs
moralfags who think all chilluns deserve a daddy, thing genes don't matter, and otherwise can't get laid above the bottom of the barrel
just give me the ass shot already
haha found the cuck. How's it feel raising someone's bastard wh*Teboi?
Alright enjoy your mutt, cuck.
nobody, that's why she's on tinder
the only women who actually bother with dating sites are either not actually interested in dating and just want easy male attention, or they're desperate like singlemom mcgee
none from enji night (the woman in op's pic) in her 2b cosplay im afraid, its not that good anyway most of her is her hips
NIG... African Americans
It's a robot.
The "beauty mark" is currently making a comeback in Japan, especially with younger women in Toyko.
Ironic faggotry is still faggotry user
what the fuckigng point then
yeah but they don't stay that's for sure.
Single mothers will ruin your life, they're only ever looking for a paypig.
They're alone for a reason, either they hopped in bed with bad guys, or the poor dude jumped ship because she's psycho.
It's only acceptable if she's your brother or friend's widow or some shit.
Why does a robot need to be thicc?
why does a robot even need to be this appeasing to look at?
why does this bother me?
why does this turn me on?
Why can't she be real?
Does 2b like black men?
The thumbnail makes it look like a Skyrim mod.
why did the bother giving the robot a vagina?
But she is real, user
now that is a real feels bad man
I want to play toobies game, how much can I play as her and how much of it is playing the shota
She's lighter than me!
if it makes you feel better, it's probably a made up story
You get 1/3rd 2butt. There are points in the game where you can just stay as 2butt and play around for a long time.
Is this the representation that fat girls need?
and how much shota?
no ugly white girl will accurately portray 2Bs beauty
I did have a gf at one time, She left me when ahe found out I wanted to get serious...
That's nice, but she needs to be bigger
But 2B is white.
no 2B is an android you retard
a white android faggot
>light skin
>blue eyes
Post chocolate 2b
imagine being this retarded or a zoomer lmao
Dirty hobbo >>>>>>>>>>>> robutt.
What's that in Burger?
Imagine being a m*llennial.
She doesn't have a vagina or asshole however the lore implies it's possible to give them those.
Don't even go there bro, autist weebs will jump at your throat.
lmao at your existence seething yellownigger
there's a news article attached you dingus. Mingling with other races isn't very smart honestly. It's not a neo-nazi thing, everybody instinctively reacts to it with mild disgust, regardless what colour they are.
The inbreeding argument is a fucking joke because it always takes around 1000 breeding pairs to mitigate such mutations and establish a healthy population.
Having genetics from different sides of the planet mash up suddenly is a very bad idea should you need an organ or marrow donor somewhere down the line. The utopian multikulti society they parade around so much is actually the true loss of the planet's diversity.
They only want to make us all look the same just so they can sell you skin-bleaching beauty products and other such nonsense, so we can be the ugly cattle of the elite whose history and culture were deleted and mashed into a nonsensical surrealist painting.
A race war will never happen, but a class war might, and the beauty in that situation is that evil nazis, antifa commies, and assorted refugees will all share a common enemy.
Hope they don't pit us all against each other completely at that point, because the "culture war" is designed to do just that. Stop eating shit and pretending it's tasty because youtube propagandists and megacorporations tell you it is.
sorry for the blog I'm passionate about these things.
Imagine the taste.
>there's a news article attached you dingus
I can also find a semi-obscure news article that's written in a language not everyone here understands and write a sob story with me involved
>bald baby
Man that's fucked up.
The Commander is the true choice.
eat shit then you disingenuous cunt
Hope user actually found a partner for himself
Surely this cant be the base game user,right? Theres no way they wouldnt have visible lips?
>user feels bad about a story
>tell user that it might be fake and to take it with a pinch of salt
because I approached with a heartfelt argument and got deflected by inconsequential semantics.
Fact remains is that these things happen every day.
Hah! weaboo lmao
That doesn't mean shit. Bone structure is important, and 2B doesn't have the archetypical man jaw. Plus she's not a fucking retard like white women.
honestly i didn't read the second part of your post because it sounded like /pol/ crazy talk
>that thigh indentation
she's a typical anime Mukokuseki, a raceless mashup of euro and east asian features.
Sorta like Naruto or Tidus or Cloud
For me, it's the Commander
You're one gullible retard
The wide jaws are more of a germanic feature.
And no, personality isn't a race thing, it's a cultural thing, and not even that, there's a lot of different people among races, not like millennials such as yourself are capable of understanding that because a millennial's brain only understands of stereotypes.
If she was asian she'd have slanted, black eyes and black hair.
does anyone else really like 2b's lips, eyes and beauty mark?
like yea her butt, hips and legs are perfect but i like those too
have some thots
Eurasian women are by far the hottest. So why are Eurasian men absolutely pathetic more often than not?
Based boi 9s knows whaddap.
>n-no, she's asian because she's muh waifu
Where did this place go from wity, self-aware weirdos to living caricatures?
>there's a news article attached you dingus
So if I read a news article, then make up a story that vaguely matches it, and then source the article I based my story off of, then my story must be true? You dummy.
>racemixed people
Let me guess, you are Am*rican.
you sure are
*sits on your face*
2B is white, dummy
Seething asian cuck detected
She is obviously white. Has white woman facial features and European traits like blue eyes.
Imagine being so retarded you think every European tribe has the same facial features lmao.
u wot m8
as expected
They look better with choco skin
Never said she was Asian you retard. 2B is an android, that means she was created to fit a true perfection of humanity that transcends cultural and racial imperfections, because why the fuck would you make the Nigbot 5000 or or the fucking Britomaton with a sub-optimal IQ and a robo-minge that has that authentic aroma of putricidy?
She deff a cutey.
You reap what you sow
Seriously, where did you jackasses get that I was calling her Asian? Are you faggots so unable to deviate from your goddamn race-bait posting that you can't tell when someone is saying that a manufactured being is made to be transcendant to humanity? Fuck me.
>Thinking genes actually matter
she chonky
Nice try saving face now, bitch.
And this is the part where you link to someone else's probably obvious bait post and say it was me.
yes they do.
no sane person would ever willingly choose between having their own kid and someone else's.
Truly a man of reason, asking for the most important of questions.
>woah, stop race baiting guys
Burn the coal, pay the toll
she/he looks like a klingon
funny thing is east asian women are such pains in the ass that they made their society matriarchal.
Isn't Korea run by some occultist feminists?
Actually, Korean SJWs make our own look sane.
and fires $200 custom tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute.
She looks white therefore she is white, no amount of cope can change that, sorry.
That also happened because Asian men are basically women.
yeah Sweden and the UK are way worse tbqh.
I remember when Hungary announced that they will incentivize women who bear more children with tax breaks to bump up their population a bit, a Swedish cunt called them evil and reminiscent of Nazis, as she imports more and more people who rape little kids.
Clown world.
Have you actually read all that?
Is this a dude?
yeah but it's foggy now as I don't really care about geopolitics outside my own borders.
Sweden is an exceptional laughingstock though
Even Denmark calls them out on their shit.
>what's an android
And how quickly would that stop if you just fucking beheaded them?
Your skin look like milk chocolate.
why do all Scandis take issue with Danes anyways?
Christ, that is awful
god i wish i looked exactly like 2b
In the thirties you'd have been the freakshow's Pinhead attraction.
2B looks either Slavic or asian to me. Definitely not anglo. Blue eyes means jack since she also has white hair.
Somebody tl;dr this shit for me please.
Because Denmark hasn't sunken to there level, crabs in a bucket mentality.
What's the tactical advantage of skin dentation?
Sauce the thot.
>that kid is already balding
Makes your enemies PPs harder
Im still disappointed that there isnt a ass mod for this game yet.
What the fuck?? Fucking based
Denmark has stolen a lot of nordic clay
low t
I don't know, just a random girl from my teenage folder.
Weeb cope.
Fat cushions the internal organs
to distract your enemies
She cute
Imagine her sitting on your face.
I live in america my dude. Trust me, nobody here looks like 2b lol.
>sorry for the blog I'm passionate about these things.
consider getting a hobby such as: necking yourself
>Sits in your face
I only save cute ones.
2b looks like Ross an English girl
>I live in america my dude. Trust me, nobody here looks like 2b lol.
Woah, Imagine my shock.
Just a heads up, if you go to any asian country you would still not be able to find a single girl who looks like her.
Its an anti-anglo troll shit poster from eastern europe.
Thats the thing. I was in Tokyo for christmas and i saw the most beautiful women I've ever seen. There were model tier women on every street who looked just like my animes. Shit was insane.
This is a photoshop my dude
Ok, you got me there.
Lay off the memes kiddo.
And 2B ain't real, your point!?
Here you go lads
Please stop posting this meme image
U first.
based marie poster
Mental Illness
batshit insane feminists infect koreas political system
just read it its crazy
>2b aint real
So what was that 3000 dollar sexdoll I ordered to look like 2b
You telling me i imagined fucking that since chritsmas?
You liar.
>muh spooks
>muh bathing
>muh country
>muh not being an incel
I cant for user reasons but you can look up 2b dolls.
The ass and thighs are amazing.
pics or gtfo
so almost 50 kg for each ass cheek, nice.
good goy better go watch captain marvel and subscribe to netflix
I'm 26 and I still hate children, when is this supposed to change?
give me a direction or a brand to search for
Fucking delicious
Damn, that niglet looks like an orc from Lord of the Rings, goddamn.
>shift manager at kfc
made me kek much more than it should have
if you save only the cute ones, what the fuck is that picture doing in your folder?
Shitty skin completion hidden by make up, fucking unibrow, face is framed and hidden by hair, muh lighting.
Shit taste, really shit taste mate.
What's going on here?
>That baby
wow that's sad...
The game is around 35% 2B, 50% 9S and 15% A2.
lmao klingon baby, how does this stuff happen?
I don't know, I see someone I like and I save it.
What the fuck is with that kid?
>50% 9S
That was unexpectedly great, thanks.
She probably fucked a Klingon.
>doesn't nut inside
fucking hell
Literally made for BBC
this one is better, I am guessing you aren't just very critical or don't pay any attention to details...
She looks like she fucks white guys
Real hentai angles in this one.
Post the real version at least
Not really.
It's not like i'm going to interact with these girls beyond seeing the pics, so I don't really care about makeup and all that.
Because he is the MC.
Japan does 2B justice.
It might not, but you might also be like me and hate children unless they're related to you, in which case you would slaughter an entire small island nation to protect them.
>100% of pre-release ad was 2b
>all gameplay footage was 2b
>game releases
>most of the time you play as some kid
no one will ever get the idea that platinumgames should be sued for false advertising out of my mind
With enough make up you can mae anyone look like 2b even danny devito.
it was kinda shit but its like most square rpgs where you are basically given subtle clues about when you should do all the content as one character.
Hmm... interesting insight, but not sure if I want to roll the dices.
Noice, almost my weight
>With enough make up you can mae anyone look like 2b even danny devito
fund it.
Shut the fuck up, it's the only thing i can be proud of. I worked hard to get these genes
doings gods work user
Woud you raise a nigger for you perfect waifu, Yea Forums?
>perfect waifu
>Mother of a nigger
If I used photoshop heavily enough to turn a actual pig into a pretty girl, would you care?
As long as its a cute girl, yeah.
How do you do fellow kids?
Why don't you just shoot them though?
Perfect in what way? Looks? never
And overall, including personality, a girl that willingly fucked a nigger can never be a perfect waifu for me.
Yeah, you need to raise him high enough so you can kick the stool away
this a million times
Dating sites are fucking filled with delusional 4/10 at best women who are so fucking stupid they wouldn't go for even Chad, they want Chad Ultra Tubro. I'm dead serious these people's standards are so fucking high that its simply impossible to please them. In other words: they are the lowest of low and you are better off being a virgin until you die. They don't want anything else than attention to collect social stimulation and get an ego boost, due to obvious unsuccessful real life status.
The single mom is the doom-tier hell, not only she dooms other people from her piss poor life choices but also the kid will be fucked up.
These women also indirectly cause males to abandon their sanity, and they'll become lonely and sad. These heterosexual males who will became "gay" due to the constant rejection of these said woman. I saw this shit so many times its ridiculous, that these people are not even actually gay, they are not the same case as that stereotypical faggot, they look completely normal and act too, its just they are so deprived that they chose the easy way: creating a bond with another starving hetero guy.
Please stop sharing your puke fetish with this thread, thanks
Why are you gay?
i want to 2B her toilet
my dick
june moore
I like 2b, but she's been overexposed. Half the modern SFM porn is her, billion lewd 2b cosplays. thousands threads of 2b dumps each month. She just doesn't do it for me anymore. She's become the fastfood burger of vidya ladies.
im still mad she just disappeared, her 2B video is amazing
She has no DNA.
thank you user you've just caused millions more to die
Commander weighs almost 300 kgs.
>there will never be A2 porn in the DLC outift
Why live?
You can thank the epic lads at /r9k/ for that. They love chasing away "cosplay thots" like that
>perfect waifu
>raise a nigger for
>ass mad yurifag
Based Platinum
>even the lipstick is the proper color
Massive fucking respect for this lady
>2B weighs under 300 lbs
>Commander weighs just under 400 lbs
It probably has to do with 2B's campaing being the first third of the game and not wanting to spoil too much about it.
Kid Icarus did something similar, they only showed the first 1/3 of the game in the trailers, and nothing beyond Hades, which is 2/3 of the game
It's a devil's deal. He'll let you meet your perfect vidya waifu (or anime if you're a weeb), but in turn you must raise a black child. No tricks, no getting rid of the kid, killing it, or anything of the sorts. Just raise him until he's 18.
good thread.
>She's become the fastfood burger of vidya ladies.
Elizabeth's Successor at last
Not until we see a Futa 2B constantly fucked by dogs.
Democrats, who then proceed to call others incels who cant get women like them
No deal, bitch.
Carefull with the staby stab there lady, nearly piercing your ass