

Attached: 1551519391310.png (4000x3515, 1.81M)

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i don't think you understand how to use the Y axis. which makes you pretty low IQ

Where do what is considered stylish action games go on the chart?

"i don't think you understand how to use the Y axis. which makes you pretty low IQ"

Attached: 1551876221448.png (732x772, 34K)

Visual novels are games

Attached: 1551190142710.jpg (2560x1440, 464K)

I agree with this but I'd add a Z axis to the image and raise roguelites and RTS on them

OP is IQ the distance to origin on your chart?

>posting stale bait

My dead cat has a better understanding of how graphs work than the person who made this image.

what the fuck is even on the x and y axis?

so random bro i love it :)

Bullet hell = shmup

a distribution of course

My parents had me circumcised at birth. Someone ripped part of my prnis off.

its a iq chart dumbo

reminder to learn how graphs work you utter brainlet

Of what? Because it obviously isn't just IQ, if that was the case it would be a straight line and retarded to begin with since you'd only need one axis.

According to this """""""""graph"""""""""", an MMO have a higher IQ value than Grand Strategy.

It's the distribution of IQ points per genre and how many it takes

>two y values for one x value

>mfw you're too educated to understand graphs made by people never attending middle school
I love these threads

Attached: BJ3lAwl.gif (300x300, 1.47M)

it's a bell curve where a retard made it, of course it's confusing

the real IQ test is not understanding the joke here

Surely you don't mean the distribution of IQ points per genre is X and how many it takes is Y.

this chart is bullshit. if its a distribution, then y would be number of occurences, and x the value for each occurence. e.g. IQ = 100 has the most occurences, higher and lower values lower occurences.

i think what happened is some retard took that dark souls troll chart and expanded it seriously.

That is not how graphs work.

the graph doesn't make sense but where do you get that from?

Nice and subtle kek from me user


why do you think this isn't a troll when the DS is?


>no puzzle games
>no crossover/genre benders
>no turn based strategy games

What a shitty chart. Must be a faggot brainlet who made this who just wishes he played more games with friends.

improved it

Attached: improved.png (4000x3515, 2.02M)

middle schoolers, here is little hint to give you a head start in high school:
- x is always the input, y the output
- one input can only have one output

t. brainlet who doesn't understand OP's bell curve IQ alignment

>no z axis

if your so smart then why come your on Yea Forums?


immunity cat
fuck off



>VN's not on chart

Attached: 1541659166450.png (294x224, 16K)

>Grand strategy and RTS listed as brainlet games
>Strategy gamers are scienfitically proven to be amongst the smartest gamers in the hobby
Ouch. But what can you expect by someone who thinks platformers and TPS games are for smart people.

Attached: Adult Nintendo fanboys.jpg (460x360, 214K)

Trying to comprehend this hurts my brain.

two minutes in excel

Attached: Untitled picture.png (790x734, 68K)

The real IQ test is wether you find this shit funny...
>Sage in all fields

Fuck you

That schmup and bullet hell are the same thing?

Attached: 1519664203074.png (326x160, 27K)

why is everything fun low iq or not a game?

Attached: 1532367650143.png (266x220, 25K)

This was fun, we had fun today.
This took me about 45 seconds.

Attached: Untitled.png (480x289, 7K)

>game I don't like stupid and bad
>game I like smart and good

Fuck off Reddit

It's a distribution graph of IQ. It's OP that didn't know that and put a bunch of shit on it that doesn't make sense.

Attached: 7qyyr8t3hoty.jpg (1080x1080, 98K)

>multiple curves, none of them labeled
>whatever the fuck is going on to the left of 0
I play Aurora and this hurts my brain. I need my Excel-sheet-printed safety blanket.

Where did you get those numbers from?
How were the IQ values determined?

i only read reply to this post but i dunno why because i closed it and did the needful hopefully you will get banned for telling me what to do

>XY chromosomes
>multiple curves, all of them boner inducing
>god i want to lick sue's balls

Does she have her dick still? Nothing worse than when they decide to snip it off.

All I'm getting from this is that it's very common to play Metroidvanias and shumps

Attached: 1518036665895.png (321x332, 266K)

>hurr durr OP is retarted he dont know how grafs work
how about you brainlets ignore this dumb image posted over and over again


kemel alhumdillah

wasn't referring to time taken, numbskull

Wtf is this even saying? Positive y = good but Negative y = bad but also good? Positive x = good and sometimes bad? wtf