Its a masterpiece.
Its a masterpiece
super cringey game
Game was fun there's no doubts about that, but let's be honest it was a 7/10 at best, mainly due to the autistic story
super cringey post
Nah, story is dumb, even for DMC standards
>this action game is a 7/10 because of its story
Yeah, if this is the best you idiots can come up with, its definitely a masterpiece.
the animations make me cringe
the dialogue is soo bad
just because we're not a shill like you doesn't mean we're shitposting, fuckstump. Not everyone is a braindead fanboy
The story indeed sucks especially compared to the highpoints of DMC1 and 3.
But if that stops you from enjoying top notch combat and pure visual eye candy you're retarded.
That doesn't justify the story to be THAT bad. Like fuck, I've read better and more well thought out narratives written by children. And when I say the story is bad, I'm comparing it to dmc standards
You’re pretty brain dead regardless
>high points of 1
It’s decent
If I was to judge the game based on combat alone it would be 11/10, but that's not what makes a game whole
Game is so fucking boring, dodge obvious attacks mash x. no challenge with shitty music makes this shit so not fun to play
How do you all do to play all the games on the release date? are you rich or do you use the money that your parents give you?
Nice b8 retard, now back into the tard pen
Of your existence, or your POWER?
Not everyone is a burger
The reason that makes DMC3 stand out in the franchise is precisely because of it's good story, a good action game with a good story is better than a good action game with a dumb story
Try actually budgeting shit you retarded nigger.
waiting for FG
DmC was better
>further proving my point
The story is alright, but it’s not worth rating much higher than other action games because of that
>it's a masterpiece
>but it has a flaw compared to previous games in it's series
There's million people just like you. You miss the train on something that a lot of people get excited for, and then try to validate that sense of alienation by brushing it off and going "meh, it was a 7/10 at best...".
You're so transparent it's almost hilarious. I know a guy who does this he's the biggest fucking loser I know.
>game is good because of my personal and arbitrary rating system
>if you don't agree with it you're an idiot
Holy shit kys
honestly DMC 5's gameplay isn't even good. Story is worse tho
Yeah sorry I don't want to circle jerk with a bunch of losers on an online basket weaving forum over a shitty forgettable game. I played it, was fun, but not goty material, why so buttstung?
>shitty forgettable game
>was fun
When you shitposting for attention, the least you can do is be consistent.
>a masterpiece can’t have flaws
I don’t think it’s a masterpiece but you really are comparable to one of those slowjacks you stupid bastard
>vergil splits himself into two halves to gain power, creating V while vergil becomes pure demon
>xehanort splits ventus into two halves to gain power (x-blade), creating vanitus.
>Vergil, V, Vanitus, Ventus
Also little tidbit, if you stay in the gallery long enough, a chilled out version of devil trigger plays.
Good job confirming his suspicions, you low IQ idiot.
Have you played any games ever?
The gameplay is amazing.
Were you expecting some witcher 3 level story? It's not GOTY but it's not bad.
So, V's panther is a reference to Bayonetta?
It was fun, but none of you are going to remember it even exists come two weeks
They fucked up the difficulty settings. Devil hunter is way too easy and SoS isn't unlocked yet, then you have to do all that to do DMD. Its like fuck just let me start at SoS and then do DMD.
no you numbskull, its a enemy from dmc1 and the bird is a small griffon which was a boss in dmc1
>shitty game
Look, I paid for anthem, a shitty game. I can't even defend it, I paid for Destiny, I even got bamboozled by bethesda with FO76.
There are just too many AAA shit games right now, a good AAA game is worth celebrating.
Kill urizen in the prologue and you unlock higher dificulties bro
>Both games have a panther so it has to be a reference right guys?
With this logic the bird is a Dark Souls reference cause he can carry you
Yep, I mean, I haven't finished Metro Exodus and I probably won't remember it and it still was a great game I'm glad exists.
You know what I do remember though? When I got screwed over by Bethesda or recently Bioware.
have you played any good games?
this game blows
>the bird is a Dark Souls reference cause he can carry you