Reminder that PC fags will forever be salty because they will never got XBOX master race to be emulated

Reminder that PC fags will forever be salty because they will never got XBOX master race to be emulated

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engine.AddOutSeqNr ye we did heres part of the code

there are literally zero worthwhile games on the hueg

Unfortunately there is

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>XBOX 360
Do you have trouble reading?

i'd play Jet Set Radio Future and Toe Jam & Earl 3

Xbox original is even better

Attached: JetSetRadioFuturebox.jpg (220x312, 35K)

Kingdoms Under Fire
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
There's plenty of great games on OG Xbox. Problem about emulation is that it's so damn easy to mod an old xbox and do some easy as pie repairs to make it last. Not much of a demand for Xbox emulation.

>he doesn't know about

But the emulator was released eons ago, the only problem is you've got to have a specific type of disk drive to read xbox disks and most of the iso's are trash.

As for 360 there's one around, it's easier to work with but again iso problem.

Xbox one runs fine, tried it with halo 5.

>no games

>People like OP would be happy not to have an option of emulator because of "m-muh exclusivity" of a 18 yo console
You guys are really fucking obsessed

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Splinter Cell Double Agent

Call me again when it can run Crimson Skies properly

>because of "m-muh exclusivity" of a 18 yo console
>when you can run it on xbox one right now

there's not 1 pc fag salty because of that

And? Why would you willingly give up on another option of running these games?


Are you retarded?

there is already an emulator and runs at 4k 60fps
other than some bugs and audio problems it is fucking awesome and the way to play jet set radio future

the best original xbox emulator can only run halo and only at 15 frames per second

the clock capacitors for the xbox are terrible and eventually leak acid on the board, destroying traces.

every xbox will eventually fail without the proper modifications and the closest thing we have to an emulator is the 360, which can only emulate SOME original xbox games and is riddled with its own terrible design choices

this is a real problem, gentlemen

>the best original xbox emulator can only run halo and only at 15 frames per second
yeah, but WHO gives a shit about halo on xbox when 1/2 are on the pc and halo 3/4 is rumored to be coming on the pc version of the master chief collection


only thing i'm salty about is fable 2

>there is already an emulator and runs
lel i bet it can't run crimson skies on 60 fps

Why be happy to be forced to buy a new console for an 18 year old game when you could easily have been able to emulate it on a toaster and not spend a single cent on a shitty console like the Xbone?

Grabbed by the Ghoulies.

>he hasn't bought a One X to add to his console collection
stay seething, poorfags

Reminder that only fags think this stupid box would have helped with emulation and the only reason anyone still pretends it does despite the hardware being busted and the hard drive being unusable is that they want an excuse to still be mad because they all have pathological anger issues from being jaded and warped by this shitty board

>Says console master race
>Plays games made on PC to be dumbed down into a console version

Everything is made on PC you cuck.

Waste of money since all the games on it can also be played on PC. You're better off spending the money on a PS4 Pro.

>t. guy that did this

>You're better off spending the money on a PS4 Pro.
>implying I don't already have one

Not using your hueg to emulate whatever the fuck you want while on your comfy couch

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I just finished Phantom Crash and it's probably one of the comfiest mecha games I've ever played

>the loss of one of many dev kits/debug units means emulation is completely imposible now
Ok fag

this; xbox emulation would have gone at the same rate with or without this thing. It wouldn't have done anything for development. It was a fucking devkit, the only thing that would have helped would be to be able to run unsigned code, and everyone and their mother who has an xbox can do that now. We've been able to do that since like, what, 2005?

>someone ruined a development kit for that