Why are there no games centered around the arab/israel wars?

why are there no games centered around the arab/israel wars?

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because they are largely just Israel shooting at civilians.

not seeing a problem

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So Hatred?

Go back to goat fucking aziz

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wouldn't be balanced
>six (6) fucking days

Someone bring me up to speed with the region

because what is the point of the factions ?.
It is literally prime usa & allies technology vs cheap russians shit.

brits carve up middle east and also give their most hated enemies a piece of the land or something

Because if there was anything not from the Israeli point of view it'd be lambasted as anti-Semitic.

arabs are so fucking pathetic they cant get rid of kikes
and dont hit me with the >le isreal suckling off amerika teets, the murricans were barely involved until the 70's


Because arab countries are bad but israel is the gate through the devil comes to earth

Attached: jew out of his human host.webm (300x400, 798K)

>british fags colonize a middle east region
>give part of it to jews because they suffered in ww2
>locals are angry because their land is being stolen by jews endless money and west backing.
>corrupted arab countries freshly out of western occupation try to push back the jews.
>fails miserably
>jews "defend" themselves for 50 years by taking more and more land by force until local people barely have anything left.
>now whoever try to attack the jews get his city and every civilian bombed to the ground.
Well if british fags really wanted to make up for jews shit why not give them a piece of germany?
west deserve everything happen to it nowadays with immegration flood.

What the fuck is that?!

4th one would provide fairly good balanced gameplay


Because Jews control everything and don't like it when goys talk about them.

The real mystery is why there's no games about the Korean War.

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bros. imagine putting your dick in this, bros.

>Well if british fags really wanted to make up for jews shit why not give them a piece of germany?

They weren't doing it out of kindness of heart. Europe was trying to get rid of Jews. Merely in a more humane way.

Jews were already setting up terrorist organisations across Palestine and kept trying to illegally emigrate there, even if getting caught meant getting escorted into post-war Germany.
In the end, British said fuck it and agreed to let them have the colony since the counter-insurgency on that front would run them in the red.

Which ever side you choose you're the bad guy.

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>west deserve everything happen to it nowadays with immegration flood.
immigrants are going to Europe not because of Israel but because Muslim countries are shitholes
it would happen even if Israel didnt exist

so like WW2 games?

>Mission starts
>"Remember no goyim"
>You have to shoot the flag off the USS Liberty and pretend you don't know it's americans you're killing while jamming their radio


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>t. Jew

Just deal with it, bro. Your "promised land" is actually a violent hellhole full of vicious war crimes. There's a reason the self-hating Jew has become a stereotype.

there is some game produced by hamas unlicensed using the cryengine and farcry assets that re-creates a bunch of battles
this might also interest you

but there are plenty of vietnam war games

karma is a bitch

Because you would be called either lier or antisemite.

>Implying israel hasn't been fanning the flames
>Oi vey you need to invade iraq, you'll be seen as liberators and they totally have nukes, trust my shekel mossad agents!
>Oi vey iran is about to have nukes!What do you mean I've been saying they're on the cusp of having nukes for 20 years?
>Oi vey that assad is a hitler, you need to have a full on invasion!

Just ignore them attacking Syrian government forces instead of letting them deal with ISIS.

Why are there guys blasting the side of a cliff with water guns?

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>the only country with anything resembling human rights in the middle east
>a vicious hellhole
Don't you have some wives to beat, Abdullah? It's not illegal if you're anywhere other than israel

Someone's just mad it's been a few weeks since he's been able to drag a couch onto a hill and watch people get bombed.

>be an Arab in power
>have to deal with cell phones, internet, and worldwide communication
>men can no longer control women effectively
>people everywhere are trying to become Westernized because Islam is torture

I wish it was the 16th century again, bros.

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Only know one Steel Panthers WinSPMBT

But it covers from WW2 to even Rhodesian war, and the South African bush wars.

>everyone look at this anti semistic goy insulting me
>hahaha let me mock arabs
jews are the worst

>When you chew 5gum

because all of them were pretty one-sided and there were hardly any battles between equal strength forces

IIRC Syrians tried to blast sand dunes on the Sinai with water so their tanks could climb them

>Jews don't beat their wives

Kek. Look man, I know you like to think your shit doesn't stink, but it does. In fact, it smells so bad, that a lot of people think it'd be best if you accepted reality and started flushing your shit down the toilet like everyone else instead of inhaling it through a paper bag.

I used to be against what Israel was doing until i realize they are the only ones keeping the muzzies in check from gaining more power. So now i support Israel.

keep going

>the bad guys

You are not european right? this is a shithole now


i couldn't for the life of me figure out how Western European right winger could support Israel
then I got to know Muslims from close up

>implying Islam is any worse than Judaism

They're the same shit, user. At the very least Christianity has been thoroughly bastardized by secular ideology. It's far more capable of assimilating into any modern setting instead of the foolishness of the other two Semitic disciplines.


Imagine making a game where both sides are completely unlikeable trash. One side is a bunch of savages and the other side is the most cruel and manipulative people to ever exist, and the game is completely unbalanced

Too controversial. It would have to be by a small niche developer because AAA or even AA devs would be too scared to touch it.

Because it would shine [[[[them]]]in a negative light. Can't do that now, can we?

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they're both soulless law-religions, with one crucial differene
Judaism doesn't command you to kill, subjugate or convert all non-believers

was it really going to be a good game?
did we lose much?

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There was a Sudden Strike 2/3 Addon that did that if I remember right.

Rip. The TECHNOLOGY looked great.

Do you not understand what a Goy is?

>I used to be against what Israel was doing until i realize they are the only ones keeping the muzzies in check from gaining more power.
Israel as a nation is doing literally fuck all in the middle east to thwart power of arab states. It's the jews in the USA that use arab stupidity to play them out against each other. If they weren't retarded they'd unify into somekind of EU version of the Middle East.

Why are they shooting water hoses at the ground?

this, fuck israel

stay mad, sandnigger

post more

i do, someone you CAN cheat and lie to
do you understand what a kafir is? it's someone you MUST kill, subjugate or convert

Jews and Muslims killing each other and Christians don't have to raise a finger.

Taenioides anguillaris

Not 100% sure, but it is definitely not alien demon fish, like Google is suggesting. Internet is definitely making people stupid.