
>4 years in development indie AA game
>open world RPG
>you start as a nobody
>no questmarkers or player locations, actually explore the world and use landmarks for navigation
>survival elements, manage heat, cold, disease, fatigue, hunger and thirst
>different biomes each with their own challenges
>3 factions to join
>quests are timed and progress with or without your input
>multiple endings, good and bad depending on how well you do
>depending on what enemys are nearby or whether you are close to a town, you may be captured by bandits and forced into work, wake up with your belongings looted or being rescued by friendly villagers, either way you lose time which will affect your ending
>souls-like combat system
>magic system with in depth rune casting
>support for 2 player co-op

where were you when the third person - Kenshi saved RPGs?


Attached: Outward_Screenshot_04.jpg (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:



>dark souls + kenshi + breath of the wild
this will be so baseed and Yea Forums doesn't even know about it

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>bright light waymarker
>console UI
>quests are timed
Immediately dropped

>survival elements, manage heat, cold, disease, fatigue, hunger and thirst
looks like Yea Forums will hate. This board is filled with casuals

Yeah man doing chores to balance 5 different stat bars is so hardcore, only the biggest badasses can play The Sims.

>Go into cold
>Wear coat
>Have disease
>Take drugs/use magic
>Eat food
>Drink water
Wow, so hardcore

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 13K)

New and unprecedented features all around

why don't you try shilling your game on reddit

>time based progression

im interested but Yea Forums is for dumb zoomers

Seems like more stressful bullshit than fun mechanics

I’ll pass

>Yea Forums is buttblasted about a game without save scumming and quests that progress if you fuck around

what a suprise

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kill yourself, op, if I wanted deadlines I would just go to work

failing a quest is not a deadline, but will affect your ending.

I bet you are a faggot that hits f6 when a quest doesn't end perfectly everytime or reloads when he is caught stealing

While game looks interesting, there is one thing I don't like, how overworld feels, like cheap Unity game, just look at those hills in the distance, they have no dimension, they look like they were just moddeled there and left that way, as if creator had no idea bout world desinging.

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looks more interesting than all the AAA showelware

>another gay openworld survival game

Could be interesting if it's designed well. Keeping current events across the world relevant to the ongoing plot rather than a frozen world of infinite quests, hopefully it's not just an added 'fuck you' timer for immersion.
I wonder if it'll be comparable to Way of the Samurai where there's branching routes to take for factions that directly oppose eachother.

No one said they were.

looks like the same marker you set in botw

hunger mechanics are NEVER done well in videogames, slapping a fucking bar and giving me status effects on a timer is bad design

The only thing making me wary is the coop. I don't want a game designed around mp garabage when im playing an rpg.

Looks like it's gonna be prime eurojank so I'm pretty excited.

Sounds like Gothic. Only thing I don't like from that list of things is quests being timed.

Kenshi does it good
You get hungry but you don't need to eat every 10 minutes
Your characters need 2-3 meals a Day and it's enough for them

>rpg with only humans
Couldn't come up with something more boring?

>quests are timed and progress with or without your input
I'm not sure how this is even supposed to work, but unless it's really carefully balanced it seems to go against the point of the entirety of the rest of the game. Why even bother with all the immersive elements, which are meant to be enjoyed by taking your time, when you need to minmax your time or else you get a bad end?

The timers are probably weeks/months long

When you start a quest its timed, and these will affect your ending if you fail them. But you can have downtime inbetween accepting quests.

The game is balanced around being both played solo and with a friend.
If you team up with someone you need to share loot and enemies are tougher, so the game stays challenging. Going alone might be beneficial as you don't need to share food and other ressources.

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how much does the game cost? doesn't say on steam,

game looks pretty good desu

Attached: faq2.png (458x781, 53K)

I remember a game somewhat similar to this but with a somewhat chibi/low-poly artstyle, the trailer was posted on Yea Forums about one year ago.

Anyone remember it ? It also looked alright.

40$ according to discord

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Never heard of the game before
>2 player co-op
might be good depends on how junky the game will be

Actually I am that kind of person

looks cool. Shame so many people will have a knee jerk hate reaction towards it. You're missing out on games.

There's parts that I absolutely adore about this and some parts that make me roll my eyes when I read them.
Souls-like combat bullshit, being forced to work after captured and depending on how leninent it is, missing out on quests sound annoying.

Attached: scum.jpg (1200x750, 270K)

>survival elements, manage heat, cold, disease, fatigue, hunger and thirst
No thanks. While it may sound like a fun experience, in video games this shit just becomes fucking tedious as hell after a while

It looks fucking gorgeous, thanks for sharing it man

The problem with these system is that They never lead to anything interesting
Having to eat is nothing when you can keep hundreds of food in Your inventory
If your inventory was So limited you could only have a days worth of food and travelling between settlements would take a few days, that would force the Player to stop by a Forest or something and Hunt Animals, which could lead to finding hidden locations and stuff like that
Or you could meet NPCs on the Road and rob them to get by
But as it is in most games, you just have to open your inventory every 5 minutes to get a snack.

>>Having to eat is nothing when you can keep hundreds of food in Your inventory
>If your inventory was So limited you could only have a days worth of food and travelling between settlements would take a few days, that would force the Player to stop by a Forest or something and Hunt Animals, which could lead to finding hidden locations and stuff like that
>Or you could meet NPCs on the Road and rob them to get by
that would get tedious after a while to since you'll always be distracted with worrying about it at the back of your mind. Not to mention when all you wanna do is x or get to y place but nope, suddenly you need to start worrying about food when all you want to do is progress or whatever. Like i said, it sounds fun and interesting on paper, but the novelty wears off fast and it just gets tedious very quickly.

It wouldn't get tedious if the game was designed with the system in mind
Survival systems like hunger or thirst should force the Player out of his comfort zone instead of being a novelty
They can be done in a good Way, but I don't think I recall such a system being good in any game apart from maybe Kenshi and NEO Scavenger

A new fantasy world is always welcome
Let's see how many Two Worlds out of ten it gets

Don't forget how if you ignore the hungry status don't eat for a while you typically get some kind of "starving mode" that nearly cripples you like you haven't eaten for a week and not for a day.
Papers, Please wouldn't be entertaining if it lasted for any longer than it did (half a work shift irl) or if you actually did what border control does irl, for example.
Not everything has to be realistic. Not everyone's amiddle aged German gamer who only plays Farming Simulator.

Well my point is that when all you want to do is farm a bunch of furs or progress in the main quest or get done a bunch of sidequests so you can upgrade your weapon or whatever, and then suddenly your have to sidetrack cause you're hungry. That is fucking tedious yes. Be it by design or not. Not to mention this also has thirst, heat, cold, disease? and shit.
Just not my cup of tea. I don't want to have those systems nagging in the back of my mind constantly

wanna talk about what the fuck is up with that cringe-inducing memespew image, champ?

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advertising on v is pointless, we'll just pirate your game and shit on it if it isn't perfect

>button prompts everywhere
>souls like

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what the fuck is that

>can only play as a human
big yikes

The only reason (i don't find) eating tedious IRL is because food tastes good.
There's no way to emulate that in a game.

>third person - Kenshi
Are you a retard or something? They don't look similar at all.

What's good about Kenshi's hunger system? I haven't played it, but I wouldn't have expected its hunger system to be praised beyond any other hunger system.

I've always liked Darkest Dungeon when it comes to resources, but that game has the advantage of telling the player the length of the adventure beforehand when buying, and then the dungeon map to show you how long you're going to need to make your supplies last. Most RPGs aren't so formulaic when it comes to what you'll be doing and for how long.

Scuffed Gothic/Elex

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>Game plays outside
>low vitamin D

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>Most RPGs aren't so formulaic when it comes to what you'll be doing and for how long.
Kenshi is about figuring this shit out for yourself. How long depends on your personal objectives, your party size, your combat abilities, your resources and most importantly, where are you located on the map.

Oh yeah, makes sense now that you say it. Kenshi is more like Mountain Blade isn't it? You can plan on the rules of the sandbox, rather than say an innocent villager's quest suddenly becoming getting trapped in an underground dungeon for an hour.

Honestly Kenshi is not for everyone
And by not for everyone I mean only autistic micromanagers will find any sort of fun in it
Not the dwarf fortress fans kind but similar

It's called Scum and my take is that it's a PUBG survival parody.

no but you can have more if it triggers you so much

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why the da is so bland


better video

Is this less of a game if you don't care about/ever want to use the co op?

Looks cool I guess.

Don't think so. It's focused on exploration and it seems to be balanced for both solo and co-op play. You have to share loot with two players and enemies get stronger.

Th art style looks really meh to be honest.
But looks like decent Eurojank. And we need more fucking eurojank, I really think their videogame scene is close to exploding in a good way.

But if it gets mod support and tits physics well we might see.

It's nothing amazing, it's just done in a decent, non intrusive way
Your characters don't need to eat every 5 minutes, one_two meals a Day are enough and They eat automatically
But the food takes space and can be a problem in early game, when everything is a problem, while in late game it becomes an internal part of your outcome when you make your own food
It's basically integrated in a Way that it doesn't take your attention away from what you are doing, while fitting with the rest of the gameplay and playing a major rolę later in a different way
Also, the NPCs are the same as the Player, they also need to eat, So They have to do the same thing as the player
Basically everything works together perfectly
Eating is not the part that's important in vidya
The hunger itself and how it works with the rest of the game is

generic clunky shit we had plenty back in 00s. you'd remember if you weren't a child back then

But these are my favourite games
AA 00s games are full of SOUL

>no jumping
can't wait for insormontable rock mounds that don't even reach your eye level