>Forgotten Gods is coming March 27th
Where my Grim bros at?
Forgotten Gods is coming March 27th
>one of the best western games released in years
>vee ignores it
I'm not surprised to be honest OP
hello grim bro, I like this game too but my friends were too cheap to even buy the first expansion.
Their loss.
I have close to 2k hours played and never did multiplayer, you're fine.
where my sentinel fellows at
praise dreeg
What's sentinel?
I bought this game over Christmas, got past the swamp and haven't been back since.
Either I played it wrong or it's just not for me because I found it a bit boring.
Fucking finally
Sharing some theorycrafting stuff
1.2s cooldown Judgment with >1K flat fire damage, 600 dps burn
Warborn eye of reckoning oppressor
Pure phys eye of reckoning with up to -150% phys res (-30% on swap)
Retaliation reckoning:
Numbers look huge, not much res reduction or crit but you got retal damage and out of the box it hits like x3 times harder than the warborn
I've played PoE and think it's shit. Would I enjoy this?
I love GD but this xpac took way too long to fucking come out. I honestly forgot about it.
why did you think poe is shit?
you will think this is shit
>too complex
you will think this this is shit
>have to go through the same shit 3 times
you will think this is this
Is there any actual end game in this game? Or is it like literally get throug the base game 3 times where the highest diffuclty is very had and you have to grind for it but after you beat it there isnt anything more to do?
>have to go through the same shit 3 times
>he doesn't know
Fuck yeah, I'm hyped. Gonna make a Shieldbreaker. Charge in, drop fire, and start slinging shields.
I know it's probably not for new players.
and what did you do before the fall of oriath you fucking retard? you went throught 3 times through the same shit which a lot of ppl had issue with
>have to go through the same shit 3 times
>that hasn't been a thing for over a year
>w-well what about before?!
Not an argument when the problem has been rectified
holy fuck you are retarded you do realize that could have played poe when it had only 4 acts times 3 and thats why he thought the game is shit? the problem of doing the same 3 times still exists in the fucking grim dawn which im preety sure some ppl are droping the game and also
>has been rectified
lvling in poe is still as shit especially bosses with phases
>you do realize that could have played poe when it had only 4 acts times 3
He also could have played a months ago. Making assumptions on old content is stupid unless he specified when he played.
>quoting "has been rectified" then bringing up another problem thats unrelated to the "have to do the exact set of acts 3 times"
Bosses with phases has been a thing since the start. The final act 1 boss has two of them.
Damn I was wondering when this Will come out. They announced it a year ago
I assumed you were talking about Grim Dawn, which is getting an option to start on ultimate from level 1, but it's supposed to be hard as fuck.
I was really hoping they'd do more for Warlocks. I really wanted an Aether Ray Warlock that had more than CoF and BoD on the Warlock side but I still can't get -100 chaos rr and I'm stuck with the vitality damage if I used the transmuter. Not to mention the lingering thought that dumping 16 points into devastation would still be better than whatever supporting damage occultist can offer.
i'm gonna try to make a 2h eye of reckoning build work. Was my first build i ever did for d2 and i hope it won't be complete shit in FG
fuck is this? some version of forcewave?
That's Infernal Tremor
>Making assumptions on old content is stupid
then making an assumption about him playing new content is as stupid
The definition of "to rectify" is
>to correct something or make something right
Is going from "have to do the exact set of acts 3 times" to "jerk off while the boss is invicible doing his thing multiple times per act while you could just oneshot him as lvling content is the easiest shit to outscale even on your first character" or other problems that didnt exist in previous version of campaign is really a correction?
>Bosses with phases has been a thing since the start. The final act 1 boss has two of them.
they are far more prevelant and annoying (cant skip them / even with great dps take the same ammount of time) past act 4. Pre act 4 there are only 3,5 bosses with "jerk off" phases (merveil, daresso, dominus, 0,5 is vaal but you need a right skill where if you kill his ads he doesnt go down). Past act 4 you usually have at least 2 per act
Seems like it would be a good replacer, I hit the wall with Forcewave and Ashes was just painful to go through.
It's tied to the Obsidian Juggernaut weapon though, and scales off chaos so it's not a good replacer unless you build for it.
Forcewave is strong as fuck, just keep building around it and you'll be fine eventually, maybe your gear is a bit low for now but AoM normal is much harder then even the first half of the core campaign on elite.
So, you guys all have this right?
There's no filthy casuals on this board I hope.
I've started this game around 4 times, the farthest i got was about Lvl 27 i believe, had Shaman and another class, my default attack was a lightning spell that was an AOE hit.
Honestly i had a lot of fun but i didn't really like all the brown and i know i sound like a bitch but there were almost no quest markers/indicators for the quests, it was usually something like "My son/Husband/Pupil is missing, look for him around X part", then there's no indicator, have to open the map, look for the name of the place they just told and start walking around there looking for it.
Sadly i don't read/listen to most of the NPCs in this game so im pretty much fucked, just wondering if this was fixed or was it improved?
I want to play the game but i barely have the time to be messing around for half an hour on a side quest.
This is my forcewave buid, it did it's join till final boss and ashes.
I mean job, no idea why that is there.
These are some nice man tits? Is there porn already?
Since release day pretty much.
This isn't Diablo 3 BIG ARCADE LOOT DROP SIMULATOR, so if you're looking for literal mindless hack and slash unironically go play D3.
Every place in Grim Dawn is hand-crafted, there's plenty of hidden quests and caverns you find while exploring so it's worth clearing the map 100%, it's a single player game so stop thinking about "messing around for half an hour on a side quest"(that's called playing the game by the way), there's no league or trade that will disadvantage you if you don't play 100% efficiency and skip all the lore.
There's a journal for quests and areas aren't usually so large that it takes forever to find stuff.
awe yeah nigguh
I want to make a ritualist built around pet-bleed - how retarded is it? The devotions are all there
pet builds are stupidly op
Yeah I had one at ultimate before at level 94 so I know how good they can be, just wondering if a bleed focused one would work well.
when I last did a pet build it was a cabalist and i really focused on OA/DA bonus (pets had like +65 OA and DA respectively) and skellies triggering flame torrent.
Ritualist feels like it could be a bit more gimped
You can usually check the GD forums for specialized builds like that. Otherwise you can theorycraft your own. I would recommend looking at pet builds by dashiv on GD forums. He's broken down how to maximize damage done by pets, so you can use the same tricks to make a powerful build.
Never did any damage over time other than poision build, and it nice, tho a lot more often I died before killing bosses but usually when I came back to them, they were already dead.
Don't do this, dashiv's threads are very outdated. Look up sigatrev or Maya instead since they both still actively play and post builds and they are the ones that are pushing current pet builds to retarded levels
Finally a class that synergize well with soldier.
I was gonna install guess i'll wait for this
>love pretty much everything about Grim Dawn
>hate the aesthetic
>felt the same way about Titan Quest
Am I retarded? I just think all the armor looks dumb and most environments are so muddy and brown.
Funny, never said anything about DIablo 3 or another game for that matter yet you bring it up.
That's a no.
Well, guess im skipping this game until they do major QOL changes, as of now it's a pretty niche game for people that need to feel like a special snowflake because they played "The Dark Souls of Isometric Hack and Slash games"
Does it add a new class?
That shows how long it's been since I've played. I didn't know that people have improved on it since then.
Oathkeeper. Shieldbro/zealot who mostly does fire/physical, but can go into acid/vitality if you want to be a Dreegfag.
All are shit until you start farming epic set to legendaries. My favorite is Justicar Armor , it looks real neet. mostly use it as a costume.
You said what you didn't like about the game. Im not putting you down or anything, im literally saying that what you're looking for is D3 (I've played D3, while casual it's fun for a couple hours for sure)
D3 "lore" is terrible and must be skipped if you value your sanity, there's indicators telling you where to go and there's no side quests so no need to worry about that, there's just gameplay so if that's your thing why not play it.
Yeah, it started with Sigatrev posting some mind blowing chaos pet builds that were doing 5min crucible 150-170 runs and went from there to Maya posting pet builds for the lazy people which can do every single content in the game while being tanky as fuck. That includes Ravager/Mogdrogen and crucible 150-170 with no buffs or banners.
Those builds will be hard nerfed when FG hits though
Grim Dawn is shit. You can't deny the enemies are one dimensional.
Melee take the straightest path towards you.
Ranged stand there and shoot regardless of whether you're in their face or not.
I keep thinking of getting it but I keep seeing things I had on my wishlist go cheaper instead.
In what combination is AAR not subpar?
The beam is fun but I've got an ultimate warlock shelved because everything else I make is better.
literally the worst thing about d3 is enemies running away from you
>dimensionality of enemies in a hack and slash RPG
are you fucking dense
It's the only game I've ever refunded in steam.
I found it lots of fun, but it just kept crashing every 10m or so and wiping all progress, have they fixed this issue or does it still happen? Was a pretty common google search when I played it.
>grim dawn
>hack and slash
HAHAHAH are you fucking retarded?
Grim tool me son!
I know. That's why I was hoping it got more help.
I hope this is bait. TQ Immortal throne had Archers like that and they made the game borderline impossible for half of the weaker class combos. It was horrible having to stand behind a wall for 5 minutes until the AI decided to run around into your face because if you went out into the open you would die in 0.5 seconds.
What makes this better than Path of Exile?
>Titan Pauldrons
I felt really happy when I saw mine roll with 7% extra armor. Feels bad that it's going to get nerfed.
>he doesn't roll a Sentinel when the expansion drops
I've been holding off on another playthrough for such a long time because I wanted to wait for FG but it got delayed so badly, and even now all the way to the last week of Q1 that I don't even feel like getting back into it.
>you can only either have enemies stand there or have them be annoying as shit
>I want my enemies to be damage sponges
>I like artificial difficulty
When you play fps, would you prefer they just stand in the open?
I really liked TQ but GD is just so ugly and messy. Rarely there is cool scenery or enemy design. Even masteries suffer from harsh case of all-over-place-titis. There was such strong sense of theme for them in TQ.
Damn shame, hope their next project will be more artistically pleasing.
I pirated the game when the game first released. How much has changed and how good are the dlc? I've been kind of wanting to play through a good Diablo clone
so are you gonna be throwing acid shields or going full retaliation brother
>I want my enemies to be damage sponges
>I like artificial difficulty
Where did I say any of that? The TQ IM Demon Archers were extremely fast and would constantly run away. Weaker classes with no gap closer abilities would get slaughtered. On higher difficulties you would have to draw their aggro and hide behind walls until they decided to up in your face to kill them. That's pretty bullshit. I'm all for better ranged enemies but not the way IT did it.
>moving goalposts
You said my post was bait. you disagreed that the enemies in grim dawn are bland and could use some work.
Yeah, with Grim Dawn they realized those fucking ass archers with massive Piercing damage that turned you into a pincushion in absurdly fast order might have been a bad idea. That whole puncturing mechanic was rethought although it was sort of righteous back in TQ to use one of those 1-trick gimmick builds which could pierce even the uberboss enemies so hard they died in a hit.
I'll let my Guardians of Empyrion do the dirty job while I throw green shit all over my foes.
>invincible summons with huge RR
How long until the nerf?
I'm 99% sure they'll remove the invincibility or nerf the RR
it's okay to admit you're wrong. you learn from it.
I think you missed the point, you're actually retarded AND wrong.
TIL: Pestilence of Dreeg can roll with 7 different plague skills on it that spread like Bloody Pox.
Why are these games called hack and slash? Sounds like such a boomer term. What are your favorite Attack Games?
Dreeg > Bysmiel >LOLael
>Using a 2h without using the kraken constellation
Bruh its 170% dmg and 20% attack speed. Shits mandatory on all 2h builds.
Time to fap
forcewave doesn't scale from attack speed tho