Got my first computer, never played games before

Got my first computer, never played games before

Recommend me your favorite game please

I prefer: Good graphics, good story, anything from first person perspective

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Trying to fit your criteria, I'd say Bioshock 1.

Thank you, I'm making a list of every suggestion and lookign at all of them.

Feel free to recommend anything outside of my criteria too though, I'm open to anything, just wanted to give some information

Start with Doom 1993 and go from there

>Got my first computer, never played games before
are you an alien or something? how is that possible?

Start with a rope and go from there


The Elder Scrolls

I had a really old one to write text/emails but it could barely run anything so I never played any games

This is my first computer that's able to play any game but now I have no idea what to play

Also I don't want to get a virus through pirating so I am buying them for real, therefore I want quality advice before deciding what to buy


Skyrim and Witcher 3 right?

Seconding BioShock (and only not system shock because you specified graphics)

So yeah, any of the BioShock games, Prey (2017), Doom (2016), Dishonored, the Metro series (2034, Last Light, Exodus), Dead Island, Half-Life 2, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Portal 1 & 2

While arguably there are older games that are better than those listed (like System Shock over BioShock or the original Design Ex over Human Revolution) those are older and have jank visuals.

I played my first game when I was 22.
>Never had consoles or computers in my childhood home
>Become a neet with no money
>Get a job years laters
>Buy a decent computer
>Start gaming

This is adorable and I choose to believe it's real and not just some user shitposting, because light must continue to exist

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Thank you for the suggestions, a lot of the games you suggested (Half Life 2, BioShock) have multiple entries. Do you think I should play the latest entries or start from the beginning? Is Half Life 1 not good? Also could you choose your favorite 2-3 out of the ones you listed? That way I have a starting point

Thank you, lol... it's just being somewhat poor but I'm happy you can see something good in it. Sending you love

Dreadout is a pretty cool game about taking photographs of ghosts to defeat them and find your friends. Light on horror, despite the setting. Nice ease into the genre in general. Really great soundtrack too.
Vampire the Masquerade is both Third Person and First Person. Great world, amazing voice actors and different options for how you want to play.

You should check out other types too. Gurumin is a light action game, albeit with a powerful secret boss. It is incredibly charming and downright impossible to hate.
Eternal Senia is a little too Engrish, but overall it's a simple and well built game. Sequel is free on phone and fully translated in better Engrish too, which I thought was cool.

To The Moon, Finding Paradise and Rakuen are also all great if you want to play something sad and sweet.

play mount and blade warband.
it doesn't have good graphics or a story but trust me.
should be cheap when on sale as well.

I've never played witcher 3
Skyrim should be fine, it has a bad reputation around here because it dumbified a lot of what people liked from previous games (floating waypoints and the combat suck in particular) but if you haven't played any of them you shouldn't really have a problem with that, at the end of the day it's a solid game

kingdom come

Portal and Portal 2

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Thanks guys, Portal 1+2, Half Life2, Skyrim, Witcher, Doom and Mass Effect are the best games?

Do you also have anything child friendly/colorful that I could play with my son?

did you feel like you missed out on something?
probably not since newer games are pic related.

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>Wants to play games
>Asks for movies

Literally the only game you ever need to play.

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emulate Wind Waker, artstyle is charming, it's realy easy and emulating gamecube games is by far the easiest

Off the top of my head, A Hat in Time, Minecraft, maybe Castle Crashers if you think they can handle some gross-out humor.

For point of reference, how old are they?

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Doom 2016. The story is okay but it's mostly told through lore, which is pretty interesting for a high-octane, fast-paced action first person shooter.

Good suggestions thank you, he is 7 years old. I thought about buying him a Nintendo Switch, since most of the games are child friendly and Pokemon is coming for it too.

Download 8/16-bit based console emulators and ROM-pack for them.

Start with Bastion, then play Transistor, then play Pyre

Attached: Supergiant games.png (851x388, 574K)

Yeah I missed out completely the whole being a kid playing video games after school stuff, and it saddens me a bit because everyone makes it seem so magical. And I don't know that much about games as others my age might. Also I have no nostalgia, so everything is just what ever.

why would you start with the best one? you're just setting him up for disappointment

Angry goy

titanfall 2

Because Bastion is entry level as all hell and thus the easiest for somebody new to vidya to get into.

It's also by no means the best. Get some tastes.

>Do you also have anything child friendly/colorful that I could play with my son?
coop or single player?
if coop, split screen or multiple devices?

honestly, you don't really need to play anything child friendly, I played the original Half Life and Halo with my dad when I was like 8-10

I wonder if people like you would enjoy games like quake, doom, unreal, unreal tournament, Ocarina of Time, Halo, Half Life, etc.

most of these are fun to play

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Half-Life 1 is fairly different from 2, but is a really good game in its own right (I actually prefer the first game). If you want something a little nicer looking, go for Half-Life Source (Same game, just in the source engine). I would also recommend Black Mesa (a remake), but it’s currentlu incomplete.

I have played many of the classics, and 90% of the beloved games are very good.

Beyond Bastion introducing the novelty that is Supergiant games to the world and having one of the best ending segments in the entire medium it's massively outclassed by Transistor and Pyre.
Both have
>Better overall stories
>Better combat (Bastion has simplistic as fuck 1-2 attacks per weapon and overpowered as hell defensive options and recovery options, as well as the edge of the world having an inconsistent hitbox)
>Better limiters for challenge mode
>Better art
>Better and more plentiful music
>Better voice actors (Androbles in Pyre and the Camarata in Transistor, the guy who played Rucks' Transistor voice is weaker than Rucks though)
Bastion is still a good game but it's overall really outclassed by their later work.