ITT: Games that literally only you played

ITT: Games that literally only you played

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Nigga I got that in my drawer.
Great game btw.
Expansion was average.

Nigga I played the shit out of this game and the sequel

pretty sure my tumbs broke whenever I play this game

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This little fucking gem f an RTS. Such a shame it never got the expansions / sequels it planned. Western game journalists were as shit back then as they are today.

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Specifically the (wine?) trading minigame.

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Is it good?
I'm interested in more EQ media after I played a bit of EQ1 a while ago

This was a weird game. I can't really remember what it played like. I just remember the menu and the... distinctive explosions it had.

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I played that. I remember the expansion introducing items that gave you strength by being in your inventory. They gave you more carrying capacity than they actually weighed and me and my cousin discovered a duping exploit so you could get infinite strength with them.

Isn't EQ1 doing a legacy-server so you can re-experience the entire game and its story soon?

I think its for its 20th anniversary.

Young me enjoyed it a lot.

what is it?

I remember getting that one for free with a PC vidya magazine when I was a kid in France
Never could get around to playing it, it would crash as soon as I launched it

Loved this game.
Depending on how well the game I'm currently making does, I'll work on a spiritual successor to this I think.

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Interesting. Never heard anyone complaining about stability issues with this game... though it was released in a very rough, rushed state. Thankfully there is an incredibly dedicated community today, with a fuckton of patches, even some of the cut content being restored and actually, honest-to-go living multiplayer pool.

Do you know what literally means? Or are you using it in the ironic tense which ACTUALLY means figuratively? Either way you’re a GOD DAMN FUCKIN LIAR.

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Yep, next week in fact. There will be two servers: One starts in classic and unlocks the next expansion every three months while the other starts in Shadows of Luclin and unlocks every one month but has faster exp/faction gains, more rare spawns and shorter unlock timers on instances.

Americans changed the meaning of literally.


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I had a demo of this game, also had FF8 in japanese and weird trailer that shows Tifa on her period.
I played a demo of that too, only 3 stages avaliable, the archiles walker was fun to use.

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Both Dark Alliances were fucking great. I'm kind of confused on what version should I get when it comes to multiplatforms, since apparently some xbox versions of PS2 or GC games are far superior.

This was also good.

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Traffic Department 2192

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shit thats dangerous..

I loved this game. I played it countless times and never had any love for diablo like outside of this game.

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All I want is another game like this. Put countless hours into it with my neighborhood bros.

Everyone played that and the Baldur's Gate one Snowblind did, though. They were super popular.

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I had that game, tons of fun. But I remember the balance getting really whack and the game itself getting progressively buggier as it went on. Stopped playing in some desert area


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I put many hours into this back when.

Has some asurdly long loading screens at times at times though, as well some sound issues since the disc has read like shit for ages, so always makes it hard to get back into.

Never got around to fully exploring every class, though I had the most OP wizard. Using those fire orbs like a point-blank shotgun was the best shit.