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is that comment a false flag
i have no idea anymore
you tell me
almost like your daily thread
The only people afraid of inclusivity are fragile white males who have had the last 30+ years of games with straight white male protagonists to relate to.
I remember when /vpol/ cried after R2D2 release that it wasn't the hang niggers fantasy they imagined, what a bunch of retards
Spoken like a true anti-white phoneposter newfag.
Good morning user. What's wrong with phone posting?
I am a white male and my girlfriend hates white men and it's based as fuck.
I remember this too. That was embarassing.
You'll never be a woman
Are you surprised? This is /pol/acks we are taling about here.
kys fag
why are trannies so obsessed with trannies?
>letting trannies live in your head rent-free
And you'll never have sex
Not an argument. Checkmate user, you've been exposed.
Trannies are the biggest threat to all mankind. They must be exposed.
Fragile manhood detected.
Only trannies care about sex because they have to dilate the ugly pee pee wound
Didn't see a whole lot of notable nigger cowboys in the game desu.
Only black dude I remember is Charles and he was only half-black.
But your victim culture loves frailty. I don't get posts like these. What do you actually truly believe in? What is your philosophical underpinning? Everything your type posts is contradictory.
What a perfect description of /pol/
I'm so fucking tired of reading "apache helicopter"
it's like fucking doge, we get it already the joke was 3 years ago
whats with the nigger tier quality
seeting tranny
much epic!
But /pol/ doesn't love frailty user
/pol/ doesn't pretend to stick up for homos, snowflakes and black guys only to call right wingers faggots, fragile and niggers for being right wing a second later
That's your gross hypocrisy. It's almost as if you have no real principles.
sseth harder
why is this board trying to hide the tranny invasion
everyday theres a tranny trying to push tranny agendas
every thread is constant hate against men not turning into trannies
trannies everywere trying to make everyone into trannies
theres so many trannies right now that there is at least hundreds of trannies in this thread
trannies trying to subvert us by pretending to not be trannies but still trannies
discord trannies are real and are trying to make everyone into a tranny
the constant stream of trannies makes it impossible to plan against trannies
because trannies hate everything that is not trannies
this why this tranny infested board is bad because it has too many trannies run by the tranny discord
we need to stop trannies now
kill yourself trannies
be the %40 all trannies wnat to be
/pol/'s entire philosophy is just "I believe whatever triggers the liberuls xDDDD"
They're edgy children screaming into the void, willing to defend rapists and murderers as long as they totally trigger the libtards epic style
who's seth
It's funny because there was only one black cowboy and he died.
found the libtard who was triggereed epic style
Hey hey people
Sseth here
Now this is OBSESSED
>discord trannies derail the thread again
I hate you """people"""
Remember to join the (((Merchant’s Guild)))
>willing to defend rapists and murderers
Oh, but a leftard would NEVER do that right....
It's not like worship of criminals and a subversion of the moral order has been a central pillar of leftist jacobinism since the French revolution
Hi ssseth im giving you money so please play a normal game next month mkay? Enough with the survival sandboxes.
have sex
Why are you so obsessed with trannies?
You're pathetic homie.
I'm Black and I want Whites to stop being such pathetic beta soi bois. Don't you have any pride?
Epic thread once again
Go dilate yourself with a rusty knife
Tom Gibbs sounds like a faggot
No I don't. White pride needs to be eradicated
This image is hilarious.
and yet you denied being anti-white earlier
die trannie scum
you cant fool me trannies
Fuck lol. Rockstar really pulled a huge fuck you on all of us. I am glad I never bought into their bullshit after GTA 5.
why are trannies obsessed with shitting up Yea Forums? All I want to do is discuss video games free of this anti-white agenda shoved in my face
are you actually retarded? you can't tell how blatantly fake that comment is?
I'm sharing a board with literal morons
honk honk!!!
It's fun to see trannie threads and watch them get reapeatly BTFO lmao
Uh oh. Is user afraid of his precious white masculinity being dismantled before his eyes?
found the virgin
Kill yourself trannies
Stop infesting this board with tranny-agenda
Its just tranny shit everyday all about trannies
Trannies defending trannies by pretending there not trannies
Go join your retarded tranny suicide pact
There's more than one in this thread
welp clown pepe is shit now
never going to happen since all the other races are just playing victim to get us to gift them stuff
Tranny cult is real I built their cage.
Is there some autist mental breakdown going on in here. Do you need help sir?
Just because I think about and post about trannies constantly doesn't mean I'm obsessed.
Fucking kek, trannies btfo
Fuck trannies
Do you even fucking browse the board? Or do you parrot what you think that board is?
>They're edgy children screaming into the void, willing to defend rapists and murderers as long as they totally trigger the libtards epic style
Last I checked the right was not calling for censorship of drawings or anything that hurt their feelings. As for Rapists and Murderers the highest rate of those that do that are blacks. And we all know Leftists love to do that while living in their gated community full of white people.
see now fuck off back to your discord
What's with the clowns?
t. newfag
Its the tranny apocalypse.
You mean to make up for the thousands of years of "free stuff" straight white males got?
he looked in the mirror and realized he'll never be a real woman
If I am a virgin why do you exist son?
Nah it's still funny and it makes trannies seethe. This one is just spamming it to cloud the message of what it actually means
>reminiscing about shitposts as if they were actually serious opinions
You are literally just reminiscing on how you were baited.
I didnt deny being anti-white silly user
Trannies cannot physically have actual sex
well proof it instead of making yourself look like a degenerate faggot
They turned the fricken anons gay!
Trannies pretending to not be trannies trying to spread their tranny-agenda to sane non-trannies who see trannies exactly what they actually are as ugly dilating trannies that convert children as trannies
no selfies allowed outside /soc/ ma'am
Cringe and bluepilled
discord trannie raid
Why is /pol/ so easily triggered?
there is no such thing as a free lunch
also you just admitted to being anti-white again so quit the act and admit it
/pol/ is the most snowflake place I know. Every time something doesn't 100% pander to them they throw a hissy fit and start concocting conspirations about their favorite celebs being fucked by black guys. Fragile egos left and right.
This thread is proof enough that theres a tranny shill campaign going on trying to promote trannism to ruin the lives of sane men who are not trannies
because republican are small peeepee'ed virgins that noone likes
can you stop ma'amsplaining?
>muh /pol/ bogayman
it's normal to hate trannies and in fact if you don't youre part of the problem
Kill yourself already trannies
check out this pot calling the nigger black
case in point lmao
>user first says I denied being anti white
>now user says I admitted being anti white
Jeez Louie C.K., make up your mind!
Also if you cant understand what white males have gotten free for years and years then you are part of the problem that needs to be eradicated.
also stop replying to the frogposter
Can anyone explain why /pol/ is obsessed with trannies?
Probably the same reason White men are obsessed with white men
Have sex, you fucking incels.
>SELF DESTRUCT IN 5... 4... 3... 2...
Fight the future anons. Stop the tranny cult.
>frogposter bad!
>white man good!
I thought both Charles and Lenny made complete sense in context. A murderer on the run and a social pariah due to his mixed heritage falling in with outlaws is hardly boundary-breaking. Especially Lenny, who's just as bad as the rest of them despite being friendlier, happily robbing and killing because it's what he's good at and has been doing for three years.
It's still retarded as the day it was posted. Cowboys were farmhands that worked on ranches. They were made up of local men that worked for a living. Be it white, black, Mexican, or whatever person was around.
Like you eradicated your penis right?
There is no /pol/ here, only Yea Forums, and some Discord.
check my 5 trannies
Based retard?
admitted as in shown, even accidentally
kill yourself discord tranny
Probably the same reason trannies are obsessed with /pol/
They can't be obsessed with Jews anymore because they idolize the biggest supporter of Israel.
remember the magnificent seven remake with the chink, the nigger, and some injun
It’s the new insult since cuck and soiboi lost their impact
second best post in the thread
Is this the transhuman future they talked about?
I want a refund.
I still have my penis though?
Yes, as a white Male, I do hate white males. As does my non white girlfriend. Is that a problem?