Here's your new Doom movie, say something nice about it

Here's your new Doom movie, say something nice about it.

>As we learned last year, Universal was prepping a brand new, direct-to-video adaptation of the Doom video game franchise, and today brings all the info we’ve been waiting for!

>For starters, it’s titled Doom: Annihilation, presented by Universal 1440 Entertainment, the production arm of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. Described as an “intense action-packed” all-new installment, the movie will be released in Fall 2019.

>“The all-new film builds upon the legacy of the franchise, whose origins derived from the popular first-person shooter video game franchise, Doom.”

>Doom: Annihilation, written and directed by Tony Giglio (S.W.A.T.: Under Siege), follows a group of space marines as they respond to a distress call from a base on a Martian moon, only to discover it’s been overrun by demonic creatures who threaten to create Hell on Earth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cool and strong space marines!

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Oh god, it's Doom 3 all over again.
How fucking hard is it to make a grindhouse type blood fest with metal music on top?

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Is that the orc from Bright?

Hardcore Henry with Doom Guy

its literally just the original fucking movie but replaced the rock with a dyke

Had the same thought, kek. Well, at least there are demons this time, instead of virus zombies from the previous film.
That would be sick, actually. Too bad the "muh motion sickness" crowd would bury the movie just as they did Hardcore Henry.

It's a team of dykes. What, you don't see them as fierce space marines pitted against hell demons?

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Basically. And if they want a more typical movie, then have Doomguy be the equivalent of a slasher movie. This unstoppable force working in the background, this ever looming presence that can't be controlled and no one quite understands.

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>instead of virus zombies from the previous film.
Going by the outfit, I'd say it's exactly like Doom 3/Doom movie. People getting possessed by demon forces instead of just straight up demons, because retards still like zombies or something.

If this movie turns out to just be the first movie but with a woman instead of the Rock, I'm going to write a script out of bitterness and send it to Romero, have him work out the rest.

>Doom film is bluepilled
>Doom Eternal is redpilled

i see them as generic "army private john: shoot marine" and not as anything from fucking doom
how hard is it to fucking get an american football armour thing and a helmet and make them look like actual fucking doom marines

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This was kino

>overrun by demonic creatures who threaten to create Hell on Earth.
At least it's actually fucking demons this time.

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This. Doomguy is Jason but good. So a Doom movie should involve something roughly similar to the plot of 2016. Hell gets unleashed, the protagonists try to survive and discover some ancient sarcophagus the cult isa trying to get. When they bust it open, fucking doom guy comes out in full armor and just starts murdering everything and never speaks, just sort of moves in and out of the movie like a force of nature, kool-aid manning from one scene to the next

Or they could even play it straight and have the cult be the "protagonists" and it's about Doomguy hunting them

I like to imagine they took the first movie's script, replaced Rock with Woman, and the parts that were already scribbled out from zombies to possessed, now reads demons.

I love the pinky encounter here, so visceral. Too bad the entire rest of the movie is garbage. Though I remember watching the FPS sequence on my VHS (yeah, 2005 is not exactly the VHS age, but I only had the movie on a tape) and thinking "wow, I wonder if videogames will ever look as real as this".

He's in

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>UAC marines aren't in bright green armor

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Karl Urban is cool.

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It's going to be zombies instead of demons again, isn't it. Just stop making video game movies if you don't care about the source material. Or just stop in general.

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Yep. He made Dredd fun to watch as well.

Exactly! Having Doomguy actually lead in the movie is difficult since he's silent and not more than a wrecking ball through demons, but a slasher formula works great for him, or like you said, maybe try to have the focus on the cult and doomguy wrecking shit up.
Seriously, when this movie bomb, I'm just going to write a damn script for this.
If he was involved, I'd trust him to do the Dredd thing and stay faithful to the character of Doomguy.
>Never truly see his face
>Just small glimpses of his angry eyes when the light hits just right

Doom should've always been directed by Paul W.S Anderson.
>Mortal Kombat
>Event Horizon
>Resident Evil
>Alien vs. Predator
He's literally the perfect pick.

I don't get it.

What is it about Hollywood adaptations to be a walking stereotype, which is "never make the movie stay true to its source material ever".

It's telling when the only positive in this thread is "it has demons this time"

He's doing a Monster Hunter isekai.

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>instead of virus zombies from the previous film.
It was still demons, wasn't it? It featured regular demons like Hellknights/Imps and Zombies are standard for Doom, for example.
Am I remembering it wrong then?

I don't think Handicapable Pinky was a human in Doom 3 though, but that part was objectively cool.

Hollywood is about mainstream and lowest common denominator.

The problem here is that the "demons" are going to posses people and make them into zombies.

I can only guess that they take some random script, change the words around and you have a video game movie.

No, one of the underlying plot threads in the movie is that humans are descended from ancient Martian refugees and have certain DNA that's basically 'locked away', what happens is that something like DOOM 2016's lazarus wave happens and then it 'unlocks' that hidden genetic potential and then transforms everyone
some just become mindless shamblers but others become monsters

It started with possessed, then only went full demon at the very end. Similar to D3 where it only went full demon mode by the end of the game.

The Hollywood people always fuck with video game movies, they seem to think they know best. Remember their cool and fresh ideas on a possible Metro 2033 movie?

>Back in 2012, MGM acquired the rights to a movie adaptation of Metro 2033, Dmitry Glukhovsky’s post-apocalyptic novel. Much like the first game, the movie was planned to follow the story of the first book, though scriptwriter F. Scott Frazier planned to Americanise it, setting it in Washington D.C. Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on how you see it – production has been halted and the rights have reverted to Glukhovsky.

>“A lot of things didn’t work out in Washington DC,” Glukhovsky explains. “In Washington DC, Nazis don’t work, Communists don’t work at all, and the Dark Ones don’t work. Washington DC is a black city basically. That’s not at all the allusion I want to have, it’s a metaphor of general xenophobia but it’s not a comment on African Americans at all. So it didn’t work.

>“They had to replace the Dark Ones with some kind of random beasts and as long as the beasts don’t look human, the entire story of xenophobia doesn’t work which was very important to me as a convinced internationalist. They turned it into a very generic thing.

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>tony jaa
>Mila Cantactis
goddamnit, why couldnt he just be the lead, I can already tell how bad this will be simply because she is in it.

wait so is he saying the dark ones are metaphors for black people or that was the only thing they could have done but wouldn't because racism so they made them monsters instead?


didn't the book have a part where one guy mentions to Artyom how another station had blacks living in it and artyom thought he meant dark ones because he doesn't know what niggers are and flipped the fuck out saying "holy shit they're overtaking us"

Wait, so they wanted to make it an alegory to racism towards black people? Why not just set it literally anywhere else in the country? Im not american but Im sure there are some states that it ISNT considered a black city and the story could just be told as intended?

>Karl and the Urban rock
sounds like the name for a indie rock band.

That wouldve been funny but then I consider the current political climate and any jokes made about race are treated as politics, and not a joke or in context.

Anyone have that fps segment in webm form?

Why didnt they just do a whole movie like the first person scene, Hardcore Henry made bank and did a whole movie with it, why could Doom.


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what about the communist faction then?
or the fact that other metros aren't as deep as moscow to make them survive nukes

I vaguely remember that. They're literally called "blacks" in Russian, so yeah.
I don't think they WANTED to exactly, but rather that's what it would've looked like in an American setting. "Racism allegories lmao" are abundant in movies, after all. The author intended for those monsters to be a general xenophobia metaphor instead, so they changed them for generic bad monsters, which ruins the metaphor completely. Whatever, not like the movie will happen anyway (and that's a good thing!)

Event horizon is the only good movie on that list

Make it set in Russian but everyone speaks english? See Enemy at the Gates.

Doom 3 was the best doom game by a wide margin.

You're objectively wrong. As a Doom game, it's terrible. As a survival horror, it's predictable and annoying, relaying solely on jumpscares and random spawns for the sake of going BOO

Doom always had cupboard spawns and it was better than new Mick Gordon pew pew Doom where you could walk on skyboxes everywhere.

Still wrong. I honestly can't even understand how people enjoy Doom 3. Just play Dead Space for a better survival horror with better horror elements. But leave Doom out of it.

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Doom 3 is Survival Horror for all of the 5-10 minutes it takes you to encounter your first Zombie though, a part which it handles exceptionally in fact. The PDA's were also a great addition.
It's just a standard FPS where you kill demons after that, for better or worse.

>new Mick Gordon pew pew
>where you could walk on skyboxes everywhere.
That's an odd way to criticize DOOM 16 but at least you didn't go for the obvious.

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oh god, we have an infestation of los americanos

> if you like one genre just play one game in it

>muzzle flash
>glimpse of karl urban's furious eyes through the visor
hell the fuck yeah

>Momma is not the law, I am the law.
Karl Urban nailed Dredd and it annoys the fuck out of my they called it Dredd 3d so it didn't get the attention it deserved. Also his outright ultimatum of the helmet stays on period was the best thing to happen.

>Hardcore Henry with Doom Guy
Only way of doing this

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>it's a women
really makes you tink

>In Washington DC, (...) Communists don’t work at all

well that's funny but for all the wrong reasons

You do realize that none of the people making these movies even played the games? Christoph Gans is basically the only guy ever in Hollywood who was a genuine fan of a videogame and made a movie out of it because it was his dream project (and Silent Hill turned out pretty decent), every other person don't gave a fuck and just used the license because they had it.

People shit on Boll because he says he don't give a fuck about games and just directed those movies cause their easy money, but thing is this is what EVERY SINGLE director and producer thinks about gaming movies. Like you said, a good, or at least true to his roots, Doom movie is fucking easy to make, just have a similar structure like for example John Wick, make it in the style of Planet Terror, built Metal music over it and just show, with a minor storyline, a bulky guy in a armor fucking up Demons.

There is a market for these kinds of movies and they normally do well in said market.

Its possible to have a silent protag in a movie, just have some Hunnigan type radio support character give all the dialogue necessary for motivating Doomguy and have the antagonist give all the exposition. Really it should be a play in one really long act; "Doomguy portrayed by Finn Wolfhard rips and tears demons, rips and tears big demon, pulls off some wacky tactic to steal the fight against that robot guy at the last second, DOOM 2 teaser, credits"

Why does he reminds me of David Hayter.
Are they both somehow related?

that's straight out of Doom 3 though. I don't mind it.

I looked up the female actors and they are raging feminist nutters.
The asian ones particularly weird. Focusing on asian feminism and bitching about men and whites. She dates white men though.

Women love the BWC

If Tim Allen taught anyone anything it is that you either toe the line or get blacklisted in Hollywood.

It seems like they literally just hand picked feminists.
So the blue hair is really real.
You can look and see jemma_moore on insta

>Like you said, a good, or at least true to his roots, Doom movie is fucking easy to make, just have a similar structure like for example John Wick, make it in the style of Planet Terror, built Metal music over it and just show, with a minor storyline, a bulky guy in a armor fucking up Demons.
That's where the frustration kicks in, if it's so easy and obvious, why do they go the roundabout way about it?

Only reason I have is that video game movie licenses are so expensive they go for safe safest way possible but that seems implausible.

wtf? had to look properly at cloth to be sure its not a screenshot from some new vidya

And dropped.

Fuck off /pol/incel

fucking kek

>and the Dark Ones don’t work.
but dark ones don't work in real life too.

so leftists just outright admit now they are anti-nationalist and anti-nationalist is basically just globalist.

Americans have this weird idea that putting your country interest first aka nationalism equals Nazis.

good thing I haven't watched hollywood for ages, why are they doing this thing of taking cartoons, games and even anime to turn it into steaming shit
I hated ghost in the shell but now im seeing the same routine everywhere

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This politics is spreading worldwide not just america and its ruining the planet.

You mean globalism?

Here's your Doomgal. Say something nice about her!

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>why are they doing this thing
Risk aversion. Anything that has a built-in audience / brand recognition will guarantee at least some revenue (as opposed to brand new ideas which incur 100% risk).

No, it's bad back then it's bad now.

>that gun
>that gear
>"""""space marines"""""

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>hundreds of cinematic games that would transition into movies really well
>hollywood decides to make a movie out of fucking doom instead

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Doomguy is better. They should have used that guy Kim Kold.
Made it exactly like the games and then in a sequel maybe add a doomgurl as an epic twist.
They blew it.

If you think games have mismanaged development oh man, go look at what happens in TV and film production.

0/10 would not operate with


Seriously though what is with non-whites being sexually obsessed with whites

can i rub my dick on her abs?

shocking truth!

>outright ultimatum of the helmet stays on period was the best thing to happen
I love that he was the one to demand this. Everyone involved did a great job in Dredd but Urban steals the show in every way. His constant scowl straight out of the comics is great, not something most actors would've considered doing for an entire movie.

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Can the rock come back as an edgy spaaaaaace mareeeeen?

>Kim Kold
Nah man, vidya gaem movie is ridiculous to begin with. I want john cena as doom marine.

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Urban seems like a real dudes dude. He reminds me of chad doom players i knew. They were real chads and real gamers.

What's sad is that they really wouldn't need that big a budget. Whatever the budget is for this movie, they could likely cut it by half by just going full grindhouse mode.

The only thing I'll defend about this movie is if doomguy is still around and the lead is just a side character in the Doom world.
But I doubt it.

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>Reminder that a Duke Nukem with John Cena is in production
Or pre-production, I forget.

Of course not. Anyway they cant even pick stronk women. Theres dozens of literal hot bodybuilders that would make suitable doomgals but they just choose some dykes.

Is that so ? what the fuck.

>Globalism hurts the planet
Guess how I know you have no clue what you're talking about

He really does. He seems like the type of guy you randomly find in a bar and casually strike a conversation about random stuff, and he'd be okay with it.


fuck you captcha

no more political niggerfaggotry
what do you guys expect from doom eternal?
I hope the soundtrack is slightly less electronical and more like actual metal
I really like D44M's soundtrack, but I still feel like it would be better if it had a guitar instead of the edited BZZZZZ sounds
By no means should they be completely gone, but I think they should enhance the guitar riffs rather than replace them

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its probably going to be better than doom 2016

Is no one going to mention the literal bicycle helmet on the dude in the background?

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>replace painkiller asset with doom asset
Voilà ! Doom hell on earth !

>bicycle helmet
That's a fast helmet.

forgot to mention- give us goddamn mod support
doom is a series defined by mods and it now belongs to bethesda- a company defined by mods
how the FUCK did the previous game not have mods

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Engine not built for mods.

Blame John Carmack for that i guess ?

>Universal 1440 sequel
Did you really expect much?

Internationalism is all about there being seperate people following their interests and not kowtowing to nebulous global forces. It's globalism which tries to mix everyone into brown malnourished goblins.

I'm still on the fence about the more slice and dice from the blade instead of rip and tear. Also the hook. I'm still wondering if it feels good to use.
But overall, less RPG elements, those were unnecessary, even if it was cool to punch the robots to get the upgrades, not one single moment where it stops the gameplay for the sake of exposition. D44M only had two, I think, but they can go for zero.

Internationalism is another word for communism my ignorant friend.

No if you like a genre, play good shit. Play REMake 2 or an amnesia mod instead of a game where your character is too stupid to tape a flashlight to his gun.


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>tape a flashlight to all your guns
just stop you arent as smart as you think you are redit.

Mods don't count bitch and you know what i meant anyway!

Yeah i know what you meant tape a flashlight to 8 guns.
Or do you mean tape and reapply everytime you change the gun?

stop shitting up the thread with your politics
fuck off back to hell
I can forgive gameplay interruptions if there's no more than 3 in total and they're as kino as this
Also, now that you mentioned glory kills, I really hope they're just one of the many viable options you can use to finish demons off, instead of being the #1 best way to kill shit like in D44M

Don’t forget the inexplicable Honey sequels!
Also the Death Race sequels.

DooD movie when?

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Please stop using the word hell its iffensive to demons.
Please use warm place.

Why not tape a flashlight to each of your guns. Are you telling me there isn't eight flashlights on Mars?

I meant tape it to shit like your shotgun and rifle and hold it offhand with a pistol if you have to.

woah, there was a Benchwarmers 2?

>they made not 1 but 2 Jarhead sequels

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Cop and a Half 2 is weirder.

I wasn't even thinking of the intro, that's a perfect intro in my eyes. The way he looks at the body when Samuel says it was for the best of mankind, the way he loads the shotgun in sync is perfect.
I was actually thinking of the part with Samuel in a room with the statues and the one where you're trapped in a small circle with Samuel on the screen.

>Earth is the melting pot of the universe!
Fuck, how was the one about demons?

if that's the uac marine design i already hate it.

demon is an offensive term please use mortally challenged.

Personally I think glory kills are ingenious in its simplicity. A great way to get players into the meat of the action, specially when id has to consider all the kids who grew up with CoD and Gears, always hugging a chest high wall. Great way to, even when at low health, get players to be aggressive.
The alternative is just keep shooting until its dead. I don't know what the alternative could be.

What about a Doom movie done in the style of Doomsday? Main cast is not Doomguy. He's present but his side plays out like a slasher movie. Main cart is just trying to survive and get to see Doomguy in action and all the devastation and fallout he causes while having a cast for normies. Final scenes are from his perspective Hardcore Hemry style. Or any time he shows up it does that.

Oh, yeah, those parts were lame, I agree
I completely forgot about them because thankfully they were removed in the arcade mode, and that's pretty much the only thing I play in D44M

>tfw you watch none of this shit because you cut out msm over a decade ago.

If they keep fucking up there is always quake and quake guy as a back up movie series.

Glory kills are a great idea, but I don't like the fact that they're almost mandatory. Enemies will often survive a shot that should be lethal (unless it's a really gigantic overkill, like rocket headshot at very low health) just so that they can enter the "please rip and tear my shit up" state. That state shouldn't be so common that not seeing it is something unusual, and I think you should be able to perform melee finishers that don't turn into cutscenes. You just punch the dude and he explodes, like in Doom 1 and 2 with the berserk powerup.

>sanfran guntwoman's dykecut

Just fucking have a crossover with Samus instead of gender bending.

I think then a better balance could be that not every enemy can go into a glory kill state, so it's based entirely on a random algorithm choosing it. Maybe if you're at low health, it's more likely for an enemy go into a glory kill state instead of straight up dying, at higher health, they just die instead of being stunned.
And I think the animation is quick enough that you don't lose any momentum. At least I never felt like I was losing momentum.

Shes got the jaw for DoomGuy at least

>a group of space marines as they respond to a distress call from a base on a Martian moon
>A Martian moon

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original is on phobos.

>follows a group of space marines
See, they already fucked it up. Doom is supposed to be about ONE badass marine kicking demons' asses on his own

>mfw that hallway scene when the movie goes full on FPS
it was trash, but that moment was pure kino

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Never mind then. Universal was always this stupid when it comes to Doom I guess.

Also, why DoomGIRL? Was Scott Aktins too busy with Green Zone 2 or something?

Then who was gravity

science user science!

>Expecting a movie adaptation to get anything right
>A fucking video game movie adaptation at that
It'll probably have a 20 minutes long scene of two actors awkwardly dry humping each others too.

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because lets be honest its a feminist movie.

I thought they confirmed she isn't supposed to be doomguy and that there will be an actual doomguy.

Phobos is MARS’ MOON you fucking Britbong. Mars has moons. The original doom was on Phobos. Promptly unfuck yourself.

>Never truly see his face
Jim Carreys as Doomguy. Beat it.

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The description for Doom: Mortal Kombat: Annihilation said A moon of Mars, not specifically Phobos.

funny how his hair looks like a crew cut but its not actually a crew cut.

Why are you being so obtuse to go out of your way and think it isn't implying Phobos?

Because Hollywood

Don't you have Blaze the Cat to jerk off to?

28 year old zandronum dev here.

Please castrate yourself and go back to fortnite. Doom 3 legit has better atmosphere, ambience, gunplay, enemy diversity, ai and graphics all around. doom 2016 literally just a serious sam clone but with even less enemies and more parkour for some reason. doom was never about verticality or obscure one dimensional generic enemy spawn placement with RPG PERK UPGRADE EXPERIENCE nonsense. Seriously, Fucking stay away from the doom community, please. Really. Fucking fuck yourself. is it no wonder every fucking doom wad that comes out is basically just the doom 3 experience but on steroids, even going as far as ripping models, sounds, animations, sprites and enviroments, like jesus fuck. yes im mad. doom 2016 is the worst doom game because it tries hard to be original doom even with the autistic doom toy collectables like what fucking game are you playing m8 nice pussy repellent achievements even dipshits like yourself can get by skybox hopping around like a bitch. nice NO-MOD-SUPPORT too. Fucking die already you fanboi nigger.

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Dont need to because i like it very much.

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What is the fucking point of making this film?

>“The all-new film builds upon the legacy of the franchise, whose origins derived from the popular first-person shooter video game franchise, Doom.”
OK in what way does it build upon the legacy of the franchise?

>Doom: Annihilation, written and directed by Tony Giglio (S.W.A.T.: Under Siege)
oh god no.

"I'm a woman hear me roar"

I looked up this Tony Giglio fellow and it turns out he co-wrote the Death Race sequels, too.

The Death Race sequels are Universal 1440’s best sequels that aren’t Curse and Cult of Chucky, but that’s not saying much.

>why do they go the roundabout way about it?
They think they can do better, these people don't play the games or respect them so they go "Carmack and Romero and all the rest of them are retards who never went to film school like me i'm so smart and i'm going to rewrite this shit just you watch i'm going to be the Spielberg"

Hate us because they ain't us.

I don't like this idea any more than i like a fucking doom movie, they'll butcher it and suck out anything that makes Duke well Duke and turn him into some bland NPC who spouts memes.

Thats fucking worse then!
What so some mad thunderdyke can repeatedly castrate him like they did in fury road?
>"haha stupid man, this is my movie and your only here for brand recognition"

>quick, resident evil is asleep, make a movie!

>bland NPC who spouts memes.
That's the douk noukem to a T though. It's just that he spewed 90s memes

it won't be his memes though, he isn't going to throw a wad of cash at some big titted stripper and shout "bawls of steel" as he shoots a pigcop in the head, it's going to be tame and friendly to marketers, maybe they'll give him a black woman sidekick so she can roll her eyes at him to death or something.

You can just tell this movie is nothing but a tax dodge.

Is this a prank?

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worse, it's real life!

Yea Forums is the biggest cancer on Yea Forums. Not a single board can get close to this tumor.

Where is the trailer?

Christ, those are the cheapest looking "space marines" I've ever seen

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It’s Universal 1440. Stop having expectations.

>at least there are demons this time
Uh, the description said “denomic creatures”. Not explicitly demons.

there isn't one i can find. just videos of "leaked" stills and images and tons of angry commenters on youtube.

No one likes this film already.

"Demonic" to them means "zombie that runs fast and has big teeth.

1) Not a literal bicycle helmet
2) Before they started making dedicated tactical operations helmets, specops teams would wear commercial xsports helmets (bmx, skateboarding, etc.) because they protect against impacts while being lighter than military infantry helmets. That's not what Doom marines looked like, but it wouldn't be totally inconsistent for that role.

Did you guys seriously forget that possessed zombies are literally the first enemies in Doom 1? The movie is clearly trash but come the fuck on

>"Demonic" to them means "zombie that runs fast and has big teeth.
Does that Bright orc-lookin motherfucker look like any Doom enemy you’ve seen?

But did those zombies look like an orc from Bright?

Fuck no, he'll make Doomguy be some helmetless rando whose job is to hold on to a stack of keycards while following behind Mila the human/demon/angel/robot hybrid who wire-fus through the air while farting argent energy.

Sure but even in the first level there's already imps. The movie spends 90% of its time not even firing a weapon. It's only during the FPS section that they remember "Oh right, this is Doom"

It just looks odd there because usually when you see soldiers wearing it, they are also wearing a comms headset.

>grindhouse type blood fest with metal music on top
God I want this badly, and it hurts knowing we will never get it