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Me on the right

This was literally me. You know what I did afterwards? Nothing, I'm still a cowardly fat piece of shit

Me on the left

Me in the middle

What happens next?

Mating press


I want to be dommed by a teenage girl who hasn’t bathed

He goes home and complains on Yea Forums

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does her finger gesture and his unzipped pants imply that she was ridiculing his microdick?


Jesus is that you?


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And then you remember that Algernon is an obnoxious whinging, whiny little shit happy to backstab, and that Pinky fantasizes about being treated like a whore by the lower classes, and you get a more complete picture.

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>vicio juegos

can someone post the sph version of that pic

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>did this shit back in highschool
>do it on the class qt transferee
>she goes "user stop lol eww"
>tries to humiliate me to make me stop
>it turns me on more
>i dont stop doing it
>keep harrassing her but nothing sexual
>hey bb wanna get lunch?
>hey bb wanna do homework at the library?
>hey bb ill walk you home
>everyone finds it hilarious
>like the nerdy class dork repeatedly hitting on girls and getting turned down johnny bravo style
>she obviously doesn't like it but she takes it in stride
>just the same "lol user stop"
>she transfers to a different school the next year
I was so fucking retarded
I see her again from time to time and she's suprisingly pretty friendly with me, like she erased those shit from her memories

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Based manlet

What are some games you play as a guy that gets bullied, ridiculed or beaten by girls?

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>tfw I was a relatively popular and well liked kid in high school but instead of taking advantage of it and getting a gf I spent 3 years in a desperate friendzone with a bitchy girl who was adamant on never dating me
I mean, it wasn't really a cringy servitude type of friendzone, we were genuine friends and we still are to this day, but god damn it was I stupid
On the plus side, she became extra fat soon after I finally let go of her, that felt weirdly satisfying

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I want to give Metallia a big hug, she sure could use one

i was mates with a guy who did this
he use to get teased and occasionally got into fights when he asked out a guys little sister or something
he was just a creep tho

i hope they thought they were laughing with you and not at you user

>mfw I used to be chubby
>mfw girls used to lough at me as well
>mfw I didn't make it to the bathroom and shat my pants

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It's okay, user. She's happy now.
You made her happy, right?

they didn't think I was seriously into her

She definitely deserves a good hug.

I made her happy twice over. And I'll never get tired of that gorgeous smile from the end.

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I got stuck in the later half of the game, and didn't finish it. should really get back to it,

This was literally me. You know what I did afterwards? I hit the gym, channel the Goose and turned into a Chad.

>turned into chad
>refers to gosling as the goose because he’s only seen incelcore like Drive or CP2077
>still posts on Yea Forums
Good one, sport

you mean br2049

Me on the bottom right.

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That guy is more alpha than 95% of Yea Forums because he at least had guts to ask her out.

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>tfw no games were you get bullied
Pls. bully me!

>The porn edit of this

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>There was once this girl that bullied me in 8th grade
>she had crush on this 8/10 chad. What she didnt know was that i was a friend with the chad, Infact we were best friends.

>when chad friend sees her bullying me he just fucking starts shouting at her calling her a bitch and whatnot
>Later that day when i went into WC to take a shit i hear her crying
>she comes out of the wc with her eyes all red and filled with tears
>she just looks at me and gives me this sad death stare
>mfw chad bullies girl user now and she had to move schools

fuck you lucy

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>The porn edit of the OP's pic

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Fake and gay

Holy shit, what a fucking bro

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>obnoxious whinging, whiny

It's easy to be loved when you're physically attractive. That post is retarded.

Did you fuck the chad at some point? I bet you did. Dumb roastie.

Thats a pretty funny joke

Good man. A shame that Chelka and Dronya never really lived up to her legacy, but they were fine in their own right.

What did you get stuck on?

Lifting doesn't make man attractive to women. Being a twink with fabuluous hair and shaved body does.

>>What did you get stuck on?
Don't remember and my ps4 isn't set up right now so i can't check

> EVERY woman is attracted to scrawny twinks
I didn't think you could be more retarded than that post, but yikes.

Wrong situation

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Well, you should give it another shot some time. The ending does not disappoint, and the final boss has a great reveal cutscene.

Why would you go after a tiny group of women instead of appealing to majority?

>those tits

I'l probably get back to it sometime, I did enjoy the story and characters.

based Chad

Why would you go out of your way to say something as ridiculous as "Lifting doesn't make man attractive to women" when you know you're 100% wrong?

So does this fat fuck actually rail her or what?

absolutely fucking based. bros before hoes.

No, everyone knows that Algie likes blondes


The protagonist does rail her, though.