Lmao it's never coming out

lmao it's never coming out

>2011 - 2023

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Other urls found in this thread:


at this point it's better and smarter for them never to release it as it will never ever live up to expectations

pretty sure they're waiting on next gen consoles

the game started pre-production in 2016 you retard


2020 is pretty much confirmed

>As soon as we concluded work on Blood and Wine, we were able to go on full speed ahead with CP2077's pre-production.

>the gruff voiced character
could've just said geralt's voice actor

its gonna be 2020 for thematic reasons (game its based on is called 2020).
anyone thinking it as gonna be 2019 is fucking retarded

>developers never lie

why am i taking this bait

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they will never make 2020

They'll push it back for next gen consoles. Once again holding us back.

They announced they had bought the rights, and were hiring. You fucking idiot.


Why would a developer that released such amazing games like witcher 2 not be able to develop small games like witcher 3 and cp77 at the same time? Thats just crazy.

The technology just doesn't exist yet to make the game as bright and sunny as they want it to be

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shut up faggot. the cut off for 2020 is 1 year and 9 months from now. thats plenty to finish it.

I actually heard that the main team started to work on cyberpunk after hearts of stone was released.

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lmao hold on i'ma anounce a game but not start working on it until 4 years later

literally this is the only developer that has a cult like status here on Yea Forums

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>bright and sunny

Just because of this ridiculous shit it's not going to sell at all

Because if you expand a studio too quickly you are likely to end up like those retards who ran telltale into the gound

Nah man I heard the team is going to start work on cyberpunk after Witcher 4 is released

Why aren't people aware that this is using EU funding which came with a deadline?

name a better dev

>Bethesda announces tes 6 while working on starfield.
Why are you such a retard?

The polish government grants are

When's the deadline?

it's >2015-2019 though, full blow development started only in 2016 according to interviews

what's eu??? if it's not in murikkka i don't wanna know you fucking commy

Because gibs are for technologies not the game.

>half percent of game budget

Rockstar, Obsidian, Eidos Montreal

why did I move here?

Reddit tier cringe.

Rdr2 is widely regarded as a failure, didnt win goty, online cash grab
"we made fallout new vegas that some hipsters on Yea Forums pretend to like" the studio
"we would like you to know about the horrors of slavery in modern day america" the studio

>it's not going to sell at all
kek you really believe it

2 greedy dlc milking devs, and the dev that made that one fallout with good writing but is still ultimately a shitty gambryo game.
youre gonna need to try harder if you want to come up with a dev as consumer friendly as CDPR and makes amazing games.

CAPCOM's Dragons Dogma is better than Witcher in every way besides production values/story.

great game. doesnt make them a better dev

it's worse with quests,locations,lore, combat is primitive two button shit with only climbing as redeeming quality at least I could dodge dance in witchers,technology is below average, budget was comparable DG cost at very least 15m
I really don't get why you retards like it, it's mediocre AA game, heck I'd rather replay Severance again than that shit.

>doesnt make them a better dev
Capcom presided over:
>Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dead Rising, Monster Hunter, Sengoku Basara, Ace Attorney
And many more over decades. CDPR brainlets are even more delusional than Rockstar fags, at least Rockstar was cutting edge prior to PS360, whereas Witcher is just the latest rehash of lone wolf Ultima, with added production values.

this is why everyone hates true weebs like you.

>Rdr2 is widely regarded as a failure
You’re delusional, the game sold a shit ton.

list as many games as you want

>it's worse with quests,locations,lore
Not if you put aside story/production value.

Your portrayal of DD combat vs your portrayal of Witcher combat is laughably biased.

>1st person
into the trash it goes

It's a good thing you're in 1st person irl so you don't have to see your ugly fucking face most of the time, fucking rekt kid.

>Street Fighter
shitty nigger genre
>Marvel vs. Capcom
>Devil May Cry
stunlock simulator for who presses buttons quicker
>Dead Rising
mediocre, loved for novelty value
>Monster Hunter
not RPG sponge banging simulator
>Sengoku Basara
oh fuck off
>Ace Attorney
degraded point and click genre for kids

>Resident Evil
give you that, 1,4,7 are good.

They did, then CDPR decided they wanted it to be a generic fps set in the GTA universe, so they scrapped the cool cyberpunk stuff, and that all ended up in Ruiner instead.

It's a bizarre decision considering the only thing they have over competitors is stuff like great character design. I guess they felt they can't compete aesthetically with Neus Ex which is already obvious from the previews.

Witcher 3 is a cuckold simulator for people who want to play as an ugly old man that gets put in his place by his bitch of a gf all game lmao

>so they scrapped the cool cyberpunk stuff, and that all ended up in Ruiner instead.
but cdpr dont have anything to do with ruiner

>staring asses is important to me

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If this were third person it would be so much better. A true action game set in a cyberpunk world. Instead it's a shitty quake ripoff but not even half as good.

I hope they will have money for a new Witcher game after CP77 flopped.

I'm just waiting for the next Witcher game, meaning i'm desperate for this shit to come out so they can focus on the next big witcher game. A part of me would like to believe that they are already working full time on it and that the development of Cyberpunk doesn't affect it in any way, but i know that's not true and we will not get anything new before the launch of Cyberpunk.
I can't even imagine how long i have to wait it's killing me.

>I want to watch a movie instead of being immersed in the world
I really don't get you people. What is so fun having a character obstruct at least 40% , more commonly 60%, of the world for you?

daily reminder deus ex is a trash game because it has voiced protag and its first person only

>its first person only

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>mfw they release it in 2078

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Apple sells a shit ton of products

>doesnt mean its good

this. remember the duke nukem blunder?

HR is better than first Deus Ex cuz of third person, first game is trash

Attached: deus-ex-10.jpg (800x600, 78K)

nintendo is the same
metroid prime 4 was announced years ago and they only just started development on it
Yea Forums cheered

The clunky 3rd person transitions are the worst thing about HR, so why would you use this as a counter-argument?

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>be zoomer retard who started gaming in 2011 with skyrim as underage
>8 years later still underage but also retarded


>much hyped game announces it will be in first-person
>suddenly, 99% of the internet reveals it gets motion sickness from first-person games, despite first-person games like Call of Duty being some of the most popular and most played titles of all time

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DE is garbage cuz i cant play it like devil may cry and role play as silent strong type cop who shoots black people at the same time, its not fair, voiced protagonists ruined gaming since year 2000, june 23rd, i havent had fun since

It never occurred to me how much time it is 4 years for a teenager. It's a whole damn lifetime for them.

>It's a bizarre decision considering the only thing they have over competitors is stuff like great character design.
You do realize you will still be able to see every other character in the world, right? You just won't be able to see yourself. Though even that is sort of possible in 1st person:

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More like 99% of RPG fans, who don't play FPS games.

>It's a bizarre decision
No it's not. Some of the best RPGs ever made were first person.
>Wizardry 8
>Might&Magic VII
>Deus Ex
>Arx Fatalis

Based and boomerpilled.

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>RPG fans
No, it is console gamers. PC has a ton of first person perspective RPGs. Don't mix us in with the console retards.

TES,3d fallout, Wizardry,HoMM, DoMM, recently DyingLight(I'd consider it action RPG), Arx Fatalis,VtMB, Deus Ex'es, System Shock.
3rd person RPGs I like: DAO,Gothic, ME,Witcher.

It's a bullshit argument made up by console toddlers. Fuck I'd want ALL games to be first person, only if melee combat could be perfected in 1st person to same degree.

t.underage shitter
Go back to ribbit, kid.

Im going to be pissed off if they leave in that dogshit melee combat shown in that gameplay preview when the gunplay looked fun. It was just mindless flailing like fucking Skyrim.
I just want to swing around katanas and shit.

>if melee combat could be perfected in 1st person to same degree
Dark Messiah pretty much perfected it.

literally name even one amazing cdpr game

Your turn.

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witcher 1

those are all trash though
good PC RPGs like fallout 1-2, arcanum, PST, icewind dale, etc have never been first person


They actually showed katana combat in one of the versions of the E3 demo.


I just remember the mantis blades being shown, and they just flailed at a guy until he died.

You're beyond autistic and what you're doing is clearly shitposting. If you weren't a phoneposter you'd be long gone. You are cancer.

Cyberpunk as a genre is dead for a while now, it's been milked to the point where every work in the genre is nothing but a pile of cliches. Just let it die and move on already.

Duke Nukem Forever was bounced around to multiple teams across multiple studios and remade from scratch...Four times? Over the course of maybe 10 years?
This didn't really start until 2016, has had one team, and one studio. The 2013 teaser was literally just that. A teaser saying "Hey, this is what we're gonna make after The Witcher".

>I just remember the mantis blades being shown
That's because we've seen only one of the gameplay reveals. There is one where they played as male V, one with a katana and one other(the one we've seen i think).

fuck off you cucks had 3 witcher games

>beaing jealous of Jensen's voice

you mean delaying?

Dark Messiah is garbage combat. Sekiro is how this game's combat should be:


Better than this garbage ass CoD bullshit.

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confirmed Ps4/xbone title, so May 2020 is 80% the release date. They may port it later, but initial will be this gen.

>Genre milked to death.
>No new ideas
>CDPR comes along
>"Hey guys. Look at this Cyberpunk! We're trying something new. We call it sunlight. We think maybe Ghost in the Shell used it a little but that's it!"

but its not immersive, in superior games like skyrim every time there is my text on, i speak it aloud in my room it makes me more immersed hearing my voice and seeing myself from third person perspective, why dont you understand reee

>the Yea Forums shitposter is also the console trash games shitposter
How can there be so much cancer is a single person? Your cancer has cancer at this point. Consider killing yourself.

baiting retard

Not until I get my Altered Carbon action game where I get to play as Reileen Kawahara

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>>Genre milked to death.
Oh yeah, we're really drowning in cyberpunk games. There is Deus Ex, and...


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for fucks sake Yea Forums, there is immersion and there is mistaking reality for videogame, seek treatment.

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I played DMC 4 SE on PC though, and Killer is Dead, again on PC. Both games have better combat than Cyberpunk 2077 does.

that doesn't mean shit
they could just release it on xbone ps4 when we have xbox2 and ps5 already and then they port it to those a few months later when the sales dried up

Metroid was the exception

i agree we need immersive cyberpunk games that play like ninja gaiden, so we can see ourselves slaying hundreds of demons in our cool flashy 100 combo hits and when its done, a text pops out and there is no voiced protagonist, but we can say that line in our rooms while we look at our badass skirt from third person perspective

and many many more like Superhot and stuff

Metal Gear Rising
Metal Gear Solid 5
CoD Black Ops 3
Apex Legends
Remember Me
Black Future 88
Formula Fusion

Need I go on?

Can they just release this shit game already so they can go back to the franchise we actually care about - The Witcher?

I want to play Geralt again. They missed the ball hard by not giving us more expansions for Witcher 3.

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Not that user, but please kill yourself for not detecting obvious sarcasm.

>RPG that lets you create your own character
>never see that character again

it's understandable, it takes a long time to clone GTA V. Lots of sunny california beaches to build.

>Metroid was the exception
Hardly, considering Breath of the Wild was also announced THREE years before it was released.

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this is TW3's combat

>he believes it was sarcasm
autism knows no bounds, user

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>Need I go on?

>If it has even the slighest futuristic/sci-fi aspects it's cyberpunk

None of those games explore cyberpunk themes in any meaningful way, you absolute mongoloid,.

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This is why you don't announce a game before it's even beyond the proof of concept stage.

Even Mass Effect is more cyberpunk than that.

>we actually care about - The Witcher?
do we still? BnW has ended the end for me, it was perfect saga ending and I am satisfied with it.
Sci-fi must come back in force! Sci-fi trend solely rests on CP77 success.

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I have no doubt some people do stuff like that irl but let's be real here, the reee gives it away.

what r u gonna do? not play if it comes out later? who cares, its ready when its ready and this time there wont be any cut content like iorveth n shiet

Nice Falseflag. But this is how third person cyberpunk 2077 would play out:

>create my character, a half asian half european assassin
>join the mafia
>do hits for the mafia using a mix of katana combat, gunplay, and odd weapons such as various toxins/poisons, hand to hand martial arts(it has to be brutal an feel like a fight scene from The Raid)

Combat needs to look and feel like this, but with katanas and guns also:


So basically, gameplay wise the ideal gameplay would be a mix of Sekiro's realism and brutal elee done in both katana and hand to hand combat, and Wet's gunplay.


It needs to look and feel like a mix of The Raid, Dredd, and John Wick.

Also my character has

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I bet we will get Dragon's Dogma 2 before CP 77 comes out.


Sekiro combat is nothing like witcher 3's shit

Yea Forums tends to be sheeple of itself drunk on memes without thinking critically so of course you can't see similarities because memes are so deeply engraved in your mind

It looks like a GTAV mod already, if they delay it it's only going to look worse.

>It looks like a GTAV mod already
for 5 minutes out of 48 minute demo, I guess, sure

All they had to do to make this good, but they didn't...

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yeah the rest of the demo looks even worse

make a skybox with such buildings youll never be able to visit and modern PCs couldnt handle if you got close? yeah they should have

confirmed for 2078 launch

Don't make the game open world, make it a hub with levels you can visit at any time. The scenery can be for the rooftop level.

The first teaser looked so good. Everything new looks like shit.


the scenery is just that a scenery, hub, open world, doesnt matter, no PC could handle something like that, at best you can get is like you said a scenery, youll never get close to it but it will just follow you from the distance

still, least it will look good


I hear cdpr is a bad place to wort at. I bet the guys who made that teaser are long gone.

>Don't make the game open world

It's 2019, boomer. EVERYTHING has to be open world now!

>no PC could handle something like that

Attached: 2837576-2015-03-21_00029.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

prolly the people who made ruiner since it was made up of ex cdpr people

Get ready to download a 200GB game

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Not counting games adapted from anime like GiTS and stuff.

Deus Ex
System Shock
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Fear Effect
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Shadow President
Detroit: Become Human
Project Eden
About half of the Megami Tensei games
Farcry 3 Blood Dragon
Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Perfect Dark

the guys who made teaser were never in CDPR, cdpr gave them art and they just made it CGI


>no PC could handle something like that

Attached: ss_3ca02c3972cfda28d33b160ca4e50321fabd8d7e.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

Game is called Cyberpunk, 2077 is the release year.

sadly for you i have played all dreamfall games and dont try to bullshit me, its basically a small hub with big buildings in the distance, same as mass effect 1s citadel, if you like it thats fine, but id rather prefer to drive through a whole city than explore 200 square meters of 2 streets

don't even remind me of this shit heap
fuck Ragnar Tornquist with a stick
also, it was one tiny area and 980Tis couldn't do more than 30 fps on release

I'd rather have a smaller well crafted area than a guaranteed shitty open world

>farcry 3 blood dragon
That was not cyberpunk, it was an ode to 80s action movies with a pink filter added.

>I have no mouth
How is this cyberpunk?

too bad Dreamfall Chapters wasn't well-crafted by any standard

Ah, so CDPR just forgot to tell them that the CP77 world is a nice place full of sunshine and stuff.

>every scifi game is cyberpunk now!

they look more cyberpunk than the pos cdpr is making does

the devs got mad Yea Forums was shitposting the gameplay releases and they are changing the game

>No grass
That's because the camera is outside of the LOD distance you dork.
To have grass appear in all the scene would kill nintendo's hardware.

I downloaded 158Gb Shadow of War recent;y, took me half a day, it's nothing. I would have to buy 500Gb SSD though.

Okay, so why not divide the game into several hubs and a driving stage to move from hub to hub?

The Propast hub was pretty nice and had a good cyberpunk feel to it.

>the devs got mad Yea Forums was shitposting the gameplay releases and they are changing the game

If only, then they'd make it third person and get a japanese to do the combat stuff

cuz they wanted to make a seamless game without any loading screens, tho im sure the loading screens are hid like in HR, but still

Cyberpunk is just sun down neon lights on.

>that pic
Too bad we got ELS instead...

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they'll be waiting a long time. "next gen" consoles won't exist.

pretty sure it'll be like TW3 where the map is divided into several areas with loading screens only between those

Does that also make better quality textures magically pop in? Because the image is also comparing surfaces that don't contain any grass,

Even when zoomed in, it still looks atrocious.

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pretty sure they already confirmed it to be coming to xbox one and ps4

no, they said once you load into game there wont be any more loading screens doesnt matter if you go between buildings or districts unless you use fast travel, but we will see

They need to fix the fuck up that was Cyberpunk: Los Santos
Here's hoping for less shit and more 80s.

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (1200x850, 258K)

So did Death Stranding, and yet Yea Forums keeps saying it's never coming out.

that's how TW3 worked
if you went on foot to Novigrad, you didn't see a loading screen
not sure about Skellige though, i think you could only fast travel there

well yeah if you just have velen and novigrad then yes it will work like that

But medieval setting is best setting. I love sci-fi as well but there's nothing better than a good medieval game.
So of course we still care about the future of the witcher franchise.

What did you anons expect. They onlu showed one thing of gameplay since the announcement.

you could access the Hearts of Stone areas on foot too, don't know about B&W
probably the same as Skellige

>TW3 is four years old in a couple of weeks
>it STILL triggers Fromtard autism

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I mean they were nice enough to put the release date right in the name. Don't see why you need to keep making these threads.

Puny poles fear the Todd, they know they can't compete with Starfield.

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They have worked on the game for 5 years.


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>hating on first person
retard that like shitting behind boxes during gunfights

I wish it was true Todd, I really do.

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It’ll do what GTA:V did. Launch at the very end of the PS3 then re-release on the PS4 after 12-18 months

"worked" like Bioware worked 6 years on Anthem.

what a stupid post from a stupid person

Yeah, strafing left/right is so much better and realistic.

"takes place in a parallel timeline"
Jumping the shark before it is even released
I bet this was a requirement of Pondscum's to let them work on it. Now his legacy is preserved because he is working on OG timeline.

not headshotting everyone in the room the second you enter it, how pleb are you?

>But medieval setting is best setting.
Hardly. You have much more creative freedom in a modern/futuristic setting simply due to all the technology that's absent in medieval shit.

pondcum is a fuckin hack

nobody at CDPR and even Poudsmith said that, pcgamer being pcgamer as usual

It was fake news.
>It isn't an alternate timeline. 2020 and 2077 both occur in the same universe. Cyberpunk Red will take place between the two. Some slight miscommunication led to an error in the script is all.

I never gave a fuck about this game but hearing that it might be delayed for a substantial time actually makes me interested
the devs heavily praised RDR2 and so if they are saying "we hope you're not mad but we wanna make something like that so brb" then i might actually keep an eye out for this game

Huh. I guess that's settle.

Might just be CDPR saying that to be vague and not give away an idea of a release date. Videos like that tend to be made a while ago anyways. It was probably a 2020 release date anyways.

So is this a scam? People are calling Star Citizen a scam because they keep moving the release date not knowing the massive scale of it. But this game was announced the same year as SC.

In many medieval fantastic worlds, technology existed a long time ago but ended up forgotten by many. Magic is also a great tool to replace technology and make a medieval setting more dynamic. You know you travel through time and space in TW3, right?

0 cyberpunk games there

RDR2 is regarded as a massive failure only here on Yea Forums..

nobody is paying for $10k skin in cyberpunk,
so no, it's not a scam

Is that a serious question?

That money goes back into development.

They have said many times that the money the make from ships act as funding for the game.

>The Altered Carbon waifufag is back and you won't believe how hard he's samefagging now!
Give it a rest will you, noboby will believe you're not samefagging your ridiculous list of demands of how CP2077 isn't enough like Altered Carbon and isn't first-person and doesn't have controllable flying cars and this and that holy shit CDPR aren't idiots.

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medieval setting is simple, comfortable setting, easy to make, easy to understand
sci-fi is harder to make, it's weird if done right, it's frightening if done right even in optimistic futures
you want comfort food.

CD Projekt's financial position means it has to be out before 2023.

that would be stupid : It already suffers a lot from the current gen limitations.
Just look at the demo.

even if Chris Robert isn't buyng himself a real ship out of all the virtual ones that people bought this is still a garbage way of funding a game plus I've read reviews that are really puzzled by how long this game has been in dev and how much money was thrown into the grinder and how little there is to show for it


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We just should wait the playable demo.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 the next BOTW????
>Creatures from Yea Forums non stop shitposting about it before launch
>Will continue to cry about it after launch once it gets 95 score and millions of sales

Not everyone is a fat shut-in. Some people LIKE the sun. No joke.

>Creatures from Yea Forums non stop shitposting about it before launch
they do it about every single AAA game now, it's silly at this point, at least it made sense in 2012

Also in the character screen, so like most RPGs where characters are only ever detailed outside of the game world, where they're just sprites or low-poly models that don't even reflect the actual character model, gear, clothing and other customization stuff.

I'll give you Rising but how the fuck is MGSV cyberpunk

It's set in the fucking 80's

it's actually the new dragon age inquisition.

There's confirmed gay romances in the game, the moment you actually see these in video form Yea Forums is going to have kittens and they'll be shitposting about it for weeks.

Then the game will actually come out and it'll be just okay.

Attached: bara of thumbs up.png (707x707, 239K)

I said i liked sci-fi as well, resorting to fallacy will not help your case. Just accept you were wrong. I never get frightened by sci-fi vidyas but what even is your point there? That you get frightened by them so playing them makes you strong and brave? I'm also not comforted by medieval games, can you start making sense please?

that's the only part that fits

They have a vision for the game that hasn't been done before. It needs time. They were planning on releasing the game years ago because they couldn't do what they wanted to, they didn't have the money to go further, so they set a release date under that budget. But as the game got more attention and more and more money, they said "fuck it lets just build our vision". So the more the budget keeps growing, the closer they get to making the game.

But again, do you guys understand the scale of the game? They literally have a daily or weekly update that they upload on YouTube, on the development of the game. What they are doing and how things are going.

the fuck is wrong with your brain ?

>It's a bizarre decision considering the only thing they have over competitors
This game has zero competition, nu-DX is largely a cruel joke on DX fans, you can't even name a single similar cyberpunk RPG in development right now because there isn't one.

Conversations are still in third person. MUH IMMERSIONfags btfo.

Photoshopping (you)'s out takes 5 seconds and proves nothing ACfag.

>gay romances
yasssss give me more of those rare interactions!

It's the only thing sustaining Yea Forums at this point: fixating on making AAA games collapse, and if they don't endlessly whining about why people like it and how it sold poorly despite being profitable.

Same with Starfield.

Todd said in his last interview "everyone should be very patient."


No, because BOTW is a shit game. Now get the fuck outta here with your nintendo kiddie garbage.

97 ;)

>takes place in a parallel timeline
Yes? Unless you think that the USA will balkanize by 2020. The writer is retarded but Cyberpunk 2020 is a parallel timeline.

well, and I like medieval too
my point is that i'm tired of it, it's like with ww2 shooters, I had too much

Are you dumb? They announced it in 2012 yes, and started developing it in 2016 after the last Witcher 3 DLC was released. Common knowledge.

>They have a vision for the game that hasn't been done before
I've played freelancer, elite dangerous exist, No man's sky as well
big ass space sim aren't revolutionary, What really fries my brain is how Squadron 42 or something, is a thing that exist with big names actor moccaping in ot and being in developpement at the same time as star citizen. I was in high school when we were talking about this game, and now it's two games on of them starring Gary Oldman and Mark Hamill ?
it's not that the game is revolutionary: it shows every symptoms of Chris' ego getting in the way.

Listen here fucker, ACfag is reserved for Armor Corp fag and don't you forget it. You don't get to name your own fags without respecting the fags who came before.

Thinking the decision to make it first person is bad is borderline retarded. Have you not seen how 3rd person gameplay from CDPR is? It's awful.
They are doing this because they know they can't make good 3rd person gameplay.

You can't even pour $200M into a barebones spacesim if you wanted to. Elite Dangerous was made with far less and will forever have more features and about 2 trillion more planets than SC. All of that surplus money will go into making more cash shop ships and $200,000 coffee makers.

Only one of them is me, dumbass. Get cdpr's cock out of your mouth.

Attached: file-20180214-174990-x4qebs.jpg (1000x562, 56K)

I didn't overhype myself like the retards screaming at this game. I expect Elder Scrolls with Cyberpunk and if it's better than that I'll be happy.

So you're gonna sit there and tell me that you can do all this youtu.be/NpbIEZtCKgM , in thkse games you mentioned? Elite Dangerous doesn't even have space legs. They said it themselves that adding space legs is extremely difficult.

Anthem is high tech low life, which is cyberpunk.

And CP2077 is only seen as a disaster by some people here on Yea Forums.

the xbox one sub on reddit sees the game as a joke too, they legit mistook it for a gta game lol

hey, a sane person, I'm also considering to ignore all marketing material after this year e3, i'm pre ordering the thing either way so why spoil myself the fun

I always thought Witcher 2/3 felt like Dark Souls to me.

You do realise this is the best thing I could possibly hear? This is the ultimate game I think I could want, open world cyberpunk universe. I want them to take as much damn time on this as possible. I do not want a half baked, unbalanced, broken and dodgy game that need patches and DLC before it becomes fun.

They should take all the time they need, I'll be ready when it is.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at 10.33.57 PM.png (1458x606, 1.1M)

The Witcher series is over.

>the xbox one sub on reddit
that explains where the vocal minority came from

you had to level up i frames, so souls crowd got angry at it, they are bad at dodging(not rolling)

I don't understand what your complaint is here.

How do you see it as a GTA game? i'm actually really mystified by this.

Geralt's story is over. That's not the same.

I'm not going to pre-order it, but it seems the majority of the people complaining (that aren't shit posters) are just mad that it didn't meet their personal expectations that they conjured with their own imaginations.

To be honest, it didn't meet mine; i wanted a more 80s anime OVA, New Wave fashion look to things as that's how I always imagined 2020, but I'm not an idiot and I'm not autistic so I can take the fact that my own personal take on the game's universe isn't reflected by modern devs.

This. I'd rather they spend a year to polish it, or even just get more done then release before it's finished.


Sounding like a Scam Citizen cultist there bud.

Attached: 2e9.gif (315x315, 1.38M)

it looks a lot like codex book art, I don't know what you all were expecting
also two scenes stick in mind for me, medteam arrival and augmentation parlor, if that isn't 80s OVA I don't know what
oh I guess it's free, unconscious girl sitting on operation table you save was very anime, like if someone cell shaded that it, nobody would bat an eye

cyberpunk rely on a bit more than that, there is a mix of counter-culture and nihilism that must be added to the mix, an emphasis on how technologies are used both as an opression tool and repurposed by pirates and their like to "fight the powa" or more likely survive and live another day. Cyberpunk stories aren't about saving the world they are about the protagonist saving his own skin in a world relatively devoided of hope about the future being better.
there is a line from a an author whose name I forgot but he said "a good SF writer isn't about predicting the automobile it's about predicting traffic jam"

I hope they go bankrupt soon. Gog is not profitable, this game requires more and more funds.

>Codex book

This isn't 40k you know. Not everything is called a codex.

And no, it's actually quite different. I'm absolutely fine with it, but aesthetically there's a fair bit of different from the rulebook art and from the various 80s OVAs, though of course with so many there's some similarities here and there.

It's fine though, it's not bad, it's just a bit different.

they arent valve, gog isnt their main money maker, they are living off witcher money

>Go bankrupt soon.

Wishful thinking. They've got too much passive income at the moment and they're still getting cash for the Witcher games ontop of GoG. The worst that would happen is that they downsize and focus on smaller games.

>I expect Elder Scrolls with Cyberpunk
It's more like Fallout 4 - factions with Cyberpunk

>Soon we will see a "minutes since Yea Forums last cried about Cyberpunk 2077 and the sun"

Attached: minutes since v last cried about BOTW.jpg (700x913, 111K)

their last financial report was very positive, saying that the witcher 3 was still paying the bills even years after release and investors probably jumped on it since TW3 was and still is a cashcow and they probably expect CB2077 to do the same
but keep dreaming about the death of a competent and audience friendly studio you cunt

No, I'm not seeing it. Already from the game demo it's far better than Fallout 4. If they just maintain that level of quality it's better.

WB will handle marketing again, CDPR can afford two flops of AAA game, second one will be in smaller scale but still AAA.

>waiting 12 years for a fucking GTA clone
What's the point?

Fuck off with this false info you stupid shits.

Almost every dev, gameplay>>>>>>>>story/mature themes like tiddies and baginas

>No, I'm not seeing it
It's a boring shooter with no class variations, single slot armors and a voiced protagonist. Also no factions. It's much more like FO4 than any Elder Scrolls out there.

The sun is not the fucking problem, you retard, the problem is the lackluster look of everything. Here's how you do a proper Cyberpunk-like city.

Attached: Astral-Chain-Atomix.jpg (1280x545, 255K)

4 years is good for linear games but open-world games usually take a lot more time unless they recycle a lot from a previous game.

its true you mongoloid, they werent able to do 2 AAA games at the same time, all they could do in that time is do some story and ideas, but full making of assets and the world came after HoS and fully after B&W

if you like invisible walls and TERRIBLE map design, sure they are great in that regard.

>cyberpunk city
>it's just current day japan

atmosphere > story > gameplay > graphics


gameplay is there only for you to believe in the world, psychological feedback loop
if other parts are shit RPG is worthless. Fo4 is prime example of this.

I’m excited for astral chain too but there’s barely even any city in the picture you posted. Just some Japanese signs.

No, it's not.

Attached: AstralChain-Screenshot-copy.jpg (1920x1080, 119K)

Aren't they valued higher than Capcom?

how is this any different to CP&& buildings? are you blind or very forgetful? put two pictures side by side, if anything it got less detail and CP aesthetic than 77

so its like you in real life

>No class variations

It's been explained over and over again why the classes were a think in 2020, why they were clunky even in the tabletop, why it wouldn't make sense for you to have those classes in a single player RPG and why to make them meaningful and not just a TES 'you're slightly better at X then Y' nonsense you'd have to radically change the game or just have them be meaningless in a story/world perspective. Furthermore, no one actually uses the classes in Elder Scrolls; they make their own.

>Single slot armours.

So like Skyrim? Plus tons of other RPGs.

>Voiced protagonist

The reason people don't like a voiced protagonist is because it limited responses in Fallout 4 and led to issues with responses being different to what you intended. Witcher had a voiced protagonist in the dialogue choices and it was fine. If the quality is as it was in the demo, that's fine.

>No factions

There are faction, you can influence and get them to like you or dislike you. You can affect how they perform. You can't just have a meaningless 'You've joined the XYZ'. Do also note that they basically were also meaningless in Oblivion and Skyrim and that you rarely ended up as part of a faction in a tabletop campaign of 2020 unless it was explicitly a Corporate or Cop or Military campaign.

When I said TES, I meant dialogue based questing with options and choices because that's what the series is really about.

Also >Boring Shooter.

Are you saying that you played it? Or that it's boring because there's guns?

>Also no factions
I prefer NV look of factions, I don't want to directly join anyone.


you got a time machine faggot?

>Dark Messiah is garbage combat.

Get cancer, faggot.

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Attached: CYBERGTAPUNK 5.png (805x399, 446K)

>"The trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 strikes me as GTA skinned-over with a generic 80s retro-future" - William Gibson

>single slot armors

Attached: cyb.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

It's like it tries to put all the elements in place but it fails miserably and it ends up looking bland as fuck.

yeah, and witcher 3 trailer was like red dead redemption trailer but also was nothing like it

You see those buildings? They're just statues because you can't go into them. CP2077 has functional buildings.. CDPR mentioned building the map vertically by creating functional buildings that you can go into, and head onto the next floor etc.

>"Looks *much* better to me than the earlier teaser. Has "dirt in the corners" texture." - also Gibson

So you're telling me in just over two years they managed to make Cyberpunk 2077 playable from start to finish?Shit CDPR sounds like a company that's always ahead of schedule.


That's wrong, you go to the building with the stairs later on.

>"Looks *much* better to me than the earlier teaser. Has "dirt in the corners" texture." - William Gibson
Not worth repeating that old tweet now, because he's okay with the game

Damnit was planning to get back into smoking when this game came out now I gotta wait longer oh well its gon be beautiful I love CD project red so much for this game

and you think this doesn't look bland as fuck? are you actually retarded? what the fuck is wrong with you


It's called having a good art style.

and why would you put aside two of the most important reasons why witcher 3 is so good? why on earth would you fucking do that?

True. Challenge in videogames is only a thing if you are under the age of 13.
the only real value is the immersion.

you think thats the hard part? try playing witcher 3 without all the side content, the game becomes 10 times shorter, plus they have twice as many people working on CP than they had for TW3

meh, not hyped at all

Not that user, but what I dislike about CP2077's aesthetics is that they look very very deliberate, you can tell the buildings were purposefully designed like that instead of being the consequence of uncontrolled technological prowess and stagnation, overpupulation and the need for more and more living areas as time goes on.

To put it simply, it looks too inorganic and thus fails to convey the feeling it should be representing

Attached: 12312903182.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

It doesn't look bland.

no opinion

Gameplay doesn't have to be challenging, it just has to be fun

>the only real value is the immersion
False again.

good job user, I got no words for you, no amount of education and museum visiting will fix your shit taste

I think you're full of shit and are just pulling things out of your ass to justify disliking this game.

you're trying really hard to fit in but your newfagness gives you away unfortunately. you are a stupid redditor with a shit taste, thats what you fucking are.

did you see the modern china? they build like this. they got weird buildings in line with your communist block style buildings on same street

You on the other hand are too eager to defend an unreleased game. Perhaps you are being compensated for your shitposting.

fuck off nigger cuck

It is the result of people not understanding the reasoning behind the aesthetic's elements nor why they are there, the train of thought is "I've seen these things in movies and wallpapers so i'm going to insert them here"

To be honest the developers would've been better off just choosing a random futuristic aesthetic that they could actually understand and perform well instead of canning themselves like this

>censoring the f word
how naughty

All of those anons are 100% right you drone.


we are defending the art direction, which isn't wrong at all, you on the other hand call everything bland and generic out of spite while defending bland and generic japanese game only because it's japanese

Not an argument.

You do realize they went through horrible crunch because of chasing a release date for Witcher 3? Right?
Who in their right mind would want to do that again? They have money after Witcher 3, may as well take their time.

It is bland.
For cyberpunk standards at least, it is very week and artificial. but as it's own thing it's interesting

good point


>They look deliberate
Yeah no shit nigger, usually when you build structures it's pretty goddamn deliberate. Congratulations, you cracked the architectural code.

when did i go back to 2002?

Attached: jaggies.jpg (157x274, 21K)

You... Don't understand the setting. This game's perfect for you.

and yet all of those are better games than the shitcher. cope with the fact that the rest of the world just can't get on japan's level.

whalenought, who're making an actual cyberpunk game with innovative systems instead of checking off safe, stale trends from a list like cdpr

You tell me.

Attached: 1551732199795.jpg (1212x1404, 668K)

do you even know what bland means? let me help you
>lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting

i don't see any jaggies

>checking off safe, stale trends from a list like cdpr
They didn't make a blade runner game tho?

And I don't see any LOD textures.

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.jpg (315x341, 59K)


all i see is youtube compression

you seem to think cyberpunk is Blame incarnate.
I've no clue why.


Yeah it's going to look even worse on launch.

Attached: 1551727644120.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

who knows.

Everybody who's been paying attention youtube.com/watch?v=WW-gLVYI1uk

Attached: 1551733708205.webm (960x540, 631K)

How will DRM shills ever survive if Cyberpunk 2077 does amazingly?

tw3 already did amazingly, nothing changed.

>games look better on dev stations

Unless you're a complete fucking retard you already know and expect this.

duh, they never made anything this big before, from documentary it's clear they had issues with engine and didn't even know console spec
why do you blame them? blame console parity

Day 1 pirate whenever it comes out

Attached: 1529183273219.jpg (450x437, 87K)

You look like the delusional fag that thing metroid prime will be out in 2020, when game development tales shit load of time for good games.

>retard who likes shit tv shows has shit opinions on games

Attached: 1533465372656.jpg (589x565, 205K)

That's literally what the cyberpunk genre is, though.

it's coming out 2077 omg
it's in the title retards

>console trash games shitposter
But CP2077 plays like a console trash game.


They shouldn't have announced it so early into development. It's like bannerlord 2, at this point nobody even cares anymore.

>CoD Black Ops 3

Oh boy. Here's your (You).

Attached: >2011 君たちshig波.jpg (700x700, 247K)

>nobody even cares anymore

Yeah but they're often kind of disregarding it as some kind of anomaly.
Surely if we see another success in the same vein, they won't be able to just shrug it off. Right? Right?
I hope this is true.

The Cult of Butterlord grows with the passage of each minute. Soon we shall march to Constantinople.

The buildings on the right are clearly unfinished.

Most of us will be dead by the time bannerlord 2 comes out

Then we shall march as the undead. I will personally skullfuck the ferryman if he tries to take the butter outta my cold dead hands before the 1000hrs playtime.

The entire game is unfinished. They don't seem to understand that.

>we want to copy things from gtavi too so we are waiting a litttle.

It will release in 2077

Based retard

Man, I work in polish game industry.
Teaser was outsourced to be made in Platige Image, CGI company. FYI, most game companies do that.
And yes, CDPR is a shit place to work at, I work in a smaller studio and we have a ton of former CDPR employees. They quit, because they just wanted to have more time for their families and were tired when other CDPR workers always gave them this weird look when they left the studio before 8pm, even when crunch wasn't that bad.
And yeah, CDPR is crunching hard right now and they have no idea when this will end.
Have fun with the game that was made at the expense of their workers and their health. Thanks to their shitty management, higher-ups and that idiot, Adam Badowski.

Attached: 1497127463830.jpg (400x400, 38K)

From what shithole do people come to say this?
Is it a bot?

>I don't understand the setting
>This nigger thinks in a society run by corporations with advanced technology they'd be living in mud extensions to buildings

Based anons

I work in polish game industry too, at CDPR. They are fucking great. Everyone has their own offices, but there's a lot of work.

>Have fun with the game that was made at the expense of their workers and their health.
all good things come out of sacrifice

Now almost every other polish game is made by former CDPR employees, their workers quit pretty often. Look at Observer from 2017, that shit was straight outta Blade Runner.
But I think this is funny when a game is released, have maybe 1 former employee in it and everyone's screaming "AAAAAAAH MADE BY CDPR" just stop it you incels.

Attached: 56b.jpg (800x533, 225K)

Source: dude trust me

Yes, we lose code monkeys. It means nothing.

Why did I move here...?
I guess it was the FUCKIN' WEATHER PENDEJO!

Attached: D0201F88-C3D2-4077-A37C-2813D6B3C257.png (1280x576, 1007K)

Yeah but this is an obvious lie to counter that post.

No I actually work for them. Nice damage control you cunt.

>there workers quit pretty often
>literally has tripled in size since Witcher 3's release

They have the same turnover rate as other game dev companies.

It's been known for years cdbitchtits red treats their employees like shit though.If you aren't a cdpr dickrider video below is very informative


Fucking hilarious user

>Chinese guy reading fake reviews I submitted on glassdoor
Like pottery

>not worthless gameplay
You're not very bright are you? It's the environments and story that make the world believable, ludo is what keeps the mind engaged and makes a game worth playing. FO4 had decent world-building and shit gameplay that was too boring to keep a player from falling asleep at the wheel.

Retard making videos of reading news and comments from leddit.

Attached: 1535221080660.png (1022x836, 1.75M)

NV lets you join factions. Unlike 2077

No you can't. You become an "honorary member". Usually the most this does is it let's you access a store, some special clothes, or a hidden vault cache. Literally nothing.

No you become a part of that faction, you become hostile to the rivaling faction and you decide which faction will win over the NV.
You won't be able to do these things in 2077 no matter how hard you push in your biased reductionist arguments.

>No matter how hard you push
Who are you quoting?

who needs factions anyway

>Yea Forums
hates games that are rushed and unifnished
>also Yea Forums
hates game that take their time and are polished

theres no pleasing you fags

Attached: 1343939839968.gif (295x221, 554K)

>No you become a part of that faction
not entirely, it's more of reputation system than a faction system
I like rep systems more than morrowind "be the head of everything +houses" system. But it works for TES due to lore reasons.

>You become part of the faction.

Really? You don't really though. You're not given NCR paperwork and forced to work for them only with negative consequences if you don't do your orders when told. You're not forced into the Legion, or if a woman, slavery. House has you as a contracted worker and Yes Man is just you doing your own thing.

When you get down to it, joining a 'faction' in New Vegas basically means you can't take quests for the others, the others don't like you/will shoot at you and you're locked into one branch of the end game. That's it.

All in all, it sounds a lot like what CDPR is doing. You're just not given an official YOU ARE NOW ARISAKA SALARYMAN because in the setting if you join a corp, the corp OWNS your ass. And that removes the whole 'free agent' angle they're going for and what the tabletop RPG is geared up for.

As for winning over NV, CDPR has said that the various factions, corporations and gangs will grow in power and decline depending on yoru choices with this affecting the world around you. Now, the game isn't out so I don't know if this will actually happen, but in all honesty while i loved New Vegas, that really only meant seeing a different ending slide for the most part. Maybe seeing some NCR instead of legion in that once camp. Or vice versa. As far as I can see here, CDPR is saying you can do essentially the same thing there, there's just no official 'You are now Cyberfuckers4Lyfe" notifcation.

Now you can whine about that and about how it's not roleplaying and that you want to be on Trauma Team, but last time I checked even in NV you couldn't join the Crimson Caravan, sign a contract and spend the rest of the game guarding caravans as they walk around the Mojave. You could just walk alongside the caravans I suppose but that's not really the same, is it?

I mean, you can cope and downplay it all you want. But at the end of the day you really don't have any factions in 2077 compared to NV.

The last time it even meant anything was with Morrowind, and that was a pretty simple 'You pick a single great house, you pick Morag Tong OR Thieves' Guild." Everything else was pretty accesible otherwise.

>so why would you use this as a counter-argument?
because the guy is correct?

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Fo4 exploration,gunplay and environments cities aside(also gameplay) were superb for the most part, heck I even liked crafting and real time building system or idea of it
that's everything else that sucked, story,characters,quests, setting implementation, pacing, atmosphere.
you feel it got bad gameplay only because it got nothing to support it like other RPGs.

>Cope and downplay.

I'm not coping or downplaying anything. CDPR said the game will have factions, they will have branching missions and doing work for one faction will affect your standing with others which will not only make them hostle but block you from doing missions for them and will affect the outcome of the story. Now the game isn't out yet. CDPR could be lying through their kvass stained teeth. But when in NV did joining a faction (which you don't really do anyway, as I said, you're still a free agent, they just lock you into an endgame series of quests for each), involve more than that?

He's not. I hated the 3d parts of DE HR. I wish to fuck developers would remember lean keys are a thing (but i guess it doesn't work well consoles).

>no arguments

What about all the other buildings? Could you go into them, use the stairs, visit every room on each level?

Stop being stupid, you're just setting up another classic shitpost we've seen about 2077 about how not every building is enterable because neither games' dev needs to do that.

why would you want to? you realize how boring that would be? it's same as ability to talk to EVERYBODY, it's never interesting unless it got 5 NPCs in the area

For me it's the best decision, I hate third person. And over shoulder camera is biggest cancer. So it will be nice to finally play cdpr game.

why i move here?

i gues it was the wether

Release date is on the title you moron

epic simply epic

t. corpo bootlicker

Attached: faef.jpg (215x235, 13K)

He is.

Argument: Deus Ex is first person only
Counter argument: literally posts a picture of 3rd person

Stop acting dumb please.

You really wouldn't try this?

Takedowns are also in 3rd person.

And don't forget, in Deus Ex you don't create your own character, so your don't lose much from the 1st person gameplay.

The only Deus Ex that counts is the good one, ie the first one. That is the one people mean when they say 'One of the best games/RPGs.' No one thinks of HR or MD in that context.

You're pretty fucking dumb if you think devs don't start their next project until their first is completely finished. They likely would have started Cyberpunk shortly before even releasing The Witcher 3.


Posted in this very thread. They said that they've been working on Cyberpunk for 5 years now, which would put the start of development to 2014.

Working is a very broad term. They've been working on the world and the storylines but the work on the engine, the animation and level design started when TW3 DLC got finished.