Start video game

>start video game
>immediately feel tired

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>wake up
>immediately feel tired

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Quit playing pokeshit games.

You are either in a horrible physical fitness or depressed. Or maybe you lack fresh air. Go and take a walk outside.

literally me right now

>can't get to sleep
>start video game
>immediately notice the sun rising from my window

Another one of these nights... And I have work in 3 hours.

Wish me luck bros.

miss that feel

>Feel fantastic
>Have a great day
>Suddenly, BAM
>All happiness goes away
>Feel tired
>Feel weak
>Feel nothing inside

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>what is any modern AAA


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Isn't this normal? Happens to me every day

get yourself checked - might have some kind of mineral deficiency

>tfw dropped the last 3 games I played
time to switch mediums

>Game makes it clear beating some boss will be a multi-hour affair
>Urge to uninstall it

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I would recommend that you guys start taking a 1000ui dose of vitamin D on a daily bases. I was having the exact same issues of being constantly tired and feeling unwell for no particular reason. I ended learning that these are symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. A single dose a day has made me feel healthier, happier and more energetic overall.

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>Start a videogame
>Already start to think how dull it will feel when I learn all about it

i have a D3 5000iu bottle somewhere at my place that i need to start taking again, especially bc of my night shift work

I'll try, energy drinks quit working

Definitely do it man, you should start to notice a decent improvement after about a week or so. If you still feel unaturally tired, then I would recommend getting some blood work done. Not having properly balanced vitamins and minerals can really mess you up and blood work is a great way to learn what you need.

all 3 senpai

Alternatively, go outside more and get that natural vitamin D

>going outside

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My life ;_;

Rocket league is the only thing i can play for hours but it always makes me mad as fuck

>Go on Yea Forums
People talk about having gf's

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Your mom gets natural vitamin D.

I still have snow here man, it’s way to cold to go outside long enough for the sun to do its thing.

>take high doses of Vitamine D for a month everyday
>get magnesium deficiency because these supplements drain all the magnesium in your body
>have to take Magnesium supplements too
I just started going out in the sun more. Better this way.


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Full time work is FUCKING AIDS
once my parents are gone I'll live off benefits/inheritance for as long as I can then when that dries up it's time to an hero.

>Tfw averaging 20 hours of sleep a week
i'd give anything for a lifetime supply of chloroform

>spend all the day tired thinking of going to sleep when I arrive home
>start video game
>suddenly feel a surge of energy
>go to sleep too late
>next day repeat

>Get too tired to focus on video game around 4am
>Go to bed in the loosest sense of the word, in that I am physically in bed
>Play on my phone until 7am
>Go to work
My favorite

>only tired when i'm not in bed

>feel tired

You just need to do something physically like intense weight lifting small jog or hell football/basketball will do the thing. Anything thats gonna make you're hearth go faster than 80-120bpm

>Anything thats gonna make you're hearth go faster than 80-120bpm
Small talk with the cute grocery girl will do, then.

Some people have jobs, negro

I have a job and I know that's a shit excuse. I don't exercise because I'm lazy and so are you

Light exercises do wake you up and energize.

But fuck me I'm lazy

Metabolic syndrome/pre-diabetes

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>wake up well-rested but with a giant, hard, pulsing woody
>feel lethargic


Literally can't play vidya on days i work bc after 10 hours of fuckery all i want to do is lay down and watch streams

Literally like literally

>wake up
>immediately feel tired

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I feel tired the entire day even if I get 8-9 hours of sleep, should I start drinking coffee sometimes?


Your liver and thyroid are malfunctioning from a lack of sunlight and too much dietary estrogen. Do you wake feeling cold, heavy limbed, trouble breathing? Is your pulse low?

Not if you haven't sorted your metabolism out. Coffee will just speed up whatever metabolism you've already got, and if that metabolism sucks then you'll crash everytime you have a cup.

There is a reason coffee tastes great with sugar and cream: it's needed to make up for the metabolic burn inflicted on your system. You need to have a good amount of sugar and protein already in your system, and then have the coffee with some backup built-in. Even then you ought to have some use in mind for that fast metabolism, whether an obligation or something of meaning, and have enough caffeine to nail the task without shooting over and under. Caffeine can be fucking fantastic, but you can definitely harm yourself and/or waste time and money with it.


This is a health issue. Here are some things you can do to fix this:

1. Drink more water. Most people are under-hydrated. You will be surprised what drinking half a gallon of water a day will do for your health. AND IT HAS TO BE PURE WATER WITH NOTHING ADDED TO IT.

2. Lose weight. You are both most likely fat. Being even slightly overweight will make you more lethargic.

3. Get at least some form of cardiovascular activity. Do 100 jumping jacks or 50 pushups or whatever. If you can't do that much at first then work your way up. Do this shit every day without exception.

No idea where you're going at but stop it, those are all just signs for low blood pressure

>Work a mostly physical job while looking for a comfy office job
>Eat fairly decently, mostly homemade lunches, drink plenty of water
>Still tired because I can't sleep properly at night and have to get up at 4:30
Feels bad.

100 jumping jacks sounds significantly easier than 50 pushups

Yeah alright.This sounds great.
Okay yeah. Been slowly losing weight because of this.

Drinking that amount of water ends up making me feel more tired because I need to go for a piss twice in the night and my sleep gets interrupted.

Your prostate is enlarging from the various anal play you've been doing and you're going to die user

at least i'll go out in style

why we can't have nice things?

Definitely hypothyroidism. Dietary estrogens are everywhere and shut the gland down hard, resulting in misregulation and particularly disturbed sleep, poor energy metabolism. Polyunsaturated fats are enemy #1, cut down on them to see swift improvement. This means pretty much all seed oils - onions is the famous one, but rapeseed aka canola is worse. Chicken is a puf-rich meat so go easy on that, pork is moderate while beef and lamb are great with very little puf.

Do NOT follow this user's advice, it is hot garbage. Most people are over-hydrated due to the high water content of food. Only ever drink water if you specifically feel thirsty. Overhydration leads to nutrient deplenishment as it gets lost with peeing, plus urea deficiency. This is not even getting into the crap that's in a lot of water.

Yes, because you can just catch low blood pressure, it's not a symptom of a deeper issue or anything. If you have low blood pressure, you just have to wait it out guise.

What are games with really long boss fights?

What would you recommend as alternatives? I always thought seed oils and chicken were pretty healthy.

We need more soul in games

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What if its the kind of tired being healthy wont fix?

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>tfw you always feel tired during the day no matter what but feel more energized during the night

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Any healthfriends have tips on regulating a sleep schedule? My energy levels vary a lot day to day so I end up just sleeping in whatever gaps work at the time. I've tried many times to fix it but on some days I'll struggle to stay up til the evening and others I'll still be 100% awake at 2am.

What are some cheap foods rich with vitamin D?


This is because seed oils and chicken are extremely cheap to make and thus profitable. Medicine has never been above corruption and marketing concerns.

For cooking oils, butter is pretty fantastic, and so is coconut oil. Ghee is an indian-only thing but it still pretty good. If you cook a haunch of beef or lamb and get tallow left-over that's great.

Chicken is not essential to the diet. If you eat chicken, eat a whole bird, and I mean whole. We've been brought up to be squeamish about anything that is not the musclemeats or occasionally the skin of the animal. so people get picky about tendons or sweetmeats. That's why so many people have messed up skin and cottage cheese thighs, because their collagen is threadbare. Eating jelly literally counters this particular issue. Things like fish heads and chicken feet add massive value to a stew. If you do eat chicken, keep it whole and once a week. Eating KFC everyday will fuck you up harder than McDonalds.

Same :/
Get it down to like 5% health after what feels like forever it suddenly has a insta kill move :/

>Start video game
>An hour later get motivated to work
I swear to fucking christ, my motivation is all over the joint right now. I need to get my thumb out my arse and actually finish my projects so I'm hoping this isn't just another passing wave.
>DMC5 launch week

Decide to try crystal clear because Bordem literally fall asleep 10 Mins in and my game is frozen during battle with some lvl 3 when I wake up probably will never even play it again :/

>been wanting to play new game thats coming out
>it finally releases
>dont even want to buy it
>have no urge to play it or anything else
>maybe ill just go back to sleep

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I can relate to this so much, I hate it! My friend is always wanting to play games with me. I get on, mess around for maybe an hour and then I just get gamer fatigue. He's always ready to start grinding and I have to sheepishly decline and make some excuse because saying I'm fatigued just seems wrong.

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Lower your blue-light levels at night time. Blue light is fairly dangerous even if helpful in small doses, but it also makes your system think its day and wake up. Get f.lux for your computer and have it on the warmest setting, probably just permanently since blue light from a screen isn't very good for you. Turn it off when you need to see a full colour range or something. Turn off all screens an hour or two before you go to bed. You'll be amazed at what your body can do during that window between wakefulness and sleep, as it drifts towards being rested you gain a clarity to do various small oddjobs you can't find the time for otherwise.

But I already eat eggs everyday.

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I've been trying to reduce the amount of meat I eat in general since I used to have it at least once a day. I mostly dropped red meat apart from occasional stir frys, so chicken and fish have been my go-tos (even then I only have them only every 3-4 days). I haven't had any issues with keeping my protein intake to recommended levels so I assumed it was all good.

Just be honest with him about your problem, maybe he can suggest something to help

>wake up
>wish I didn't
>can't fall asleep
>feels like all my guts are being squeezed

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is that a gamecube in the background? Never noticed it till now

50 push ups is not that hard

i can't even do 2 push ups with my RSI

i'm taking 4000 every day and still tired af after waking up but that's prob my depression and anxiety

Make sure you eat eggs from chickens that get to go outside. Even better if they getting vitamin D enriched food but those are usually a bit more pricey.

>getting older
>more tired
>hands cramp up often
>carpal tunnel after 30 minutes of playing

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PM'd you the fix

How old?



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>no friends
>no family
>no romantic interests
>no ambitions/goals
>no social interaction at all outside Yea Forums and professional encounters
>smoke weed all day every day
>fall asleep whenever, wakeup whenever

I just cant figure out why I feel tired/anxious/sad all the time! What gives?

>About to start game
>Think of all the bullshit you're going to deal with if you play it
>Lose all motivation

Muscle meats in isolation are pretty bad for anything metabolically, and since almost all meat is just the muscle you're probably doing yourself a lot of good. Protein can be obtain from eggs and dairy, cheese in particular being exceptionally good. The odd sausage won't harm you, since sausages have more of the collegen and organstuffs in them. Animal skin is fantastic, if you eat meat then eat it with the skin it came in. Pork crackling for instance is fantastic, although beware the fat is extremely puf-rich. Note that almost all animals are pumped full of cheap grains and onions, so the inherent quality is rather poor.

Check out the total amount of protein you're getting in your diet. Most people need between 80-100g a day (depending on weight and if you're a man or not), not going into specific types (minimise tryptophan and cysteine, go for collagen and glycine plus dairy proteins).
Whitefish are better than salmon for the most part. I tend to be careful about fish due to the iodine content and other heavy metals, which are massively physiological loads. Seafoods such as prawns are great.

All you fags need to get your shit together and start:

>fixing your sleeping schedule
>eat healthier (fresher)
>start cycling/running, get your blood circulating

Proper sleep and even a little bit of sport do wonders for a better body-feeling and mood.

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You need to find a purpose. Basically you need a goal to reach. NEETdom is just a meme. Happiness is gained from the process of finding happiness itself. Happiness is not the destination.

Because you are wasting your life and subconsciously you know you are to blame.

>professional encounters
based retard

>wake up to go to a job I dislike
>forcing myself to stay in for CV longevity until I look for something else
Anyone else at this stage right now?

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>do all that and more
>still a wreck
Now it's the time for you to enumerate the excuses for why it doesn't work so that I can shoot them down, then you say I did it all wrong without explaining how, then you start calling me names because you can't bear the thought of your "worked for me" panaceum being just the result of selection and confirmation biases.

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>buy new video game
>think of all those other games I've bought and never played

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works for me lol

some people can't be helped I suppose

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>get a job, hoping my sleep problems won't make it impossible
>sleep problems make it impossible to work without torment
>probation period ending
>will become NEET afterwards
Maybe I'll stop feeling so utterly hopeless when I sleep better.

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What do you mean user? What do you do now



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massive demonstration of power by proving how much you rely on your impotence to see problems through

the longest boss fight I had was the last boss in epic battle fantasy 4. Took like 30 minutes

just do a bit of cardio. If you don't then your heart gets used to pumping less and less blood to the point that you always feel tired.

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>mfw broke as fuck, in debt, no gf
>mfw still have my games, music library and a warm roof over my head

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>mfw got to the point when I don't even care about bad things that happen to me
>I could get fired the next day and it would make me feel better
>stuff happens to me that makes me people go "I'm sorry" or rejoice in my hardships
>legitimate have no feelings towards it
This is a revolved around work mostly, I used to get stressed daily and could not sleep because of it.
Is it just adapting? Any explanation to feeling so apathetic towards everything?

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How do you obtain money?

me too brother
honk on your side of the world
I honk on mine

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>start video game
>wish you had started a different one
>fuck around for 5 minutes
>close it and start the other one instead
>you have already been tired of that one for months
>look for a game that might interest you
>watch youtube videos
>feel the urge to upgrade your PC

you're literally dissociating my friend.
Don't be that guy who slowly kills himself with alcohol without even knowing it.

>Is it just adapting? Any explanation to feeling so apathetic towards everything?
Stress level normalizes after a while. A big part of it is dependent on biology rather than experiences.
It's actually a common thing for people with anxiety-causing disorders to get jaded and stop caring because of the high baseline stress making "everyone is dying" and normal day hard to tell apart.

Though it doesn't always last.
If you miss a lot of sleep or get a worse day, it may get much worse for a while.

t. literally shaking rn for no reason

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>want to play my autistic strategy and story based games
>don't have the energy or motivation to sit down and get into the games that require long play sessions after a day of work
>play games on my phone while watching e-sport shit for games I don't even play

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Well that's why you don't drink before bed silly. He meant over the course of the day, I cut off drinking 2 hours before bed so I don't have tgis issue.

>wake up and go to job I like

Anyone else at this stage right now?

Wow this like says something about our society

I wish

Almost makes me sympathize with pro wrestlers who eat a ton of painkillers just to cope

>sleep for 12 hours
>barely able to resist going back to sleep
>struggle to stay awake long enough for a 2 hour fap session before going back to bed

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I'm honestly thinking of ways to kill myself
any good ideas

short-hanging is the easiest one I've found so far

>that one guy at work who clearly enjoys what he does and tries to make smalltalk while you hate every painful second of employment

>buy a new game
>get bored
>obsess over small defects on the console until you convince yourself it's to much trouble to play
>rinse and repeat for the entire genereation
I hate this.

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>some latino bimbo gets promoted for diversity reasons while you are ignored
>does a quarter of your workload and is constantly late


I've seen the girl poster image before, source to the art or who is she?

Jumping from 10 story building is my plan.
I decided that I'll start seeking professional help after 28th birthday, then illegal drugs after 29th, then once I get my wizard powers, I cast fly and town portal to Necropolis.

>sleep for 10-11 hours
>absolutely exhausted, can't focus, nodding off

>sleep for 6 hours
>alert and energetic throughout the entire day

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Sigh, it's Makoto from Ghost in the Shell.



Come to work, have incorrect shoes on and get bitched at, meanwhile bosses friend can walk around in ripped blue jeans, plaid shirt and sneakers, fuck this shit man.

>not being friends with upper management
lmaoing @ ur life, shit's lit

monster hunter

Sleep apnea will ruin your life.

>start up game
>listen to menu music for an hour then close it

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Turn off your lights and keep your eyes closed when in bed, eventually you’ll go to sleep

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I pity anyone working on a Saturday or Sunday, especially people in the service industry. That's when every fucking person is out doing some kind of shopping. It's a nightmare for some retail workers.


>well-meaning but useless advicefag

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>wake up in the early dawn
>immediately filled with an incredible sadness

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>want to read books or play vidya
>have no fucking time to do it because of work and my own laziness

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Ew, like I want to be his friend, the guys trash, I'd sooner quit tbqh.

You sleep too much nigger

>energy drinks quit working
>the boomer becomes a late boomer
Seriously tho, cut back for a few days. Only drink tea and just man it out. You'll notice when you go back to energy drinks, you'll feel cracked out again. Your body has become immune to you dumping electric juice into its veins, which is terrible for you. Drink a ton of espresso instead if you want to take the lazy route. At least you're not dumping sugar and God knows what else down your throat.


>Knew a bunch of girls who said they were always "sick" or "tired" when I wanted to hang out or make plans with them.
>Years later I realized they were just blowing me off.

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>wake up to go to a job I dislike
>forcing myself to stay in for CV longevity until I look for something else
>adapt to all the inconveniences in it and Stockholm myself
>starts to get progressively worse and what 200% less than I should be paid by default fells like 500% (everyone recognizes this to be true and outright say it to me)
>I know that they'll never raise it even if asked to, they only acknowledge the wrongs
>but I figuratively became the central pillar of that shit, all of their other sectors are being shutdown as they don't need them anymore
>plan to make a ultimatum: a specific raise or I fuckoff right now and everything literally crumbles down
>start to feel guilty for them and for all the coworkers who will lose their job and the absolute hell it would become right before, plus the thought of finding another job, the selective process, adjusting to a actual workplace with rules, and of course my parents, holds me back

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Are you me?
thats exactly what I do when I get home, and Im still partway through an SMT game and I have not played in 3 days

>Overhydration leads to nutrient deplenishment as it gets lost with peeing

Don't your kidneys see to it that most nutrients aren't excreted in your urine?

>Always wake up feeling tired
>Caffeine only works when I'm super close to exhaustion
>Start taking vitamins
>They only make me angrier

I had to stop taking them and now I feel somewhat better, but it was pretty fucking weird.


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You're too old grandpa

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delet this gay shit rightnow

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it happened the same to me, it turned out that I had bruxism

how are you guys going to satisfy a woman if you're even too fucking tired to procrastinate!!

I've been chatting my teeth for over 6 years now. I wonder if that's why I hate my life so much.

>how are you guys going to satisfy a woman
Trap her in the basement, beat her into Stockholm syndrome, then one day not beat her and instead give her chocolate.

or just drink coofee.

what if you're too tired to trap or beat her?

Literally get a job, go to school, or start a passion project.

I learned the hard way after smoking my ass into oblivion for two years straight that free time is miserable without having to work for it.

Fuck, I didn't consider being too tired to beat the bitch.
I guess I'd need to starve her instead. If I forget to feed her, she'll instead be grateful when I remember to do that.

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>just get a job bro
>just develop a passion bro


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I got a job and it made me feel 100x worse and contemplate suicide daily

He obviously meant not a soul crushing, mind-erasing job, you buffoon.

>He obviously meant not a soul crushing, mind-erasing job, you buffoon.
So he meant the impossible?

>start a passion project
Being unable to do that is one of the things that torture me the most in life.
I accepted dying alone, constant misery, being doomed to health problems from neverending stress, but whenever I see someone make even $0.5k on patreon, I get hopeless and envious for the rest of the day.

I'm a talented programmer and certainly could handle the technical part of it, just that I have no idea how to start and sell the thing to people.

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A lot of games feel like work. I think it has to do with the way the brain associates rewards. The quick dopamine boosts and the feelings of pride and accomplishment. The collectathon in games really brings a drag on the feelings of mindlessness a depressed or isolated person craves. Thinking too much causes whatever feelings and zoning out into a game alleviates that. But when you start tracking stats, and items everywhere, and unlocks, and match rank, strategies, stories. It gets to feel like a job you are about to go into and a feeling of tireness sets in. When I played BF1 yesterday, I was having fun and I realized oh I can use my pistol to unlock the weekly challenge, and I can switch to an operation map to finish the other at the same time. After a bit I wasnt really having fun anymore and felt tired, needed a break.
So if any of this rambling makes sense, try a more mindless activity or ignore any nagging feelings of needing "completeness". Unless thats your thing, then ignore all this.

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make fetish/porn games

there's this Japanese guy who makes a Papers Please rip-off where you touch and fondle girls who want to cross your checkpoint, pretty sure he doesn't do it mainly for money

the hulkster is bigger than i thought

You could stop being a nihilistic faggot and just accept that minor inconvenience are going to happen in life, and the sooner you get over it and get it done, the sooner you can get back to trying to enjoy life.

Where are the excuses?
You skipped to name calling without even trying to argue your case.

newguy popping in, i read the chain and the op to it>>>fixing your sleeping schedule
>>eat healthier (fresher)
>>start cycling/running, get your blood circulating
These are some legit tits, but depending on why you have the feelings you do, they might do nothing or make you feel healthy while being miserable. They are certainly no cure, I feel like I am the healthiest person around me, but I still feel like monster shit. There are innumerable reasons why people feel the way they do and no fix will fix everyone. Try murdering someone, see if that helps.

when you climax your body releases endorphins and other hormones which make you tired, dont senpai faggot

>Try murdering someone, see if that helps.
That sounds oddly specific, like I revealed too much about myself

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That's called sleep inertia and is a naturally occurring thing. Happens when you wake up during rem sleep. Basically, you need to sleep earlier and let your body wake up naturally.

>wake up

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Nah, bro I feel you. I realllly want to go a murderin irl. Thats one of the reasons I like fps/pvp games, the feeling of competition and gettin gud and dominating. And the feeling of mindlessness I said in another post when youre in the zone. But I get hung up on all the bullshit and getting annoyed because some dude paid 15 bucks to unlock a character or has more hours than me and unlocked a more powerful upgrade, or whatever. So I dont like them as much anymore. But anyways, irl sucks dick, and I wish I could slap people in their stupid faces without the comps throwing me in a cell.

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Or just put any part of your body under the sunlight for like fifteen minutes. Just walking to the 24/7 to buy more cheetos is enough.

>say fuck it and start doing push ups in my home since I won't ever go to a gym
>start with 30 a day and change to 60 in a couple of weeks
>two more weeks pass
>wake up with my arm hurting like I tore up my muscle without even realizing
>it hurts for like 3 weeks
>stop doing anything
I accept that I will be skinny fat forever

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>tfw theres going to be a fully 3DCG sequel to stand alone complex

>so eager to dole out information they can't even detect an obvious joke

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>Playing pokemon SoulSilver,
>Having a good time, 19 hours in
>Learn about IV/EV and nature
>All motivation to keep playing banish, earthbound is next.

Help guys.

>be Americano
>be fat
>clicking a mouse or a joystick button makes you tired

can't you see he's sad? no need for mockery at this time