Buying a playstation 3+1 today

Buying a playstation 3+1 today

what am i in for? What are some must have games? Im getting one bundled with 3 games (ratchet and clank, uncharted and the last of us)

i may pick up the vr too. I fear the ps5 is near though. Hope im not too late

Wojak shitposters fuck off.

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I dunno OP, what stuff do you like? Resident Evil 2 just came out, thats pretty good. Also as for PS5, you should know its never wise to buy a new console at launch.

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I bought a PS4 for KH3, so about a month and a half ago now.

I really enjoyed Persona 5 and Gravity Rush. I'm playing Gravity Rush 2 at the moment which is great.
Spiderman is okay, swinging around a big city is fun but the rest is sorta dull. Mighy be wrth it if you can get it on sale though I guess.

What other systems do you have?

do you already own a PC? The exclusives are kinda trash but there are some good games otherwise

Slim or Pro?

I wanted to buy one to hack
But I could not find 5 games I would like
So I gave up

>tfw 6.20 might get an exploit soon

I bought one a month ago and honestly there's really not that many games.

I'm playing Dark Souls 3 currently.
Planning on getting Monster Hunter World, Valkyria Chronicles 4, FF XV I suppose even though it's shit, waiting on KH 3 Final Mix

JRPGs, my favorite genre, is in heavy decline and it really shows.
And I'm not interested in cinematic shooters and never will support the shit that's killing the industry.

>Buying games you know to be shit

Get Bloodborne immediately

There is so many things wrong with this post idk where to even begin
I really hope you’re trolling otherwise this is some faggot leddit bullshit and I hate casuals

>What are some must have games?
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
God of onions


Yes, you're absolutely right.
PS4 might be my biggest buyer's remorse.

I want to play PS4 games, not cinematic shit, games where I'm not just holding up and occasionally press a different button, I don't want indie shit, I don't want fucking remasters from PS1, 2 and 3.

I just want a new PS4 game without the devs wanting me to pay attention to graphics and cutscenes but actual fucking gameplay.

Why can't we have this anymore?

Why did you buy a console before researching its games?

ps4 is the best console of the gen and it still fucking sucks

enjoy your console with 3 games
don't you have a decent PC to play games on?

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I was fully aware of the games.

I really wanted to play KH 3 on release but then I saw it's not living nearly enough up to the hype so I just opted out to wait for the Final Mix.

Dumb, I know, but that's how it is.

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If you have ps+ you can get mw1 remastered for free

Here's a few I like and have
Fallout 4 / 76 (recommended with friends only)
Overwatch (recommended with friends only)
.hack gu last recode
Battlefield 4
Rainbow 6 siege
ACA NEOGEO King of fighters 99
Nier Automata

>ps4 is the best console of the gen and it still fucking sucks
You can skip a gen

nioh, yakuza 0 and kiwami = PC
>top tier
pure shit taste

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any yakuza or fist of the north star
god of war
kingdom hearts
ratchet and clank(shit remake but still ok game)

if you want jet engine and 4k than pro
if you want silence and 1080p than slim