Post your installed games

Post your installed games.
Let's see what you're playing.

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Fuck-fuck undead-things!

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I must have sat and played Kenshi for 5 hours straight yesterday

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Just finished Dark Messiah and had a blast with it

also can't wait for Dying Light 2

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How's Deep Rock Galactic? Is it fun solo? How is it with friends?

I've really only played MH, DMC and DS.

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>buying dmc5

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>not wanting good games to still be made
what's a small amount of money, for a few hours of entertainment, anyway?

Been trying to play new stuff recently

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I will just post my desktop because I fucking hate to even launch Steam and I do that only when I must. You can see all my installed games that Im currently playing.

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Attached: lolharddrivelets.png (824x287, 234K)

>farming steam cards
>trying to play

Ah okay

>"Ew, I hate launching that bloated spyware" -posted from a Windows 10 device

Its a non updated since like 2014 Windows 8 lmao.

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These games and The Elder Scrolls Online. But I can't play it since I got a hand surgery. Same goes for the Witcher 3.

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I bet you have never even installed like 90% of those games

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I'm only playing CSGO atm, and I'm hating every second of it.

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I try to keep things somewhat clean. and I could honestly uninstall a bunch of these too

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Half of those don't have steam cards and you need to idle at least 2 hours each

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I'm not screenshotting all this shit.

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How do I hide the Steamworks Common Redistributables from my library screen?

yeah, why has this suddenly started showing up in my library? I don't like it

pls no bully

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Friendly reminder that if you have more than 5 games installed at any time you're a lost cause.

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>Using Steam

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I'll screenshot some tags instead because that's fun.

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sorry, I'm not poor and can afford to install as many games as I want

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I don't know if you installed a bunch of games just to make a big list or if you're like me and you keep some of those files handy for mods and whatnot.

I should probably uninstall most.

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those of you with 50+ games, do you actually play them all from start to finish?

The sad thing is that this is with stuff uninstalled.

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Uhhhhh yeah bro, definitely...

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What? Where do you see that information?

I tag it myself, the tags here are done with Depressurizer.

how is PoE compared to Diablo?

I see. Kinda cool. Thanks, user.


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D3? Better.

>had 300 games or so
>do a spring cleaning
>get down to around 190
Feels good.

>supporting sjw games
2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms