>inb4 hurrdurr you start OP
Literal Masterpieces
Other urls found in this thread:
you start OP
You start OP
hurrdurr you start OP
>shit story
>MMO combat
hurrdurr you start OP
Ghost Trick is the best game ever made by Shu Takumi, the best game on the DS, and the best adventure game of the century so far.
It is a masterpiece by every definition of the word.
There's still nothing else like it. This game was just brimming with soul
>shit story
Imagine trying this hard to fit in.
Not him but the overall plot really takes a hit towards the end of the second act because Zanza is a dogshit antagonist and most of Shulk's victories are given to him rather than earned.
Still like the worldbuilding and main party but that ain't enough to carry it for me to the ending.
Besides OP's obvious one, that's a masterpiece thanks to everything from Egil's defeat onwards, Silent Hill 2's another obvious masterpiece.
I'm really peeling it.
wasn't crazy about it
For all the X1 falseflags, Xenoblade 1 that immensely devolves to generic shonen shit in the 2nd half.
I want to play this so much. But it costs like 100$ fuck you.
and an absolute grindfest chore.
Loved that game. When it comes to story-heavy games, this is one I always recommend.
Fuck the prison chapter though
It's on Wii, can't you just easily emulate it?
It's a masterpiece until Prison Island. After that, the game turns into a bunch of dumb plot twists that took away all the emotional investment I had.
It's not the same
>it was all a simulation! epic!
>shit pacing for the latter half
>every zone beyond the first, and part of the jungle is underwhelming, it is clear they spent roughly 80% of the dev time on it, ignoring everything else
>endgame is awful
>balance is terrible, archetypes are just better than others
>AI companion system is bad and influences balance more than the actual stats/skills, a thing you want to avoid no matter what
>most quests are terrible
>AI is not only huge but formatted badly, bad combination
>trapped in a shit 480p system (emulation does save it)
No thank you, in that camp of games (singleplayer mmo lookalike) final fantasy XII is directly superior and that came out years before.
XB1 and 2's secret backstory and how it all ties into the greater xeno narrative is legitimate kino
You autistic kraut, stop shilling your channel
If you still have a wii and a usb stick with enough memory you could mod and be playig it within 2 hours
>EVER having to grind in xenob1
Will you xb2 babs atleast pretend youve played the first
come join le new server
let's be friends
Nobody even mentioned or hinted at XB2 in that reply chain you retarded Smash secondary.
>strawmanning this hard
The mark of a buttblasted fanboy