Final Fantasy thread: What is the best FF?

imo it's 12.

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IZJS > TZA > Vanilla but yes it's XII.

My obligatory list of best FFs based on gameplay, customization options, and party building (storyfags need not apply):
3, 5, 8, 10, 10-2, 13-2, LR, Type-0, Tactics, TA2.

13-2, LR, and Type-0 are criminally underrated.

V (five)

It's 12.

Oh shit I forgot 12! I edited it out because it's already been mentioned twice itt so I wanted to address it in particular, oh well. 12 is fabulous gameplay-wise, one of the best implementations of real time with pause.



12 is good but have only played vanilla and izjs, not tza. TZA changes seem too easy. What's the point of dual jobs?


ive never tried 13-2 or 13-3. how is it?


11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
7 Remake will be shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit

1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.

I'll play it as soon as you fix your RNG as in none.

13-3 has the best ATB in the series
shut the fuck up


go away barry

CoP era 11 ;_;

this ;_;7

tactics > 10 > 6 > the rest of them in any order who gives a shit

Do you also refuse to throw dice when playing board games?

>No skill

> 6

Objectively 7, but my favorite is Tactics.


11 was unironically the best.

The fact that party building was reliant on other players meant you rarely had an optimal party setup and had to create new experimental strategies with every new group you played with, which led to more variety within battles than probably any other turn based RPG I've played.

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I agree on your underateds but i never found type 0 that fun gameplay wise, having so many party members that dont share exp and that have so many useless abilities seemed like a huge flaw

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Because filling one job is possible with so little LP before beating the game and 2 jobs just gives more customisation and also so you can have one of each job (though you can still repeat jobs on other characters).

Apparently the switch version allows you to change jobs too. Hopefully that gets patched in other versions


I kind of agree with you but I also think most of those games have other flaws that makes the goodness of the customization and party building irrelevant.

5 and 10-2 have shitty ATB and would have been better turn based (tho 5 is good enough that I'm willing to overlook it)

Type-0 is too much action and not enough RPG

10 is too linear for the customization to have any payoff.

I agree, my personal favorites are XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

Vanilla 12 is the best. Both re-releases are horribly balanced and turn the majority of the into a joke. You get way too powerful way too quickly with specialised jobs.

That's why you do a run with the new Lvl1 mode

Do IZJS and ZA allow you to not choose a job and play it like Vanilla?

No, unless you wish to be using only the starting equipment and abilities. If you want to advance at all you must choose a job.

So your only options are to play super easy mode or to kick yourself in the nuts. That's stupid, m8. There should be a sane middle ground.

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