How would you personally feel if Resident Evil 3 (starring Jill Valentine) got a remake?

How would you personally feel if Resident Evil 3 (starring Jill Valentine) got a remake?

Attached: Julia.webm (576x720, 463K)

I like this webm cause it looks like she's naked

I'd be glad, RE3 is one of my favorites and the last good classic RE

upset cause RE3 is a shitty hour long asset flip

Only if the remake features that girl and is set entirely on my dick

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I can't believe the industry is so creatively bankrupt that they are remaking decades old classics and you faggots are just eating it up.

how is she that pretty?

Attached: Jill1.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

She desperately needs a ___

I want Jill to spit in my mouth and step on my balls.

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RE2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REmake 2
REmake 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REmake 2
REmake 3 will probably suck too.

Movie Jill was hotter than Voth.

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It's only games. Why you heff to be mad?

chinese bf


name one thing better about her


Attached: rea.webm (864x360, 2.92M)

Her ass in Helen of Troy?

What amuses me about every using this webm is that if Jill looked like her to a tee in Remake 3 a large portion of people would bitch about her jaw on here

>her jaw
I never understood the issue with that desu

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Yea Forumsirgin jawlets are just jelly of anyone with a nice jaw

Nigga that's gay as fuck. And movie version is a disgusting smoker, no thanks.

They've always done it
Even at its prime the vidya industry (and every other media, really) has relied on remakes.

She's just to pretty. I need to fuck her.

>0:30 & 0:35
Why did she reload already reloaded gun?

I want to lick and suck on Julia Voth's toes

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Attached: Jill4.webm (1280x720, 959K)

As a vorefag, I approve of this

look at the movie industry, user, they've been at it for decades now

makes me wonder about the book 'n music business, i wouldn't be surprised if they've been doing the same thing

Rebecca is my wife!
She's cute cute cute!

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She's not in RE3, fuck off.

why is this webm always posted? what is it's purpose? it's literally just a closeup of a woman face talking. is it supposed to be arousing? weird? who fucking knows

before it gets posted


>cropped the armpit pussy

its fucking cute my man

are you gay?