Reminder that if you like shota/loli with no adults involved and no abuse or any degeneracy, you have a pure heart

reminder that if you like shota/loli with no adults involved and no abuse or any degeneracy, you have a pure heart

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reminder it's still pedophilia

and ebephilia is just as bad /pol/tards

What you said isn't false, but you don't understand. Pedophilia isn't necessarily bad.

I do not think that's true but I appreciate the gesture

Don't ashamed user. Keep it to yourself, of course, but there's nothing wrong with loving cute characters.

good thread

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Pure heart ranking of fetishes:

1. Hand holding
2. Head pats
3. Gentle femdom
4. Straight shota
5. Tickling
6. Pregnancy
7. Crossdressing
8. Casual nudity

>gentle fendom

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It's not fair bros

I don't want to fuck kids I just want to remember what it's like to be a kid. But I can't bring up that roleplay to other consenting adults without being shunned

This isn't very redpilled. I feel like you're missing the point, especially if you you're implying adult woman on shota when you say /ss/. Some of those aren't even fetishes and some of those are degenerate. Let me rephrase the OP for you. If you love shota OR loli, solo OR paired with another shota or loli then you have a pure heart. But as soon as you introduce "fetishes" or adults, it's degenerate.

I'm usually a /ss/ and /sl/ kind of guy but I have to admit just shota/loli has a bit of wholesomeness to it my heart can't resist. At least when it's not some filthy doujin with all the tags in the world.

The choctopus is legal, right?

What if she's the same age as the adult though?

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What if I like lolis with adults and no abuse or degeneracy?

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Just like playing video games makes you a psychopath

When I said shota/loli I didn't mean shota x loli, although that's certainly part of it. I meant shota characters or loli characters, either on their own or paired with other shota/loli characters. So loli x loli and shota x shota is also included. Adults, and adult features are gross, and the presence of an adult corrupts

What if she's older than the adult?

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I just think orange Inkling is cute-sexy. I think she's adorable but also I do find some of her characteristics sexy.

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Barely, she's 18. Her midget friend is 21.

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Nobody is here to talk about that. That's reddit and normalfag bait.
Who's "she"? Again you're thinking I implied loli x shota, and you're trying to imply adult male x adult female, so basically vanilla sex? Uh I think everyone in the world knows that's normal and is genuinely accepted.
This is a degenerate image. Tentacles is degenerate, sorry,

Saria is older than Link. All of the Kokiri are. Link was the only actual minor in that forest.

God I wish that were me.

Whatever man, the point stands.

But I said no degeneracy.

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Barely legal is still legal, good enough for me.

I must leave now, but please think on what I'm trying to teach you all.

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good night brother

Post cute and wholesome lolis or shotas!

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Squid kids fucking Bear Tiger!

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