ITT: side characters that are better than the protagonist

ITT: side characters that are better than the protagonist.

I'll start.

Attached: best girl.jpg (1000x1333, 837K)

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A2 is canonically the true protagonist though, the game’s actual story doesn’t start until route 3

>Still no good A2 animated r34

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Attached: laguna.jpg (866x946, 345K)

posting to concur


ITT: Artists who don't know how mirrors work

Literally the only redeeming part of PH

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I haven't played this game, but I find her hotter than 2b in terms of looks.

Artists know how dicks work, that's the only thing that matters.

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>A2 is canonically the true protagonist
That's 9S

Nah that's 9s

Much better than Rex and Pyra.

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where the fuck you looking at where you ain't see good shit?

there's plenty of good A2 content out there

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Arent her clothes painted on to her exo skeleton?

I think her shirt and hotpants are supposed to be actual clothes.

iirc it's what said

^^^ that shows pretty much how it is. she's got a small piece of clothing but for the most part she's naked

Nah, that was 9S unfrotunately.

The places I've seen it doesn't hold a candle against all the 2B content.

I want to marry and impregnate 2B

this but with sfm
>the only good ones are anal

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A2 is better than 2B but not better than the real protag 9S

is there any explanation for this?

For what?

You get that a lot in videogames

For the robot ass being ridiculously fat.

There's no fat

If you're going to make androids you may as well make them sexy as fuck.

no, for how shitty the fucking texture and that's not how skirt works.

what the fuck?!

she's a protagonist though.

your mother fat

Yes, they were copying humans because they see human beauty as a god beauty.


that's how lazy dev are nowdays. instead making stuff better as it supposed to. they all like :
> hurrrrrrr we floating the weapon because clips and shit.
> hurrrrrrr it's part of her body because we lazy and shit.

nigga it's literally designed that way because she's a rogue unit that could never get repairs, or she'd be hunted on the spot

not to mention the floating weapon was just a cool design choice, and the game takes place in the future

don't use the excuse of "shitty design" in place of "shitty taste"

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You fucking retard.