Change my mind
There is nothing wrong with being called a "gamer"
Implying that media consumption is your primary hobby marks you as an extremely boring fucking person.
>inb4 "But what about "foodies", film buffs or reading addicts"
They're all just as bad, don't worry.
hobbies are a relic from a time when people had literally no way to entertain themselves so they just worked more instead
I'm a 4channer
You can't say "gamer" without saying "GAYmer" amirite? Why would you tell people you're gay?
What exactly differentiates "media consumption" from any other hobby? Being passive vs active?
>he has to be pigeonholed to enjoy something or else he'll realize he has zero personality
because being gay is the true redpill
deal with it breeder scum
If it's ok to call me a gamer then it's ok for me to call people niggers and beaners.
"Gamer" is an artificial term created by advertisers to force a homogeneous demographic where none exists. Consider this: take any two random "baseball fans" and put them in a room together, and they'll almost definitely be able to hold a conversation about baseball. Put two "gamers" in a room together and you could have a guy who plays CoD after school and a guy with 5000 hours of DOTA who's never played an FPS in his life, or countless other mismatches. "Gamer" as a term is too generalized to have any meaning, because the field of video games is too vast. Advertising and appealing to a ton of niche markets at once is hard. But if you can convince the members of those niche groups that they're really all part of the same group with the same general interests, and enough of them have a strong enough craving for community that they buy into this idea, then you can cater to them. "Gamer culture" doesn't exist. "Gamers" don't exist. It's all a scam to sell you LootCrates and get you to click on IGN articles. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
woah...rise down there bud
I have other hobbies. I'm not called a sporter for following football. I'm not called movier for watching films.
Basically. Any art, craft, general activity that involves new, active experiences counts. The easiest example to get into would be cooking or baking, for example. Or learning a new language, or just being a regular in a boxing gym and have newbie tryhards try to tear your head off during sparring.
Of course passive media consumption is going to factor into everyone's free time because you're going to mentally exhaust yourself otherwise and it's generally cheap, but it's best to have that be a secondary thing compared to the main thing you define yourself by or present yourself as.
''Gamer'' is a media marketing term used to put people in a manifactured category to make it easier to sell products for them. These people hate the fact that people have different tastes and hobbies, they hate that someone having had played a video game at some point in their life doesn't necesserally mean that they have any interest in their game or that they will ever even play another video game.
What they want is a solid block of people called ''gamers,'' who only like games, buy game related products and consume game related ''gamer food.'' It's an attempt at making the consume base more black and white, so they don't have to try and appeal to normal people or try to get into any other esteblished PR buzzwords like ''movie goers'' and ''readers.'' All they want is a big group of people who have fallen for the PR meme and will center their entire life around video games, it makes it easier for video game companies to sell them video games and useless shit.
Anyone who calls themselves a gamer is just retarded. I watch more movies than I play video games, and I am not a movier, and I am not going to buy your shitty products. Fuck off, PR kikes.
Can you stop posting like a true redditor?
based and redpilled
>Any art, craft, general activity that involves new, active experiences counts
Playing videogames isn't exactly a passive experience. You need some level of skill in order to experience them.
Well yeah, you're treating it as a hobby. I'm not talking about people who idly just consume the latest shit and call it a day, same as I wouldn't consider people who just watch soap operas or read the latest paperback toilet-rag thriller and call it a day.
I'm not saying not to treat the medium with respect, or to not treat it as a hobby - I mean obviously, I'm on Yea Forums discussing vidya (sometimes, fuck) with other hobbyists. But just to have a much more constructive/active hobby as your forerunner.
Don't be a "gamer".
Well said.
Does "going to college" count as a hobby? Because I won't have time for vidya if I need to get into gardening or learn guitar.
No, but going to college counts as an excuse for not having a hobby.
Prioritizes, y'know.
gamer is just a term madeup to sell distasteful merch to underages
i'm particularly mad how moderately priced but not total shit quality wise keyboards and mouses have got to be of the gamer brand. thank god they let you turn all the ledding off
Gamer is old ass term gtfo
I was gonna come up with something witty but yeah that's actually a way better answer.
'Gamer' is to people who play games as nigger is to black people. Gamer "culture" is at best a means to feel like you're a part of something when you really aren't but you pretend you are with gamer food, shirts, monthly subscription boxes, and all that other merchandise. It's a fad movement born from companies trying to sell you things and also the subconcious resentment people had from the era where video games weren't cool and you were a loser for playing them. If you call yourself a gamer you might as well line your car with Apple logos and those damn 13.1 stickers I see everywhere because you clearly buy into anything if doing so offers the idea that you're a part of something purely for consuming it on the most superfluous level.
Touché coulé.
Gamers shouldn't breed.
Your entire identity revolves around consuming 1 thing, which is video games.
That's the bad thing about it.
I don't like it therefore it's wrong.
"Wrongness" of things, without overriding context, means moral wrongness.
Moral wrongness is an opinion.
Opinions don't need a justification.
"Gamer" sounds like a dude who breeds undomesticated animals and releases them into the wild.