TF2 thread
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Place munitions depot in this vicinity!
Enemy boat spotted.
don't you zoomers have a general on /vg/
tell that to the 90 other games that don't use their generals because generals inevitably descend into trannies turning it into their personal chatroom
Diamondback is for faggots, Ambassador didn't need to be castrated like it did and no fucking opinion will change mine on that front.
>game is called team fortress
>nobody works as a team
i'm tired of getting stomped
yeah but it's full of niggers and fags
This. TF2G was a magical place a few years ago but it will never be the same ;_;
>game is called team fortress
>less than half the maps have anything that could be called a fortress
Ambassador definitely didn't deserve the nerfing since it was a balanced stock sidegrade on the game's worst class. I totally agree there.
Diamondback on the other hand is a downgrade to stock when playing against players as good as you are, because if you play a class who tends to die immediately after getting a stab on a good player, 102 damage isn't going to be much help and you might as well keep Revolver for the +15% damage in case of a failstab.
The meme persisting that it's overpowered by theorycrafters is bullshit when you realize it's Spy's second least used gun in both pubs and comp.
This, Ravelin remake in TF2 when?
it doesn't have to be stabs, though. A tele entrance is good enough for an incredibly easy panic button solution
inb4 this thread becomes an engineer infested cesspool again
Hey Yea Forums,
I think you just summoned him
no u
If the enemy Engineer repeatedly leaves unguarded, farmable tele entrances on A/D or Payload then you've already won the game anyway because the enemy team are retards, and teles are uncommon in KOTH and 5CP because the short distance to the frontline or constantly moving frontline makes them largely irrelevant and those who do choose to play Engie just go Gunslinger.
The last time I actually died to a Diamondback must have been 2016, unironically, and I've continued constantly playing TF2 since then.
Diamondback is literally just a retard-stomping weapon on an already bad class. It's like the Phlog of Spy.
>game revolves around pushing out of chokepoints into the enemy base to capture a control point
>theres always something resembling a base on the final point
>hurr durr wheres the fortress hur hurr
no one ever actually discusses the game there
it's all "ironic" "memes"
thunder mountain fucking sucks why do people like this map so much
it's still better than chokerush, poodoo or barn"RED holds A for 2 years"shitz
I like its aesthetics, how open it is and how much map there is which isn't directly related to the payload. The only bad thing about it is 3rd.
3rd is the best stage though, 1st is the worst
Its a mobility playground what's not to like?
>tfw get chosen for auto balance EVERY time, even multiple times a match
>check the tf2 general
>they're talking about music and being gay
>entire conversations are being carried out without anyone linking replies
What an absolute shitshow
Imagine how her gas passer smells like haha
git bad
>check the tf2 general
Yeah that was your first mistake.
/vg/ is pretty cancerous and gets worse the more popular the game is.
>BLU has an uphill battle through chokes and massive height disadvantages the whole game if RED has a single operable braincell
>RED can literally shoot into the back of BLU's spawn and repeatedly wipe spawn waves with a single kritzkrieg
>multiple parts of the map are just a single choke
>side routes let enemy know you're there because lol chainlink
>fps takes a hit because lol snow
>full health pack spam everywhere
>RED wins like 70% of the time
Why do people still vote this garbage map?
Yea Forums is smash general!
Get this off topic garbage out of here.
>use matchmaking
>at the beginning of the round
>at the end of the round
what a fucking mess
>over a year since the update
>still no Strange variants
I never asked for this autism, but Valve is killing me with this shit
>scout on my team with backscatter
>every time he runs he would run without moving his mouse
>acts really fucking weird sometimes randomly stops or goes the wrong way
>every single time he gets to the gate on payload he stands in the exact same place facing the same direction automatically
>acts like a clueless noob but somehow always in the top 3-4 scores on the team
>play against him
>he's not good but obviously cheating
>play spy to test him
>he literally spams "spy" whenever i'm near him when he had no way of knowing, always kills me
It was like a bot AI was playing it was so strange. Is there a cheat like this where it's literally an AI playing?
Never realized there was a Pyro emblem on the back, nice
hey Yea Forums
How do I into spy?
by not playing him
>play spy
>f2p pyro kills you by accident without even knowing what he's doing
>change class
Watch a lot of moeshit.
Spy main. Reporting in.
why this
50% of the time it's me who gets autobalanced
at least i don't get kicked for playing well like my friends
because snow
people wanna go back to when EOTL just released and play in the snow maps
>MFW Dragons Fury needs a buff.
Use your revolver. Alot. And only use the invis watch.
Disguise as scout only for the jank hitbox and never assume you're fooling anyone but a sentry. Once you get good with the revolver. Focus on stalking and decloaking for a backstab.
DO NOT bother with trickstabbing. It's a meme. Pay attention to how players move and learn to strafe into them.
snowycoast is a x10 better snow map tee bee quee hee
did they unfuck the sandman bat yet? it was the reason why i ever played scout
Let's say Valve miraculously made TF3. What would you want in it?
>shitter left the game due to asshurt at his skill substitute being taken away
Good job, Valve.
pyro weapon rankings
>somewhat based
Panic Attack pre-rework
Panic Attack post-rework
Stock shotty
Stock Flamer
Flare gun
back scratcher
>furry main
scorch shot
thermal thruster (taunt only)
axtinguisher (post-rework and pre nerf)
reserve shotty (pre-nerf)
>braindead f2p
ass passer
sharpened volcano fag
reserve shooter (post nerf)
The only problem with that is that the TF2 mercs are fucking timeless unlike the TFC mercs I think what would be good if they just handled it like Counter Strike. Where its the same game but with an enhanced engine and maybe new characters from the comic like Mrs. Pauling and Heavies Sister Zhanna as new classes.
While its good that it doesn't stun anymore its also pretty much worthless I would've liked for it to do something else then slow people.
>right clicks with flare gun
You're forgetting
Neon annihilator
Dragon Fury
And you said Powerjack twice
Good day, fellow spy main
Here's a schematic for ya
that face is familiar
>tfw no Austin Powers neck ruffle cosmetic for Spy
>get autobalanced into a losing team 3 seconds before the end of a match like I'm in some kind of overexaggerated parody
Nerf scorch shot. Less tick damage or afterburn time maybe.
Good day! What's your usual loadout?
Why? It's not any better than flare or scorch, fire damage is incredibly easy to extinguish and Pyro is a bad class.
Can't you just get good at the game instead of wanting everything nerfed that touches you?
Only the best in my opinion
>flare or scorch
But really, it's an annoying weapon for scrubs, but i agree the scorch shot doesnt need a nerf
meant to say shotgun
panic attack is also better on pyro than scorch is, come to think of it
>>multiple parts of the map are just a single choke
Especially the last point.
Even if you have been stomping for the whole round, that last building is a fucking terrible choke that will use up all your minutes trying to push the cart INSIDE the building
>"you will be autobalanced in 5 seconds"
>capture last point in 4
*extingishes you with mad milk and kills the pyro chasing you*
Report him, he could be a bot with hacks enabled.
Yes people are this pathetic to join with bots
>Server changing to Egypt
Based and Cloak-pilled
I usually run full stock myself
I've been trying to do Spycicle and Dead Ringer. What's a good revolver for this?
Alright, so. Protip.
Drop the Spycicle
Drop the DR.
Equip the stock knife/Big earner
Equip the invis watch.
You're literally cucking yourself and living up to a stereotype with that loadout.
(But if you're seriously going for it, Enforcer or Stock Revolver)
So basically play stock. Aren't his sidegrades decent? DR is still a good get out of jail card, even after the nerf.
How do I get good playing spy
Nerf its annoying-ness, buff its hit damage for all I care, and the the flare and detonator too. Noobs spam it for too much reward. Strong pyros can light up every with easy and stun lock you 1v1
>DR is still a good get out of jail card, even after the nerf
not him but lol
yeah "getting out of jail" is so much better than accomplishing anything
you might as well be dead if you're running around for 30 seconds invisible and unable to attack without having successfully killed anybody because you can't approach in invis.
>Noobs spam it for too much reward
can already say that for soldier and demoman, and those classes have a larger splash AoE, more HP, more mobility, and more damage and are actually far more effective. it's literally not a valid complaint.
>Strong pyros can light up every with easy and stun lock you 1v1
"Strong pyro" is an oxymoronic statement. Play the game for 1000 more hours before coming to balance discussions user.
Unless you're actually good at spy, do not use it. It is a literal crutch and will condition you to play stupidly aggressive.
Invis Watch will teach you how to properly play Spy, and the rewards are crazy. Plus the 20% damage reduction is pretty solid.
Spy's good sidegrades are situational but include
Cloak and Dagger
Big Earner
The Red Tape Recorder and Diamondback are outright broken at times. Everything else has disadvantages that dont warrant its benefits
You play spy a lot
You'll die a lot
Then you'll start gitting gud
Cloak&Dagger is good for learning but ultimately stock invis watch is the best
Go full stock. Learn to use your revolver properly. You should try and familiarize yourself with maps in order to find paths most players wouldnt think a spy would be.
Also this
Proof on the larger AoE for stickies and rockets btw
On top of this, note that Soldier can fire rockets every 0.8 seconds whereas all flares have a 2 second reload.
Scorch Shot is less effective than a Soldier or Demo in pretty much every way.
>its another game thats literally over and switching to a map i dont want
>its another game that has 30 seconds left and its also the final round
fuck this garbage matchmaking system, im so fucking sick of it
Alright then. I've actually been using Cloak and Dagger for way too long and need to change it up.
C&D is okay. But it's real niche is in like competitive for getting info and callout. But even then, that's not super useful.
In Pubs you'll be forced to be a sitting duck, not the best. But again. It has its situational uses
Alright redpill incoming
What if you don't exclusively play spy at all? What if you instead focus on developing your other classes first to actually have a worthwhile time? By doing that, you'll have a richer first 500 hours in the game, and the fundamentals you learned with those classes can be transferred to other specialized classes later on. That way you won't become a one trick pony who only knows how to abuse hitboxes and rely on gimmicks, a shitter who can only play one class, or someone who is consistently detrimental to their team.
How do I get better as Medic when I'm always stuck in teams that don't try to protect me?
>But it's real niche is in like competitive for getting info and callout. But even then, that's not super useful
Only in HL, nobody uses it at all in 6v6 (the actual competitive mode)
You have to kinda play a class consistently to get good at it. But ironically enough, to be good at Spy you NEED to play all the other classes alot to understand how they move and play.
scream at them in voice that to TURN THE FUCK AROUND
alternatively, you leave the server and keep getting different games until you get a team that covers you
You see your A and D keys? Jump when you get shot and use those keys to surf the damage.
Learn where healthkits are. Learn how to aim your primary. Spam help. Or make a bind to spam to alert youre under attack.
If you learn to surf damage, you'll be practically immortal desu.
Instead of relying on randoms to protect you, why don't you improve your gamesense ( i.e. your intuition on where the enemies are, and knowing when to push or retreat.), movement, and positioning.
I've been improving on my aim with the crossbow, can mostly hit my targets even from far away, still can't surf the damage consistently. Spamming help has never helped me.
The problem isn't being caught by surprise. I can usually tell, guess or just plain see enemies approaching, but I either don't do enough damage by myself or the person I'm healing is focused on something else, like putting one foot in front of the other.
>Play against a medic
>He crits me with the ubersaw every time
>I play medic
>Never crit
If you have to play like a pussy to save that 5% uber. Play like a pussy. An Uber changes the momentum of a game easily.
>start losing
>half the team leaves
If the game's not fun why play? Retard
Jumping helps.
why would you ever want to stay to play a game you have no chance of winning at
Spy main.
Other spies hate me, because i am not trickstab focused. Revolver ocelot
Yes. And crouch jumping helps more.
You are the reason the ambassador got nerfed
Are you happy?
>wahhh i dont want to get good at the game
>same shit
>cnd in a corner he can't run up to
>just looks at me and jumps between two points spamming "spy!"
>enemy team maintains he's just good even though I have him disabled for half the round
>hacker on scout with aimboat
>would literally 180 to shoot me when I was closer to him than our soldier who had his attention at the time
>even my own team insists he's just skilled and I'm complaining
What the fuck happened to this game
>even trying to backstab a scout
You kinda deserve it.
Use your gun. You might have more of a chance
>playing one-sided games all the time makes you better at the game
Yes you idiot
please explain then how playing games where you have 0 chance of recovering makes you a better player
i highly doubt someone is going to play better later when he's being killed by the unusual wearing soldier/demo/heavy and his medic girlfriend 14 times over at spawn
Absolutely not
Because in trying not to die you get better, brainlet
I wasn't trying to backstab him and I was a scout in the second situation.
To be fair if its just like "losing" where it's moderately even, it's kind of a bitch nigga move to leave.
That's not how it works nigger
Yes it is you fucking nonce ponce
Oh nvm, but still. It is sorta common to do 180 checks mid battle.
I'm here to have fun
If my team is getting spawncamped 24/7 by the entire ennemy team I am not having fun
You don't get any better by exiting the spawn and getting instagibbed by 3 soldiers no matter what class you pick
>You don't get any better by exiting the spawn and getting instagibbed by 3 soldiers no matter what class you pick
>things that didn't happen
Literally happened yesterday on cp_powerhouse you absolute cretin
>that scenario
Yeah by then I'd understand if youd leave.
But ive had games where half the team leaves because the enemy bumrushed first point.
No it didn't you exaggerating retard who tells lies to cover up the fact he was exaggerating
>it's the same guy from the last threads who doesn't know how to stab
oh hey, its a "Reminder
Put on a trip so I can filter you, you nincompoop
I dont know what it is about scouts, But i absolutely hate "pro" scouts that jump all over the place and land perfect meatshots.
I'm fine with literally any other class but scunts just get me fuming for some reason.
i agree dane is wrong about crits but how are you not a veteran if you've been playing for 6 years?
>Not playing god in the game of Win the War he created for his own amusement
>mfw Pyro tries to run me down while I have the blutsager out
They literally don't realize how much I can heal for in a short period of time.
You aren't a veteran if you started after the Ãœber update
not an argument, proofless seething liar
In the lifespan of the game, 6 years is not very much.
Although personally i consider anyone who bought the game originally a Vet.
I wasnt here for the last thread :^(
What was going on with the guy who couldn't stab?
More than 50% is not much?
Cause unironically scunt is the easiest class to play. You get best movement in game small hitbox weapon that deals shitload of demage. The fact that most of the players are retarded cringelords dosen't help. Good thing these retards cant land a single shot if you keep spamming crouch cause they always aim for the chest.
Respect to anyone who wears the Proof of Purchase, thats a real veteran
The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim
You are the one making the claim that I lie
Prove it
Go soldier desu. Or Scout them out. In pubs, meatshots are slightly RNG because of spread mechanics
You didn't renew your retarded bullshit/bait license, you're gonna need to stop posting now.
You are the one making a claim that staying doesn't make you better, as well as making the claim that you got instagibbed, therefore the burden of proof is on you
Prove it
Learn to crouch nigger.
>hurf durf
user, your license to pretend to be retarded has been revoked.
I see, you were merely pretending to have an argument
This is the last (You) you'll get from me
Go fuck yourself
Yeah well it's not common to do 180 with perfect accuracy and immediately do another 180 to look at the soldier in less than 1 second.
Hackers exist boy.
>meanwhile sniper only requires aim to get dominations
>meanwhile pyro attacks when you have no time to escape
i dont really know why but Sniper is the class i don't like the most
>shoots you at 80% uber
>shoots your sentry "lol deal with it"
>smg's you
and he isn't even an aussie he is a kiwi
Hacking on scout is just such low dick energy. It's hard to believe. Usually its the sniper
HAHAH, can't respond. Thanks for admitting you were wrong and are bad.
>read the comics
Based and Australium-pilled
>That one Pybro who switches to homewrecker when he sees you having trouble with that one spy
no shit they're actually really good
>Tfw no continuation
speaking of the comics, anyone wonders what happened to this guy? he is the most based incarnation of medic and nobody talks about playing him.
Will probably make an appearance in the last issue
You know... When it'll come out ;_;
>tfw you dominate the Engie AND Pybro because you know how to use your gun
Why use the homewrecker when the neon annihilator exists?
Yeah no shit. Propably specifically so that he wouldn't get caught.
People even have projectile aimbots for huntsman and direct shit. Heavies often get used by hackers. Sniper isn't the only class in the game that can do damage.
Even then blatant spinners don't get kicked sometimes, I have no idea why. Maybe removing spectate wasn't the brightest idea valve had.
Prevailing theory is all the super aids he threw about during his time in the Gravel Wars finally got to him.
They're amazing. All of them. It's crazy how they actually made a solid story from such a game that has a lack of one to start with.
Theyre unironically better than a majority of the OW comics
>hacks wounded teammate with a fucking axe
>magically heals all the wounds on their body
>axe wound instantly heals
>somehow have overheal
I just remember seeing you harping on about how you can win against any pyro because you have a revolver
>projectile aimbots
Okay now you're sounding retarded.
Because 80% of the maps doesnt have water
>removes sappers on two hits
Actually homewrecking the sapper comes second to killing the spy and after that spy is dead IF the engi is dead then you want that sapper gone PRONTO so he doesnt have to rebuild.
>hit killbind during setup time when messing around with team
>get autobalanced for it
Fucking hell. When you get a warning that you'll be autobalanced in 5 minutes you can type 'retry' in console to avoid it, but this shit just punishes you for having a giggle.
Projectile Aimbots are a thing that do occur. They are mostly shit but they do exist.
That was not me user.
But i will say the revolver and maintaining a safe distance can usually win a pyro v spy fight.
this happened just minutes ago
Considering he could heal teammates that contracted Flesh eating super AIDS he would probably have cured it, maybe he went undercover.
>TFW Valve killed off the TFC team
reminder that the TFC heavy didnt do anything wrong, as Medic literally dealed his friends souls away to Satan himself.
How do they even work? Like I believe you when you say they exist. But just the thought of it boggles my mind.
As someone who possesses the full version of LMAOBOX, you can use projectile aimbots
It attempts to predict were the opponent will be based on his speed and trajectory but still is less effective than hitscan aimbots
Plot twist
>It's the same Medic from TF2
>That's how he first got the deal with the Devil
Speaking of Medic, where the fuck is he?
>i have no idea about topic at hand but i will still give you a piece of my shit mind
At 4:40. I don't have a better example right now.
I never got mad because the spam was so funny.
Something about "get good. Get lmaobox." Just sends my sides into orbit
>enemy is moving in X direction towards position Y at Z speed
>because they're going in X direction aim at Y in front of where they should wind up, taking into account Z relative to the speed of your projectile
If you're far away enough they can still dodge even if your prediction is perfect, though, but that applies to humans too.
It really is fun to use too
the full version is actually quite impressive with how it goes undetected
/vg/ kills fanbase
why are spy mains so shit without cl_interp 5?
The thing is, once you get good, you learn to not walk in a straight path. In fact even f2ps spazz out in their movements alot.
Just seems like a really shit idea.
But did it also work with like jarate and mad milk?
He kinda just Vanished for no real explanation, kinda like Gordon.
personal theory is that he quit working for the brothers and Retired for personal reasons, maybe he is just one of those mysterious characters that needs to be mysterious? We may never know.
>Final episode, final page
>Conc jumps into frame
>kills all mercs at once with cooked grenade
>shoots Saxton with super shotgun once to finish him off
>fucks Pauling
>fucks Administrator
>fucks Olivia Mann
>picks up intel briefcase except it's a flag with Robin Walker's face on it now
>shoves it through his dick as a piercing and conc jumps off into the distance
>cl_interp 5
The forbidden Jitsu.
that sounds like something he would do as he is an absolute chad, also
>conc jumps
man of taste right here
jarate and mad milk have such enormous splash radius that you literally don't need an aimbot.
The only thing that's going to make them miss is a random bit of terrain geometry cropping up by 1mm that blocks the splash entirely in that direction
I once got yelled at for linking a reply. I don't know what the fuck is up with that place.
Im asking if the aimbot works with them. The concept of the aimbot would work with them. Same with rockets, pills, stickies.
Be cool if they made a detonator aimbot that would explode when it came in range of the enemy
discord trannies using it as their personal spamposting ground, the same thing that happens to every general that lasts too long.
But at least it isn't /owg/
I'm sure lots of people would use a strange hot hand for shits n giggles.
procedurally generated neural network hats
I misclicked.
I guess I need an aimbot for hitting correct responses on Yea Forums.
Meant for obviously
Conc jumping, and Bhopping like in Quake TF
>The Virgin rocket pogo
Projectiles are meant for pure prediction. Thats why an aimbot wouldn't exactly work for them. Bullets in the game work as lasers which have 0 travel time and instantky hit the first target in its path. This makes it good for aimbotting.
So unless you're near point blank with a projectile weapon, it's a retarded concept
I see some people were talking about a projectile aimbot.
Do yes it's entirely possible, it's mostly a matter of refining your predictive algorithm, other than that it's pretty straightforward.
And yes, it can work with EVERY projectile in the game, even needle gun, jarate or whatever else.
Thank you for answering my questions, user.
>So unless you're near point blank with a projectile weapon, it's a retarded concept
how the fuck do you think they made soldier and demo bots for offline play dumbass
>opening your mouth about shit you know nothing about
Sticky jumping already exists and is way better (also harder) than conc jumping
And you can conc jump as medic if you download some mod/plugin anyways...
to add to what you said, also beggars jumping with gunboats
but there are no trannies left they all fucked off to discord
That would explain why the bots miss alot.
Because it's a retarded concept.
Though the video that Posted showed an actual technical use in juggling which i didnt think about before.
Last time i checked, even bots on hard dont juggle. But something tells me you're just a seething faggot looking to fight over nothing. Oh well. Here's your (you)
>That would explain why the bots miss alot
The Sniper bots miss a lot too idiot, that's intentionally implemented inaccuracy to simulate human play.
Juggling seems to be the most effective way in actually drawing some use from it. It's just getting it started that ultimately makes the aimbot somewhat lackluster. Even when the soldier was jumping and could strafe, the aimbot failed to hit at times.
Absolutely based
generals in /vg/ don't even talk about videogames, and it's especially worse in the ones about waifu games or custom character games.
>Stevefag is fucking retarded
Who woulda guessed?
O wait everybody
>Sniper bots not given an actual aimbot because bullets are lasers and instantly hit.
Imagine my shock!
Again, watch the user's video. Juggling is the only clear advantageous use of the aimbot.
Do not respond to him, he's been baiting for replies for over an hour already.
>that arguement
I cant refute your points.
Projectiles are aimbottable. You win, user. Congrats. I cant find a single hole in your flawless arguement.
>Missing/intentionally ignoring the point like a retard
You said the projectile aimbot doesn't work because demo/soldier bots miss, when they obviously wouldn't be at full accuracy or it would be cancer, idiot.
sticky jumping is not harder than concs which require actual timing rather than hitting m1+m2 whenever the fuck you want, its holding a button down knowing when to throw etc. did you even PLAY tfc?
Hello, I see people are also arguing about how the bots aim.
Thought I'd showcase some useful info.
>which require actual timing rather than hitting m1+m2 whenever the fuck you want, its holding a button down knowing when to throw etc
Not him but sticky pogo requires more timing hitting a moving projectile in midair on time than concs which are literally detonated in your body and impossible to miss.
You CANNOT be fucking "accurate" with projectiles. You dense motherfucker. You can REACT to projectiles or throw off their "aim" because they have travel time.
The aimbot PREDICTS where you would go, predictions are not perfect unless it is juggling because juggling 100% guarantees a set trajectory. At any given point you can fucking hit another key and move in a whole new trajectory and since the projectile is in a SET PATH, it cannot update and react to your movement.
why is the soldier moving so fast in a demonstration? doesn't really showcase the tracking abilities when against a much faster target than usual
>You CANNOT be fucking "accurate" with projectiles. You dense motherfucker.
Stopped reading here, you just went full retard and everyone saw it.
don't forget that right after that all the gals were diagnosed by TF2 Medic with turbo STDs and had thirty seconds to live
God, crockets' particle effects are so sexy
fucking kek
>shoot directly at person with projectile
>person moves and is no longer at the spot you shot at
It's almost like projectiles completely rely on your prediction of the enemy's movement rather than having your crosshait tracking directly on them.
I did play tfc and concjumping is like basic demo jumping but a tiny bit harder. But when you start talking about stuff like airpogoing, then tfc is leagues behind.
If you want, just post something to prove me wrong, but meanwhile, there are only 2-3 very good demojumpers per continent for a reason. Show me advanced concjumping, here's advanced stickyjumping.
Do you fucking see how the bot crumbles the second he changes direction?
You're an absolute mouth breathing retard and you've successfully got me mad. Good fucking baiting.
I learned a long time ago to look only after myself while playing medic, especially on pubs. You can't trust people, and if you're not communicating with others that's all the more reason to not trust them. If you're sticking with casuals then only go out of you're way if you trust your team enough.
> exactly aimed and moving on an intended path
Aaaahahahahah you went full retard and everyone saw it
>Jewish handshake
>Overwatch friends get mad at me for playing TF2
>TF2 friends get mad at me for playing Overwatch
Everyone, literally. fucking. everyone refers to Soldier aim as "aiming" you fucking moron LMAO
just found out they haven't been working on the comic at all, what the fuck
>off by one
>a dictionary
No, im not going to argue this. I saw 2 retards go at over the the defintion of "African" in a thread once.
Good baiting. But i still win the arguement. and
prove all my points regarding the aimbot.
Anything else after this point is bait and will be ignored. Good game, user.
>having "overwatch friends"
tf2 is obviously more enjoyable in pretty much every respect.
You were wrong, get over it.
OW ranked with friends was such a bad decision. We actually got genuinely mad at each other after a few games.
The game is just designed to make people hate each other. It's essentially team-based scissors paper rock.
I mean, i wont lie. We've had some laughs in quickplay. But that was from players being funny rather than the game itself.
Is Engineer actually strategic?
I like things about both games. Overwatch has less hackers, fun voice lines, cuter characters, more new content (comparatively). TF2 has more practical voice lines, better taunts, more customizable cosmetics. I also like how I can switch between being casual and tryhard in pubs while in OW I always have to be working towards the objective. Sometimes I just wanna turtle in the 2fort intel.
I always solo queue in OW competitive. I've never even played TF2 competitive since it doesn't really give anything and casual is fun enough.
If he isnt spamming minis, yep. He's pretty strategic.
>not doing TF2 ranked
Based. It's a long ass wait for basically a retard to not connect and having to wait all over again. Though TF2 center lobbies can be alot of fun if you get sick of casual
yeah lobbies are good for finding better players to fight, or mge
The snow is cute.
Reminder that people that say stuff along the lines of :
"he thinks hitscan takes skill"
"you literally cannot predict how projectiles work"
Are shitposters from the general. Just go there and alt+h then type "hitscan" or "projectiles", there will most likely be a pasta, and if not, it's without a doubt in the archive.
Do not reply to them.
>nooooo stop talking about video games on Yea Forums!
They do. It's that the TF2 community has hit peak levels of autism. Without even scrolling below I already know
>"ur uglah XD am I funneh now guize?!"
>ebin engi video
>why I dislike OW #24,768 this week
>post your Barbie nerds
>low hanging, obvious bait
>why I dislike OW #24,769 this week
have already been posted. The curremt TF2 community is pure, unfiltered autism with 0 self-awareness
Well, you have to know your sentry's range, optimal spots for putting it in, optimal spots for teles, dispensers. Also knowing when to retreat.
And sentry jumps are cute.
But that's about all i can think of, im not an engie main.
>he doesn't use a tactical crosshair
Nah, you're just the single obsessed shitposter that spams TF2 threads every time, your post structure is pretty consistent.
Because lmaobox builds are different to each other, so VAC can't do shit with it's pattern scanning
One time it went detected was because the coder was hacked or someshit and his "unprotected" code was sent to valve
Not meant as an insult but what do you see in OW that has fun voice lines?
>Because lmaobox builds are different to each other
that's actually the point of VAC, if lmaobox devs don't keep changing lmaobox (and thus wasting their personal time doing so) the cheat eventually gets detected. when Gaben did a talk about it he described it as an "arms race" which makes it annoying/expensive/time consuming enough for cheat developers that only a few manage to stay in business
Different user but isn't the point of VAC bans that they can't play on Valve servers? I sometimes find players with VAC bans playing like it's nothing.
>more new content (comparatively)
That doesn't mean much when tf2 has oceans more content overall, user.
I also have to disagree with voice lines strongly and when it comes to cuteness of characters if I want fapfuel I go to porn, not vidya.
How the fuck do you use the post-patch dead ringer?
you don't, and you shouldn't have been using it before either. valve trashbinned a fundamentally bad weapon concept
they should rework it so that M2 cloaks you and generates a clone of you which runs ahead, rather than feigning death. Feign never fools anyone anymore but the dumbest of the dumb, meaning it only gets used as a tanking device, dead ringer seriously needs a rework.
Roll up your sleeves. Everybody roll up your sleeves - Ah, hold on, I'm gonna roll up my sleeves. Cuz you know why're rolling the sleeves up? We're on one of the coolest maps in the game. We're on the main THUNDAH! The striking THUNDAH! The big THUNDAH! THUNDAH MOUNTAIN, baby! Crush it! BRUEA! RUEEEee!
I periodically take gaps from this place from a week to 2 weeks or so. Sorry, I guess, that TF2 autists are that predictable. Can't remember the last TF2 thread I was even in. But good try
A lot of them are just good for stupid fun. ('s "Winky face" "Aw yeah", McCree's "after you", Mei's "snowball fight... yay!") and you can splice/combine them (i.e. making Soldier 76 say "Old soldiers never die, and they don't- trick or treat."
Some of them start with the character doing a laugh and it's fun to spam them and cut the line off after they laugh so they sound really stupid/annoying/funny.
That being said I know TF2 has opportunities for splicing lines like "Every one of you deserves a- MEDIC!" or "Yeah, why don't you come over here and say that to my- MEDIC!" so of course that's fun too.
I know I'm really autistic about the voice lines and easily amused by dumb things so please don't make fun of me.
>voice lines
Fair enough
>cute characters
For fapping sure, but looking at cute people/characters can be nice even if you aren't planning on masturbating.
Yeah continue spouting bullshit buddy, but the only predictable one here is you, like clockwork.
I miss young Jerma. He's still funny but he seems like he's gotten tired of all those TF2 jokes, and sees a lot of those videos as no longer funny.
>talks shit, gets hit
>literally no u counter-argument
Again, pure autism. GMod was a mistake
I'm not saying you can't enjoy the lines in OW, I just don't get it. Specially when the alternative is the TF2 banter, or the way the lines can be spliced. Hell, most SFM's end up splicing the lines in some way or another.
How nice of that scout to fix the sentry
You dont. You use the invis watch instead and become a good spy.
YER NAN!!!!!!! was the mistake loul (wow did he really say that? thats so cool!!!!!!!!!)
I remember one game this Reinhardt would just spam "CATCHPHRASE" at an ungodly pace. My sides were destroyed and that match was honestly the only time i could say i had "fun" playing Overwatch
>goes full on sperg mode (ironic or not)
You can't even tr0llzer properly. Shut the fuck up already, faggot.
What're you 2 fighting about? Can i get involved?
you know what??? you are VERY MEAN and NOT NICE! maybe if you learmed of the True Power Of Friendship, then you'll stop being a big ol' meanie!
Not dying on my watch.
>there are only 2-3 very good demojumpers per continent for a reason
yeah, because everyone realized demoman jumps were boring as shit back in 2009 and the only skilled thing about the maps were autismal pogoing them on soldier.
>shotgun taunt
>"you, yes you! you are-"
>"-very bad!"
Critical Hit!
>ironic passive aggressive faggotry
Unironically kill yourself or get your shit together. And remember, user: if you get the last response you win and don't look like a tool that got ass-ravaged over his autism.
>hurr durr just keep your distance lol
Frenchmen fear the flare gun crits
>flare gun
Lmao projectiles
Look, just because im not a retarded (paladdin) fanboy that fits in your "pyro beats spy" agenda, doesn't mean you gotta be mad.
Just accept the domination. Or switch to Soldier and stomp on me because Soldier is the TRUE counter to Spy
>promised myself I wouldn't touch this shit until the update hit
>starting to get the urge again
Help me.
Give into it.
TDM_HighTower is calling you.
So no arguments then?
I take it you subconsciously recognize that demojumping is harder and offers more possibility for movement while being great fun.
One day you'll realize that you can enjoy two separate things of the same kind, and not have to defend one to death.
I enjoy both sticky and conc jumping, but I have the maturity to recognize stickyjumping is harder and more intricate than conc jumping.
which class would you hang out with Yea Forums
I'd say Spy since i main him, but he's kind of an asshole.
In a honestly, probably engie. He seems the most civil.
>In a honestly
Wow. Stroke.
Engineer is the one least likely to randomly kill me, so him. I'm also Texan like him.
Engie or Demoman. One to chill with, the other to get drunk with.
Scout wouldn't shut up, Heavy would likely stay silent and just intimidate you, Spy would call you a cunt and walk away, Sniper is too professional to give a shit about hanging out, Soldier would likely choke me the second he thinks I hate america, Medic would do ungodly things to me. Pyro...who the fuck knows.
*The game autobalances everyone he kills onto his team*
Bump. You ain't dying on me yet.
/tf2g/ is complete and total garbage. I don't even lurk it because of the retarded meme of not replying directly to posts.
Why is that a thing? Sounds retarded
>not allowed to link replies in /tf2g/
the fuck
I don't even care to know. I'm just glad the TF2 threads on Yea Forums are better.
>As demoknight
>Manage to go on a rampage and get 45 heads
>See enemy asking for a high five taunt
>Why not
>He kill binds on the slap
>I do as well out of instinct
>Completely forgot about all my heads
>45 heads
>B O M
faggot ass zoomer kys
Felt pretty nice until I went full retard.
smelly grandpa
>not even mod
For what its worth you can also combine sprays to make silly images. The preset sprays mean you're more likely to run into somebody who can play off of yours instead of just covering it up.
r8 my medic
I've never seen any other thread doing that and I'm racking my brain trying to understand why the hell it's even a rule. I can't come up with shit.
get out of my sight/10
What's wrong with that good looking beard
who is the best tf2 gmodder
and who is the worst
>no stranges
But why
Cosmetics are good though
that gray cartoon pony
>that gray cartoon pony
some guy started doing it and it just caught on
Check his channel
10/10 animation skills but 0/10 on everything else
Some of his videos are legit in cringe territory
dear god
even worse than stblackst
Post deathcams
daily reminder that only 2 valve employees play this game
- jill (horsefucker who only plays on xer 24/7 dustbowl server, not even matchmaking)
- dario casali (level designer, kicks people for making him mad
such a shame, really
no it's not
MYM is the worst update to tf2