I think we need government to step in. This shit is fucking ridiculous.
I think we need government to step in. This shit is fucking ridiculous
>OP spent time making a custom image for the dumbest thread posted all day
Dude go to your local toy store and look at the amount of blind bagged toys they sell
This kind of money making is never going to stop
Also I have over 100 amiibo figures so fuck you
>go into MS paint
>type that shit out
>post on Yea Forums with 13 words
Wow that was arduous. Do you have to plan out breathing on top of it all?
anti-white commie marxist jew kike faggot spic nigger shill
As soon as the government regulated the bad stuff then they'll start taking the good stuff away. I'd rather have a greedy game market then a creatively stifled one.
This thread is highly antisemitic.
The game market is already creatively stifled.
>I don't want to be connected to the internet Reee
>DLC on the discs!!!??? REEEE
I hate "Gamers".
That's because of poor devs. As soon as regulation regarding DLC and lootboxes happen you can bet they'll regulate violence and gore. I don't want the government to tell devs what they can and can't do regarding the content in their games.
>don't have to download it
>already paid for the disc yet can't access it without paying again
if casuals and kids stopped buying games with this shit we wouldn't have a problem.
Yeah nah. Government overreach inevitably fucks up everything.
All that's required to heal the industry is not be a total fucking retard, but considering how many kids play videogames, that's basically impossible.
>you paid full price on the game
>DLC is loaded onto the disc
>pay 6 bucks to unlock it
top fucking lel if you think that is fair.
Knock it off with the antisemitism.
>government steps in
>they somehow make everything worse
I think you need to stop buying games that engage in these kinds of practices.
>I hate "Gamers".
On-Disc DLC should absolutely be illegal. We can argue about the others until we're blue in the face, but on-disc DLC is forcing people to pay extra for a product they've already bought.
how are amiibos unfair ? You can pay full price if you like the figurine or buy or make an amiibo card yourself for cheap if you want the content
>that image
I don't think you can keep pretending to be retarded when you post stupid shit like that.
Holy fuck where are the mods? This antisemitic talk CANNOT be allowed!
He says while paying for Netflix on his TV, a monthly fee for his mobile phone, internet access for his modem, maintenance for his tricycle...
>this thing is okay because these other things are bad
>an outdated forced flavor of the month meme
This must be your first week here I see if that petty bait was enough to make you reply.
how is that just as bad as on disc dlc?
why are you comparing services to products?
Unironically what’s wrong with digital prepurchasing, early access, what I can only assume are goty editions, expansions, and amiibo?
Ok but ... name one (1) GOOD game that have on disc DLC.(You can't.) Seems like people just debate about things they wouldn't buy anyway.
>Day one DLC
>Buy anytime you want
Just stop fucking buying it.
Its only happening because gamers have no spine.
add "Rape day" to the list
or you could just not buy games that feature this shit
just a thought
>Just vote with your wallet.
For everyone one purchase that single person can not make, a retard can make ten.
capital controls the government, dumbass
You almost had the perfect list of shit and then you go on and put the one of the only legitimate paid extra content for a game on there
>game has multiple expansions
>must buy expansion 1, 2, and 3, before you can buy the 4th
yeah.. real legitimate.
>defending on-disc dlc
>Not Shit if you know the game is going to be good
>Not Shit
>Kinda Shit
>Not Shit since you buy it once you can use it for any game that calls for it and actually a better way to do DLC if you only have to buy it once and never have to pay for it again
>Not shit because they are being made well after the game is complete (Unless of course the game was rushed incomplete and the "Expansion" is just completing the game)
What game does this? Is this what modern expansion packs have become?
That is an extreme example.
The other things on the list are horrible in every form they can take, while expansions most of the time were just big content updates with a unified vision, maybe something experimental.
I don't deny that there have been many shit expansion packs, but stuff like Zero Hour and Frozen Throne improved on the base game