Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?

Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will./


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I tripped over Callie's smile!

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How many gallons of the ’lent does one have to drink to fall in love with the cartoons?

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I'll have to give myself a prrrrromotion

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>Those shoes.
Stop this fucking shit, it's digusting, girls. Please stop doing that.
Everytime I see those niggerfied women with sports streewear shoes I can't deal with it. I can't help but think about niggers and hip-hop subculture as well as white trash in tracksuits and nikes.
It really irritates my fashion sense and good aesthetics.
Wear loafers, wear boots, wear heels, wear pretty sandals but STOP wearing this. Thank you.

Considered? No. Did I? Yes. She's technically from Yea Forums origin but there's an official (albeit shitty mobile) game for the series, so it counts.

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I repressed my ability to fall in love with fictional characters in order to blend in to normalfag society

And while it has probably helped me overall I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it a little.

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For me it's Sophia the Guildmarm

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p-please think about the advertisers user

I'm pretty sure most people on this website don't understand the concept of love.

>don't understand the concept of love.

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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I used to
but then I realized i was being a faggot and stopped

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Memes aside, most people here really don't understand it. Hell, look at all the people ignoring even the core aspects of a character when posting them.
A character is a character, even if there isn't much, the character does have base traits that define their foundation.

based tbqhwyrnf

>Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?
Sure why not

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I agree, but its not just here, user. most people don't understand it; they all just want something to fill their emptiness, thinking that relationships will fix their problems.
I can only remember a handful of acquaintances/friends that were genuinely in love and had a healthy relationship
>sadly I'm not one of them tho

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Look at the picture you posted. That's step one of showing you don't understand it yourself.

the fuck is wrong with her tits

Based and jetsetpilled

I never said I did

heel doesnt go behind your leg nigga wtf

Not really, but I've longed for people who share the same qualities of a character I like

cute boobs

I'm reinforcing the idea. You decided to post porn, or sex, which isn't what the thread is about.

puffy areola

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i don't deserve love

Yes, several times. But I'm incapable of love.

Nah, it just kinda happened

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Most people are here use anime and videogames as a form of escapism. If they had an interesting significant other, they'd probably never look back.


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I did

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10 years of marriage here, long enough to make anyone uninteresting. i do what i can for me kids and fantasize about fictional characters when i'm having sex. i don't care. this is reality, and you will do it too

Vella is so hot
I wish customizing her didn't cost 50000 million dollars

Sounds like you don't understand what is love.
It's daijoubu. Akane-chan forgives me when I misunderstand her so I must forgive you as well, user.

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You are so naive lol

I've talked to waifufags enough to not even consider the concept.

My wife Tsumugi.

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You're mentally ill. Mental illness isn't love

Akane is my tulpa. She isn't some sort of mental illness. I created her through sheer willpower and now she and I live happily. I'm happy. Isn't that something you should be?

Mental illness

user...you need to find love in all aspects of life. If you cannot then you are bound to be unhappy.

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now kiss

Mental illness isn't love you retarded autist

Kairi from KH1 specifically. I don't like her second voice actress desu.

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I'm in love with Akane-chan and you can't tell me otherwise. She loves me back.

You're mentally ill

>telling 4 times the exact same thing to some dude who clearly doesn't care, expecting a different outcome
seems like you're the mentally ill one

I love Yukari!~

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I love Peri more than anything!

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>Thinks he's in love with a video game character
>Thinks he's in the position to call others mentally ill

>video game character
You don't know what true love is.

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Her being from an anime doesn't make you any less mentally ill.

Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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But it makes you technically wrong retard

No, it doesn't. You're still a mentally ill retard who thinks he's in love with a fictional character

>says Akane-chan is a video game character
>gets told she isn't
>i'm not wrong though

Anne is the love of my life

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Learn to read you mentally ill retard, the point was that she's fictional. It doesn't matter wether she's from an anime or a video game, if you think you're in love with a fictional character, you are mentally ill.

i think i actually fell in love with anime characters when i was in middle school. i watched kampfer, which was my first ecchi harem anime, and the lewdness blew my mind and i loved the mc and the prez. when i was in elementary i saw parts of tenjou tenge and that forever embedded anime sex into my mind and now im a degenrate whos fucked in the head

i'm pretty sure you were just a horny moron back then because of puberty

When I fuck my gf I just think about her

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I love Fuuka!

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I'm too dead to feel what you normals call "love".

But she isn't fictional. She's my tulpa. Learn2read retard

This, I hate when women think i want something more than sex

I might have

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No matter how strong your obsession is, it's a fictional character, you mentally ill retard

>doesn't have the mental fortitude to create an image of his waifu
>somehow I'm the retard
I can see her user

how much onions does one need to consume to fell in love with a fictional character?

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imagine liking irl women lmao

shut the fuck up /fa/

The people who post here are mentally insane. Literal autism
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will./

>Character looks relatively attractive
Liking it considered as mental illness?

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Yes, telling yourself you're in love with a fictional character means you're mentally ill

I want to pet that long crimson hair of hers.

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Fuuka is the cutest and nicest girl!

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>arguing with these retards instead of just posting your wives/husbands


i'll never understand the need people feel to reply to obvious shitposts to be desu

It's almost as if this place is a safe haven for those with love in their hearts for their waifus.

>The mentally ill retard thinks he has a wife
Why don't you introduce her to your family, you pathetic autist?

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my shitposts are pretty obvious

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>these threads keep getting made with my waifu
I hate this

Fucking bimbo.

your waifu is a bimbo

She is not a bimbo, fuck off.

>contrarian wojaktard
we need a rule to purge this low-effort shit

You right now.

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I HATE Sofia!

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they don't know what it means to be anonymous

waifu bump

falling in love isnt something anyone really considers, it just happens
and i hate it

i think i have the wrong kind of autism to be able to do that

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Bimbo! Airhead! Pink!

is that supposed to be an insult? I don't get it.


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I think it's a thing about bimbos wearing a lot of pink.

Anne doesn't even wear pink so that's really stupid

Shut up bimbo fetishist.

Objectively wrong. Basedboys are all gay, not anime fans

I'm not a bimbo fetishist because Anne is not a bimbo

>hot and young
>not a bimbo

>Gets divorced
>Gets cucked
>H-heh, I sure showed them

She's not stupid.

She's a fucking idiot!

You just posted her, I'm madly in love with Anne Takamaki from Persona 5!

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Anne is a fucking retard!

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My wife.

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Ann is a mindbroken 2 IQ sex fiend!

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2 IQ is being generous! Anne's IQ HAS to be in the negatives!

Ann is incapable of thinking about anything but cocks!

waifu bump!

Ann's stinky feet!

I love Curly!

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I love Etna.

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Why? Etna's an abusive bitch.

I’m going to marry Freya!

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Merry X'mas Yea Forums!!~

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I love Futaba!

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Glad xmas is over

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It's never over.

So what??

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Maybe she doesn't even think about that at all! She's probably so stupid she can't even form thoughts of her own?


Do you think people like Fuuka exist in real life?

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Merry Christmas to you too!

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Autistic? Plenty.

Yes and they're exhausting to talk to

Probably, but she'd despise you because you're a mentally ill retard

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I can't decide.

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