Mash buttons

>mash buttons
>fill meter
>release the golem
>instant SSS rank

V is fucking trash and a bore to play, who thought this was a good idea, his sections could have been Lady instead or fuck it, just more levels for Nero and Dante, why have they always got to do something weird? I dont like him at all.

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is that the elephant eared dipfuck who plays kylo ren from that bad starwars movie?
It's like him and The Crow had a kid

just did his first mission and i kinda liked it, it is different.

>that nose

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damn this website is getting stupid

It reminded me of The World Ends with you

Oh, little vergilboy is still mad people like V over his autistic crash?
Oh, poor cucked boy.

Can't lie that was a huge turnoff for me to play him.
I got my first SSS rank with him and it felt awful. On the other hand getting SSS with Nero felt pretty good like I was capitalizing on the momentum, and getting SSS with Dante felt great because weapon switching gets fucking crazy once you get going.

wot? Did you read the OP? He DOESNT like V

wait is he jewish too?

Am the only Nerofag on this fucking board? I see so much character bitching from Dantefags shitting on Nero or Vfags shitting on the other characters but nobody defends my boy, fuck you

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Because the only people who shit on Nero are big fags and they have had 11 years to cope.

Nobody bothers arguing with them because they laugh at how pathetic they are.

I'll be honest, I hated him in 4, but hes fun now.

HOW the fuck do you play him properly anyway? Feels like you straight up lose dps if you don’t mash

>be gay fgt shroud
>suck dicks
>10/10 gotyay

pretty much. I don't even want to do subsequent playthroughs because of this cunt.
and worse the game seems to randomly crash only on his missions.

Problem is that Nero seems fine UNTIL you get to control Dante again and you realise Nero ain't shit. Doesn't even seem like a part demon sometimes.

Rebind Griffin to another button so you can attack with both summons at once. Use their combos and skills.
Same as what you'd do with Nero and his gun, really.

hes just dead weight comparatively to dante desu

this place was full of smart people acting like idiots
now it filling with stupid people like think that are smart

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go fuck yourself with your encyclopedia dramatica

It just doesn’t feel as effective as mashing both buttons

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That's a style meter problem and an enemy problem more than V's problem. Literally nothing wrong with his playstyle if common enemies had range attacks and targetted V more.

When has button mashing ever been effective in a DMC game though?

What's that fake quote? Something like "any group getting their laugh pretending to be idiots will be invaded by real one thinking they're in good company"

On normal difficulty? All.
Now if that playstyle still works for V in the higher difficulties then it's a problem.

Almost always, if you didn't care about style ranks.

why did they remove BREAKDOWN Yea Forumsros? :(

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>I see so much character bitching from Dantefags
Ignore combodorks

this exactly for me, they did a really good job with the devil breakers

Considering the fact that in previous games, higher difficulties required approaching enemies in different ways, I'd say V is gonna be fine. It's not like his summons are immortal, anyway.

Nobody plays DMC without caring about style ranks.

Personality too, he almost felt like a guest character from a different series back in 4 and now he fits in the world much better after his overhaul.

>nothing wrong

Except its boring

You mean the people who play the game? Autist.

But I prefer playing as Nero

No you don't

Oh, textbook autism. I'll go get the pop-up book explaining what opinions and perspectives are

Not when you're constantly dodging enemies. Using everything in your power to juggle guys. Casters are only boring if enemies get stagger easily or are slow.

You don’t need to rebind gun with Nero or Dante, only V

I liked Nero since 4

I just got to play him and I just don't get why he's a character
He doesn't fit the playstyle at all
It's especially shitty after getting to play as Nero first, doing cool stuff and now it's just
>Stand behind everything
>Mash buttons
Are there a lot of V segments?

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I rebound Nero's gun to one of the trigger buttons in DMC4 so I could charge up while attacking.

Don't mash, you're actually not doing nearly as much as you think you're doing. You could almost consider V more like a setplay character in a tag fighting game, where Griffon and Shadow should be taking turns staggering and launching enemies. There's also a lot of importance on placement in regards to how you actually make the two of them move about, and the fact that you should be a lot closer to the enemies so that cat and bird aren't just constantly coming back to you and then needing to run back to them.

You should ignore using Griffon's generic projectile (unless you don't have a move charged and need to juggle a single enemy while setting up Shadow) and be constantly charging one of Griffon's lockon moves while focusing on Shadow's combos. It is recommended that you bind one of the pets to a shoulder button in V's input scheme so that you can charge Griffon's several lock moves easily.

Read your book or do a taunt to aggro everything your way, do a ground dodge once everything has gotten in your face to get get a bit of distance and put Shadow next to you, then have Griffon and Shadow play a game of catch with the enemies as the ball. Given the amount of reach both of many of their attacks have, you can be juggling an entire room's worth of demons.

>this place was full of smart people acting like idiots
You don't actually fucking believe that do you?

Me too, but I only played the series recently. I understand if people like the sheer movepool APM playstyle of Dante but people who keep trying to discredit Nero as a character are fags. His playstyle has its place in DMC and he's allowed to grow and be a protagonist.

Bloody Palace will make or break the character.

How does rev up work? I saw a skill to charge it instantly but without it it seems annoying to use unless I'm missing something

You know what this world needs? A proper hack'n'slash crossover. Of course you have Bayonetta and Dante but then you also get Sieg Wahrheit or Viewtiful Joe or Samanosuke Akechi to help round it out.

>can't even switch them
yeah no.

Use breakages with abandon and pick up another drop, you one-note faggot.

Learn the timing for revving for every single one of your sword attacks and try to rev each one

Charge it up as far as it can go between battles, then practice and learn the timings for the instant-revs on your various attacks so you can keep the momentum going while fighting.

I fucking love V, really properly feels like playing a summoner. Sad he won't be back.

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V is a character for the rest of us.
Women, children, casuals, white people... Not everyone can do sickass Dante aircombos.

you're lying to yourself

Yeah OP I agree. I'd rather have had a couple more Dante/Nero missions instead. He has a lame character design and a lameass playstyle. Better believe i wont be using him once bloody palace comes out.

I love playing as V now that i have more skills rolling but finishing everything off with B gets a little exhausting on your fingers when you use nearly every button.

>Are there a lot of V segments?
Not really.

I think he has like 3 main missions and the others with him are optional. I appreciate that they wanted to try something new but I don't think he really fits.

That said he's in a minority of the game, and he's pretty easy so his levels breeze by, so it's not as if he really detracts from the game much, and mashing with him and blowing everything up is entertaining if mindless.

It was the opposite for me Nero was pretty shitty but I really digged V once I got him and started unlocking both of his minion's abilities like air launches, that porcupine move etc.
So easy to chain shit with him not to mention riding on the nightmare and and unleashing the stronger laser variant laser on bosslike enemies, like you should always ride on the big guy unless you want him to do literally nothing.
V he feels much much stronger than Nero so far.

Dante is pretty easy to SSS with as well. I only have difficulties with it for Nero.

Is achivement for beating mission 19 and 20 without continues bugged? Just did that two in a row and still didn't get it.

Yeah, you're right. My posts were just a trick user. I don't like Nero, my opinion is actually...Your opinion! Haha. Didn't mean to scare you and make you think your ego was going to be challenged, it was just a prank bro my bad.

The only time I've found that V gets remotely interesting to play is when you do Mission 14 and choose Griffon first. I know I coul probably get crazier with him but there's no point.

I did it with Dante too so I could charge E&I and Coyote-A

good that you're starting to admit it you don't need to pretend to have false opinions on an imageboard user

>Griffon on left button
>cat thing on B
>Nightmare on X
>V's strike on Y

I don't know who designed the default control schemes but I've changed something for all three characters

They did, but I think Ragtime was just plain awful. Time slow was either not long enough to be useful or the bubble was too small. All the other breakers are incredibly fun to use but whenever I see ragtime on the floor I always avoid it.

pasta breaker my dude

Revving it manually is a mistake. Use exceed. Exceed enables you to get a full rev if you press the rev up button at the right time when executing specific attacks which enables you to spam charged attacks and deal immense damage as Nero if you do it perfectly. It's what made him such a fucking damaging and braindead character in 4.

nah, its boring.

Finally we're getting somewhere

Anyone besides me wish you could just play as one fucking character in these games? I don't want to switch between all these faggots just give me Dante or Nero.

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That's Adam Driver though

It's funny cause I like playing all the characters but I hate being forced to change. Stop throwing off my groove.

Actually I agree, let me rephrase.

I don't mind the option to have more characters, I will never argue I want less variety. But I want to choose who I play and stick with it. I hate being forced to change to.

Then again, the less characters they have the more time they can invest in tweaking the game around one character which is better in my opinion.

V will never come back for DMC6
Itsuno why do you hurt me like this

I'd kill for a simple
>play through the game as any character after beating it once
Mode, it's not like they even have to adjust anything. Just let Dante use the grappling points with trickster, V already has a short range teleport too.

Will there be a DMC6?

He's cute

Nero gets much MUCH better in postgame.

Of course he will. Why do you think Vergil asked Nero to hold onto the book?

anyone else totally expect his story? like i knew he was some form or part of vergil, just didnt know how. i also believed urizen=vergil but felt like the two theories clashed and believed that v was definitely more vergil than urizen.
ragtime is actually just more advanced than the other arms
i dont use it but when ive randomly picked it up, i use it to extend combos, especially in the air
ive seen some crazy webm on Yea Forums where some fucker uses ragtime to just keep going up
im sure they'll find some way to bring back his playstyle.
not many people are as lame and one-note as you

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he is there so new players can get sss rank achievement just by button mashing

Slightly related, but Kenichiro "Tits are life ass is hometown" Taka just picked up a copy. Maybe he'll learn something about how to make a good action game.

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Unlike the other playable characters in the series, Nero is somewhat a classic hotblooded shonen manga protagonist. He's my jam.

>white people
You might joke, but I really do gotta wonder how come it's mostly either Asians or Blacks who can do sick ass combos in either action or fighting games.

>this place was full of smart people acting like idiots

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>Dantefags shitting on Nero or Vfags shitting on the other characters but nobody defends my boy, fuck you

They watched one of the most prolific characters in gaming history literally get dabbed on by his own son to dubstep music after waiting 10+ years to even have him play a role in the story again

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I agree the S ranks seem to come too easy to him, it feels unearned.
Also I don't really like the way he controls, the way the stick controls both his movement and the attacks of his pets. I can't move him away from or toward enemies and do certain attacks at the same time, then if I want to dodge in that direction instead it needs one of the pets to stop attacking to do so. This is made harder when the camera spins and you have to figure out which angle on screen actually correlates to shifting the stick "backward to forward" for some of them as well.

Based on what I saw I thought I would hate V, but he's fun as fuck.

Ragtime and Rawhide are best breakers.

Man, Tomboy arm is fun to mess around with, too bad you can't use exceed when the buff is active

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If you aren't gay, you are now.

>to even have him play a role in the story again
Literally the only game where Vergil isn't important is DMC2.

>Mfw I didn't even realize devil breakers had regular firing modes besides the supercharged one 80% into the game
Welp, I'm guessing playing Nero is going to get a lot better from now on.

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you fucking what
what would be the point of them if the only way to use them would be a long charge with animation that can be stopped with a single hit from anything


Sequel fucking when?

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Alright, Shakespeare.

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