>Knowing Japanese
>Not playing games in Japanese
Explain yourselves.
>Knowing Japanese
>Not playing games in Japanese
Explain yourselves.
Other urls found in this thread:
Once you learn how to read moon runes you lose your sanity.
I don't know Japanese.
>want to play in nipponese
>no such option in game
Fortunately this option is becoming more commonplace. Just not commonplace enough.
2/10, study more.
>tfw I was extremely busy for 2 months and now my anki has piled up again and I have no willpower to start digging into it again
>extremely busy for 2 months
So busy you couldn't spare 10 fucking minutes a day? Let's face it, you're never going to make it.
Yeah I know that feel. Haven't used Anki in years.
yeah didnt have that time and Im really bad at learning so even a little bit takes me 20+minutes
>knowing any language other than English
I can never remember the kanji
Do I look like a fucking weeb you dumb penishead?
How do you even type in Japanese on the Switch? I thought changing my console language would do it, but nope, still have an English keyboard on the Japanese eShop. it's a pain in the ass since I can't search for anything.
Nevermind, you click the little world looking icon. I'm sorry for being retarded.
>dont study japanese
>feel bad for letting those hours of studying go to waste
>study japanese
>remember im dyslectic and terrible at learning languages and im never gonna make it
>remember that its all done just so I can jack off to fucked up japanese porn
why does japan have 3 writing systems
>can read kanji, but have trouble reading hiragana or katakana
hiragana and katakana give my eyes cancer
>take over chinese writing system even though your language isnt competable with it
>add kanji with no meaning to fix the holes in the writing system
>have some rich women who dont like how chunky and edgy the katakana are, and they make the round hiragana
>instead of these replacing the katakana, they decide to add these to the system
>Learn Japanese
>play western game that's "Japanese inspired" or has a level with Japanese text anywhere
>cringe out of my fucking mind at the blatant Google Translate level shit they all stick on signs because fuck actually hiring anyone who knows nip to consult on this shit
Every fucking time. At least in TV shows I can laugh when they portray a character as "fluent" and then they かたこと their way through the lines phonetically. With games, it's just low effort shit, and it's especially bad when they actually "try" and still manage to fuck everything up.
If you're OK with taking a downgrade in vocabulary for a while, playing games that are either kana soup or have a kana soup option is good practice!
>when you have to mine a word from fucking pokemon
I still have a long, long way to go.
Why does English have upper and lower case letters?
But the true answer is because:
- Stole hanzi/from China
- Developed katakana as shorthand for kanji, which eventually became its own writing system
- Hiragana was developed from cursive writing, called hentaigana. Can't remember why they made this, but for a while it was considered a female thing t write in hiragana while men wrote in kanji
I was reading a study which talked about how dyslexia often goes undiagnosed in Japan until the person starts learning English. Something about their writing system being composed either of phonetic characters or ideograms making it more manageable for dyslexic people.
well I dont know what it is but my retention rate is terrible, ive had to turn off the bury system because I kept burying cards I shoudlve known
why is 談笑 changed to お話 there?
Playing games set in clearly western aesthetics or settings inspired by western medieval folklore in japanesse is cringeworthy.
>didn't notice 階上 first
You're not going to make it, buddy. It's because kids don't know fancier words yet.
I don't have issues when stuff is written normally, but it always takes me a while to adjust to katakana only stuff. I was playing Super Mario RPG last night and got to Seaside Town and I felt like a damn beginner because I had to slow down when reading the カンゼンカタカナノカイワ
It depends.
I am N1 level,
but for games like DMC and metal gear I feel like English dub and sub is way more fitting than Japanese.
I am going to play Sekiro in moon though,
I can't stand English in anicent Japan setting.
What is the Japanese translation of "Breath of the Wild"? Translate throws out "To Speak to Shake, to Shake".
Don't worry, you'll get there. I still remember three particular lines in FF VI because I read them all without help and at the time this was fucking thrilling.
>Changing 談笑 to おはなし
Oh shit, I didn't know games changed words for kids. I knew the easytype FF IV did, but I didn't know anything else did. That's neat.
Noticed it, but bothered me less that the other part.
pls dont bully
Not any more cringeworthy than doing it in English.
>Come across a knight.
"Oy, wazzap. I've got tons of arrows stuck in my knees, nigga!"
People spoke French in (modern) Western Europe, German in (mod.) Central Europe and Greek in (mod.) Eastern Europe.
People in England actually advocated getting rid of the shite language back then and it took until the renaissance for them to stop being embarassed about it.
Hearing Canadians, Australians, Southerners, Scottish and what-not accents in a game is just as ridiculous as hearing Japanese.
This is like complaining that people talk modern English in period pieces or something. The reality is that Japanese made "western" settings are still incredibly Japanese, just look at something like Metal Gear.
Ostensibly, it's western. But under the thin veneer of James Bond and hopelessly deluded military jargon, you'll find giant robots, cyborg ninjas, retarded shit galore, and all incredibly Japanese.
What are you trying to translate? Jap Wikipedia says the name is just breath of the wild (buresu obu za wairudo)
>I am going to play Sekiro in moon though,
>I can't stand English in anicent Japan setting.
Yeah I know the feeling. I also play certain likes like RE and Metal Gear in English because I think it fits better, but it's gotta be Japanese for Japanese settings. I did this with Fatal Frame a couple years after starting my Nippongo studies and it was fine until the third game. The third game still has a few things that fuck me up, like those few documents that are written to seem really, really old that describe the impaling ritual, such as
彼ノ岸 此ノ岸 隔テシ想ヒハ
常夜海 揺リ満ツ
隔テシ想ヒ 柊トシテ 刺青ヲ似テ
巫女ヘト刻ミ 刺魂ノ儀ス可シ
柊刻ミシ 刺青ノ巫女ハ
常夜海 鎮ム
Btw I have been meaning to ask for a while,
In games like DMC do they write the English script first or the Japanese script first then localised it?
I always thought latter is the case but the CG scenes in DMC all look like it is made with the English script in mind.
>People in England actually advocated getting rid of the shite language back then and it took until the renaissance for them to stop being embarassed about it.
Reminds me of how there was a bit of a push in Japan to simplify their language or trade it in for English when the typewriter was invented. After seeing how Japanese typewriters are, I can understand why.
>but the CG scenes in DMC all look like it is made with the English script in mind.
Because they localise it before they do the mocap and voice work? The writers for all the DMC games are native nips with a poor grasp of English at best, all the games are written in Japanese and then translated.
I know faganons use a program to rip and translate Japanese VNs to English is there such a program for Pokemon games or other emulatable games? I really want to learn Japanese or Spanish from games I've played a dozen times
You're right about that in some cases, though there are special cases like RE7, which I'm pretty sure was written in English to begin with. Not sure about REmake 2 though. Not that that's very common.
>miss a day
>that massive pile up
>that willpower to learn japanese dropping hard like an aborted fetus
I have no idea how the fuck people use anki for a year fucking STRAIGHT. holy hell is that a marathon.
In my experience my retention got better with time, especially after I set the new card limit to something reasonable. I'd encourage you not to give up at the first hurdle
nigga ive restarted 5 times and learnt at least 1500 cards. But it still feels like im crawling over broken glass
Yeah, me either. A guy who's known Nip three years longer than me was still using Anki a couple years ago, not sure if he does now. I stopped after a few years. Anki is supposed to be a tool, don't let it make you hate the language. If it becomes a bother, stop and reevaluate things.
The script for Metal Gear Rising (specifically Armstrong's lines) has me convinced it was written by an American or someone who is an honorary American.
>Jap Wikipedia says the name is just breath of the wild
>(buresu obu za wairudo)
My point is that when you put the latter through Translate it doesn't come out with the original English but instead "to speak to shake to shake".
The thing is when I look up the nope trailer for DMC5
They didn't even use JACKPOT for Dante's catch phase. Not even ジャックポット! or anything.
Makes me wonder if this entire thing are all made up by the localisation team and they have more creative input than the writer themselves.
>I'm pretty sure was written in English to begin with.
This is very much a rarity though, the vast, vast majority of Japanese games are written by Japanese people.
I'm surprised Pearsey worked on Spec Ops, considering how awful RE7 was from a story perspective I assumed he was a complete retard. Maybe Capcom had him on a very tight leash or he felt he had to play it as safe as possible.
*the nip trailer
Sorry autocorrect
Machine translators can be fucking weird like that. I remember years ago when I was just starting to learn Nip and hadn't gotten away from Google translate yet, I ran some simple line through it and got "Firefox 3.0". I can't remember what the line was about, but it certainly wasn't that.
It's hard. I'm N1, but I go for the English version 10 times out of 10? unless unavailable or heavily censored. And I'm not even a native.
But I do user, thank God I don't have to deal with shitty translations anymore.
You're kinda making me want to play DMC in Nip to see the differences.
>Makes me wonder if this entire thing are all made up by the localisation team and they have more creative input than the writer themselves.
that happens plenty of times. the pokemon names are all different for example.
Wasn't Armstrong a case where the nips liked the way the localisation was taking the character, so they translated the flavor stuff back into Japanese?
Localisation teams absolutely have a massive amount of creative input, translation is basically rewriting. You can completely alter characters in localisation, and 9 times out of 10 the original writer will never know about it.
>porn is locked behind some alien moon language that you will probably learn because you dick demands it, and it could be useful in actual real life
I play in Nip for most Nip games, but the thought of playing the Kiseki games in Nip scares me. Or rather, it exasperates me, considering how much damn text is in those games. I've played plenty of fucking text heavy games in Japanese, but in no other series have I found an 80 page story on a random shelf than in Trails.
Stopped reading there
>You can completely alter characters in localisation, and 9 times out of 10 the original writer will never know about it.
Yeah I really hate this. I work as a translator and in fan an official stuff I've always tried to make things sound natural and fun to read, but as close to the source as I can get it, but then you have these yahoos who want to feel like actual writers running around all over the place.
It happens man. I tried doing this while being a full time college student and he last thing I should worry about is getting 10 mins in grinding japanese daily. That shit ain't happening.
Yeah I played Splatoon 2 in Japanese so it was amusing how different the personality of Pearl and Marina are compare to their English couter part.
The same thing happened in China. Traditional vs Simplified Chinese is all about this. Where Mao wanted to do phases of simplification which would end up with modified Latin alphabet like the one English or Vietnamese uses.
The medieval one wasn't a case of practicality, but aesthetics. English lacked words, couldn' t be used for poetry, for songs, for anything other than mundane blaberring of two dirty peasants.
East-Asian languages faced the opposite problem until digital input came along.
Do you still remember most of them?
You probably have around 500-700 kanji and many, many words floating around in your head that are more-or-less permanent.
Your grammar is probably still not to that "childlike fluency" stage that you will hit after a while, which is basically just having enough words and grammar knowledge to be able to learn within the language and be able to explain things despite not knowing every single word. However, you've just got to give it some more time. Need help telling if you're there? 日本語の森's N3 videos (specifically, ユキ先生) are a pretty good way to determine if you're ready to start ditching English.
I think it's too easy to get hung up on the # of cards and whatnot. Anki is great, but realistically it is intended to supplement fun things, not replace them. I dropped Anki after hitting 3000 or so cards because it was easier to just recall the memory of something I read or played earlier than it was to flip through cards. Is anki efficient? Absolutely, but language learning is not efficient by definition, so don't worry about it.
>then you have these yahoos who want to feel like actual writers running around all over the place.
Sometimes it works, though. MGS1 is honestly better in English, the military jargon isn't as painful, they fixed absolutely retarded dogshit like Mantis' final line, the voice actors all have fun accents, it's a minor improvement because the translator was a better writer than Kojima.
And because of that, Kojima got salty as all fuck and demanded that every other game be translated as literally as possible, and the rest of the series has absolutely AWFUL translation work as a result. I could never play any other MGS title in English again.
Oh I don't get mad at every little change. You need to change things to work sometimes. Translation is about carrying the meaning and intent, not really a word for word thing. But I was talking about people who change things because "why not"? Like the Dragon Quest localizers.
I did hear that Kojima got mad at Jeremy about that, that was pretty dumb, MGS1 was pretty well localized, based on what I've seen of the Japanese version.
Yeah I probably know about 700 of them, with a lot of the others being "ow fuck Im supposed to know that one" but havent really started on grammar. Vocab is painful but at least it is less abstract.
Depends on how you studied in those 5 years.
My anki deck takes about 4 hours why does yours take 10 minutes
Some have shit voice acting.
Like Dragon Ball games.
he clicks next every 0.25 seconds. he is that good.
So what Anki deck do you all use? How is it called, core something?
google core2k6 or go to /DJT/ in int. its there
Core 2k/6k is a method called lazy kanji and not good as far as I understand
When I moved I fell out of it and it was a struggle to get back into it. I took a 2 week break a few months ago and now I don't have any want to get back into it because I know I have to relearn shit I already learned. It's too much work.
I actually have a girlfriend and part of my free time involves socializing and having sex ,
not learning japanese
my fucking nigga
What's wrong with であれば? It's just the conditional form of である, which is the plain form of であります which is the extended form of です, right?
Damn I should've picked up romaji before mastering japanese. I can't read any of this.
>Not grinding kanjis in the meantime for a superior nip gf
You're only playing yourself by not planning for the future, user
im straight
what's a good app for learning all 10 trillion kanji?
t. someone that probably knows 50 at best
I think he's looking for があれば instead of であれば and dropping what would then be a pointless pronoun. Essentially changing it from "If it's the Japanese version, I'll play it, but..." to "If there is a Japanese version, I'll play it, but..."
As it stands, the post makes sense but the dude needs to stop watching shonen anime or some shit, using さ every other word like that is ok if you're naruto or something but unironically using it even on Yea Forums is cringe.
Ah yes. You're absolutely right. Cheers, user.
>Want to learn Japanese
>Have to learn thousands of chinese characters to be competent in japanese
Not thousands, you'd get pretty far with just one thousand
desu you could get away with learning around 1500 vocab to be ""functional""" in the language
Are there any other strongly recommended Anki decks? I've been working through Core2k/6k, but that's it.
I guarantee you could name enough pokemon along with their typings and some of their moves and it would be a greater volume of memory than the required capacity to learn kanji
you mean kanji because only knowing that many words is actually terrible. But it's really not as bad as it seems. It's actually kinda fun to learn kanji, how are they any different from learning all the bullshit spellings in English since we don't have an alphabet that represents the spoken language?
The one you make yourself through mining is the best deck.
Everyone starts somewhere, why not with 戦う and 逃げる?
these pictures make me feel incredibly sad. i see on social media a lot that people are overfeeding their pets and causing them to become obese.
it's sickening since all they're doing is harming innocent defenseless animals and significantly cutting their lifespan.
Make your own deck by mining
If it makes you feel better, this is a shoop
If you posted this and you arent vegan I have some bad news for you
i am learning but it takes time
You are studying grammar and not just grinding anki, right user?
>he still thinks he can make it
dude lets do it. i'm in the same position
i'm not vegan, but do you have to be in order to find this behavior upsetting and repulsive?
Reminder that it's literal insanity to be unable to distinguish prey from other life.
locon makes the best trap but too bad he can only draw one fucking face. it's a shame really
No but everytime you buy meat you're harming an innocent defenseless animal and significantly cutting their lifespan as well. Of course you can be disgusted by the way these pet owners behave but I hope you have empathy for the cows and pigs and not just the dogs and cats
My issue with them is that kanji have no sound, you can't pronounce it or slowly sound it out if you don't know what it is. They are like pictures. No letters or sounds or verbal structure of any kind go into making them, they are just pictures like egyptian hieroglyphs.
see something you don't know you manually put it into a deck to memorize it. that's mining.
>everytime you buy meat you're harming an innocent defenseless animal and significantly cutting their lifespan as well
Not him but you are genuinely retarded. Buying meat isn't killing the pig, it's already dead.
i'd love to but i cannot justify the effort you need to learn such a minor language just so i can play some average-at-best games
you forgot about eroge and the vast amount of untranslated sad panda comics
>Consume Japanese media like books and movies with subtitles in Japanese
>Everytime you see a sentence you RECOGNIZE make a card out of the sentence
>by doing this you learn vocabulary and grammar and readings all at the same time in context and properly used
>by only including sentences you recognize and not just adding every sentence you don't know, you learn what's important and frequently used in Japan anyway while keeping the work load manageable
I hope that was understandable
I cannot imagine how someone could sit in a thread and type about the going ons in their life for hours on end. Christ, the normalfag is so foreign to me he may as well be an alien. Dont you people have any shame? Do you actually, unironically enjoy sharing your experiences on this subject with each other? Do you just enjoy the feeling of validation that comes with having others acknowledge your work or do you get something else out of this? Why do you care about anyone else learning Japanese, or if other people know you are learning Japanese? Is this what social interaction is? Just people with mutual interests swapping personal anecdotes, providing validation, and offering mutual acknowledgement in accomplished tasks? I never understood how people could do this without feeling ashamed of themselves while I was at school and I dont understand it now.
The pig is only dying because consumers demand the pork. You're deflecting blame and saying the animal died because everyone wanted to eat the animal so no one is responsible. The reality is that everyone is responsible in that situation.
Ayy lmao
If I personally stop eating meat, nothing will change. The change in demand will be negligible, I'm only one person out of billions after all. Therefore, my continuing to eat meat doesn't harm animals.
I ain’t learnin some gay ass chink language
The pig is dead because there are pig consumers, if you are one of the pig consumers you are responsible for the animal dying, they don't just feed people animals that die of natural causes they're killed because there is demand. The animal is dead because they killed it and prepped and wrapped it for you in advance.
Ah this. I was thinking about this but always stop because of how shitty anki app is, and i don't hear everything while at pc.
So instead of adding it to the deck the first time I see it and don't understand it, I should wait until I come across it two or three times, then add it to the mining deck?
Of course nothing will change but if the pig is killed for the consumer and you are the consumer then the pig is killed for you.
You can add it the first time you see it but you'll end up learning a lot of stuff you won't use. Generally when you see something and you recognize it you've probably actually seen it more than you realise and it's probably important to learn.
If you don't hear it at the PC then the next time you come across it you'll recognize it anyway.
I barely know any Japanese but I think I can understand this
You sound like you're legit going insane bro.
I thought heisig's remembering the kanji wasnt supposed to teach me how to read but I can clearly see flesh sow meat -> tasty
Buy the book, do 2200 kanji in three months max. Then you go online and laugh at people who get mad that you skipped the "get fucked by kanji for a few years" step.
>He knows Korean
>Didn't memorize every Hanja
ベルセリアは面白いでしょ クソなのはゼスティリア
I found an iso of flower sun rain in Japanese today actually I'm really excited to play
>2200 kanji in three months max
good luck with that.
I did it in two months. This user is an excellent example of someone who will get mad that you aren't having kanji nightmares.
>buy the book
user there are 2000000000 pdfs of it online there is literally no excuse for buying that fucking thing
its impossible to care about every living thing in the same way. If your cat dies of old age you get sad. Now imagine millions of animals dying every second on earth. Now imagine how much life there is in the universe if its infinite, all dying right now. Boo fuckin hoo wheres my bacon.
>I did it in two years
My anki deck introduces 75 new a day which puts me on track to have 2200 in circulation by 29 days but I cant say for sure when complete memorization will be achieved. Idk what koohi teaches exactly but depending on your definition of "learned" 2 months can be realistic. My cards teach me everything but readings because I want to learn readings through mining instead.
link to 6th edition
What's your favorite Japanese word? Mine is 賢者タイム
Mine is die weeb scum
-t seething eop
Oh is koohii just rtk? That's what I'm doing
I have a mobi file I use on my kindle not a pdf and I have the book bought in paperback as well.
mine is "i hope you and your entire family get raped to death by millions of AIDS-infected niggers you stupid normalfag fuck"
>Favorite word
呟く, this one LN I'm reading uses the shit out of it and it's great.
>favorite kanji
pic unrelated, though 心残り is a quality word anyway.
Oh. Does It show the hiraganas over kanjis when you play Japanese games?
Koohii is a place to crowdsource mnemonics and it has an SRS system to review, quite useful.
thats like more than 40 kanji a day. that is complete bullshit. there is no fucking way someone has the ability to recognize more than 40 squiggly boxes and pair them with a meaning in such a short time. gtfo.
Is individual kanji study really that important? Can't you just learn to recognise the kanji as you learn vocab and kill two birds with one stone?
You literally sound like an ad for rtk. I do 75 a day. You learn through radicals and neumonics. It just takes a couple hours a day for me to do 75. Obviously perfect retention isn't achieved instantly that's what the srs is for. But introducing so many is easy.
>My cards teach me everything but readings
So they teach you nothing?
I'm trying.
I dropped Anki though. I spent more time forcing new squiggles in my head than I spent time reading new material.
Kanji are made up of components, they're not meaningless squiggles. You take the components and tie them to a meaning with a mnemonic. You're not visually memorising characters, you're learning random facts and puns and stories that you can use to reconstruct the character from scratch.
At 75 a day you'll be reviewing probably 750+ a day when you hit 30 days in. And that will continue for the next couple of months.
2.2k in 3 months is totally doable, 2.2k in a month is absolutely retarded and if you aren't on ritalin or something you're going to crash and burn within 2 weeks. And even after a few months of grinding anki, you won't even be able to tell me how you pronounce 早い.
It's a feature not a bug. You learn the readings in context later. Basically there are several steps to learning kanji and you're splitting the workload into 2 sections learned at seperate times. The result is that you can read Japanese insanely quickly. It's the same reason Chinese people can learn Japanese kanji so quickly, they already know the forms they just have to add meaning to them. By learning the readings later in context you retain them better, pick them up more quickly, and get to learn them in a grammatically correct context. Work smarter not harder. The superior method to learning kanji has been proven time and again to be learning things a piece at a time and not all at once. If you want to unga bunga brute force your learning of kanji by all means go ahead but you're making a mistake.
I won't argue with everyone's individual preferred methods, but I'll let you know that personally for me, I learned words+kanji as I went along. really helped with not having to fight with shit like
>旅行 (おこなう)
>行う (りょこう)
>行方 (ゆくえ)
all having different ways to read 行. Not all of them are like that but obviously it helps to have a word to fall back on. It's sometimes easier to remember other Kanji if you can think of a word that also uses it. For the longest time I had trouble remembering 透明 but for some damn reason learning 浸透 made me never ever forget the reading for 透 ever again. To each his own.
aw fuck somehow i switched 行う and 旅行, I'm a fucking retard. Oh well. You get my point.
why would you need to know japanese when all the characters are white
My already at kanji number 1600 so I've been at it for 21 days and haven't burnt out yet. It's been pretty simple, I just do my cards in the morning and make new mnemonics for the next day after I'm done.
I gave up studying kanji early and used the time to read more, but I had to come back to it because I kept mixing up similar characters and wasn't able to visualise or write most of the characters I knew
Thanks, user. That's reassuring. I've been struggling with trying to learn individual kanji alongside vocab and it's just been a mess. Like you said, it's a pain to try to learn all the readings with no context for them.
>Basically there are several steps to learning kanji and you're splitting the workload into 2 sections learned at seperate times.
Yeah, this is the part that's retarded, and why it's so funny you're bashing RTK when you're literally doing the exact same thing.
Many readings are actually shared between Chinese and Japanese, or at least a rough approximation. If you write kanji compounds in Japanese, most chinks can understand you, because Japan imported both the reading and meaning of a shitload of words when they copied hanzi.
By adding just 2 additional pieces of information into your mnemonics, you could have also learnt how to read the vast majority of those kanji the vast majority of the time. Instead, you're relying on a really awful method of now tying your English keyword kanji composite to a new, English meaning Japanese reading composite. This is a bridge too far for neuronal structure, because now you'll get confused about which one is the keyword and which one is the meaning, and this will be exacerbated when you have to start forgetting the totally inaccurate keywords you've learnt.
Only with newish games aimed at kids. Most games I've played don't have an option for furigana
I've not bashed rtk once, I'm using rtk, I bought the book on Amazon. I'm promoting rtk.
>t. google translate
That would be the most obvious way to do things, yet kanji are still the biggest stumbling block of the language.
For one you end up doing things in a weird order.曜 means weekday, so you'll be learning it early even though it's quite the complicated character. It works fine at first because all the characters are different, but after a while you get more and more characters that look a lot alike. You end up with a patchy knowledge of 侍待持峙恃時特詩 and differentiate them based on "well it's X with an added Y because I normally mistake it for Z and I know it isn't" type reasoning.
Different user, but I'm curious as to how you split the workload up. If you learn the readings via vocab, is kanji study just stroke order and English meaning?
>that faggot that learned 2200 kanji in 3 months
How many of them can you write? Because i doubt you would handle even 人.
Yeah. I've heard that it can lead to problems writing and remembering the kanji you know.
That makes a lot of sense. I wonder if you can get away with just learning the radicals then. That way you can recognise that 侍 is the person and the temple, while 時 is the sun and the temple.
All of them? Writing them is how you review. It's the only way to test knowledge without cheating.
Why even bother writing when the Japanese themselves are getting worse at it thanks to computers and phones n shit. Though I actually learned all the stroke order rules and generally can write them well, just don't ask me to do it from memory for anything but the most common ones
>tfw I can recognize katakana/hiragana within less of second looking at them but can't never recall them when writing.
The whole "you sound like an ad for RTK" sounded like a bash to me, maybe you're just shit at English too.
RTK is a fucking awful system made by an autistic brainlet who doesn't really understand the first thing about neuronal growth, and also wasn't even smart enough to take the next blatant step.
If you're already remember a kanji as radical X plus radical Y plus radical Z plus keyword A, it really isn't much more effort to remember that same kanji as radical X, Y and Z plus keyword A, reading B, and reading C. And all of a sudden you can finish kanji study and actually be able to read, and make an educated guess at the reading of compounds you've never seen before.
RTK is months of study to get to a meaningless "starting line" where you're incapable of reading even a single word. Personally I think kanji study isn't that useful in the long term, but RTK is downright barbaric and it's little wonder many people give up while using it, because it's the antithesis of learning. You want to learn Japanese, so learn Japanese. Don't learn a bunch of fucking English keywords.
It's stroke order, radicals, general composition, and what heisig calls a keyword. Sometimes it is the meaning sometimes it's not but none of them are completely wrong. The general idea is that adding new information on top of the kanji you know is easier than learning everything all at once and it's more efficient too.
I can't even write more than maybe 20 kana anymore, it's a skill that became outdated when word processors were invented and I haven't practised it in years because of it. Reading and writing are different areas of the brain, unless you're planning on becoming a calligraphy artist you're just wasting your time learning to write Japanese.
Then you are lying. To learn to write all 2200 kanji in 3 months? Not even if you do it 16h a day.
you will only ever need to write something if you are in Japan, even then you will mostly use your phone/computer
though something else... what's the point of drilling kanji if you don't build your vocab in parallel.
Surely you understand that seeing 税 in anki and knowing that it means "tax" is useful?
It's easily possible in an hour, maybe 2 a day. The problem is long-term retention, most people don't continue writing because it's such a worthless skill.
Again, coming from the "learn words" side of things, I'll maintain that learning words that you see often enough eventually helps to solidify things.
And if you keep missing one, or misreading one, eventually your brain does get tired of it and you pay closer attention for a bit until it "gets" it. That's fine.
It is weird because you may use the okurigana or other Kanji as a crutch if you haven't truly come to terms with a Kanji and its parts, such as differentiating between 侍、持つ、待つ、時、などなど。Still, sometimes you find your own way. Some people totally dig looking at the hand on the left of 持 to remember it (definitely the intended way of doing so). Some people need to go through the whole spiel of a Heisler-style mnemonic. Others who are so used to it just understand it to be もつ and don't worry about it.
It makes little sense that certain ones are so easy to remember, and likewise it's weird which ones you'll forget a lot. Oh well. Just enjoy the ride. Nobody in their right mind writes こたつ in Kanji, but you'll never forget it if I tell you it's 炬燵.
But why choose to learn readings that are right some of the time when you can just finish rtk and start mining and learn readings that are right 100% of the time? The keywords aren't a part of what you learn they're just words to recall the specific a+z+c. They're purpose is for flash cards and nothing more and I dont believe it inhibits any learning it's just what goes on the front of the flash card. Then after you just have all these blank slate kanji and you can attach readings and meanings too quite easily. I don't even really think it's worth discussing because all that's really going on here is a discussion of timeframes not of success. The problem you're describing is not one I've heard brought up by anyone I know that has successfully completed rtk and beyond. Also my "you sound like an ad for rtk" comment was mostly humor. I just read what was written like it was a commercial for rtk where someone comes out and says something like "but I can't possibly learn 40 a day!" And then someone comes out like "Yes you can Billy Mays here with hesig's remembering the kanji!"
Oh also why are all the keywords the first definitions jishoo gives? Is it connected to rtk or were the keywords definitions all along?
Not him but I don't even think I could remember the first 150 Pokémon, let alone their types.
most people give up because it's one of the hardest language in the world to learn
do you know how many people give up on french even though its baby tier compared to japanese?
>>But why choose to learn readings that are right some of the time
Because they're right the majority of the time. And if you're smart you're learning the top readings that are graded by usage, and then you can just remember any other words with weird readings as exceptions.
RTK is terrible because it has nothing in terms of motivation. You can complete the course in a month or 10 years, it doesn't matter, because at any point during that, you can see something like 中出し and have no fucking clue how to read it. The main reason I hate RTK is because it's the major reason I gave up on the language a solid 15 years or so back because it was just too far removed from anything that made logical sense. I worked through alternative kanji study about 5 years ago and had no problems, because every day it actually felt like I was making real progress.
Lots of the keywords are definitions, but some aren't at all. And a very significant number of kanji can't easily be defined with a single keyword, so you run into cases where your assumptions about the meaning are just totally wrong because either the keyword was chosen for artistic value, or it was chosen because it's the meaning in a compound that the kanji is regularly used in, while the kanji by itself means something else.
Do you guys know good sources for learning 文法?
really struggling with that, I'm reading Kae Tim's and a few youtube videos mainly from misa sensei.
The use the most simple of maths and you will realize it's not possible in 3 months.
i've heard good things about curedolly if you can get past the atrocious audio quality
never used it myself
I actually find textbooks the best for this. Vocab and kanji (except writing practice) is best done with anki, but I learnt all my grammar from textbooks. I got Genki and Tobira for cheap through my uni. Textbooks also give you some stuff for reading practice too as a bonus.
>The use the most simple of maths and you will realize it's not possible in 3 months.
But I did it. Years ago, it wasn't remotely hard, my schedule back then was actually pretty relaxed. People vastly overestimate how much of an issue kanji actually are, vocab is literally 10 times harder.
cute and based
So you're a weak-willed person with no discipline or work ethic. Stop projecting your own insecurities on everyone else.
Read more NHK EASY news
How nice of them to accept that tattooed gaijin aren't unhinged Yakuza.
>Deck of 20-50 new words + 200+ to review
>Taking ten minutes
What kind of superhuman are you? The new words alone are at least an hour just to try to remember them once on a repeat let alone the next several hundred, and even when you have 40 or 50 down pat that it delays them by a couple of days chances are you forget them again when they come up which is what happened to me. Study sessions were taking upwards of three to four hours just to recall the word, the kunyomi, and the onyomi, and 99% of the time the latter two fucked me up.
It this text-to-voice? It's hurting my ears.
Sounds like you just might be a retard or something, bro.
nah dog, it's clearly someone shitting from their mouth into a mic and voice changing it up.
Anyways, they should have kept the old look for her, new is scary.