ITT: talented dev teams who lost their magic touch

ITT: talented dev teams who lost their magic touch

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Fromsoft with the Souls series.

Capcom's fighting game division.


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that entire album was all just the same 1 song, over and over.

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bioware and fromsoftware

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white album proves you wrong my faggot zoomerino

I don't listen to them much but koi no yokan is pretty choice. I know absolutely shit about their other albums.

Diamond Dogs is basically the same, but people say that David Bowie is talented.

also CDProjekt Red

White Pony and Diamond Eyes along with KNY are excellent albums.

I went to see a Metallica show back when they were doing their Summer Sanitarium shit just to see how St Anger sounded live (it sounds better, in all honesty) and Deftones were there and man were they crap. Limp Bizkit was also there and I will say they stole the show. Metallica sucked, Deftones sucked, I want to say Mudvayne was there but I don't remember. All I really remember was Fred Durst being carried through the crowd spitting shit and they did a really good cover of Sanitarium.
*crowd goes nuts*
*crowd coughs awkwardly and shuffles their feet*

And what a fucking great song it was.

Saturday Night Wrist (except Pink Telephone.)

>Greasy filthy hand jobs in truck stop restrooms. Hot Carling? All over my chest Hot Carling? I turned hat into a verb. I hope you appreciate it. Car wing. Hot Carling Academy. It's the school where you go to learn how to butt fuck. It's In England. They don't have blowjobs there because they're uncircumcised and that is just disgusting. So they have to butt fuck. Which is also disgusting, because that extra foreskin trapped all the germs and the poop and the butt-fucking residue. It's sin. And that's why British people have bad teeth. Amen.

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Bloodborne was their best game yet and Dark Souls 3 is still leagues ahead of other games and its leading competition.

stay mad

I hurt myself today

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they made sea of thieves

i can hear that drum beat in my head

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Nobody cares

imagine unironically liking nu-metal
imagine being over the age of 15 and still liking metallica

Pic extremely fucking related. Also Capcom and Konami.

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This was in 2003 and by then no one liked Metallica anymore. I was 18 years old and it was a garbage show, except for Limp Bizkit. Which was incredibly shocking.

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That one game that you really liked way back when but for some reason never sought out anything else from the creators.

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>imagine thinking Deftones is nu-metal

Chino went full blown retarded after the digital bath single, because he wanted to play guitar and go muh sexy murmur
Stephen went full open distorted chords and 8 string retard
They literally destroyed the band legacy for their new found artsy garbage
Their new heavy material is beyond ass

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DICE, but I wouldn't know when exactly. It was more of a constant downwards trend starting with 2142.

I care brother, comfy gig stories are cool.

>Limp Bizkit was also there and I will say they stole the show.
>All I really remember was Fred Durst being carried through the crowd spitting shit
They did all to hide the fact can't write a decent song.

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Deftones is still doing well, Gore was fine. Saturday Night Wrist is their peak though tbqh.

This. They might put on fun live shows but their songs suck. Always have, always will.

>Studio puts out one (1) good game, does a 180 and hopelessly tries to make subsequent games for a different audience, by the time they revisit the first game the fans and the SOUL is gone

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>hesitate to say Gearbox because their Opus could be argued to be shit
>Sid Meirs/Firaxis

That's fine, they were the only act that entertained me that night. That's all I cared about, I had very low expectations.

not a single good game on that list

t. zoomer

I'm playing through DS3 right now and still can't believe how much of a fucking achievement it is

You're right but in a gig setting I'd rather have a high energy Limp Bizkit singing their goofy songs electrifying the crowd than an aging Metallica going through the numbers. I've never rated them as a live band at all, a friend of mine used to rave about the S&M album and I thought it sounded like low energy shit even back then.

on that note, say what you will about Juggalos at least they know how to have a good time

people rag on it a lot, but I thought it was a very fun and polished experience. It's not as renewing or fresh as Bloodborne but it's still so much fun to play

>Asks for studios that lost their touch
>Posts a band that never had a "touch" to begin with

Fucking K-mart Cold, and fuck Chi shilling at every show. Alice in Chains replaced Layne Staley, get another bass player already.

Eh, I played them sporadically since yellow. Nostalgia is the key factor with pokeyman and most titles are roughly the same I quality.

Genius Sonority is a different company than Gamefreak.
Colosseum and XD are not mainline games. They're better than the schlop Gamefreak makes.

Not really an achievement since they had 4 releases to hone the formula. I agree that it's the most refined soulsbourne but it wasn't bottled lightning like some of it's predecessors.

>[insert game developer] has lost their way, dood!

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Idc about that, I'm referring to the main titles.

Edit, I should learn 2 read

Maybe during the NES era.

And I don't know why you are since the point of the thread is "talented dev teams who lost their magic touch."
I'm not commentating on the quality of the Pokemon series.
Just pointing out how sad it is that a talented team went so quickly to "100 Classic Book Collection" and "Disney Fairies" followed by phone games.

hey they're still mad talented techwise and implementing cool mechanics
they're just stuck making Tolkein games for WB now

They did some pretty crazy shit with the N64 hardware too, especially towards the end.

did anyone own this cd and not fap to that girl?

Bruh they're the reason console shooters are even a thing, for better or worse.

>Game panders to the masses and overindulges in dated gimmicks

What went SO wrong with Muse, Yea Forums?

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>game where basically every level is highly enjoyable

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>>Posts a band that never had a "touch" to begin with
This desu. In fact, new Deftones >>> nu-metal Deftones

To me Muse has always been the exceptionally retarded offspring of Radiohead and AtDI/The Mars Volta

KNY is their weakest album.

>tfw famous developers team up and release a great project

What's her name, Yea Forums?

Said two in question are Chino from Deftones and Mike from Linkin Park if you're unaware.

Doesn't Warner Bros. own the rights to Blood? Jesus fuck just let them make another Blood game.

>own the rights to Blood?
Nope, Atari owns them.

Despite everything after (and possibly including) the Black album being sub-par. And Justice For All and Ride The Lightning are 2 of the best metal albums of all-time.

it's a shame we only got 5% of the game

you don't want the other 95%, Rare has shown their hand with the crumbs we got, a Rare game where you can't interact/hit the NPC's, word filtered out the word BIMBO, and made the ugliest mermaids in video game history, it's not even a Rare game the little we got, and the unlocking costumes stuff was tedious and boring

Is there anyone even left from old rare? Can't really say they lost their touch if it's just the same company in name only

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>CDProjekt Red
Say what? Witcher 3 was a huge success. 2077 is the most anticipated RPG in years.

Rare was lobotomized
Only the name remains

Imagine thinking a band's earlier works were discredited after they stop producing their own music. Early Metallica is still great, and a heck of a lot better than the zoomer shit kids listen to.

>lowest common denominator bland open world game design
>bullshots and downgrades
>hates PC platform

CDPR is basically slav Ubisoft.

>Viva pinata
>Sea of thieves

Every notable dev is working somewhere else at this point, it's name only and even shit like Yooka-Layley only had two ex-Rare devs on the whole staff. You'd have to move heaven and earth to get a team slightly resembling 90s Rare together.