You should have your key.
What do we think about Satisfactory?
Got mine but sent it back saying Free Tibet
>Epic Games Launcher
Oh well, will just pirate then I guess.
Its literally Factorio but not hideous
Someone give me a key
I'm the only person who signed up but didn't get one
Me to m8
wot is this game? I didn't like factorio, is this just more of it?
Factorio in 3D.
a lite version of factorio for literal brainlets in 3D
Factorio is already a pretty lite version of Factorio, that's not promising.
>Autismo in 3D
>Factorio is a lite version of Factorio
What did he possibly mean by this
why not just pirate it?
That is a fair point.
factorio is aesthetic as fuck. grafix give me warm flashbacks back to brood war and other gritty sprite rts.
barely. you can't have the factorio scale on unreal engine plus it's 3d. but will do alright as a introduction to a real game (factorio).
Not buying Chinese state products
but you can have mine since fuck epic and fuck those trannies for giving in
I got a key but I'm going to let it sit in my email cause fuck this dev.
I think dev did something very smart at this point.
Release EA on Epic store, let people beta test and shit on it, In a year it will be released on Steam as full release without exclusivity clause.
They pretty much took the money and ran with it.
Doubt. These games sell the most during EA. Nobody will care when they release it on Steam years later.
It will sell the most on Epic store, I grantee that when it comes to Steam it will sell even more as day 1 sale.
Most people don't give a fuck about gaming news and just buy shit impulsively, you put the front page "By the same people who created Goat sim and I wanna eat some bread" it will sell like hotcakes.
>Nobody will care when they release it on Steam years later.
You don't need Steam anymore
Fuck off newfag.
>More pre.orders*
*Only public data about pre orders is retail
**No info on how much pre orders there actually are
It's almost like it's click bait to make you feel better about your purchase
what am I looking at
Why do you have such a vested interest in Steam succeeding?
not him but I prefer using a Store that actually benefits the consumer
Because steam has ALREADY succeeded.
I don't give a flying fuck what you think is going on, if you look at how consumerism works you would understand that no matter what for a decade from now, steam will still be succeeding.
All i'm doing is bursting your bubble of delusion
>>Because steam has ALREADY succeeded.
>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Taking risks is sign of failure
Yea, you sure know what you are talking about.
I'll probably buy it. Not gonna play any more this weekend though to not ruin it later.
I'm not sure I get your point. Everything Epic did also flopped besides Fortnite.
You ok?
>>Everything Epic did also flopped besides Fortnite.
>UE1? Not a flop
>UE2? Not a flop
>UE3? Not a flop and was one of the most used engines of the 360 era
>UE4? Not a flop and currently one of the most used engines besides Unity
>Gears of War? Not a flop and sold to MS for a fat stack of cash
I know you guys hate Epic... but come on.
Yes they made a game engine whereas Steam made some of the most popular games that are still alive and a store/launcher that is still relevant after more than a decade.
But as I said I don't care which store I use as long as they actually provide more for the consumer. Right now that's Steam. On Epic I basically have to provide my birth certificate to get a refund whereas on Steam it's just 2 clicks.
Why does nobody know what this word means anymore?
>Normal business practices are being compared to literal out of the box thinking and branching out
You know, you could create same list for Valve but about 10 times longer. This is all irrelevant anyway.
Just play Minecraft with mods.
this post gave me cancer
you're incapable of having reasonable conversation about this topic
I'll just play factorio instead.
So you ran out of arguments.
Do you guys have no concept of being able to enjoy more than one game in the same genre? I don't understand the idea of playing the same game for thousands of hours when there are other games with new content and new things to explore.
Copying the card game fad is "out of the box thinking"?
Okay user, define it for us.
funny how you brought it up, FOR THE FIRST FUCKING TIME. Stop, you have no arguments.
You are delusional as fuck.
>whereas Steam made some of the most popular games
429 in game
I'm just third-partying your argument with the other guy. You're just spewing false hyperbole to the point where anyone who even remotely keeps up with the news on topics knows you're either baiting or too stupid to argue with.
Please explain how the comment "Its literally Factorio but not hideous" would imply someone is new to Yea Forums
If anything it's just a zoomer or someone baiting
I do enjoy games of the same genre but Satisfactory completely misses the point of Factorio. It's pretty, yes, but you will never be able to do anything huge or complex in it unlike in Factorio.
But there is nothing to explore, this is literally Factorio with less features.
Have sex
Here's your pity reply
Maybe you're looking at it wrong. It's Subnautica with more in-depth base building.
>But nobody liked Artifact
and nobody liked UT3.
I asked you to define what newfag means, seeing as you apparently thing it's being used wrong. To believe it is being used wrong would imply you know the right way to use it.
So tell me.
>let me just cherry pick this one game and completely ignore the most popular and genre defining ones
Stop arguing over garbage you autists.
Is the game good or not?
Depends on your definition of good, now it's your time to become an autist.
You can't make me.
yes, but if you just want it to be exactly like factorio then its not for you
>I asked you to define what newfag means
It's literally in the post you just replied to you fucking retard
Can you not read?
>and genre defining ones
TF2 is a rehash
DOTA 2 is a rehash
HL1 was just Quake with a better story
Portal games are laughable shit for moms
Okay, tell me how Epic provides more for the consumer than Steam.
Go ahead, I will wait.
It was such a shit attempt that I didn't take it seriously.
I haven't played it because I didn't sign up for a key like a retard. The game looks comfy honestly. If you're a factorio veteran, youll breeze right through it but normies will get tripped up. It's suprisingly cool to be inside the factory with conveyor belts buzzing all around your head.
>If I make outrageous statements, I win!
What a novel strategy, let's hope nobody will spot it.
>start game
>get charged by a weird monster
>no clue what to do
>get killed
>no longer have anything, it's all really far off
>try to go get it, get killed over and over
what the fuck am i just an idiot
i dont want to fight fucking aliens i want to make a factory
Steam has been in the business since the early 2000's - it better do a lot for consumers
And guess what? Some of Steam's best features were only added last year - like controller remapping.
So you're admitting you were wrong?
some games are cheaper on epic because they take less of a cut
like 15 seconds after landing it explains how to equip the weapon and what its for
I don't even think you can continue with the tutorial until you equip it
Good. Thanks for proving my point. When Epic provides me more then I will switch.
>like controller remapping.
I don't use a controller so I don't know how they work, but isn't it gamedevs job to make remappeble keys like on a keyboard?
Try harder.
im not sure what things are locked due to the testing phase but from the 4 or 5 hours i played today i barely fought any of the aliens, so feel free to go full autismo with the factory building
Don't act like they won't, is my point. If they don't, Epic is shit - but so was Steam
It's actually not the devs job to do that. It'd be nice if they did, but they don't technically have to include remapping as an option.
So real talk. While it's interesting that they didn't make the world procedurally generated, the actual set pieces, environments, and mobs aren't that interesting. Better to just play Subnautica again. Also, I don't really think the inclusion of a Z-axis is really that interesting in the way they handled factory building. It's still early access so I don't have much to say about the lategame aspect of it but from what I've seen so far I think it's just more satisfying to optimize in Factorio.
At least Factorio forced you to face crunch time when your tech polluted the world enough to attract the zerg.
>It'd be nice if they did
Okay, so it's 100% in gamedevs interest to do this, but they for some reason omit this step and you accept it?
That's not even a good question to be asking. It doesn't have to provide more features. It has games on it that Steam doesn't have. If you want to play them, you can't use Steam. That eliminates the feature comparison argument. The launcher is functional in that it lets you purchase games, download them, and receive automatic updates, which are frankly the only features I use Steam for as well.
but would you want to just play Factorio or Subnautica again? you've already experienced everything they have to offer.
Wew my dude
>Steam machines launched in 2015
>fucking UE1 was written in 1995
I know your posted needed substance but thats ridiculous
and Steam has games Epic doesn't.
but good for you, I also enjoy the huge amount of sales and easy refund feature and many other shit Steam has just like 99% of people.
Factorio has some fun mods. And besides the point, that's why procedural generation for a game like that works so well.
And if we're talking about Subnautica well so far I'd probably rather play Sub Zero once it's completed than this.
I mean tons of games do it. Ryse: Son of Rome on Steam doesn't let you remap shit
So controller remapping is just Steam's way of fixing it.
Maybe Steam essentially endorsing devs being lazy isn't a good thing, but they will keep being lazy
Factorio, yes.
It's fun to mess with trains and shit, also making rare but huge ore veins with aliens all about is fun.
I just don't understand the reasoning of yours.
>It's not actually
Really bothers me, why isn't it their job to make YOUR experience better?
Windows since 7 I think, has controller API and devs can use it freely.
You're arguing for a cause that no one is arguing against. I'm not sure what your goal is here. This game and many others are not on Steam and boasting about how Steam has features isn't changing that. Games being exclusively on Steam also doesn't make non-Steam games magically appear on it. It's like you think someone using a program that's not Steam is a personal slight against who you are, and all you can do is say "yeah but at least I have trading cards".
No Steam, no buy.
>haven't been able to play yet
>enter thread to see if people like it
>it's all epic store arguing
good thread
Concession accepted!
If you notice it was all about Factorio vs Satisfactory until some faggot decided to post about how Steam isn't necessary anymore.
Epic shills are ruining threads for their own games.
Try reading the reply chain before you post.
>what is source engine
Literally the first post in this thread is about Epic's Chinese connections.
and it's mine :3
Means it should be good if the only thing we can shit on is store wars
I think he meant real Factorio is Bob's/Angel's mod autism
Didn't derail shit, now did it?