What games do autogynephiles play?

What games do autogynephiles play?

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auto what? im sorry but where im from there are only 2 genders

Do breasts really go "funi" when you press on them?

Either of the 2 genders can still conform to AGP. It's a fetish, not a gender.

piece together what the 3 words in that mean, user. it's not that hard to figure out

RPG's and anything with character creation.

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Instead of reading this trash, go read shino-chan

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what the fuck is car pussy

Fuck you

Continuous breast sex?

Auto means self. So automobile means "self-mobile".

Games where you play as the cute girl and this is emphasized. Neptunia, Recettear, etc.

Of course. Get a load of this virgin, hasn't even gotten to second base.

Gonna get me some tailpipe.

Continuous woman sex?

I only read yuri.

automatic bee queen lover?


>Auto means self
Auto means automatic.
Automobile is a machine that makes you automatically mobile

self bee queen lover?

It's being attracted to your imagined female self, in other words a tranny.


car vagina lover?

Wanting to fuck a female you, and wanting to BE a female you are two very different things

From Ancient Greek αὐτo- (auto-), from αὐτός (autós, “self”).

Yeah, I was just throwing that in there as an added bonus

So he really likes his own cars?

automobile is an english word, retard, and is derived from automatic + mobile like the other guy said

Post the autogynepile tranny image

They lurk tfgamessite.

i got u bro

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cultural marxism has gone too far this time

idk probably some gay shit
Like what's gay
They probably play overwatch

There are some pretty sexy cars out there

automatic gene lover?

I guess little Hayden's mom's boyfriend taught him a new word today!

since you guys speak latin (especially ), i have a question: if an autoginephyle tranny is what's in my ford focus, what's the fancy word for these?

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honey select. i make all kinds of scenarios with the studio about my male character turning into a female character and getting boned. modded skyrim is also pretty great.

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Auto genie philiac? yeah man. so easy to figure out.

Adjective and Noun

Middle English mobyll, from Anglo-French moble, from Latin mobilis, from movēre to move.

There's a ton of words in English formed from merging greek and latin.
Just replace ford focus with automobile and tranny with transsexual or whatever they're calling themselves these days. You could say you have a person suffering from autogynephilia in the trunk of your automobile, I guess?

Auto = self
Gyne = woman, female
Philia = love, abnormal

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so how is wrong, since an auto (short for automatically, meaning continuous) mobile (move) makes you continuously move? you've spent this whole thread acting like you're the big dick cheese and you don't even know how compounded words work.

buddy, don't become a middle school teacher, i don't think you could handle the material.

If i like tgtf because watching men getting turned into beautiful women is hot am i one of these?

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Park your car in my garage user

the word automatic itself means "by itself"

auto means self

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46 replies still no sauce of OP's pic. I hate you!

The Last of Us, God of War, Spider-Man.

find it yourself, you lazy cunt

>mobile means move
>auto means self
>automobile means "self move"
>but the image literally says 'autokineto' means "move of itself"

want to know how i can tell you guys are esl? it's obvious from the text that you've confused kineto and auto, where kineto means "self" and auto is referring to automatically.

i get that translating or localization or whatever it is you esl fuckers do to speak a proper language is hard, but take it from me, i've been speaking proper english here in america for 8 years since i crossed the border so i know it better than either of you.

>3 games with male protagonists and no gender bending whatsoever
What did he mean by this?


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It's a whole page you lazy piece of trash

>proven wrong multiple times
>still grasping, resorts to ad hominem
You just played yourself, you little nigger. "autokineto" is a compound of auto and kineto. Kineto which is kinesis, movement. If you had gone to college, you would have had to take a kinesiology course, which some pleb institutions call PE.

So, yes, autokineto is move of itself. SELF MOVING. Break the word down you illiterate porch monkey.

Corruption of Champions I suppose, you can bimbo yourself

I don't know about part 2, the anime style threw me off so I stopped playing

you can also turn into a succubus

>Finally get to play as a princess
>Get raped 10 min in

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>If you had gone to college
i went to u of a pal, i don't know why you think the greeks gave a shit about your bullshit hoodoo psychic "kinesis" shit but here's a hint: kineto means self and autokineto means self-moving because it's an automatical self. understand?

it's not hard, alright.