>Yang wants to give you these dollars
What would Yea Forums do with $1000 a month for extra vidya?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. This isn't vidya related
2. You made this thread on Yea Forums an hour ago so this is obviously some organized shitposting
probably buy a new cpu for emulation and save the rest for food, I'm boring
>tfw watched the Roe Jogan interview
>The very next day we have a meeting at my work where the CEO started talking about developing AI for the company
I'd suck his yang if that means I can be neet
I could live quite peacefully on $12K a year
Could you live on $12k a year with that factored into inflation?
We're all fucked, mate.
build a new computer to pirate vidya on
>Let's give money to NEETS so they can continue being NEETS and fatten GAYbens wallet
>literally offering voters bribe money
How is Yang finding this $250,000,000,000 a month? Or $3,000,000,000,000 a year?
Not a whole lot once inflation kicks in.
There's quite a lot of ways to do it, just to spitball one of the many concepts your way, you could run negative interest rates on all current and savings accounts to attempt to ensure most of the money remains in circulation rather than accumulating.
just print more money silly
I'd find some dead patreon porn game and throw the money at them just to give idiots hope that it'll kickstart development. I would choose only the nichest of fetishes as well as my target.
1) how fast would you need to do that to find an extra $3 trillion dollars
2) why not just do that instead and get out of debt now
I'd use it to replace the extra $1000+ that would be taken from my pay check.
Sounds like a great way to create a banking crisis.
Buy old nintendo games
>Paper mario: 250€
>Pokemon Colosseum: 100€
>Paper mario TTYD: 100€
>Luigi's Mansion: 90€
>Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance: 100€
It's bananas
no more gibs for israel
That's a good way to get people to freak out and remove their money from banks.
He actually explains it in the interview, although I can't remember the specifics. Here it is if you (or anyone else) want(s) to watch it.
>negative interest
>can never buy something expensive like a house because your money keeps getting drained and it's not worth trying to accumulate money
Holy shit this explains everything. I am now a #yangprojectile
It is organized by a Discord.
u forgot to link the video, dummy
Forgot the link because I'm retarted
Ok but that's ~$3,000,000,000/3,000,000,000,000
Where does the rest of the ~$2,997,000,000,000 come from?
>emulate them: 0€
Pirate all the vidya and have 1000$ for everything else.
>yangbot spam is going to be on other boards now
I know you joke, but economic theory since 2008 has shown us that you can do that.
You don't need to do it at any speed as long as you're currency sovereign. And second because being in debt doesn't matter really when you're a country. Weimar Germany is typically thrown around in debates about debt but it's problems were caused by itself trying to stiff the French.
The British Empire went into unheard of levels of debt fighting Napoleon, did that stop it from reaching unheard of heights shortly after? No.
That's the idea, to make it worth just spending the money instead of sitting around, if your negative interest rates are balanced against a UBI though the amount you lose unless you have silly money sat in a bank account. But saving is unhealthy for the economy by and large anyway.
If only there was some method which people used to purchase property that wasn't waiting till they had enough money sat in a current account. If only such a concept was real.
Nothing as inflation can easily make this worthless
It won't cost 3 trillion a year because part of the cost is paid by the taxes of the people receiving the money.
I mean isn't this the biggest prevention for communism? If the government returns the money it stole from the people in the begining
not an american so not sure the calculation of that figure, is it an expected percentage of the population or just everyone thats not working at the moment?
I FORGOT IT AGAIN and misspelt retarded. Jesus Christ.
I hope you guys are ready for this website to absolutely fucking die. There will be nowhere to hide from Shareblue or CTR or whatever the fuck they call themselves, spamming the democrat nominee in a vain attempt to get with the kids.
It's a discord group
he actually talks about it on the joe rogan podcast
honestly everyone should just watch the JRE video
even people who aren't going to vote. even non Americans. like, separate from the political process, it blows my mind that there are people who are totally ignorant of what automation is going to do
The country literally would not survive whites living off $1000 a month, we are already packed with societal leeches
>That's the idea, to make it worth just spending the money instead of sitting around, if your negative interest rates are balanced against a UBI though the amount you lose unless you have silly money sat in a bank account. But saving is unhealthy for the economy by and large anyway.
That's a really stupid idea. The rich would off shore it, and the poor wouldn't be able to save for the future. This is Venezuelan-tier economics.
Just remove Income taxes
It's a policy not a bribe
it's 2.5T/year, if this was /pol/ I'd link you to the website where he explains it but this is the video games board
polite sage
yang is a fucking commie.
In my country the communist worker's party candidate was trying to buy every citizen's vote with money, but that motherfucker lost the election.
Anyone voting for someone just on the basis of " FREE MONEY " is a brainlet.
No that's a month, how does he do it?
I'm baffled by the sudden popularity of yang on this site. Why are people turning against trump?
>give everyone 1k a month
>significantly less people work
What's with millennials and this gross self-entitlement to free stuff?
Bernie got a lot of support under the claim of free stuff. Then he took his free stuff and left.
>The rich would off shore it
You know you don't have to let them do that right? and if you run even a 10% negative interest that's at most 100 dollars leaving the low income distribution spreads. You would need to be sat on 10k to not be getting a net gain.
>spend a gorillion on walls
>or spend a gorillion on america
ez clap
not saying that the latinos and blacks in your country are good but a budget surplus doesn't instantly mean the government is doing a good job.
>significantly less people work
This is going to happen whether you like it or not, boomer.
>Yea Forums is left wing now
The contrarian memes were actually true?
no... that's per year. 200M eligible Americans (above the age of 18) at $1k/month is 200B/month, 2.5T/year
again I would write about it but this is the vidya board. go look up his policies on Google or ask /pol/ how he will pay for it
>thinking a significant number of people can live off 1K a month
delusional, that's barely enough for rent anywhere outside of the ghetto
When Ronald Ragen tested the UBI idea the exact opposite happened, hell the exact opposite has happened every time it's been tested.
I would probably buy more frilly skirts and horse cocks. hehe.
Capitalism brought American this far but it's now untenable. It will be replaced to suit our changing conditions just as mercantilism was before it, and feudalism before that.
>everyone withdraws all their money from their bank account/offshore it/store it in bitcoin or some dumb shit
>banks go bankrupt
>economy is fucked
How innovative.
UBI isn't really a left wing thing. you should see /leftypol/ on the chan that shall not be named. they're snarling about Yang and calling him a fascist
Honestly between car insurance, food, rent, all those other things, an extra grand a month can really come in handy.
Banks don't have nearly enough money to let you withdraw all of it. Not even close. They'd run out before even 1/10th of the money was pulled out.
>promises others free money
>has to beg for money to get anywhere
it's a beautiful piece of art
Believe it or not user but not everyone lives in a huge city.
So, what are you trying to say?
>Trump supporters turn into nanny-state discord trannies?
What the fuck.
wait 5 months then buy a super battle station.
one of those crazy $5k+ PC's with like SLI-gtx2080's and i9-990k.
I would enjoy 4k competitive gaming at seamless 144hz.
>You know you don't have to let them do that right?
How are you going to stop them? Freeze all money transfers outside of the US? Do you have any idea what that would do to international business?
But let's ignore all that. You freeze all transfers outside of the US. Due to negative interest rates, someone takes the money out of the bank account, gets on his private plane, and flies to the Cayman Islands and deposits it there. Or maybe he just walks into a pawn shop, and buys precious metals, which he can transfer back to real money (adjusted for inflation) at any time. Or maybe he invests in crypto.
I also really like how you are totally ok with how tyrannical a government would need to become in order to stop such a thing.
Serioiusly, have you bothered checking out Venezuela, and what's going on there now?
yeah isnt it hypocritical that we live in a so-called democracy but to actually get a chance to be represented in it you need to be part of one of the two major parties
>/pol/, the supposed bastion of hating minorities wanting gibs, goes democrat when promised gibs
Really makes ya think.
UBI has been tested in towns and that's not what happens. People are going to work less eventually, but that's because of automation so production will still be high and will stop any gross inflation.
actually that's just tracking the number of donors. the DNC has a rule where you need a certain number of individual donors to get onstage at the debates, if it was a simple buy in he would purchase it himself, he's a millionaire
He's gonna turn America into a technocratic super power.
>so they can continue being NEETS
They will be dealt with by Chairman Yang when they have outlived their usefulness.
It's better to spend it on 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Who is making these threads on every board and how do we stop them?
Finland tried UBI recently and it failed spectacularly.
>hating minorities
>wanting gibs
you'd do well to decouple those two concepts in your brains. even hitler ran a robust welfare state
>huge city
try "literally anywhere that isn't in the sticks"
>The rich would off shore it
They already do that now so we might as well try something different.
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
$1000! $1000! $1000! $1000! $1000! $1000! $1000!
I haven't been to /pol/, but I can't imagine that anyone who was there from before 2016 would want that. Maybe all the new people who turned /pol/ into /Trump/.
the same way we stopped trump spam
Can definitely see cashiers and waiters being obsolete soon. Zoomers hate talking to people and I always see them spaghetti in checkout lines and with hostesses.
You keep invoking Venezuela despite the fact that people from the school of the Americas have been actively working on undermining them since before 2002 (you know, the last coup attempt backed by the US)
Look up how banking worked during the post-war years, moving money around was not easy, look how it currently is in China, people jump through incredible hoops to get money out of the country in small doses. I'm totally down with making people with more money than god have to fight to screw the rest of us over.
It's more a reaction to trumps failures.
it didn't fail, it was a small experiment of a couple thousand people that wasn't meant to last forever
And that something different is "making it impossible for people to save for the future?" You'd kill any and all class mobility.
it didn't fail at all
Finland tested UBI on a small pilot population for a two year period and the two year period ended exactly as planned. if you'd care to offer some details on the trial's "spectacular failure," I'm all ears
Nigga if they tried it, it didn't work, and they said "keep doing what we're doing", what is that? Is this the new "not real communism"?
>Finland tried UBI
On employment, the country’s income register showed no significant effects for 2017, the first year of the trial.
The real benefits so far have come in terms of health and well being. The 2,000 participants were surveyed, along with a control group of 5,000. Compared with the control group, those taking part had “clearly fewer problems related to health, stress, mood and concentration,” said Minna Ylikännö, senior researcher at Kela. Results also showed people had more trust in their future and their ability to influence it.
“Constant stress and financial stress for the long term – it’s unbearable. And when we give money to people once a month they know what they are going to get,” said Ylikännö. “It was just €560 a month, but it gives you certainty, and certainty about the future is always a fundamental thing about well being.”
Aware that Finland’s trial is under an international spotlight, Olli Kangas, scientific leader of the scheme and professor at the University of Turku, expressed hope that the experiment not be written off on the basis of preliminary employment results. “The whole truth is much more complex, we need many more studies and research to find out,” said Kangas.
Do some basic research instead of parroting things you've read here. UBI has been tested many times over the decades and has been quite successful.