UNIST Thread

UNIST Thread.

The hollow night beckons.

This is later than the usual time so I hope it's fine for me to start it now than when people were complaining about starting it too early.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hosting a PS4 lobby by the way, kw is vee for those interested.

I imagine most people who usually play are busy getting their devil trigger on actually.

It's a shame I missed out on yesterday's sessions.

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Is Hilda good?

If you play her enough to learn her ins and outs, she can do some crazy things.

Hi, I joined. My Hyde is brand new so expect me to suck.

Odd question, but if I have a fight stick for my PS3 would it be supported by this game?

Don't worry. Seems like all the top level players are out for the time being so you're in luck.

Also, nice zoning their Roach, couldn't get through at all in that last round.

The main reason on weekdays is that it causes the usual threads to go on for half a day which gets a bit risky.
That said, I'm doing exactly today.
My hands hurt at this point from starting to play as Dante again.
Depends on your stick and the platform. I know my old PS3 stick works on PC at least.

Gotta look up if it's compatible with PS4 first.

If it isn't then you'll need to buy an adapter.

Thinking about double dipping UNIST on PS3 to more easily find people and time for PC lobbies since there is a sale and I have little incentive to buy PS+. There aren't any particular issues with PS3/PS4 netplay is there?

Well that's good news, looks like it does. I'l have to check this game out sometime then, I haven't been into fighting games since fucking BB:CS.

Should I buy UNIST from the ps4 sale or wait for the PC version to go on sale? I play all my fighting games on PC which is why I'm hesitant

Why can't japs balance fighting games?

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That's what I've been doing. It works fine, though I don't think anybody has checked in-depth if there's any difference between PS3/4.

Ah dang haha. Nice lockdown yet again. That was some nice pressure!

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The last few times it went on sale on PC it wasn't for that much of discount sadly.

Actually, it's a good time to post this. There might be a sale soon. Not sure if it's all versions or just the JP versions, but there will be a sale starting next week for anyone hesitant on buying the game.

That's awesome to hear, thanks user

Finally was able to open ya up! haha.

I'm such a dirty spammer.

Happens to the best of us when we get comfy, haha.

Damn that was close. Props to the random special I did in mid air that was just me trying to copy/paste an akatsuki combo and it somehow working

>picked it up Last Friday for regular price.
Ah well, at least I'm supporting FB and their endeavors.

Dengeki Bunko PC port when?

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Yep. I can see the workings of some good play in there. Just do more blocking and I can see ya getting some games off me for sure!

That counter in the first win was really cool.

Yeah, it's a tough one to pull off but when it lands it feels oh so satisfying.

Ahh man, that was fun. Hyde is a riot.

Phonon is too good!!

ikr. I never see her, that range and power is something.

Wish I could get better this pic related.

Her hold stuff is too big brain for me.

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Meant to say with.

Man, Hyde has so much fun stuff in his arsenal, like that crazy anti-air, the cross-up dash attack, or the aerial pogo thingie special.

Yeah, I like his kit too. It's got alot of versatility.

I forgot that that reflector only absorbs vat's stuff and doesn't actually reflect them. It's actually a good move in that situation but I was being sloppy. Really mean to move on from kats anyways though, he feels too plain to me.

>too plain
I dunno about you but to me CHESTO screams personality.

Phonon's really strong make no mistake, but she's really weak under pressure, and surprisingly loses a lot of matchups in the middle range.

Dang that round 1 was pretty close!

Oh yeah, definitely, he's just kind of too straightforward for my tastes. No doubt his simplicity is fun since the game's fundamentals are so damn strong; I just like a good bit of variation here and there. Not totally out there like Yuzu or Vat, but you know.

To add on to what the other user said, in general I find that she doesn't have many options to stop you from dashblocking in unlike the other zoners, so you'll eventually get her in the corner. You just have to react correctly to her tricks (a lot of them) until you do.

I suppose that's true. I always have trouble getting in with Linne myself though across most Phonons.

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I see what ya mean. As a brainlet for execution, I tend to gravitate to characters like him and Mika that let me play it pretty straight for the most part.

I suppose you're right. I've never been able to read them successfully yet myself though, hahaha.

Damn, your Hyde is way above your other chars roach. Do you practice him?

huh really?

Yeah, i'd say Linne has one of the worse Phonon matchups since she doesn't have the ability to challenge at mid range. Phonon's 4B and 623B are her only starting range attacks, so characters like Gord and Wald can actually take the initiative at round start because they have faster starting range attacks, I think even Wagner and Seth can beat her at round start with their dash attacks. But if you don't have the speed and/or reach to take the first move then it can be pretty frustrating to have to start the match blocking.

Yep, from what I've seen others say for advice to the match up is wait for an opening to CS into something or just wait for a huge wiff.

You just need to get your dashblocking down, and make sure you're doing it in the actual gaps in her pressure. She just has really good buttons in general which beat most of Linne's options, so you just need to play it safe until you feel like you can do something they won't expect. It's still not an easy matchup either way. Anyways, enough lurking the thread for me. Good night and have fun guys.

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Alright fuck you that pressure was nuts

Yeah, apart from just now, that was the first victory you had taken from me tonight I think.

I'm losing my touch. I think the next will be my last.

>another UNIST thread
>at work during it
>Don't get out til 4 hours the earliest.
Why must this keep happening...

Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely get this in my list of notes. Good night!

Thanks for coming to play. GGs!

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The grabs in that game were silly. I should really learn to anticipate those run-ups. But yeah, that's it. Good practice!

Thanks for having me.


that power armor was funny

Is this game better than tekken? The only fightan gayme I play is tekken. I tried guilty gear and not only didn't like it but didn't understand it, tekken makes sense to me.

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Wagner is really fun.

Indeed it was. That last round was close too! You play a pretty fun Wagner.

It's like SF meets anime game mechanics so it's kind of a hard sell to you but it is pretty easy entry with its tutorial and mission mode stuff.

Guilty Gear can be oppressive to get into, but it's not everyone's jam, since it has a ton of mechanics designed to make it difficult to be prepared for everything. That game takes time for a lot of stuff to snap together in your head. UNIST is much more fundamental focused. I just ignored the GRD stuff when just starting out to get a feel for the game, and it is much more simple to dive into.

>tekken makes sense to me
I'm just barely starting to make sense of tekken coming from 2D, and I feel like it's only the tip of the iceberg. I think that crossing from either way is going to have some bumps along the road.

>Guilty Gear can be oppressive to get into, but it's not everyone's jam
I'm pretty sure Jam is everyone's jam

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There are alot of unga characters.if you wanted to get started playing that way.

Wow, I didn't expect to win that trade at the start of round 2 there haha.

hows the pc community?

What is the appeal of playing Jam?

I'd play her but I love Ramlethal's design too much to give up playing her. Maybe I'll spend alittle time with her in the future.

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Yeah that was pretty weird heh

Any lobbies still open?

It's growing for sure after EVO.

Before you'd be lucky to have 3 players in nightly threads.

Recently we had to split it to 2 lobbies because we were getting bigger.

There are alot of new players coming in due to EVO hype so I'd suggest jumping in now if you're interested(apparently a sale is coming soon according to this thread).

We got 1 open on PS4 if you're interested. pass is vee.

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It's on sale right now for $20 on ps4

pc discord is hosting a tourney tomorrow. hopefully i'll do better than last time.

Dang haha. The spider descends!

Baron of /afgg/ is also hosting a PC tournament later today.

Wonder if I'll make it in time to watch/ maybe play.

link it


Looking rather empty but maybe it'll fill out later today?

I remember last time SIlent hosted a tourney with a $20 giftcard as a prize and walkup2a sweeped us all.

rip it's running the same time as the other tournament, but the other tournament has like 15 people

Apologies ahead of time, I'd switch characters but I gotta get my practice in

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Can UNIST run on an xps 13 with a 8th gen i7

No probs broski. I can always use the matchup practice. Are ya gonna goto EVO with the others?

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Is that a laptop? Pretty sure that the game isn't a demanding game resource-wise.

If ya wanna play full-screen while participating in threads, I recommend downloading the borderless gaming app as native fullscreen in-game cuts you out of lobbies if you alt tab.

>Shaquille UNIEL
I fought him the first time going to locals when I started UNIST and he double perfected me. I don't know if I should show up and embarrass myself online. What time is it and I might think about it.

not in less i come into some large sum of cash

Is there anything going on in Chronicles mode or is it just VN story stuff? I looked at the little prologue and it unlocked 2 chapters out of order, but it just seemed like a VN.

Dang, well hope ya have fun and get further this time!

The top right mentions 8PM EST so adjust accordingly.

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Pretty sure it's a prequel VN to the main story of the game or something rather or so I've read on here.

just join this tournament

Dang Wagner is fun to play. I wanna learn the footstomp grab too.

That sounds better. I need more experience with weaker Eltnums and the game in general first before getting bodied that hard again.

Dang. One of these days I'm gonna take a game off ya sean! hahaha

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That a full ground command grab?

no onl the area with the blades below. you can jump on reaction when i activate it. if you jump after the flash you can land safely

Yeah she is!
Foot stomp is 2A+D

Sweet, thanks for the tip!

I look forward to it.

Is that for pc?

yes it is a PC tournament for the PC uni community discord.

Whew, good catch there Roach! I need to respect your DPs alot too.

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sean too op


Escaped it once, couldn't escape it again!

That stand summon can come in pretty good handy. Nice work Mage!

Is Orie a neutral-oriented character?
I like her walk speed and the feel of her normal attacks, but I don't have a good handle on her combos aside from the double 214B ender part.

There's too many good characters in this game desu. Hard picking between favorites.


This character primer explains orie's basic game plan


Based on what I've seen from some players on here, she is all about controlling space once she gets CS.

I feel ya. I settled between 3 myself and have mainly just played them for the most part.

Also, congrats on that one Mage. I think once you play around more with learning the ins and outs of Orie you'll be able to keep putting up some consistent pressure.

last game

Thanks. I really don't have any confirms yet so getting some bread and butters down first is priority number 1. I also need to be smarter about hitting with my other buttons. The b moves have really amazing reach, but the c will whiff if I'm only connecting with the tip.

wrong character but w/e ggs everyone


Sounds good, GGs m8 and thanks for the matches!

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yeah a laptop! maybe will buy it and if it doesn't run just return it


Yeah I don't know too many specifics but it seems like she has alot of neat tools to play with for the neutral.

I wanna learn how to summon the stand with the orb special technique as that seems like a good way to keep people out while getting in at the same time.

Ah, it's simpler than I thought. 22x. Got it! Also, nice one.

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A is close, b is far, c is teleport near enemy. Not really relevant in the ditto, but it can reflect projectiles.

Good to note, thanks!

Meant for Also, ya coulda had me there if ya had used your meter! Close one haha.

>people were complaining about starting it too early
I don't even see how that merits a complaint. Just join.

The general idea shown in But I agree that people should be able to setup matches whenever. Thread etiquette has stayed mostly the same so far minus a few outliers. It's mostly just about avoiding getting bumped to /vg/ since there used to be a UNIST thread there but it quickly faded away and these threads on the other hand have been pretty consistent.

Man these are some pretty fun Orie mirror/dittos, Same went for the Wagner mirrors. Fun times!

Thanks. I'll practice her a bit and see how I feel about her once I work up the guts to join these lobbies or go on ranked or something.

Fucked me up there

got bad connection all of a sudden
hehehe go'em!

I'll guess we call it there. GGs.

damn i'm tired
GGs guys that was fun!

Holy cow, my internet is lagging up a storm.

Doesn't look like we'll be able to play any longer for now. I guess now would be a good time to bow out.

Thanks for the matches everybody! I learned quite a few things today about characters that I haven't really touched at all.


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Will I be good enough at fighting games to play UNIST with Yea Forums anons after a few days of trying to properly learn and get good at Street Fighter?

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UNIST? more like
No opponent was found.

Man I'm only like 80 games in and my only prior experience was playing smash bros. You'll be fine.

I'm gonna sound like a massive faggot by saying this but I'll say it anyways. What the fuck am I supposed to do as an Enkidu player against a phonon? If she spaces herself correctly I feel the only thing I can do is wait for her to fuck up

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Block to gain GRD and approach when you have CS. An user earlier said that once you put here in the corner, she becomes completely vulnerable.

As a Linne player I understand the pain of not having an easy way to get in. Ya either gotta be patient and block or hope they wiff so you can get in a clean confirm.

Also maybe try chainshift.com to look up the matchup videos where Enkidu beats Phonon and emulate them for a more visual experience.

>What the fuck am I supposed to do as an Enkidu player
Become a different character player.

There are players of all skill levels on both PS4 and PC.

Tonight we had a fair share of average level players that you might've been able to play fairly even against I think.

That being said, even if you suck straight out of the gate just keep practicing like anything in life and eventually you'll be able to play competently.

So how does this color square system work
I just picked up this game with a friend and he stole my fucking yellow and now I'm a disgusting green. Do I just have to proceed to beat his ass back for it?

From my understanding you have to play people your same color level to rank up off them or lose your rank to them.

t. Guy who's been playing for months and is still blue ranked on PS4.

It doesn't really matter in the long run because of how few people play it.

That's dumb as fuck
Guess I'm going to go snipe greens in ranked tomorrow and then beat my friend's ass so he has to suffer the same fate as revenge

My TE works fine.

Do most of you guys play on PC or PS4? I want to know which platform to get the game on
>inb4 "both"

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literally the worst


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Oh shit I'm back from work and this thread is still kicking, anyone on PC right now? pclobby and vee kw's aren't working.

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Thanks for the advice, I'm new to UNIST so I don't know the pros, which Enkidu player should I watch?

Going back to SFV, game is too hard for me. To many mechanics and interactions to remember. If they took out half of it, then we can talk

Meant for

how active is west coast matchmaking

Most regular players are on PS4 though we have been getting an influx of PC members lately.

Can't say I'm familiar with pro player names on there sorry.

Had PS4 lobby up earlier, there weren't any PC players this time around.

This will be another guilty gear for you. Too much shit to understand.

Eh personally I find it simpler to execute combos and utilize chainshift and the likes than SFVs v-skills and v-trigger system but to each his own. Which characters did you try to play before coming to that decision?

Decent on peak hours but if ya wanna play whenever, the discord server is always available for setting up lobbies.

On here we've got regular lobbies Sunday through Thursday 9:30pm to 1:00am PST.