SSekiro will be so hard everyone will drop it

Sekiro is, according to FightinCowboy, SUBSTANTIALLY harder than Dark Souls. After playing the game, he said that if you aren't an expert at parrying,this game might be a nightmare for you.

Dark Souls was hard but fair, now From Soft goes out and makes a game that's even harder? Half the people who buy it will rage quit and start demanding patches to lower the difficulty, mark my words.

What the hell is FromSoft thinking?

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Other urls found in this thread:

People never learned to parry because it wasn’t vital in DS. People will pick it up really fast in Sekiro since it is a core mechanic

why think when you will make the best game of this decade

It could be a truly revolutionary game, but if they make it so hard that only a few skilled people can play it, it will be overlooked. They need to tone down the difficulty.

You die a lot, and each time you die you lose 50% of your resources. Being stuck on a boss means you basically lose everything if it takes more than a few attempts.

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>we NEED mainstream appeal
fuck off nigger. that attitude has ruined gaming.

I'm 90% sure people are only saying it's hard because they are trying to play it like it's Demon's Souls 6 and refuse to adapt.

I guess they should just disable damage while they're at it. Make the game a linear experience. Replace gameplay with cutscenes that only play when you hold forward. I, too, am a brainless cretin that hates being challenged, and video game journalists are perfect examples of the average gamer's skill ceiling.

Can't wait for dsp to play it

I'm only suggesting they make minor tweaks, like increasing the parry window. Let's not attack a straw-man here, my suggestion is simple and From Soft will eventually be forced to implement it, screenshot this post.

According to literal who the game is EPIC HARD BRO.



>make game cumbersome and just plain unintuitive
>faggots defend it because it makes them feel special

The game is too hard! I shouldn't have to get better, the developers should make it easier just for me!

I don't understand why you would make a game with fast and fluid movement and attacking but then put in this system that slows everything to a crawl as you sit there parrying attacks over and over again waiting for a fucking meter to build up. It just feels like a mechanic from a completely different game.


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looks like a spiritual successor to MGR:R
and that's a good thing
parrying+dodging>>>board blocking+rolling

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Why would I care what a fat alcoholic has to say?

They were talking about punishing you for dying. That's a retarded idea because death is a natural part of their games, that's how you git gud. Imagine if in Dark Souls, you would've permanently lost your armor or stats after every death, that would've made the game unplayable.

>SUBSTANTIALLY harder than Dark Souls
so it will be easy instead of very easy

Shut the fuck up kid
Git gud kid

CAHM AHN. Bugged parry mechanics. *snorts*


From the gameplay I've watched, the deflection window looks fine. This isn't the same parry as souls, combat is focused on perfect blocks so the timing isn't as strict. Futhermore, as I just said, they're perfect blocks. You can still hold L1 to block the attack if your timing is too early.

this. parrying makes a game fun

Every single day you faggots find something else to try and target. Game will be great, get fucked

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Is it true to ge the true ending you have to never use the revive mechanic?

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I hope to see a Ludwig-like boss that will just curbstomp him till he finds himself again in a complete state of devastation. After Ludwig he wasn't even mad anymore he was just broken and sad, I want to see that again

Is this going to have denuvo?

Looks more like a batman game that a souls game

Fuck this game if true

It's only fitting since it's a hack n slash game basically, which are traditionally very demanding on reflexes.


Lobos said something similar but in the same sentenced complimented the gameplay

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What game? Sekiros combat looks fluid as hell, and super fast paced

>how to spot someone who has never played a single Souls game in their life and is desperate for attention

You're thinking of Ghost of Tsushima. Sekiro is more like DMC or other hack n slash games.

swing and a miss

You guys are all worked up over literally nothing. parrying in sekiro is the same thing as rolling in dark souls. people learned how to do it in DS. people will learn how to do it in sekiro.

It's not the games or anyone elses fault you're retarded. You can kill enemies perfectly fine just by damaging them and making their health bar go to zero.
You just have to do correct attacks so the enemy is not able to deflect your attack. Just like you have 4 different dodges this time and you have to use the correct one depending on how the opponent is attacking.

>No levelling
>No summoning

Finally the fucking cheating fucktards screaming from joy when they beat a boss in Souls because they summoned a whole fucking country to help them will get the asskicking they deserve

Good riddance

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You think dark souls is a hard game?

Sekiro is more action oriented than Froms previous game but its definitely not like DMC either.

Nope, it was a hit allright. You have never played through any Souls game.

I dropped Bloodborne because it was just too frustrating to be entertaining. If they plan on releasing another game that doesn't even explain how it works and no adjustable difficulty levels, i'm not even going to pick it up.

uh huh sure buddy

>I dropped Bloodborne because it was just too frustrating to be entertaining
Literally easiest "Souls" game.

It's a lot more like DMC than Souls games or Batman combat, open your eyes. Actually it would be more accurate to say it's a lot like Metal Gear Rising combat.

>because it was just too frustrating

You are dishonest if you can't admit Souls games are challenging. Try not to feel so insecure about it.

>press circle to dodge attacks
>press r1 to do damage
wow so hard. from soft games sure are impenetrable enigmas

Its nothing like DMC or MGR, its more like Nioh (not too fast, not too slow) and Bloodborne

console players should simply not buy it and pc players should pirate and play with trainer.

when will fromSoft learn? not everyone wants to play games on Ultra Hard mode

because of Zoomers we lost Armored Core series to get sould bullshit instead. FUCK YOU

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No, it isn't. You must have not looked at Sekiro gameplay. It's not similar to Bloodborne or Nioh at all. It's entirely a hack n slash type game, but even heavier focus on parrying than what MGR had.

I don’t know. I first played DS3 and I died a fuckton of times. I then played it for several hundred hours. After that, I played through DS1, 2 and BB and found especially DS1 and 2 super easy. BB took a little of getting used to, mostly because I’m not used to such low framerate, but it was no biggie either. So I guess my view on DS1&2 is warped, but in my mind they were very easy. But I admit that’s probably because I had hundreds of hours in DS3.
Regardless, I don’t think these games are very hard. They are as hard as games typically were in the 90s. Boot up Blood 1 on extra crispy, for example. You will see what I mean.

>i hate challenge
go play "games" like red dead and botw then fucking zoomer.

Sounds likely since dying actively spreads a disease to the world

Its slow as shit compared to your Bayonettas and DMCs

Not at all, it's very fast paced. Much faster than Nioh.

once you get used to reading and dodging arbitrary attacks and get used to not pressing r1 too many times, its easy. i started with DS1 and I died a fuckton of times in that game too. DS3 was not quite as bad for me.

>a game becomes less hard as you play it more and learn and get good at it
Wow. Who woulda thought?
user, that is how every game ever made works.
As you said yourself, you died a fuckton on your first playthrough. That means it's hard.

i hate unfair challenge

souls types got popular coz they went the opposite route of the entire industry that cates to ADHD afflicted zoomers

I'm not saying its batman either. It looks like a recent FromSoft game but pushed in a more actiony direction. That being said, I'm not expecting huge combos and air juggling enemies. Futhermore, its not stage and ranking based. I wouldn't say it looks like DMC.

So whats the point of fightning normal enemies when you can just run past them and get to the bosses seeing as there is no levelling?

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there is leveling you retard


what the FUCK is the point of GITTING GUD


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There is levelling

I mean it’s not as easy as most modern games, but if you would put it side by side with games of 20-30 years ago it would’ve fallen in line. It’s a challenge to overcome for sure. But if me, a 30 year old boomer, can 100% all of them in my spare time after my kids, my full time job, and all other responsibilities, then it’s not THAT hard.

There's a skill tree you level up

It doesn't have juggling enemies in the air because it's not trying to go full anime with the combat, at least retaining some semblance of realism.
It does however have large combo variety, which is proven by the fact that you can learn tons of new attacks and moves, which allows you to customize combos just like in hack n slash games.
You can even do combos while mid-air yourself.

PvP and the people who played it has always been the cancer of these games, get fucked

depends what kind of parrying we are talking about
ds1 and BB was ez mode while dshit3 you had to predict attacks because animations werent fast enough to react

suck my dick nigga the pvp is the only reason why people play dark souls

what does this game do better then red ninja didnt a decade ago?

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There is leveling, and no you can not just run past enemies, unless you want to ruin your playthrough. The only way to increase your max HP is by killing minibosses, which the areas are full of. So if you skip these very hard special enemies, you will have starter level health later in the game.

I hope so. Anyone else planning to play through the game with self imposed permadeath?

Honestly these idiots asked for this with years of "git gud" and fellating themselves over the difficulty, I don't play Souls because the first game felt like some ridiculous troll by the developers to see how much cheap bullshit they could put in one game and get away with it, it worked wonderfully of coarse because people wanted to prove how "hardcore" they were by forcing themselves to finish this drek.

Literally 99% of people don't give a single fuck about Dark Souls PvP and never bother with it, eat shit retard. You are the cancer of the Souls community.
>what does this game do better then red ninja didnt a decade ago?
So far it seems to do everything better than other ninja games until now

>no online


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the pvp is the only reason why dark souls EVER caught on

but you wouldn't know because ur a pussy who crys when u get invaded LOL

Do those titties bounce?

but user they would be accused of copying ghost of tsushima

red ninja is already better then Sekiro

play it on a emulator at 1080

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Ah yes those sweet, sweet matchups with 300 ping and frame perfect parrying required.

Fromsoft games have a reputation for being unforgiving. People by now should know what they’re getting into

>imagine being this retarded
Not a single one of the Souls games has any cheap stuff lol. That is literally the entire point of all of those games, is that the difficulty comes from fair punishment, you can avoid dying on your first playthrough if you just play smart.

You just really fucking suck at games.

This really scares me, I usually breeze through souls games but I NEVER parry. I will always instinctively dodge instead of parry and it's going to be really hard to break this habit.

Why don't you wait for the game to come out and play it before you start giving suggestions on how to improve it?

your kidding yourself if you don't think that the pvp people made up a large portion of the community

everyone literally rushed to make the most homo build and that's what drove sales

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Well, theres still a lot we don't know yet about the skill tree and about our full moveset. But from what I've seen, I don't think we're going to get the level of combo ability as DMC. I just don't think that's the right action game to compare it to. I guess Nioh or even Onimusha would be a little closer but I'd hesitate to even say that. I'm still hoping for prosthetic arm tool switching combos though.

If you think DS doesn’t have cheap moments you’re a blind fanboy. It objectively, 100% does. Especially DS2, but also 1&3

You're actually braindead retarded faggot. The games got popular because of how insanely good the PvE content is.
And I did like 700 hours of invasions in DS1, that doesn't stop me from pointing out to your retarded subhuman ass that PvP is completely irrelevant and unwanted by the playerbase.

It is good they got rid of it.

You're stupid if you think it did.
The sales were entirely driven by the PvE

acquire proficiency
dark souls is an incredibly easy game its just much more punishing than the current standard in the industry

So is that a yes?

I seriously hope you're joking. The occasional pvp can be fun but these are primarily single players games and always have been.

>your retarded user the feature you like the most is bad!
>oh by the way i spent the overwhelming majority of my personal play time on that feature too
>no what do you mean admit i was wrong? i think i'll just try to save face by calling you a retard or something

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>dogshit at parrying in every souls game

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Nostalgia. I remember advertisements in gaming mags for Red Ninja stimulating my ding a ling.

Looking at its gameplay you are right it does look as good or better than Sekiro.

>like increasing the parry window

what the fuck

what's the point of talking about windows when the game isn't even fucking out.

did you played it?
how the fuck can you talk about minor adjusments like parry windows?
we are talking increasing in milliseconds and you want to talk about it with the game not even out?

>I don't think we're going to get the level of combo ability as DMC
I didn't say it will, of course it won't. It's like a 50 hour RPG adventure game also, while DMC is entirely built around styling on some demon fools in short stages.
If you think it does, you are wrong. DS2 does not count, since it's not a Souls game.
1 and 3 nor DeS or BB have any cheap moments, every death can be avoided on first playthrough by playing smart, watching your surroundings and not rushing into danger headfirst.
For example, you can see the bridge is charred black from fire, and you can hear the sound of the wings well before the drake breathes fire on the bridge. You have like 20 seconds of time to run. You're actually just retarded if you got surprised by the drake.

Why should From, or any company, care about replayability? Whether you play the game once of 100,000 times you still bought it once and they got their money. So why does it matter to them? I get it if it's multiplayer only like a MMO but why the fuck do you *need* to be able to play a single player game for 700 hours?

Oh man, a real gamer. Fuck off, you sad faggot.

It was only ever fun because of how good invasions used to be in DS1, the actual PvP combat itself was always garbage. The only fun part was ruining some dumbfucks progression through their own game.

as a From vetaran i predict the parry window to be less than a second. the kind you need to be a 15 year old with ADHD to hit corectly or an adult after 2 cups of strong coffee

>if you aren't an expert at parrying,this game might be a nightmare for you.
So like MGRR?

Unfortunately PvPfags are actually that delusional

He already got wind of how hard the game may be and is saying if its too hard he will just stop. Basically laying down the foundation for a rage quit.

If parry animations are as half assed as they were in dark souls I won't bother with sekiro

I can agree with this. Personally I almost never parry in Souls but I parry for fun in BB.

You do if you spend mainstream tier $$$ making it

Stop samefagging already, no one in the world actually agrees with you, of course Red Ninjas gameplay is trash, just look at it.

Do we know if Miyazaki wanted to make this game? Or was it a case of they own the Tenchu license and Tenchu was going nowhere so he came onboard and changed it from a being a new Tenchu. I heard it started as Tenchu but they started to stray far from the Tenchu setting so they changed the name. I might be wrong. It doesn't seem like the type of game Miyazaki would be putting alot of work and time into.

>too retarded to look up how amazing parries look in Sekiro
Your Youtube not work or something?

only ds2 and 3 had bad parries. The non A team games
shouldnt worry about this

This has nothing to do with Tenchu, one of the devs in an interview said Miyazaki game to them with this idea and that Miyazaki was really excited about this.
>I heard it started as Tenchu
That is fake news made up by some game journos. The devs themselves say in the GameInformer interviews that it started as a completely original project that Miyazaki came up with.

A completely undeserved reputation. Fromsoft games are extremely forgiving, any kind of substantial loss is exclusively the players fault because they're given easy opportunities to use the majority of their resources on permanent upgrades before risking losing them, enemies are often very easy to just run straight by, and if you can do as good as you did on your last attempt you can try again and again and lose literally nothing.

>but that's UNFAIR
fuck you zoomer, beating unfair challenges feels great

You’re lying to yourself.

>game is hard
Nice, I like having my skills testing
Never mind, games where you have to parry to be good are shit, even if I am just saying that because I suck at it

Not an argument. I actually disproved your lie and THAT is all you can come up with? Pathetic.
So far you have been unable to come up with even a SINGLE example of a cheap moment in a Souls game, and you never will be able to, since there exist none.
Go on, list examples. Do it.

>Dark Souls was hard but fair,
>Sekiro will be shit because it'll be harder

Are you fucking retarded? What if Sekiro is harder but just as equally fair if not more? Isn't the Soulsbourne difficulty praised so much BECAUSE of it's fairness?

Your argument should've been "everyone will drop it because it'll be unfair" but no, your autism literally outdid your shitposting. Kill yourself.

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Posted before watching the video, does seem to be a lot better after watching a few mins. My point was that the reason a lot of people didn't learn to parry in souls is that it was an ugly, tacked on feature that you didn't actually need to complete any of the games.

Difficulty in souls is always met with extreme hyperbole. No, they're not literally the hardest game in existence that only 1% of the population can beat but they're definitely not "casual" or easy either. In my opinion, they offer adequate challenges and can be unforgiving. And yes compared to many modern games, they fall on the tougher side. Both sides that overstate the difficulty in either direction are annoying. I play them because they're well desiged games, and yes some parts can be difficult while other parts not as much. And of course, the longer you play a game, the better you get.

nothing is unfair about being expected to read a half second long attack animation and press the parry button

we are slowly but surely moving away from gay ass passive play

Yeah, I've played an insane amount of hours in Souls games, and practically never parried. Because the risk-reward ratio was awful and it didn't feel that fun or satisfying to me to land it.

But Sekiros parrying looks insanely fun, because both sides are constantly deflecting each others sword blows, like in a real sword fight. It's like actual swordfighting.

Thank you for clearing that up. The setting seems so bland compared to Des DS and BB. Seems to me this was just a quick game to put out while they plan for a big new true souls game maybe with a new title but with the usual invasion mechanic, DS4, or bloodborne2.

It's cool, I completed all of Nioh so I won't even feel the "difficulty".

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you fucking drone

they literally said they are done with souls. get the hell over it already. stop being so obsessed. how many dozens of series being ruined by endless sequels do you idiots need to see before you realize its always a fucking mistake?

>pvptards btfo
>magictards btfo
>shieldfags btfo
>now rollspammers btfo
absolutely based Miyazaki

There’s no point. Once I see someone defending the drake bridge in DS1 I know they’re a blind fanboy. Every example I will give you will find excuses; “you can just feel it coming in your bones”, “you can smell something is not right”, etc.

I don't like Souls games because they're hard, I like them because they have interesting worlds to explore and discover and challenge is a natural aspect of that. I just can't muster up any desire to want to play this game. Maybe it's because in the back of my mind I know Activision is involved, but I'm probably not even going to play it.

How does it seem bland? Sounds like you just didn't even look at the videos of the game, considering it clearly has a strong focus on the horror aspects of Japanese mythology, it seems incredibly interesting.
>Seems to me this was just a quick game to put out while they plan for a big new true souls game
Why on earth would you think Miyazaki wants to keep making Souls games? He's made it perfectly clear over the years that he has never wanted to make a sequel in his life, and prefers doing something completely new every time, but the suits in charge of the company forced him to keep making stuff he didn't want.
Sekiro is exactly the kind of passion project of his that results in a masterpiece, just like DeS, DS1 or Bloodborne.

lmao get real.

Once Sekiro bombs and whatever shit they try to put out next underwhelms some studio will make them an offer they can't refuse for a true souls game. Maybe it will be Sony for the PS5. You can be sure they have rough ideas set down for that potential future.

>of coarse
Opinion discarded, retard.

Dark Souls cucks must be either delusional or fucking dumb, how could that guy unironically think Sekiro is NOT what Miyazaki wants to do, and that he wants to make more Souls games? The guy has very blatantly said he hates making sequels or similar games.
And why the fuck would Miyazaki ever make a game he doesn't want to make again, now that he is the CEO of FromSoft. Of course he wanted Sekiro, he's the one in charge now and he makes the decision on what he works on.

I don't even get why people say it's hard... No reflexes or quick thinking involved at all, you just need to know not to repeat the same dumb mistake twice.
Probably the dumb marketing and all the e-celebs fags that sold this game as THE hardcore game!!!11!

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Oh so your example really is that you think the drake bridge is cheap? So, you just admitted to being mentally retarded?
Because it didn't surprise me on my first playthrough, I easily stepped aside when I heard the wings and saw the charred stones.
>“you can just feel it coming in your bones”, “you can smell something is not right”
Imagine being actually this subhuman tier stupid. No one said any of those things. I pointed out objective facts you stupid sub 60 IQ nigger mongrel, you literally can see the bridge has been burned by fire, and you can hear the sound of massive wings.

So this is how stupid the typical nigger is that thinks Souls games are cheap and unfair lmao. Actually borderline mentally retarded. Pretty sad.

>DeS, DS1 or Bloodborne.
those are all souls games you shitter. What do you want me to call them? it doesn't have to be literally dark souls 4. They will make a new game with nearly the same mechanics leveling some changes but the main thing will be PvP and invasions. They are THE studio that does that. Third person action pvp invasion games they aren't going to just throw away entirely what works. There will be more "souls" it may be called FecesFetish or something but its coming.

They're just the publisher user. Its self published by From in Japan and they only chose Acti precisely because they had full creative control. This game is going to be good, I can guarantee it. Unless you're one of those tards who hates ninja and setting for some reason.

>Make DeS
nobody really gives a shit kind of a niche titel
>Make DaS
Wow tough but fair, wow deep lore so complex great game 10/10
>Make DaS II
Wow DS1 was even more fair than I originally though, DS2 is dogshit DS1 is now 12/10 no flaws anywhere
>Make BB
Why the fuck did you not make DS1.2?
>Make DaS 3
Why the fuck did you make DS1.2 the game is just references and callbacks, overall gameplay is just refined DS1, but sadly "Press roll to not die" is not a very deep concept and the playerbase threw a fit every time anything else was tried.

I honestly can't think of a series that got ruined harder by its fanbase, thank god they seem to have abandoned the series and have moved onto new things

>no reflexes involved at all
You never played any of them huh. Why bother even posting about it then.

Those three are very different from each other.
>They will make a new game with nearly the same mechanics leveling some changes but the main thing will be PvP and invasions. They are THE studio that does that.
Not Miyazaki, he has no interest in doing that. You can play your B-team recycled trash all you want, PvP cuck.
Meanwhile Miyazaki will keep making new and innovative masterpieces. Everybody wins, so stop crying.

Good for you, now go away, no one cares what you will or won't play because of arbitrary, unrelated reasons.

shill thread with thinly veiled reverse-psychology OP kys yourself


game looks fine

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Imagine being so subhumanely stupid that you unironically have convinced yourself that the drake bridge is cheap and an unavoidable death.
Hahahaha, you'd have to be some kind of brainlet that went to special education class.

>SUBSTANTIALLY harder than Dark Souls
So it will actually be remotely challenging?

>as a From vetaran i predict the parry window to be less than a second

well no shit retard

do you realize that a fucking 1+ seconds window would make the parry fucking trivial?

in sekiro since enemies attack fast you could fucking spam that shit and 100% it

Except bloodborne was the best one and actually demons souls got a lot of attention when it released.

What is new and innovating about Sekiro? It's a generic third person stealth action game.

Care to give me some examples? Closest thing I can remember is raising your shield against Oceiros when you feel his 0 telegraph instant full body retard rush but even that isn't having reflex, it's more based on habit and timing. Or parrying actually, but that's not relevant on a majority of fights.

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They're already making a Bloodborne sequel for the PS5

>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No newgame+
>No covenants
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)

>you literally can see the bridge has been burned by fire
Thats a really dumb excuse my man, half of the DLC has random burned bridges, the shortcut/back exit from Blighttown has a burned birdge that shouldn't even be able to carry your weight.

The dragon IS cheap, but due the attack usually knocking you down and giving damage immunity, then straight up dying to it is rare. DS1 wasn't perfect and pretending that everything in that game is fair is really really really really dumb because that's what gave us DS2, people were willing to justify just about everything that was bad about the game so the sequel doubled down and added even more annoying encounters.

Oh look, another desperate liar.
Why do you people keep up with this shit for months after getting BTFO in every single thread?
No other game has ever had swordplay combat like this before. And it's not a generic stealth game at all, it's entirely action with the possibility for minor stealth. Your stealth kills are not ever silent, so you do go into combat after doing it.

What do you mean examples? Literally doding any bosses attack ever requires reflexes, some faster than others. Some bosses have very fast moves, which require fast reaction.

>got a lot of attention when it released.
No it didn't, DeS released in 2009, same year as MW2 and the whole call of duty MMS trend was going strong. Yes people bought the game but it was nowhere near the media attention the whole
>PC port DS1
meme got and nowhere close to how much 2 BB and 3 were advertised before during and after launch.

I'm not talking about how good the games were, just the reception, a lot of people liked BB but a lot of people whined about everything that wasn't just DS1 again in a game that wasn't even called souls

cheesing all boss fights with souls co-op is the true playstyle of the elite

only cucked virgins actually play the game solo

i doubt sekiro will be -hard- when i can just ding my little magic ching chong konnichiwa bell and get the homies up in the crib

1/10 for effort

>replace rolling with parrying
>both are i-frame moves
>that result in getting hit if you miss the window
>the only difference is the animation
kys. nothings changed. dark souls is perfect and sekiro will be perfect.

I just hope the game has replayability.

>What the hell is FromSoft thinking?

This isn't s fucking Souls game. It's not going to play the same way

0/10 for no effort. you should at least know by now that sekiro doesn't have multiplayer.

God damn from is too based, last time I heard a game get talked about like this we got NGB.

>no coop

Attached: 1529969201346.jpg (1920x1080, 641K)

At least 30-40% of what that posted isn't factually true. dontbelievehislies.jpg

>Thats a really dumb excuse my man, half of the DLC has random burned bridges, the shortcut/back exit from Blighttown has a burned birdge that shouldn't even be able to carry your weight.
Why are you resorting to lies now after you got proven wrong? It is the only burned bridge in DS1. Stop lying.
>The dragon IS cheap
It objectively is not, since it telegraphs its coming attack extremely clearly. You would have to be an idiot to get caught by it. Are you saying you're an idiot?

You're the only one of us with excuses.
>DS1 wasn't perfect
No one said it was, stop being retarded and constantly using strawmans and lies.
>pretending that everything in that game is fair is really really really really dumb
No, it's just an objective fact. That is LITERALLY why the games got popular, because the difficulty is entirely fair. Literally throughout all Souls games, everything is fair and every single time you died it was your own fault. That is why people like the kind of challenge those games have, and why they became a success.

You're just really, really, really fucking dumb, stupid, subhuman retarded, user. I'm sorry but that is the case here, you're incredibly unintelligent which causes you to die when a death could easily have been avoided.

>Except bloodborne was the best one
No one with a brain actually thinks BB is any better than DaS or DeS

I play monster hunter at g rank so no game is hard for me sorry honey

So before Nioh was trying to be Souls, is Souls trying to be Nioh now?

Sekiro doesn't deserve all this shitposting.
I blame PC shitters

explain the swordplay innovation please? There is a block button and an attack button. Yes only ONE attack button LOL. (yeah there is the prosthetics and the shinobi arts) Seems more like a downgrade or stagnation than innovation to me. Best way to describe this game is a stagnation when compared to DeS DS or BB.

>still posting 8 month old stale pasta disproven a million times by now
Nearly every one of those things is incorrect

I main Royal Guard. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Maybe watch the OP you stupid fag

Sure, play it once to see one ending. Then do it again three more times to make a different final choice and see the other three endings. There's your "replayability".
Nobody is going to talk about this game three weeks.

Watch some gameplay you braindead retard holy shit. How are you so stupid? You literally too retarded to tell it has insane swordplay no other devs have achieved before?
>Yes only ONE attack button

You fags are getting really desperate huh.

>It is the only burned bridge in DS1. Stop lying.
Of course of course, DS1 is perfect.
The dragon telegraphing itself is also kind of a meme because if you hear him and try to run back the way you came you will get killed, if you hear him and sprint forward you will at worst take some damage but won't die.

I literally can't even tell if your false flagging or if you actually believe what you said because it's so overblown yet at the same time there are people who unironically think all of this is true so either pretty great b8 m8 or seek actual medical assistance, denial isn't good.

OK so you are admitting you can't explain its innovation? I have watched every video on Sekiro there is. The parry action is really no different from dodging you tap l1 at the right time. Is the innovation that you have to do it over and over to break their posture? Wow so deep and innovative. This will surely be genre defining like DeS.

I'll save scum it and call it good after one playthrough.

It's probably mostly just a few Niohfags pretending to be many people, they're pretty butthurt since it's obvious this game will do ninja gameplay a million times better than Nioh.

stop replying to obvious bait you dumbfucks

DMC 5 has better combat AND parrying, so what makes this game so damn special? Because you use a katana? Dante parries with his fucking FIST.

only plebs still care about soulsborne, shit was good and now it's over. fuck off.

>there is only one attack button
>except for the other two.
Damn user nobody is forcing you to play the game

It's not a Souls game, asshole.

>ninja gameplay
Do you guys even breathe and type at the same time?

You shitters both admit you didn't read my entire post.
>Yes only ONE attack button LOL. (yeah there is the prosthetics and the shinobi arts)

Those are literally just gimmicks hardly can describe them as a seperate attack button.

>every game pushed as new TORtanic
Old Yea Forums was better

Game is on PC after all.

You false flagging Nioh shitposter, DMC fags are pretty chill about Sekiro

The game has weebs in it and those weebs use swords/other weapons and sometimes throwable weapons = ninjas.

Don't think too hard about it because they certainly didn't

Point is, Nioh is garbage with garbage gameplay, Sekiro is way better.

those who didint olay bloodborne will have a hard time with sekiro.

>Of course of course, DS1 is perfect.
>gets called out on lying
You should kill yourself. Take a knife and cut your throat open, this world does not need useless subhumans like you.

It really is that simple, just stop being a lying faggot. For once in your life, stop lying. It's all the world expects of you, pathetic neckbeard.

No one said DS1 is perfect, just that it is perfectly fair, as are all Souls games. That is literally the entire point of them, for the difficulty to be entirely fair, and it being always your own fault if you died.

>The dragon telegraphing itself is also kind of a meme because if you hear him and try to run back the way you came you will get killed
Oh look, the subhuman keeps lying. Who would have seen this coming?
The dragons fire breath literally does not reach the area you came from, you need to run back to completely avoid it.
Why do you lie so much?

>I literally can't even tell if your false flagging or if you actually believe what you said because it's so overblown yet at the same time there are people who unironically think all of this is true so either pretty great b8 m8 or seek actual medical assistance, denial isn't good.
You're getting really pathetic now. Did you just unironically post what everyone in this thread is thinking about you right now? And you're not self aware enough to realize this sentence applies to you and you alone here?
You must be some kind of really elaborate troll, there is no way someone is as bad at games as you, or as stupid.

You use a katana, that means it's ninja gameplay, dumbass.

I must be one of the few that fucking hate DMC combat. After mission 5 I just gave up. It's typical trash hack and slash and it doesn't matter what combo you us, just keep spamming

You can savescum on PS4 too by copying the savefile to a usb drive and then restoring it.

Okay, FightinCowboy. I used to enjoy your content a lot but life happened and I frankly forgot about you (military shit made it pretty much impossible to enjoy any of that kinda stuff). Thanks for reminding me you exist though. I'm gonna go watch some of your shit I missed.

Are you retarded? You seem retarded.
Yes, Nioh has ninja gameplay. Are you really such a dumb fucking nigger that you are trying to deny that? It literally has an entire talent tree called Ninjutsu you stupid cocksucking homo.

>it's a button
>you press it and you attack
Okay, get angry, get really really angry that people are talking about a game you don't like, get like REALLY REALLY REALLY mad then if you focus your impotent internet rage you can make the game vanish from existence, trust me, all you have to do is be really angry all the time, it will work out great.

>"I've played through all the souls games and similar games, demon souls, dark souls 1-3, bloodborne, nioh, salt and sanctuary. And Sekiro is just on another level; so much so I think this will be too hard for many people"


The thing is, people who didn't play Bloodborne won't have the habit of parrying cautiously because of limited blood bullets. They can parry forever until they get good enough

it was activisons idea that from could make a tenchu game.

Obviously Sekiros combat is somewhat better than DMC5's, but they are both pretty close to 10/10.

On PC I can savescum on the fly and I don't need to turn off the game in order to copy a save file
It's such a hassle

lmao at this pathetic casual.

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Yeah, I still can't tell if your being sarcastic or not.
Thank god the remaster wasn't that great, DS1 will fall into obscurity fairly fast

>he said that if you aren't an expert at parrying,this game might be a nightmare for you

Attached: 1540767192368.gif (288x162, 896K)

You're just shit. Quit treating it like a souls game and it'll be fine. Everyone saying the game is harder than Dark Souls is saying that because they're trying to play the fucking game like it's Dark Souls.

The same bitching came out about Bloodborne about it being too hard because it played a bit differently from Dark Souls. Now it's widely held as one of the best games From has made.

The game is a single fucking attack button and on the fucking shoulder buttons no less. What game does that shit? You don't see people playing DMC and Ninja Gaiden with attack on shoulder buttons. Shit is awkward and retarded.

good dark souls 3 was way to easy, but thats becuse we have playd soulsgames so much this will be first time souls feeling all over again.

Nioh introduced stances into the soul formula, only other game that introduced something of worth was Surge with Limb lock on.

Don't @ me again, I'll cry

Why are you so desperate for people to believe your lies? Did Miyazaki fuck your mom or something? What made you so mad?
It has different attack buttons for the katana, and prosthetic attack buttons in addition.
True, it's getting pretty fucking pathetic. No matter how great a game obviously seems, nu Yea Forums will try to convince itself that it will bomb. Must be all the trannies here.

What? Obviously somewhat better how? Sekiro is a single attack button and no other weapons besides a katana. You can't even do cool shit with it either, no Judgement Cut or anything, it's a plain old katana.

I know I'm taking some big bait, but you're a samurai in Nioh.

I'm really excited for Sekiro, but shitting on Nioh doesnt get you anywhere. Nioh had some fun combat and some decent bosses. Its okay to say that and be excited for Sekiro.

>game so hard critics will shit on it
Not surprising. Critics aren't aren't gamers
>game so hard even the contrarians of Yea Forums will shit on it
Now this is kino. Absolute fucking kino. A game truly made for the elites. Only the REAL patricians will enjoy this game. The best part is that Fromsoft won't even like the shit they get from this. Which means they'll never do it again. It will be the ultimate hidden gem.

Nice of you to admit I am right and that you're a lying subhuman rat.

Name the different attack buttons then, the steam showing the game controls shows a single attack button for the katana. R1, that's it.

And Sekiro has a tree called Samurai, so do you play as a Samurai in Sekiro?

>he keeps doubling down after being proven a liar
user... it's time to stop posting, unless you want to become a total lolcow.

From the videos I've seen it looks much harder. I'm pretty shitty at parrying so this will probably be a bit of an adjustment.

>it gets easy after 300 hours
Come on.

Not mad just laughing at the half assed trash game Sekiro. It is honestly an embarrassing release for FROM.

You have to be a full on Miyazaki/FROM dickrider to not see how disappointing this game is. It is a huge step backward. Not only do you only have 1 attack button you have only 1 weapon...............

A game that has been released vs a game coming out in two weeks... how the fuck would you know Sekiro is better?

Any word on the frame rate for the base PS4? If it's locked at 30 fps I'm getting the PC version.

because there is

also midboss are the olny way to increase hp

No game without difficulty options will ever be truly difficult. Dark Souls is harder than most games on their default settings but a lot easier than the actually hard difficulty settings when they're available.

>there is a single attack button
>but there are more buttons that make your character attack

I remember when DS3 was about to release there were people trying really hard to convince themselves that there was not a single DS2 reference in the game, to the point where they would argue screenshots with DS2 items in them as being faked.
What are you hoping to achieve, nobody who reads what you write will believe it, lying about it won't change reality to be different and you aren't really convincing yourself either, so whats the endgame here?

i hate that there is no signs on the ground and co-op but pvp has always been cancer.

it literally not fucking works
like never
even when it works the delay makes the combat completely different from how it's supposed to be

I don't know why but everything about Sekiro has been boring since the announcement. However for some reason when we're nearing the release and the preview stuff just popped I feel the adrenaline and hype building up inside

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I did not lie you moronic fuck. I said one attack button then mention the other psuedo 2. somethings the prosthetics do are not attacks. Like adding fire to you weapon. The prosthetics are a gimmick. As are the shinobi arts. The gameplay is very lacking in variety especially compared to every previosu souls game. And other similar third persons action games.

How is it not obviously better, just look at it.
>You can't even do cool shit with it either, no Judgement Cut or anything, it's a plain old katana.
Do you think if you keep lying a thousand times people will start believing you? Everyone knows by now it has tons of combos that you create by buying new skills and attacks.

You're borderline retarded if you think people will fall for your falseflagging lies about "muh 1 attack button" in a game that has countless different kinds of attacks. Yeah, one button does all of that, sure.

>the only reason people play darks souls is a pvp mode that literally always lags


Yes? Ninjas are samurai that became assassins, you do realize that, right?

Because hard mode in other games just make enemies damage sponges and your character a twig

>I said there is one attack button when there are 3, this means I'm not lying because ?????

I have a pair of eyes. There is more depth to Sekiros combat.
You lied, everyone can see. Denying it won't make people believe your lies.


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Same. Japanese setting is boner killer for me

Its actually the complete opposite and games that are built difficult are just better in general.

Alright, I cant handle anymore bait. You got me and I'm ashamed I fell for the bait.

What is the deal with Soulsfags being so brain damaged as to call a core game mechanic "cheating"? This post might be bait but they're all like this these days so it's pretty much impossible to tell shitposters from genuine retards. "Git gud" really did wonders to this fanbase.

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I'm so hyped for this, I think about it while playing DMCV

are you really that impressed by r1 attack r2 do a single gimmick move l1+r1 do a single gimmick move? Rethink your standards for complexity.

More like Dark souls 5 if you know what I mean

I am fully confident in saying Sekiro will not have deeper combat than Nioh. I'm okay with this, and I still will be buying it. Sitting here arguing dumb points to pass the time will on ensure Yea Forums shits on you guys after it comes out.

Summoning really is baby mode though you shitter, that is absolutely true. Nobody can stand the souls fanbase anymore because they act so pretentious for having played le super difficult game meanwhile they summon 3 people for every fight.

>r1 to do an attack
>r2 to do a slower attack

As opposed to Dark Souls where you can tank hits and enemies die in one hit?
It this what you actually believe?

>SUBSTANTIALLY harder than Dark Souls.
who fucking cares? literally name a fight in dark souls that isn't about learning when to press roll and nothing else

I'm not the guy arguing for the games complexity, I'm just saying that some user going
>there is only one attack button
when 3 different buttons make your character perform 3 different kind of attacks comes across as a compulsive liar with an axe to grind.

>It has grappling hook
>batman game
Fuck off, retard.

if you mean dark souls 3 2 then i know exactly what you mean

Guy in the OP has played all the souls like including nioh and says sekiro is on a different level, I can guarantee you he isn't wrong.

I'm not denying that, but calling it cheating is just stupid. On the same level as "you didn't complete the game if you didn't do a naked, fist only SL1 all bosses run". I don't even summon because I have no friends and NPCs are useless anyway.

Ninja Gaiden adds new enemies.

Actually using parries in Dark Souls is the easy mode. Might be good that they are not overpowered and harder in this game.

Ok name the other attack button for your katana then. Besides R1.

Should just do what Rune did.
Single player with a multiplayer expansion pack. Expansion is just arena combat.

The only reason these threads get shitposted to death is because people hate the souls fanbase so much. Everyone here has played the series but some of them are on board with sekiro and some aren't.

Demon's Souls had a boss the de-leveled you but I get your point

Enough with this childish hyperbole. It's not incredibly easy and it isn't the hardest game ever.

any complexity in nioh is wasted since it ultimately comes down to deleting the boss in .5 seconds or getting oneshot. of course, i am only referring to the final difficulty. base difficulty has a similar problem with the game being too easy for mechanical depth to matter.

Ok show me a video with all these combos and attacks. Also my argument is it has no cool attacks, generic katana swipes aren't that interesting. What about cool shit like cutting wind slashes at enemies and cutting dimensional portals and shit, or the sword drinking the blood of enemies or hurling darkness waves?

Cool, I've always enjoyed parrying for style. I'm so hyped

not if you get it on PS4

The day I trust what some eCeleb says about combat depth, when their gimmick is playing souls games, is the day I stop playing games. Souls games have never and will never be known for their combat. Nioh takes the opposite approach and made deeper gameplay but sacrifices everything souls does right.

Red ninja was mediocre dumb zoomer, stop pretending you played that just because someone mentioned it on a thread a few days ago. It was a shitty tenchu clone

The 3 buttons can sometimes make your character do 3 different attacks. Many of the prosthetic arms are not attacks. As are many of the Shinobi arts. You could purposefully equip non attack moves and only have 1 attack button. Honestly they are more like support buttons than attack buttons.

Refer toNobody cares about anything you said even if you are just pretending to be retarded because you come across as a literal madman in denial of reality.

Not that Dark Souls was hard, the hard thing about Souls games was the fact, that these games had some 'unique' mechanics to it, that players used to slasher action rpg games couldn't comprehend made it hard for them. After beating first Souls game, each one of them becomes rather trivial to play, for example I beat Demon Souls on first blind playthrough with 4 deathcount (2 due to force of gravity, once at some Fake king boss, however he was called and once on the way to it, some spear shits killed me) and about 15 hours.

come on now, you know what we're all going to say to you

If you compare how many people have defeated the first boss in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 for example, you can see that Bloodborne is more challenging.
>48.9% have defeated Cleric beast
>67.3% have defeated the Last giant

Nice try, Lao Che.

Attached: CheatEngineLogo.png (200x200, 9K)

You can't do that to Yhorm...well unless you got while

The guy in the OP is not a "celebrity" and he clearly knows what he is talking about. Why are you rambling on about souls now? Sekiro has more depth than nioh and meme souls, it's pretty obvious.

that's because most people hated the sickdark setting of bloodborne, so they got to the first boss and quit

not as much depth as dmc 5

>Souls games are challenging.
the challenge is in learning what's strong in the game or learning the mechanics.

Every Souls games is incredibly easy.

fuck bloomers anyway.

money and items for upgrades as well as hints about how to tackle bosses

This. After I beat bloodborne I watched a speedrun that included the bosses. It became obvious to me how to brute force every boss and I flew through the game the next time. These threads are annoying me, people who cling on to soulsborne so hard and won't tolerate anything else are idiots.

that is a damn lie, tons of people do it for the lore

fuck off to Yea Forums or wherever shithole you came from faggot

It's a marketing meme that these games are hard.

That idiot will probably think you're the one he was talking to the entire time. Why do people keep comparing DMC and Sekiro? There are very few similarities between the two.

I think it changed because he wanted to alter to much stuff and so they went with it.

So yeah he's into it

Vergil uses a katana in DMC 5, but his moveset looks cooler than anything in Sekiro.

this is why I loved the bullshit Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep super bosses despite how bullshit they were

There's combat arts which are all attacks. The arms we know of are attacks as well. We don't know the full skill trees yet either.

They are hard, but only on your first blind playthrough. At any point you can just look up how to play efficiently and become way better.

>looks cool
I don't really care because I'm not 13 years old.

>looks more anime
fixed it for you

I'd like a source for that my dude

Because people here just want to see games fail so they compare them with pretty much any game with good scores or that released in the same timeframe just si they can create shitposting topic like
>"what went wing with xxxx"

46% of people beat BB (lowest ending)
Only 45% of people managed to bet Vendric, a senile old man with less attacks than Seririririririk all of which have 3 hours of windup, confirmed hard then literally the entirety of BB

literally everyone sperged out when BB announced it'll have guns and the game ended up being amazing

Actually, that kind of complaint came out for every single Souls game ever made.

anime is fun, realism like sekiro isn't. if I wanted to use a katana the way that guy does I could go in my backyard with mine.

Now I'm 100% sure all of this is false flagging. I'm done coming in Sekiro threads until it releases. I was hoping once DMC released all the retards would stay in quarantine but it makes sense that you dont even play the game.

Cleric Beast being optional maybe one of the reasons


>a gravity defying grappling hook stolen straight from Just Cause
Realistic isn't just a buzzword that means "things I don't like" you absolute brainlet

Lobos is a From shill

Now this is bait

*laughs in 3rd Strike

Ancient Wyvern

Sekiro is going to be realistic at all though. Maybe less "crazy" then DMC but definitely not realistic. You most likely will get a energy sword wave projectile via combat arts.

>Isn't the Soulsbourne difficulty praised so much BECAUSE of it's fairness?
It was never fair, it was always a meme.


Based FromSoft has made a wonderful zoomer filter. Can't wait.

Are you really so retarded you think a combat system can not be complex with just a few attack buttons?
You have like two attack buttons in Metal Gear Rising too.

Guys I'm literally sweating thinking about it. I've been practicing the Daigo Parry sequence for the past six hours in preparation for the release of this hardest game ever. After a short break I'm going to go beat Vergil 3 on DMD with Royal Guard only. Even then I dont think I'll be ready for how difficult parries will be in this game. I'm literally shaking.

We already know Sekiro has way deeper combat than Nioh, what are you talking about

One primary weapon.

>Ok show me a video with all these combos and attacks
They haven't shown nearly even half of all the attacks retard
>Also my argument is it has no cool attacks, generic katana swipes aren't that interesting
So you finally admit you're a liar? Because they have shown far more than "generic katana swipes". It has fucktons of special attacks, you really are retarded huh
>What about cool shit like cutting wind slashes at enemies and cutting dimensional portals and shit, or the sword drinking the blood of enemies or hurling darkness waves?
Is this a joke? It's not trying to be some fucking Naruto tier fantasy combat.

Dark souls is not hard and has a bunch of mechanics to make it borderline easy.
>overpowered weapons
>OP shields
>stagger on big weapons
Sekiro fixes all of this and now you have to actually have skill now.

>Souls games are not challenging except for the kind of challenge they have
Thanks for proving me right, dumbfuck shit for brains.

>They are hard, but only on your first blind playthrough
Literally every game ever

MGR combat was shallow as fuck though

>Dark Souls was hard but fair

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With a very vast amount of skills and moves you can unlock for it. While Niohs talent trees were 90% "+10 to attack damage" shit with just a few new moves.
Also why do you act like secondary weapon is same as no other weapons at all, you constantly use the secondary weapons in Sekiro.

>Is this a joke? It's not trying to be some fucking Naruto tier fantasy combat.

then why are the enemies demons and shit?

>Yes only ONE attack button LOL.
>(yes there are others attack buttons)

based retard

Attached: 1540600292070.jpg (724x1024, 84K)

It's funny to me that Soulstards are finally experiencing a palatable combat system and are worried about it being more difficult. Even some of the worst "character action" games have parries. No one is worried about it outside of the low IQ souls players.

And yet it's still harder and more engaging than DMC's combat...

You guys are getting ridiculous with this shit. I'm not one for gatekeeping but summoning is the only valid thing you listed.

Is that a serious argument? You think because a game has mythological creatures, it HAS to have incredibly retarded anime bullshit combat?
How about just having somewhat realistic swordplay against said mythological monsters. Much more interesting.

>"palatable combat system"
>if I can't juggle five helpless enemies with a sick combo at one time the combat is bad

Because the secondary weapons in Sekiro are one of the other 7 primary weapons in Nioh, so I didnt feel it was fair to bring up.

>Only 45% of people managed to bet Vendric
He's optional, retard. A lot of people didn't beat him because they didn't have to.

I mean, you can argue over how engaging it is, but HARDER? The sheer amount of shit you have at your disposal in DMC is ridiculous, the breadth of it invites difficulty in of itself if you want a decent style rank

>then why are the enemies demons and shit?
Because people real mad when 90% of the enemies in one of the studious unnamed previous titles were just dudes in armor

dude smash only has a block button and an attack button. YES, only ONE attack button LOL (yeah there is the grapples & smashes)

Fine then, only 44% people actually beat Scholar still less than BB

Or, you know, Monster Hunter. The point being that many people aren't worried about it because they have been exposed to it.

You can only use one primary weapon in Nioh at a time.
You use all the secondary weapons of Sekiro AT THE SAME TIME as the katana.
I can tell thinking is very hard for you, but at least try doing it a bit before making a useless post.

>try option 1
>no win
>try option 2
>no win
>try option 3
>no win
>try option 4
Waoh such hard game

Don't start a war between the two because Nioh had a lot of depth and a lot of unlockable skills on its weapon trees. I'm sure Sekiro will have good depth as well.

You can do lots of stuff yeah but if the main challenge of the game comes from an arbitrary score system rather than actually beating enemies then priorities are skewed

>Sekiro fixes all of this and now you have to actually have skill now.
You just use stealth attacks

Lmao even party bros ultimate has a parry. Soulstards confirmed for lower IQ than smashbabs

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How can you not beat the easiest Soulslike game

>While Niohs talent trees were 90% "+10 to attack damage" shit with just a few new moves.
Oh ok you're retarded and have no clue what you're talking about, you should have said that earlier.

>there is only ONE ATTACK BUTTON

>there are more than one user

>yeah? then tell me the other attack buttons FOR THE KATANA

holy shit user it's embarassing stop

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>implying someone fighting realistically wouldn't just get shit on by demons

If that is how you went by it, you played them wrong.
Nioh had some pretty interesting depth but I'm not starting a war, just stating that I felt disappointed by its talent trees. You had to spend a lot of levels on just stat points before you could get something actually interesting like a new attack move.
At least in sekiros talent trees, every spot is a new, unique move to learn. No attribute point bullshit to clutter up the trees or to let you overlevel your damage.

smash bros is also garbage, so now what?

No, everyone will drop it out of boredom once they beat it with the lack of Online Multiplayer

>If that is how you went by it, you played them wrong.
That's not the point, show me the challenge in that scenario.

So you're saying setting your weapon on fire is the same depth as an entirely different weapon with it's own tree. Got it. The prosthetics are the equivalent of ninjutsu in Nioh.

>it's this retard again
No, you can't "just use stealth". It's not a stealth game, it's an action game with a minor stealth addition. You can't stealth your way through Sekiro, your stealth kills are not silent at all. Doing one will alert all nearby enemies, which is when it becomes pure action.

You claimed there were other attack buttons for the katana, name them. Right now.

Sekiro has passives too though.

How am I retarded for stating a fact. I played the game, most points in Niohs talent trees were completely uninteresting stat point trash.
"+10 damage to x type of attack"
+10 damage to throwing knives"
Stop lying and pretending like it was not so.
Stop pretending like you played the games. Anyone that has can at least admit they are challenging on first playthrough.

Not every game needs to be toned down to be made accessible for the lowest common denominator. If you're too retarded to figure out parrying than this game just isn't for you. Don't ruin it for the rest of us with this bullshit attitude.

>The prosthetics are the equivalent of ninjutsu in Nioh.
No? Ninjutsu in Sekiro is the equivalent of Ninjutsu in Nioh. You really are a dumb fucking liar hahaha like holy shit. You actually created this lie because you didn't know Sekiro has three talent trees, Samurai, Ninjutsu and Prosthetics.
Don't you think you might wanna do some research before talking about a game?
Also pretty dishonest to act like that is the only thing you can do with the flame prosthetic, since it can be used as a flamethrower against enemies as well.

>DMCucks seething
>soulscucks seething
>niohcucks seething
how can one based man create so much butthurt in the world

Attached: index_0038932.jpg (753x334, 25K)

>Can't cheese the game with magic
>Can't cheese bosses with supports


Normalfags will get stuck on the first post-tutorial section challenge and quit.

You claimed there is only 1 even though they have not said or shown anything of the sort. Prove your lie. Right now.

(Btw we already know for a fact there are many different controls for katana attacks, retard)

Actually in some places there are NPCs that can help you against a boss, but they die permanently if they die. Which will also mean you won't benefit from that NPC for the rest of your playthrough, they might have sold you something later if they survived or if you refusde their aid in a battle.

Isnt it called Shinobi, not ninjutsu? And I thought it was tied to the stealth mechanics.

This, fucking laughing at the people who keep saying no one who plays does so for the online community or pvp, Sekiro will be a fucking one playthrough dead game no one gives a shit about, there's a reason the souls games are still played today.

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The window for parrying in MGR was wider than the grand canyon.

This is nothing like that.

What's wrong with those points?
Overleveling is definitely a thing. It can even happen unintentionally. I was playing DS1 blind so I missed OnS fight and went to higher level areas. I struggled there but when I actually got to OnS they were a total breeze. It was very weird to see people being butthurt about them on the internet while they were very easy to me.
I also played DS3 dlc before finishing the main quest and rest of the game was too easy after.

Also by the end of the game, especially DS3 you have so many estuses and damage output is so high that you can mog most bosses without too much strategy.
>overpowered weapons
You can get very strong weapons early in the game and bruteforce most strong enemies and bosses removing the challenge.
>OP shields
Ever tried fighting Artorias with an rtorias greatshield? It's a joke of a fight.
>stagger on big weapons
I mean there's a reason two handed sword builds are the easiest. DPS is insane and you can stunlock most enemies.
Oh I for got the actual easy mode completely - playing as a mage.

I mean you can artificially limit yourself in those things to enjoy the challenge, but you can't deny that those options exist.

I personally can't wait for the next wave of self-entitled "games NEED an easy mode" articles

i never parry
i wonder if i'll be able to get by without it in this game

Space well and you should be fine. Remember that the dodge and jump are both valid ways of negating attacks.

>but if they make it so hard that only a few skilled people can play it, it will be overlooked
Yeah like that one hidden gem, I forgot what it was called but it was something with "Souls". it was hard, everyone knew it, and no one wanted to play it and the studio that made it is no more.

>Prove your lie. Right now.

Oh shiet, look at this... single attack button for the katana...

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If it was a multie player game I would be ok with it. But solo just no.

>increasing the parry window
You don't even know the parry window yet. You haven't played it.
Preview players of recent From games always said that the new game is harder, because it is new and has new things to adapt to.

goddamn these controls are so awkward, why not make attack a face button like normal games do? this shit is like a racing game or some shit

I predict that it will not be the way you said and you infact do not need to be 15 years old to be able to hit a parry.
I am also a bigger From veteran than you, therefore my prediction is worth more than yours, even though I explained my reasoning just as thoroughly as you did, which is not at all.

Dark Souls is only hard for babbies who don't have some sort of coordination or stamina conservation strategy.

This game will be no different for people who are capable.

The babbies will still suck and complain.

Probably. You can break posture by attacking or using tools. But it will likely take considerably longer.

why do people want pvp in this, pvp in action games can't work, imagine pvp in a dmc game, projectiles would be bullshit since there's lockon, you'd never miss.

Then don't play it. What makes you think that this game will not have things to discover and explore? The fact that they already said that it will have things to discover and explore?
If you don't want to play it, no skin off anyone's back. Play games you are more interested in then, just because you liked their previous titles doesn't mean you have any obligation to play any of their next titles.

Right sure it is just like how the Souls series was SUPER DUPER hard but not really if you had the amazing ability to learn enemy attacks,

nobody did retard you literally pulled that shit out of your ass right now

so it has the same attack buttons of dark souls

what the fuck are you arguing about then?

Demon's Souls absolutely was a cult classic. Yes, it wasn't as big as Dark Souls, Call of Duty or Bloodborne, but with that reasoning none of them were as big as Pokemon in its prime, therefore none of those games and their receptions really matter. Pokemon is bigger.

Thanks to Demon's Souls we got Dark Souls and Bloodborne in the first place.

the silver lining to having no pvp is that it may be less likely to have weapons or builds nerved cause of pvpfags crying

I mean Demon's Souls IS widely considered the best Naruto game based on the fact that it has demons in it, so you have a point there user

difficult settings outside of games like bullet hell or pure action games based around replaying with harder difficulties are a failure in game design

Because that way you wouldn't be able to attack and move the camera at the same time without claw gripping.

No, it's called Ninjutsu, and it's not stealth only, but Ninjutsu stuff in general. How about instead of "I thought" all the time, you actually look this shit up before running your mouth?

Epic bait

Is there somewhere I can buy the game online with an key-code or whatever you call it? The price on steam is a little steep for me, I was hoping somewhere else was cheaper.

>Many of the prosthetic arms are not attacks


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>After playing the game, he said that if you aren't an expert at parrying,this game might be a nightmare for you.
So basically, every normal person after playing a souls title for 10 minutes will have zero issues with it?
Seems hard.

Game seems pretty expensive overall. Cheapest key is around €46/$48

normal, sane people are enjoying all of these to hell and back
I wonder how it feels to be a retarded contrarian or a fanboy of one game over another

Please link me some sites It is my first time trying to use a site such as this, are they even legal or allowed by steam?

Depends on where you buy them. Sites like Greenmangaming are fine

You can use comparison sites like
I would recommend to not use sites like G2A/G2play because they're scummy as fuck and they don't guarantee your key works without buying their protection trash for an extra fee., greenmangaming, instant-gaming have always worked fine for me.

From is too incompetent to implement denuvo. See ds3
I guess Activision could outsource it

Just be quiet fagget

you guys ready to watch fromsofts sink back into irrelevancy?

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>Demon's Souls absolutely was a cult classic
Thank you for agreeing with me, now what the fuck is the rest of your post supposed to mean?

A cult classic is literally something that is considered good despite not being very popular at the time of it's release, DeS being good/bad/mediocre is completely irrelevant because I'm just saying shit wasn't popular, and it wasn't

They wont, unless they stop making "souls inspired" games in general and just do other shit and armored core. Epic dark souls gamers will keep them floating.

>expert at parrying
If its a core mechanic it wouldn't be hard to use
In ds1 parrying is not hard, new player can figure what attacks can be easily parried and timings are not tight. I felt that in ds3 parry timing is harder, but you can still bait certain enemy attacks that are easier to parry. Moreover you can beat ds games without parry.
If "IN GAME" tutorial explains it well, people will pick it up.

>we wanted the final fantasy 13 audience

DS1 parry has no startup frames, so as long as you hit the button before the enemy attack reaches you, it's all good. In DS2 and 3 different shield types (and weapons with parry) all have different parry window timing and wind-up.

Sekiro's deflect is more like a "perfect block". It's the same button as regular guard, unlike parrying in DS, you just need to hit it the last moment.

>SUBSTANTIALLY harder than Dark Souls

I played all the Dork Souls games witch cheats and I'll play this game with cheats as well.
Artificial difficulty is NOT fun.

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what cheats did you use

I'm getting too hyped for Sekiro. I can't play any other game.
Recommend me something to play to kill 2 weeks worth of time before Sekiro comes out.

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Speedrun through all soulsborne games.

>Dark Souls was hard
no it was piss easy, if you had problems with dark souls consider stop playing video games and check your mental well being

Not losing souls after death, quicksave for the most part. Boss runs are tedious as fuck, especially those that go on forever like with Seath, Gwyn, Artorias, DDF, etc.

Built-in quicksave functionality would improve the game immensely.

hollow knight

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Sekiro hasn’t even released yet and people are complaining it’s too hard. Miyazaki has to be the most based developer ever.

I just recently finished a 112% run. I still have PoH to do, but I can't just run PoH for two weeks straight, it's too exhausting.

The only reason it could prove a problem is the horrible input lag that most console gamers will experience from their TV, other than that it's aimed at Soulsborne fans who won't be expecting an easy time. There is no reason to increase the parry window, you haven't even played it yet and already you're suggesting they make it easier.

>I just recently finished a 112% run. I still have PoH to do, but I can't just run PoH for two weeks straight, it's too exhausting.
Are you me? lmao
I can't even be bothered to go PoH once I beat PotK. Didn't even walk in there yet. Too bitch-made xd.

just pirate first, then buy after if you enjoy it

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The RPG mechanics of the souls series was one of the most important elements and making Sekiro just an action game completely turned me off of it

Those were usually tree capstones placed at the very end or branches to give you something to invest into once you have everything you want.

The Cleric Beast is also optional so that arguement doesn’t really work.

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>They need to tone down the difficulty.
No they don't. Shitstains just don't realize the game is a mix of Souls with Tenchu, both franchises which are hard in their own way.

Good. I’m god at parries.

It is hard if you aren't a dork addicted to gaming tho

thread #1026 of people not knowing how a literal Tenchu game plays like. Just fucking play stealth assassins on PS1 if you have no clue. Stop talking about dark souls

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You're a moron. You have to combine other buttons at the same time with R1 to attack. The direction you're pointing determines how you swing.

>this much butthurt over a suggestion
U mad soulsbro?

Normies won’t buy sekiro. Even setting filtering them right away

What is the goal of lying so blatantly? All of the prosthetics can be used for attacks.

But every video I've watched said parrying was easier than ever.

Most of the combat I've seen so far has been parry -> one shot kill or grapple away instead of rolling. It looks kind of brain dead, honestly.

One weapon really just annoys me to no end. It couldn't be more obvious they're making a trimmed down no-name title to push out between Souls games. It reminds me a lot of Platinum and their stone-like plummet from grace.

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From making another 10/10 masterpiece?

Not artificial difficulty, you're just a scrublord

>the same butthurt lies for the millionth time
No matter how much you repeat a falsehood, it won't become true, user.


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What is the yellow bar beneath enemy health?

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No Souls game ever had even a tiniest shred of artificial difficulty, you must be really bad ta games to use such an excuse.

Demon's sold well for a game that originally wasn't even going to be released in the west. Well enough that Dark Souls was greenlit, anyway

Their Posture

And they get stunlocked and instantly killed if it fills up?

Every game has artificial difficulty

>dark souls is hard meme

It's just pattern recognition.

this lucky bastard must've not played the dark souls 2 dlc

The challenge of the combat is the only reason to play the game though?

You press button to execute when it's full I believe

Fuck no

I actually didn't but I do remember that looking particularly brutal from what I saw.

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Are you just really into finding items and reading their lore?

Dark Souls 2 DLC was at least for me the hardest thing across all Souls game and Bloodborne (never finished the Chalice Dungeons, thinking of restarting that tomorrow)

The area for the Blue Smelter Demon in particular was awful, but the DLC really ramped up the difficulty in general

Is this the reason why the active playerbase a month later counts only 5000 ?

Or just world design, atmosphere and aesthetics in general

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he compares it to breath of the wild
game looks boring as shit anyways way to jumpy and parry mechanic makes it faceroll easy

dead game

parries were not that hard in bloodborne. they were hard in dark souls because of the delay.
parry seems more reaction based here so i dont really worry about that

>this afraid that the game is going to succeed
Isn't Dad of War more your speed?

>too jumpy
You should write for IGN.

God the chromatic aberration totally ruins how this game looks.
Whoever started this shitty trend should have been publicly beaten to death.

can any1 tell me why health bars even matter when posture is more important. i mean fill the enemy posture and kill em in 1 hit is alot quicker than just attacking them right??

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>It could be a truly revolutionary game, but if they make it so hard that only a few skilled people can play it, it will be overlooked.
This is the exact fucking thing that happened with Nioh. I've been following it since the beta demo, so I was used to the game's difficulty. But even AFTER they took out weapon durability and nerfed the enemy damage, people still dropped the game just because they couldn't get past the first boss.
Souls-games have had a mainstream appeal of being "TOO HARD YOU WILL DIE A LOT" (just look at trailers for DS2), so I think Sekiro will be much more successful. Fuck FromSoft for getting a pass on hard games when other games don't.

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Was the CAPTCHA busted for you, too?

Nioh wasn't trash because it was hard

Nioh was trash because it was hard and not fair about it

Fuck off and stick to your candy crush. Being able to overcome a challenge is something most games don’t have these days. The enjoyment is in the journey.

>it wasn’t ffaair
You can block mid combo and 95% of my deaths were completely my fault. 5% was then dicking me with enemy placement because they like to be cunts with hand cannons sometimes.

Only complete faggots still discuss From games in terms of difficulty.

This, but ironically.

What? Nioh was trash (not really), because any semblance of difficulty it could have is eliminated by grinding and epic lewt.

Dark souls wasn't hard at all.

you could grind levels and make everything easy, you could also summon npc aids.

This game is not a Snoy exclusive.

no game ever is hard, you can just beat it with skill

I hope parrying in this isn't like in dark souls, since I never bothered to learn how to do it.


so basically you and all enemies have health and posture. the lower their health, the faster their posture bar will fill up. posture fills up when you get hit or block attacks and once it maxes out you can get insta-killed with a deathblow

tougher enemies typically need to be deathblowed several times

going to the mars aint hard, you can just do math and build stuff

>sekiro thread
>it's just dark souls trannies and muh difficulty faggots

>tougher enemies typically need to be deathblowed several times
This is gonna be one hell of a game

>This is gonna be one hell of a game
I don't actually think it will be very difficult compared to souls.
People are only getting to play it for a few hours and they aren't good at parrying yet. That, coupled with the instincts carried over from dark souls to try and dodge everything, has been making the game seem extremely hard to everyone.

it only really matters against bosses. posture fills up faster when you're lower hp, so as a fight drags on, it'll be easier to posture break them

Is your body ready?

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The biggest deterrent to parrying for casuals is that it's almost always a hard pass/fail. Too early and you eat shit, too late and you eat shit. You have to eat shit over and over until you learn. Parrying became much more forgiving in Bloodborne, where you could do it from outside the enemy's range and remain safe, and the shot would also stagger. Parry being a timed block is perfectly fine for casuals, since doing it early still means blocking. If it was casual enough for God of War, then I'm sure people will get by.

from software games have a reputation for being challenging but fair with the exception of dark souls 2, demon's souls and bloodborne that trample all over you whenever you die

-if you keep dying in demon's souls your tendency will go fuck itself, not to mention you lose a chunk of health whenever you aren't in human form
>if you keep dying in dark souls 2 your health will constantly reduce and make shit harder each time, with that said you can despawn enemies after 40 bonfire rests but honestly that's a small help after 40 fucking deaths
>if you keep dying in bloodborne your blood vials and bullets will keep draining from your reserve until you have none left and you must go farm like a fucking MMO to keep going, you could argue that it's possible to kill a boss without getting hit but that's just an unreasonable assumption for most people

sekiro seems like will follow the trend of these 3 games and that's a bad thing

>play the game for 2 hours
>significantly different mechanics
>only know about 3 of them
>say its too hard

Just like Dark Souls and just like Bloodborne, I'm sure after 10 hours with it we'll all be wondering how we could've been so bad at the start of the game.

We're going full dark souls 2 again with no bonfires or deaths?

I hope you're not one of those cunts who really believes monster hunter is somewhat hard

>from software games have a reputation for being challenging but fair with the exception of dark souls 2, demon's souls and bloodborne that trample all over you whenever you die
So they don't have that reputation. Got it.

>demon souls

Not every game needs to be for everyone.

Lol what? Did you even play Dark Souls 2? I fucking died 6 times on DS 2, on the other games i died more.

IKR? Imagine being such a shitter that you think these two are "unfair". The difficulty in DS2 is also fine, as the game gives you plenty of humanity, so your health lowering upon each death becomes trivial.

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How hard is it to realize that people like other thing, sometimes those things are things that you do not like. Wow, holy shit what a fucking suprise. Kill yourself retard.

>All pc kids in this thread who had das as their first souls game

How pathetic do you need to be to push in platform wars for the last gen?

What platform wars? It's a simple fact that das was designed to be inferior
Compare even des, das2 and bloodborne parry system to the das shitfest parry


Wasn’t des parry identical to das parry?

Des parry was fluid, if you wasn't pathetic pc kid you would remember how much people shat on das parry system for being casualized and ruined

>console owner thinks he’s hot shit

Bloodborne was a sony exclusive. As was Demon's souls.

The fuck are you talking about, it was the same instant start up casual bullshit. It didn’t get interesting until the delayed parry.

And both were easy shit compared to das.

Bloodborne is not easier than Dark Souls

What a shitheap of a post this is. Why would you buy the game in the first place, you exceptional mongoloid?

Any decent footage out there besides lobos?

>still haven't played Old Hunters
Give me a sale Sony, please.

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where the fucks my souls-like fingerless glove meter?

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I don't see any problem here. Not dying even once may be impossible, finish the game without reviving shouldnt be a major challenge



Sekiro's gonna be so good. DMCucks will be on suicide watch for the rest of the year after it's released and DmC2 is long forgotten.

welp, it's youtube for the true ending then

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