Why doesn't western devs use facescan like japanese developers?
Why doesn't western devs use facescan like japanese developers?
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When they do everyone on this fucking board goes apeshit, have you missed the 200 mk 11 threads?
Who's this woman?
shhhhh hush hush
claire redfield!
Facescan was a fucking mistake and the worst part of recent Japanese games. The real question is when they'll stop doing this
They do.
Mass Effect
Beyond 2 Souls...
i need a gf
They do, what the fuck are you talking about?
They do this all the time.
Rockstar Games.
too tall
I think face scans only works when the face model is the same person who does the voice overs and facial mocap. Otherwise it will look unnatural since the voice actor/mocap artist do not share the exact same facial structure of the model
She's so cute
Yes I too am happy that Japan is finally using tech that the West has been using for several years now. And hey, not all their PC ports are shit these days!
she's too tall
how can regular height girls compete?
be strong brother
Angela Roscoe?
Look at this fetal alcohol syndrome looking goblina bitch
Look at that lanky kong
it hurts
Japan just gets better girls to facescan.
you mean poorly?
they do
Hey it's free advertising
What non-Capcom game uses facescans?
no g needs you
Something about the ingame Claire eyes bothers me.
What about sole scans? Are they the norm in Japan or was it just Kojima being cutting edge?
that kong's got a funny nose
she cute
>Quantic has one of the best facescan around
>"Why doesn't western devs use facescan?"