How do you feel about this kind of advertising, Yea Forums?
How do you feel about this kind of advertising, Yea Forums?
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That pizza is small as fuck
>it's OK when the '90s does it.
papa johns sucks
i don't like advertising in any form.
That's a nice cloud surf board.
How will you know when things are on sale?
>FFXV - Royal Editon
>FFXV - Windows Editon
I feel extremely confused.
i don't care. this board sucks dick.
gaming is DEAD
sorry but FFVII is the best RPG ever made on the best console ever made and pepsi was based, also I was 5 years old and my childhood so yes that was OK
gaming is my only hobby and i don't have a girlfriend, so the money really isn't an issue.
hell, it was way more blatant in the 90's
it's just that advertisement didn't feel so soulless as it does now
Because it being so blatant was a more socially accepted norm
Nowadays corporations try to give you this pseudo-good feels friendship and relatable scenarios in the faux guise of selling you shit instead of just being honest and straight-faced about it
I fucking love it
>excited to play new gaym
>get cheap dinner with it
inb4 good goy
There's something deeply creepy about every company trying to be your friend and trying to build some kind of 'relationship' with the consumer. Just try to sell me shit. You're a company. Just try to sell me shit in a way or at a price where I'll want it.
>That's it! I've come up with a new discount!
>Iggy in the corner
Not gonna lie, the blatant and shameless advertising funny enough to me I can't really be mad about it. Like when hearing Gladiolus prattle on about how amazing Cup Noodles© is.I'm not going to change my mind about Papa Jon's because their pizza is low tier and I'm not going to go destroy my body with instant noodles, but I will have a chuckle.
I still remember going to a kmart or something and seeing an ff7 ad or tie in with dr pepper. Though mightve been pepsi
Some things never change.
I remember when Black Ops 3 was coming out and i was working at a carl's jr., we got blops 3 special hats to wear and the game was plastered over the special deal meal that was going on at the time and all the large cups
You would be surprised how many fucking drones would just go up to me and say "yeah uhhh i'd like the black ops meal you got going on with the cup too" like fuck all they did was print a picture on the side and people are eating that shit up. The same exact thing happened when FFXIV Stormblood came out but i had already quit the job before then, i imagine it was similar
FFXIV did a bunch of shit. Carls Jr/Hardees, Wrestlemania, Mrs Freshley's Honey Buns, what else
its kinda funny in a lame way if youve played the game
>looting trash mobs in rpg
>%5 pizza coupon
>loot raid boss
>%90 pizza coupon
Would be fucking amazing
Not really. Why are americans so obsessed with pizza?
Because pizza is good. You can literally never go wrong with pizza. Everyone loves pizza.
Um, because it's delicious, yurofag, same reason you're obsessed with BBC
are americans real?
so you think black dick is delicious?
Well, enjoy your obesity and never having anyone be attracted to you, I guess
literally every fucking one loves pizza across the entire goddamn globe, you half-brained inbred dickwad
t. not american
i'd rather it not exist, but its not a dealbreaker for me
censoring is a dealbreaker, pizza ad is not
I'm Finnish and I fucking love pizza.
Daww he thinks he has the aptitude to insult somebody! Fatty! Fatty! Come roll on over!
Who gives a fuck, only retards read twitter.
My wallet is pretty thick, though.
Well, it's half as thick as my dick. Which is pretty goddamn thick.
>tell yuropoor that pizza is good
Can you try not being retarded? You dont eat it everyday you fucking moron. Jesus christ do all yuropoors always jump to extremes or just from your noname country?
I really don't think it's an issue, places used to do this a lot, Halo 3 all over Mountain Dew, pizza and a game deals from Pizza Hut are ones that I remember.
I'm a 55kg skeleton and I had pizza twice this week
eat your heart out, loser, no one agrees with you
>"no u"
Wtf bich rude
Lmao you're actually mad and,i would plow your women on the daily, in fact, i have
What the fuck were they thinking? Associating themselves with a shitty chinese app and now this
Honestly, as long as it's not intrusive into the actual game itself and isn't trying to hide what it's doing I don't mind. Most of the time it just ends up being so absurd it's funny, people trying to tie the experience of eating hotpockets and chugging sugar acid syrup water to some prestigious notion of intense competitive games themed around futuristic gritty warfare or a fantastical quest to save the world. If it was just brand worship with nobody pointing out how ridiculous it is like with fashion brands then it'd be irritating, but it seems gamers are at least self-aware enough to be able to parody themselves after seeing all this shit and make it funny.
lol americans
lol "food"
lol "egos" in a vacuum
Nobody finds americans attractive for a reason, piglets.
I have zero issue with this kind of advertising, but holy FUCK am I sick of seeing/hearing about FFXV. Just let that shit die already
The only thing you've "plow"ed (its ploughed, by the way, you ignorant ape) is your bag of cheetos, neanderthal
Except your women lol imagine being a yuro just imagine
>ESL yuro tries to correct me and fails
>Basically his continent in a nutshell
(of an area of land) having had the earth turned up with a plow, especially before sowing.
"a plowed field"
(of a road) having been cleared of snow using a snowplow.
"we remained on the town's plowed streets rather than venturing onto the country roads"
Just imagine embarrassing yourself this badly. Now that being said this is the dictionary definition and not the colloquial version which basically means i fucked your mom, lolmao
>Imagine being intelligent
>Imagine a higher grade of living
>Imagine a national healthcare system
>Imagine not having a Simpsons character as the national leader
>Imagine being predominantly white
>Imagine not being shot at every day
>Imagine healthier food
>Imagine higher per-person education standards
>Imagine being attractive
Yeah, imagine that.
>American "English"
In every non-bastardized version of the language, it's "plough". Leave it to colonist monkeys to steal something, rape it, and call it their own.
QUick question, how big of a patch will I have to DL for if I get the Royal Edition?
I don't see a problem with it. Cross-promotion is a valuable source of advertising for both parties and it's a decent discount.
That said, I don't support fast food at all and you shouldn't either. Learn to cook, bitchboy.
You do know that Italians fucking created pizza right? Saying Europeans hate pizza is obscenely stupid.
You only got that result because Google spoonfeeds you language results based on location tracking. But hey, Americans don't know any better.
>Saying Europeans hate pizza is obscenely stupid.
good thing he didn't say that
Americans are proven to be angry and ignorant. They don't know better. They're like children, so cut them some slack.
could you fuckers take your us/eu rp to /trash/ already
Yeah all of that is pure imagination for you, you're absolutely right
The world uses our english, our version of english is taught in schools in other countries, exchange students come to America to learn English, not Britain or anywhere else. But you dont like facts over there which is why you reward pedo rapists with free housing LOL
>you only know that hecause google fed you the correct definition
Glad we can agree
>Hate us because they aint us
Cope harder then
I dont mind.
Remember when World of warcraft was big and was on the cover of every second food product?
>gamer microwave oven meals
>mountain dew
I think its kinda lowkey funny sometimes.
Hell if you wanna go even farther back than that does anyone remember the Sonic-face popsicles with gumball eyes you could get from your local ice cream truck? Super Mario fruit snacks? the entire Xbox=Mountain Dew endorsements that led to the Dorito/Dew pope guy after the release of Halo3?
I mean I cant look back on those fondly then look at a Dues Ex microwave dinner and pretend like its "soulless corporate bullcrap" or something.
people have always attached cartoon or vidya characters to snacks they wanted to pedal. I try not to be hypocritical if I can help it.
Pretty much. I remember demo discs from Pizza Hut, first time I played Crash 3
>reddit spacing
Yikes! Also american pizza and genuine italian pizza is very different.
Pizza might be the most internationally loved food in the world. You can literally go almost anywhere on the planet and you can find different cultures with their own take on pizza.
Royal is the Windows version for console plebs
We're all Ninja Turtles
>That's it! I've come up with a new discount!
This is the kind of funny-but-cheesy shit you got in the 90s/00s. I like it.
I'm hungry now. Thanks OP
Enjoy your delusion, burger
>The world uses our english
lol no
Advertising is only bad if it gets you to buy their product. I don't understand why you reddit-tier garbage children think that just because you see an advertisement you're going to immediately be brainwashed into buying their shit.
You can enjoy something and not be a corporate whore about it. This isn't an 'all or nothing' situation.
Thank you Reggie-sama!~
Hey, you were in that regular show thread the other day!
I know because I posted that picture you cropped that image from in the thread explaining how Mordecai got cucked hard.
That looks so much better than trash american """""pizza"""""
I'm going to do it! I'm going to make pizza today!
You know Iggy, your steamed dough looks suspiciously like the pizza they serve at Papa Johns.
Today I will remind them.
As long as they stay true to the source material and have the part lose health and self respect for themselves due to eating Papa Johns I'm fine with it.
ordering fast food is utter degeneracy outside of social settings the same as drinking
I haven't browsed Yea Forums in like 2 months.
I have that pic saved from the very first day that it aired
I don't give a fuck.
I remember that a cicis pizza nearby GameStop once did a promotion with call of duty.
but we can scalp you if we pretend to share your politics!
>old ads have more soul because i see them through autistic rose-tinted nostalgia goggles of a synthwave listening faggot in his mid 20s
>pepe johns
I want my liquid gummi bears back.
>tfw never noticed or cared about these things as a kid because I wasn't interested in industry standards or consumer rights, just wanted to play vidya games
Fuck, how do I go back?
Remember when they put Hatsune Miku on a pizza and people memed it?
Those were good times.
Enjoy your muslims, yuro
Pizza Hut had a promotion in Australia for a little while where you'd get a copy of Battlefield 2, The Sims 2 or something else I can't remember with some packages. Became a little infamous for the influx of players in the Battlefield 2 community.
Its a telltale sign the game will be shit for a start, infact any media that does this tends to be absoloute wank.
I don't get it really, if I want to pig out and enjoy a meal then there are a ton of other foods I'd pick before pizza.
Most notably the american pizza is very fat while italian pizza is generally pretty lean
thats like asking why niggers love fried chicken
it's cheap pizza, what's not to like
Based Reggie
>I've come up with a new discount!
I chuckled. I love seeing video games advertised with food. There's nothing wrong with it.
>hunger pains
No really
What the fuck is the deal with Americans and fast food?
Is that supposed to be loss?
No really
What the fuck is the deal with Europeans complaining about Americans?
Makes me hungry
As with everything, it comes down to SOUL
so fat that you need a mobility scooter.
Only country in the whole world
Isu thisu anno outu seasonuu apriu fooru'su joku?
yeah bro only americans are fat, also those people in fat scooters arent incredibly rare and hideous or anything and we definitely dont think theyre just as bizzare, which is why we take photos of them when we see them. makes sense right?
What's a good way of not being fat?
Back then, corporations had to make their art department work on something good looking, nowadays it's always a shitty tweet with some PNG cut-out and a meme phrase of the game.
>that slightly different arrangement of bread cheese and sauce looks so much better than this other arrangement of bread cheese and sauce
retard, also you can get pizza like that in the u.s. trying to be a snob about something as basic as pizza is pretty fucking gay
why are europeans such whiny, impotent little sissies?
yeah bro burgers btfo!
Imagine being this delusional. Yikes.
why are you trying to act like the united states isn't filled with beautiful people as well? weird thing to try to assert. dont tell me you take the EPIC MEMES seriously you tard
you won't trick me you fucking strayans, this isn't USA posting hours.
why are american tourist so gross
Why is internet filled with fucking Finns everywhere.
>implying she could be transported safely to europe
its time to take responsibility
Finnish do not go out, it is too cold and boring. They also mistrust each other greatly.
Still superior to you in literally EVERY way.
Sorry your taste is unrefined. Then again, your genetic makeup is 57% mcdonalds and 30% tobacco so...
I'm 100% European ethnically though, like I said you can get authentic pizza here very easily. Your superiority complex is transparent and pathetic, I guess you have to cope by looking at our dregs and pretending we're all like that. What "country" are you from my angry little peon?
How do we stop these tourists from destroying Europe?
I wonder what it's like to buy your own food and cook it every night. My Mom does it for me and I don't know think I'd be as good as she is at it.
One that lords over yours, you third-world immigrant peasant :) Now clean my shoes. Or I'll deport you and stick a knife in your mother's stomach. Imagine now, me slowly twisting it as she bleeds out, writhing in pain and tears. Imagine her crying in anguish. After that, I'll dispose of her like common trash. No different from an empty food container.
Brits are the literal scum of the earth
>Too scared to say
>Autistic edgy rant
cringe, also you'd just get shot lmao
Aww did I upset you? Its okay, go hug your peasant mother.
>Literally too scared to say his country because he knows its shit
Come on I want a laugh user.
I could list any country on earth and you would laugh, merely because you've already decided that you will. That's how predictable, two-dimensional, and transparent you are.
I don't mind if it is made to fit the universe.
Nah I wouldn't if you said Switzerland but that's about it, speak up coward.
>N-no YOU'RE transparent!
You're not too bright, are you? I bet you're an actual thirdworlder. So come on pussy make me laugh.
Americans don't like pizza, they order Chinese food and burgers
Just the kind of response I'd expect from a fool. Nobody likes boring, predictable men. That's why you're alone and will forever be alone.
Refute me. You simply cannot.
Looks exactly the same as any pizza in Canada
How do Americans do their pizza differently?
>Still won't say.
Looks like America wins again baby!
Yea, because in the 90s they gave you a huge demo disc with a bunch of games on it. I remember playing the fuck out of the Pizza Hut disc as a kid.
I live in Brazil you American shit, Brazil is way better than America could ever be. You're just a typical boring American retard trash and I'm an actual European.
I like games and food, so I feel good about it.
>Americans don't like pizza
The only way someone could make a claim this inane is if they lived in a third world country where they've never so much as seen America on a television.
Nice falseflag attempt. Stay mad, Amerilard.