I'm drunk and horny and my computer screen is broken. Is there anything in Red Dead 2 that I can masturbate to?
I'm drunk and horny and my computer screen is broken. Is there anything in Red Dead 2 that I can masturbate to?
buy Dead or Alive
What did you use then to make this thread?
I'm broke until payday. All I have is Red Dead and unmodded Skyrim.
One quarter of the screen is visible, the rest is just white. I don't want to squint to look at porn when I have a 40 inch TV
Well, I don't recall anything remotely sexy in RDR2. If you have GTA IV or V, go to the strip club.
hook your pc up to your tv you absolute retard
hook your computer up to the tv
Just use the console browser to look at porn?
I know I can look at real porn on the TV. I'm bored with real porn. I want to look at cowboy tits and use my imagination.
your thread is shit and i hope you break something else
why can't you just imagine something
>use my imagination
then what do you need the game for
If sponges turn you on just find someone enemies. Those dudes can take a dozen shots before finally dying.
looks like incase
so there's probably a penis
You're just going to get a thread of Rockstar fanboys/RDRfags backhandedly insulting you instead of facing up to the fact their speshul GOTY is a downgrade in tone and theme from the previous game and their previous games in general, with shoehorned stonk women and about 2 seconds of bare ass in one unimportant scene.
does the PS4 not have a fucking browser?
>Is there anything in Red Dead 2 that I can masturbate to?
Big tiddy bath ladies are one
>shoehorned stronk women
Fuck off election refugee, this is how Rockstar's games have been.
>What are Bonnie and Luisa from RDR1?
>What is Catalina from GTA : San Andreas?
>What is Catalina from GTA3 ?
Just imagine the white is your waifus pantsu
Abigail's feet in post game
Do you not have phone?
Just watch pornhub or something?
>using Catalina as an example
Yeah, I remember well how strong Ashley was while Trevor fucked her up the ass, killed her ex, and then basically commited suicide. Tracy too. that one section where we play as her during a heist was amazing.
Well you're fucking retarded. Most of the time they go down rather quick if you're shooting them in areas where vital organs are. Plus the fact that the game wants to make a difference between ammo types and different guns, they need to be a bit more durable.
Plus it's fun to watch the wounded animations.
I got very horny by the serial killer hooker quest. When she asks you to dispose of a dead john's body, turn her down and hogtie her. Then take her to the sheriff and report her crime. Then they will hang her a few days later. You can then steal her body, run away from the cops (you need to drag the body behind a horse on a lasso, you can't carry her for some dumbfuck reason) and jerk of to her cleavage somewhere private.
Well, if horses are your thing...
Why do you faggots need to lie and invent scenarios to make a thread?
>incase makes a alin thing with no penis
>the alien sare luts and have no penis!
incase you suberverted expection! hhhhhhhhhhhhhow does he do it?
Maybe people are just grateful that there's no penis. Honestly, too many good artists that attach dicks to everything.
Why your story keeps changing?
Do you post in other threads? Or just Red Dead ones?
Yeah it's annoying on websites where you can't just filter out futa. Sometimes you have to filter out futa AND dickgirl because there is apparently a difference.
>my monitor is broken
>but I have a 40 inch monitor I'm using for garbage ad-riddled television and my basedbox
Neck yourself dude.
I post in a lot of threads but out of recent titles only games like Red Dead and The Witcher cater to my hanging fetish.
This reminds me when I was younger I jerked off to Naomi in MGS Sons of the patriots