Oh shit nigga, someone just summoned Porunga and you're the only one around...

Oh shit nigga, someone just summoned Porunga and you're the only one around. You have any 3 wishes you can think of regarding videogames-. What are your wishes?

Attached: DBZ-Dokkan-Battle-Summon-Porunga.jpg (640x360, 38K)

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But if someone just summoned him, how am I the only one around?

last second heart attack from the shock

but i dont know namekian...

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I wish him back alive so he can use his other two wishes.

>chrono cross remake/remaster or sequel
>all games available on pc, can be delayed by a couple months to keep console consuelas happy
>developers making games for ps1 again

I need to know the rules here. What exactly does "regarding" mean? Can I only wish for in-game things like releases, features, ect. or is stupid shit like "I wish [charname] were real" on the table, too?

Anything, as long as it pertains to videogames.


>secretly have full control over the entire gaming industry, can command every gaming company
>give doom goty 2016
>give me a neet gomba gf

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It doesn't matter because I don't speak Namek.

I'll limit myself to in-media stuff anyway.
>Mario and Sonic crossover platformer
>Banjo-Kazooie Retoolie (N. Sane-style remaster of the N64 games)
>Mega Man X9

>I want to be effortlessly the best at every heavily marketed e-sports title that comes out so I can make money off it.
>I want a large home with every console and game in pristine condition, with enough room to have my friends over to play games with.
>What said, full control over the gaming industry.

>>Mario and Sonic crossover platformer
nintendo would never go for it though, maybe for a small project, I know they already had the olympics crossover

>1. A Game Boy with infinite batteries that don't need to be recharged
>2. The ability to procure any video game that is no longer being produced
>3. While playing video games, my need to sleep, or use the bathroom are suppressed

There have supposedly been talks, but they've never been able to agree on how it would work, or settle on what a "neutral" setting would be. It's a shame.

Ah fuck I don't know namekian.

What would a neutral setting be though. The gameplay is quite different. And I'm assuming 2D, but maybe 3D would work better.

I wish videogames never existed.

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You're a good person user.

>I wish I could speak namekian
nothing happens

The fag who had a heart attack had a translator device that was made by bulma so that your words directly translate to namekian. You're all good now.

I want every idea I have for a dragon ball videogame to be made and for this to apply to any ideas I have in future.
Fuck dammit neither do I.

Porunga only gives 2 wishes

He was evil and was about to wipe out all humans including you

No, it's three.

1. I wish that companies can only be run by people with passion for what they are, ie gamers make the games.

2. A world where I have time and friends to play with again like the early internet day before every dude bro asshat had a connection.

3. A sandwich I guess.

The styles could gel, but there would have to be compromises, some of which might seem too radical for an official product. I've got spergy ideas for it, but I'll avoid being That Guy.

i think they only get to use 2 and then the elder dies before the third

He has 3 but each individual wish is weaker then a single wish from shenron
Shenron got 2 after dende revived it

I can't believe Krillin is fucking dead

I wish that all videogames made after 2021 are good and that some are better than others but they're all good to my specific standards of what constitutes good.

1. Legend of Dragoon remake
2. Legend of Dragoon prequel
3. A 4X game similar to Stellaris but allows you to engage in intricate twitch-based fleet battles like Starsector.

>I wish reddit was kill
>I wish tumblr was kill
>I wish Yea Forums was kill

But if the guy is friends with Bulma won't she get mad if I don't use a wish to wish him back and maybe even split the remaining wishes with him, I don't want her to sic Vegeta, Trunks or Goku on me.

Not friends. He's evil, he stole it and schemed his way to getting all the dragon balls. And as you know DB has a history of some nobody getting his wish and no one gives a shit. You are continuing tradition.

>nothing happens due to not comprehending shit grammar

It's three wishes, you only used one.

>Smash Bros. Ultimate is supported throughout the rest of the lifespan of the switch, with multiple fighter's passes
>Everybody who loves Smash gets their most wanted characters in. Yes, even yours, user.
>Sakurai uses the next pass to teach a new generation of programmers the ropes before taking a well-earned early retirement

I feel like that's the best way to make the most people happy.

>multiple fighter's passes

1. I'm President of NOA

2. I'm President of Sony

3. I'm President of Microsoft

Change policys and become all powerful.

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yall "control the industry" wishers should expand on how you would run tings

They're trying to give themselves a "wishing for more wishes" loophole.

Nintendo is a Japanese company being President of NOA means you have a title and get to announce games and do adverts. Nintendo doesn't give two shits what the west is on about dude.

1) All video games must contain a loli
2) All All AAA games must have a loli as the main character.
3) There must be great variety in the lolis in these games.

Yeah, unlimited power over whatever games franchises they love. Pretty basic bitch stuff.

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Destroy all video games
Wish that future wishes to restore games can't be allowed
Blow up the brains of people who think of videogames

What's wrong, user?

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Same user as tagged.

I would unify all companies under one console.
Make all Nintendo gimmicks optional accessories.
Have a bi-decade poll on games people want a new entry in, and winning actually means something.
Be completely transparent about the poll and winner announced.
Support any type of gaming set up no matter how niche or ridiculous.
Work on separating the current political climate from games.
Have a Direct Translation, Subbed, and Western Translation for all international releases.
Use the money to make VR real, like the Holodeck.
Take over the World.
Masturbate furiously.
Do my dry-cleaning.

Yeah, but I don't speak Moon.

Fuck videogames, give me 3 of bulma's used panties

wish all of vidya out off existence and to never be invented.
godspeed gents

make metroid prime 4 good
make me forget league of legends and censor it for me permanently so I can never learn about it again
give ps5 games

1. Wish my Video Game was completed.

2. Wish the "Book that makes anything you write in it fact" was real and in my position.


Fuck your Dragon, I'm now god!

1. Megaman Legends 3, on a platform I have
2. A Gundam VS game on PC, at this point I don't even care if it's bad so long as it exists
3. I want to never have bought Guild Wars 2

I wish for the ability to open portals to and from any video game setting.
I wish to be subject to the mechanics of any setting i travel to.
I wish to never lose any statistic/ability gained through the mechanics of a given setting even if travelling to a new one or back to the real world.

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1. No MTX exist anymore
2. An Alice: Madness Returns sequel of equal length with DMC combat, good enemies, and a lack of a publisher's boot on American's neck.
3. All games, except for obvious mobile games or military simulation thingies are designed for PC first then ported to ALL consoles.

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boy i sure hope i don't get too excited and start fucking up everywhere and then fucking fail like always !!!!

Live in minecraft world (with mods) as a god

Fairly sure they could find you a translator if you showed up running the company by dragon magic.

Maybe I change my last one to one more good game from the old Id software gang. Always felt bad had it all dissolved when it started off so wonderful.

This guy could ride the nimbus

fuck video games, give me that ford focus.

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the new ford focus!? i heard it's both comfortable and puts the fun in functionality!!! surely that's worth more than 3 wishes

in reference to goten and trunks fusing

always found those commericals way out of left field, this was before the revival and everything.

I wonder if this turned out to be a worthwhile endeavor or not. It's a great marketing idea on paper, but...

>Magically privatize all videogame companies
>Make it impossible for them to become public again
>Kill all "idea guys"

>>Kill all "idea guys"
You know Doom and Quake wouldn't be a thing without a couple of those.

So your ideal world for game companies is for them to be completely underground, no one gets recognition and the only people allowed to work there have to be be physically working on whatever game. Sounds like a shit work environment.

Fuck it, fantasy bullshit version:
>Ability to visit game worlds
>Ability to summon things/people from game worlds into the real world
>Uh... oh, immunize all my games and systems from the ravages of time

Really the last one is more a joke

Ultimately, the industry staying private prevents the meddling the industry has experienced.
There is a reason why almost every hated developer/publisher is a publicly traded company.

Takkaraput pop porunga pupiritt paro!
Esare lla fo erawoib morf ecnitsixe!
Ekam eht txen nomekop semag kool retteb!
Evig enoyreve a looc CP dna doog tenretni!

yvan eht nioj kido

I wish ubisoft didn't reboot Might and Magic universe. Really wanted to see how advanced Ancients really were and see their war in full scale.

Every game is also released on pc.

We get excellent elder scrolls sequel.

>We get excellent elder scrolls sequel.
Can we also make the games that aren't oblivion retroactively good

Wish 1: make Dragon Quest as popular in the west as it is in Japan.
Wish 2: infinite money, for the specific purpose of buying vidya-related stuff (games, consoles, merchandise, etc).
Wish 3: a new Zelda character in Smash. Literally any new Zelda character, I can't afford to be picky anymore.

Of course brah.:)

Did you fuck up on the last word?

1. I will gain the strength and mental power of every SJW and related individuals who ever dabbled in the industry.
2. Give me a massive fucking studio
3. I stop aging as long as im developing games

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ninja gaiden for next gen w/extreme violence and skill curve

sci-fi motorcycle racing game a la need for

ban women from gaming industry

>ban women from gaming industry
You know its bad when I actually know girls that would agree with this one because they like their big titty elves and bikini armor and get tired of every female character having to be a drab need no man type now.

Though wasn't the writer of the Legacy of Kain games a woman. That would be a dire cost, because I love that story line.

I love this and I love you, user

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>another Link clone

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>2. An Alice: Madness Returns sequel of equal length with DMC combat, good enemies, and a lack of a publisher's boot on American's neck.
Rad. We're bros now